Tell It To The Crows(a Sons...

By mc_cassie

147K 2.8K 308

Libby Parker is running from her past. Granted, she's only seventeen ( almost eighteen) While she's running... More

Charming... Not Really
My First Shift
Back Again
I Have No Idea Where I'm Going
Yes, You Were Right. No, I Will Never Admit That.
I'm not Fooled
Bedrest? Pssh, Who Needs Bedrest?
Come On,Lass. Tell Me Somethin'
Jax Doesn't Like Our Relationship?
The Rooftop and I Have Become Best Friends
The Failed and Unexpected
Stupid Blond MC Hitler
It Was Just A Talk,Jax.
Why Isn't This Size Nine Converse Up Your Ass Yet
So Will You
I Told You So
Hello? I Am Talking To You!
I Need To Talk to Libby
I Need to Talk to Libby (Part 2)
Uh Oh
Officer Asshole
Number One Sad Baddie

Hitch Hikers and Junkie Whores

5K 92 12
By mc_cassie

"No can do,love!" Chibs sang as I followed him around, dragging my foot behind me.

"But it doesn't hurt anymore. C'mon, Chibs, just cut this damn thing off my leg and we'll call it even!" I whined, stomping my foot as we came to a stop in front of the garage. He shrugged and replied,"I don't care." A beat up looking Ford pulled into the parking lot and instead of ignoring the driver,I watched as she stumbled out of the car, waving a bottle of Jack Daniels around.

"Aw,shit." Chibs groaned, shaking his head.

"Who the hell is that?" I demanded, turning to him. He sighed and stated,"A junkie whore."

"Oh, wonderful,so I have to deal with another Ruby?" I snapped, turning around.

"If I tell you yes, will Jackie boy have a chance of living through the day?" Chibs asked, following me. I shrugged but didn't answer as the woman stumbled towards us.

"Chibs, I need to see Jax." she slurred, grabbing onto his cut. He rolled his eyes and sighed then protested,"I don't think so,love. I think you might want to get away from TM actually."

"I'm sorry, who the hell are you?" I demanded,pushing Chibs aside. She was pretty, or would be if her eyes were sunken in and bloodshot all to hell. She had caramel colored eyes and brown hair, similar to my own.

"Wendy, I'm Jax's ex-wife." The words made my blood run cold but churn with fire with in seconds of each other. I closed my eyes then blew out a deep breath before I held out my hand civilly and said,"I'm Libby, Jax's girlfriend."

She scoffed after she finished examining me judgmental eyes and barked,"Oh,sweetheart, please. Jax doesn't do relationships. He's had two serious ones in his life (unless you're counting the fanfictions made about that idiot) and that's Tara and I."

Damn it,there's that name again! I've got to get down the bottom of that situation....

"Well, hate to break it to you, love,but Jax is in a relationship with Libby girl." Chibs offered, grinning like a madman.

"Jesus Christ,Wendy, is that you?" Jax asked as he stormed outside. His usual swagger filled walk was now replaced tense steps and his crystal blue eyes was fuming with anger.

"Jackie,tell this bitch that you belong with me." she cried out, reaching toward my boyfriend, only to have me swat her filthy hands away from him.

"Christ, Wendy, you can't be here. Look,I'll have Half Sack drive you home." Jax informed her,before Chibs called for his little Prospect.

"No! No,no,no! The only way I'm leaving this fucking place is if you're the one to drive me home." she screamed, stomping her foot in annoyance. I rolled my eyes and pulled Jax to the side before I whispered,"Just take the whore home and get back here. I don't want her to cause a scene." He sighed and asked,"Are you sure, baby? I can have Half Sack take her home if you really want me to."

I shook my head then protested, "No, she'll just throw a bitch fit. Its okay,Jax, I trust us." Do you? Do you really trust him with his junkie ex wife alone together?

Oh, can it, you fruitcake. You're fired from this self conscious thing.  Ah, yes, I just love when my brain decides its needs some internal sarcasm bits... Asshole. Jax nodded,still looking unsure about the situation, but I kissed him full on the lips, slightly wanting my point across for Wendy, before I allowed them to leave in her shitty car.

"Libby? Do you need anything?" Kip asked, nudging me playfully. Jax had been gone for over an hour and I was not happy. Actually, I was more pissed than a teenage girl that was on her period who didn't have any chocolate.

The familiar sound of boots hitting the entrance filled my ears but I never turned to face him.

"I found a hitch hiker!" Jax announced, causing me to almost fall out of my chair so I could see the newbie. She had gorgeous blue eyes with soft brown hair that fell in luscious curls, with a small chest but her long legs made up for the disappointment of her tits.

"Oy, look who's here!" Chibs cheered, pushing past me,much like the rest of the guys did just to greet her. I shrunk back against the bar, folding my hands together nervously. Was this the infamous Tara that everyone spoke so often of?

"Alright, let's give her some space,guys." Jax suggested with a laugh, waving off the Sons. I gulped and avoided Jax's eyes as he walked towards me, pulling me into his chest.

"Hey,baby." he greeted, kissing my jawline. I shook my head at him and ducked away from his questioning eyes before I muttered,"Who is that?"

"Angel fucking Delaney." Juice spat as he turned out of the garage. The girl smirked and pushed away from Tig before she taunted,"Juan Carlos. Did you miss me?"

"Fuck you." Juice snapped.

"Hate to burst your bubble, sweetie, but you already have." I raised an eyebrow at the exchange before Jax explained it for me,"Juice and Angel have a love hate relationship. They were fuck buddies for a while but Otto put it to an end once he told Juice that she was dating someone else. He's hated her guts ever since."

"Aw, so does that mean I get to pick Juice's side?" I cooed, watching as Juice's soft eyes turned hard and angry.

"Just get to know Angel before you start choosing sides, baby." Jax encouraged. He turned to the two fighting then shouted, "Hey, Juicy, go take a walk, brother! You can fight with Angel later."

Juice did as his VP ordered, but Angel decided that it was a great time to come talk to me. Jesus,I really don't want to talk to people today.

"Hey,Jackson, who's your friend?" she cooed, giving me the once over. Jax went to introduce us when I cut in,"Libby Parker, Jax's girlfriend. And you are?"

She smirked at my tone then held a hand out and stated,"Angel Delaney. My dad's Otto." The name rang a faint bell in my head, but I couldn't connect a face to the name.

"Pleasure to meet you, doll." I stated, smiling. I couldn't detect my own sarcasm but I knew there was some hidden in my tone and smile.

Jax looked in between us two and swallowed nervously. I caressed his arm then cooed,"I'm gonna see if Juicy is okay, I'll be back soon, baby." He nodded and kissed me softly before I headed out the door, my eyes turning cold.

"Libby girl, where ya heading?" Chibs asked as he followed me out,tone confused.

"I don't appreciate hitchhikers, Chibby." I answered, continuing on my way towards Juice who was now heading towards the entrance/exit of TM.

"Aye, lassie, Angel's a party but she doesn't enjoy toying with Jackie. Unless she doesn't like the current fuck toy he's with." I glared at him, signaling that he wasn't helping my anger, and he sighed then replied,"Ight, Libs, that came out wrong. You're not some fuck toy. You're his girlfriend."

I stopped to pat him on the shoulder only for me to say,"That still does not help me any,Chibs. But thanks for the support."

"Aye, anytime,lassie!" I finally reached Juice's side after taking a few more longer strides than I wanted (or was supposed to be able to take, compliments of my short ass legs.) then I mumbled, "You don't like her either then?"

His head whipped to face me and a poisonous glare greeted me in return before he snarled,"No, we fucking became best friends through our parents, she makes me candy, and I buy her flowers. What more do you want from me?" I gave him a nervous laugh then stated,"Hey,give me some credit, I haven't been here very long." (Its now technically twenty chapters,Libby girl.)

"I'm sorry,I shouldn't have been shitty with you. You looked as pissed I felt and probably felt the same too." I gave a short nod but we continued walking in silence, which I was perfectly okay with since I had nothing better to do other than go back and face Jax and that leggy beauty.

"So you and Jax are official now?" Juice asked, nudging me slightly. I nodded and answered, "Yeah, it'll be two weeks tomorrow." He hummed but didn't reply as we continued walking down the boulevard. (OF BROKEN DREAMS)

Three bikes pulled up beside up and I glanced up curiously to see the patches that haunt my nightmares. I gripped Juice's forearm and hoped they would keep driving,but that's never the case. They parked the motorcycles then hopped off so I pulled Juice along, praying they wouldn't try to talk with us.

"Hey, pequeña, come talk with us." one offered and I knew it was Alvarez without a doubt in my mind.

"I don't think so, fuckhead." I retorted, legs picking up a faster pace.

"We just wanna talk right quick, pretty." another called. Juice whipped around then demanded, "You really want me to call her old man up, my VP, and tell him that you wetbacks are harassing her? Cause I'm sure we can get them down here right quick."

Venom dripped from his tone and I knew Juice was in no mood to fuck with this bullshit.

"Oi, the Son has finally grown a pair. Boys, we might wanna congratulate the muchacho." Alvarez warned with a laugh. I gritted my teeth then muttered, "Come on,Juice, they're not worth it."

"Oh, on the contrary,muchacha. We are very worth it. Can I ask you a question?"

"I'd rather you not."

"What ever became of your parents? Bullets in the head?" he pressed, grinning. I slammed my hands against his chest then screamed,"You don't know shit about my parents and how they died." He gave a bitter chuckle then replied, "Oh but I do, pequeño. Because I shot them."

"Liar! They killed themselves because I turned! I read the letter." I protested, stomping my foot. He shook his head then said, "Don't be naive. You know the truth and so do I. Why deny the facts?"

"Because its not true!" My voice wavered and I knew that I was attempting to lie to myself. Dammit.

"Okay,that's enough. Libby, let's go. This conversation is done and over with." Juice snapped, pulling me away from them. He practically drug me down the streets before he got fed up with my numbness and just hoisted me over his shoulder.

Yeah,can you imagine how pissed Jax was when he saw that sight?

"What the fuck are doing with my girlfriend, Ortiz?!" my boyfriend roared, storming towards us.

"I'm bringing her to you because we ran into Alvarez and she shut down after that." Juice answered, setting me in front of Jax. Angel raised an eyebrow then asked, "She got beef with wetbacks?" Juice gave a bitter chuckle then spat,"More like we got beef with wetbacks. They kidnapped her. That's why she's got the cast on her foot."

Jax cupped my cheeks and bend down so he was eye level with me before he asked softly, "Are you okay?" My eyes flickered up to him for a quick second but I didn't respond. I couldn't. What Alvarez said shook me up. Bad. But there was no way in hell I was admitting that in front of Angel. I grabbed Jax's hand and tugged him towards the bedroom,not saying a word.

He followed with silence and ignored the whispers that followed us. I trembled at the cold of the air conditioning and the replay of my encounter with The Mayans as I sat down, curling under a blanket. Jax soon joined me on the bed, pulling me into his lap, blanket and all.

"He said he was the one who put the bullets in my parents' heads after he forced them to write the suicide note." Those were the only words that managed to escape me before I went silent once again. After all, that was all that I needed to say.

"I'll kill him." Jax promised softly, seething.

"Don't. If Alvarez dies, it will be by my hand,Jax. Promise me." He went quiet as well, but then promised me exactly that. Someone knocked in the half open door then entered, revealing Opie, who looked about as pissed as Jax had just a few seconds ago.

"Church. Now." his best friend rasped, glancing at me every second he got, worry etched into his expression. Jax kissed my forehead and suggested I go sit with Gemma, who would gladly welcome my company.

I curled into the desk chair behind Gemma's desk as she fluttered around, pulling files and staring at them like they just revealed the map that the Weasley boys gave Harry.

Jax's Point of View:

"What the hell happened?" Clay demanded as he entered the room, glaring at us.

"Alvarez happened." I spat, glaring at him as well.

"We were walking down the street and they pulled up beside us, started talking shit about Libby's parents, saying Alvarez killed them. Shit,I didn't know if Libby was going to commit murder or just break down. Hell, she could've done the first then transfered into the second." Juice answered, shrugging. Chibs shook his head then said,"That's fucked up shit,Jackie. What do we do?"

"I made a promise to Libby, I told her that no harm would come to him. The only way he dies,is if she could do it." I answered.

"No killing him, not yet anyways. That would start a war in Charming." Bobby added. "We don't need that shit blowing back on us right now."

Tig nodded and stated,"Yeah, man, we can't afford that right now. Let it blow past. We'll dig into it though. We can't let him go after what kinda state he put Libs in."

"So here's what we should do then. Try and get close, find out what really happened. Find a rat in the Mayans." Ope suggested, leaning forward. I nodded, thinking it was a genius plan, then turned to Clay to see if the motion would carry.

"All in favor, yay or nay?" he asked, to us all. Like normal, we all replied with a yay. I frowned and asked,"Then who the hell is going to get close?"

Suddenly, someone knocked softly on the door then opened it a little before peeking inside, revealing Half Sack.

"I hate to interrupt, but Gemma said she needs Clay and Jax ASAP." he stuttered, casting his eyes downward. I grinned as my brain begun to work out a plan before I stated what everyone else was thinking,"Half Sack my man, how did you feel about sneaking in on the Mayans?"

He gulped then murmured,"If this is about what happened today with Libby, then I'm in." I felt slightly possessive that he was more than ready to jump into battle for Libby but shoved it down as Clay stated,"Motion carried, dismissed."

We stood up and exited, chatting amongst ourselves as I walked into Gemma's office,noticing that Angel had joined my mom and girlfriend. I raised an eyebrow at the sight of Libby laughing with the two then asked,"Everything alright? No murder has occurred?"

Libby rolled her eyes then stated, "Don't be dramatic,Jax, we're just talking about your stupid moments in life." She turned back to Angel and exclaimed, "I told you he's a true blond!"

I shared a nervous laugh with the three then asked,"Libs, can we talk real quick?" She nodded, following me out of the office  and when I went to turn to address what happened in the Chapel, she shoved me against the wall then hissed,"I'm ready to fucking murder her. You have no idea how much self control I am burning up right now."

"Oh darling, I have an idea." I chuckled, glancing down at her fists clenched in my collar.

"Don't be a smart ass Jax,I'm being serious. I'm playing so nice right now and its killing me." she snapped. I held my hands up then stated,"I never said you had to play nice. I said you have to get to know her before you choose sides in between her or Juice."

"Well that's what I've been trying to do! But its not working." she whined. I shrugged the best I could and said,"Then don't. If you don't think you'll like Angel, then quit trying,darling. I never said it was required for you to like her. I just wanted you to try and now I know that you have tried, so now I'm not gonna push the matter."

"You're not?" she asked, hazel eyes wide and doe like,causing me to groan mentally.

"No,of course not,baby. At least you tried." Libby nodded and kissed me before she added, "Well, she's right about one thing though." I raised an eyebrow and leaned closed before I asked,"Oh yeah, and what's that?"

"You are a true idiotic blond when it comes down to it most of the days." she replied with a smirk as she pushed away, releasing my collar.


Hey indeed!!! *wink,wink, nudge,nudge* Hello,fellow readers and (whatever the hell we decide on what their ship name will be) (ideas are welcomed BTW)) fans! Yes I know you're probably screaming"ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE YOU'VE UPDATED, CASSIE, WHAT THE HELL, BRO?!" Well, I'm sorry but my schooling is a nightmare and my home life isn't the best either. *sigh* Not to mention I have little to none internet access. Which is exactly what I made this over 3000 words long. What do you think of Angel so far? And what about Alvarez? More to come in the next update of Tell It To The Crows.

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