The Somerton Man

By jayjay33

140K 1.7K 174

When Daniel Somerton, a married man. embarks on an affair with his childhood sweet heart Gwen, whom he has al... More

The Somerton Man(rewrite)
Gwen Pays a visit
A Tangled Web
The Turning Tide
Shattered illusions and the terrible truth
The Price Of Betrayal
PART TWO: ( OVER FIVE YEARS LATER) The trouble with Bitterness and Guilt
An Uneasy Reunion
Home Sweet Home
Martha Makes her Move
A Problem solved
The Reluctant Bride and Groom
A Revelation for Eleanor
(PART THREE) The Unruly Daughter
The Reluctant Father
Clara Comes Home
Father and Daughter
Eleanor Takes Charge
Martha's Machinations backfires
Healing Wounds, Old And New
An Easier Life
A kind of contentment
A Progressive Morning
Shall we Dance
Turning The Corner
Clara's unexpected Encounter
The Cat amongst the Pigeons
Confessions and Confrontations
The Fallout

The Turning Point

3.5K 46 11
By jayjay33

Daniel found himself spending half the day at Isabella's grave, trying to find the answers and the will power to try and finally sort out his relationship with his daughter, and to try and  get his life into some sort of order, other than getting in day by day, feeling angry with himself and the rest of the world.

His biggest battle was fighting back the urge to subdue it all in a drunken haze.

Seeing that portrait of Isabella smiling down at him, when he walked into the drawing room the previous day had shaken him, and at first he had been angry.

But then recalling the portrait had been done just shortly after Isabella found out she was pregnant with Clara, it made him recall the happier memories he had with Isabella, before Gwen had come along.

At one time he couldn't bear to think about them, but now they brought him some sort of comfort, which enforced his belief that he could no longer go on the way he was going Eleanor had been right.

He now realised he owed it to his dead wife's memory, to attempt to improve his relationship with his daughter, and he knew he needed to be sober to do that. It was time to face up to his responsibilities no matter how hard and painful it was.

It was the least he could do to honour Isabella especially after he had treated her so shabbily, something he knew he would always have to live with, and he knew he would have to accept it.

In a determined more positive frame of mind, he left the graveyard to go on to the Mill and inform his man of business to keep an eye on the place for a few days as he had things at home he needed to attend to, and would not be available. He intended to go back to Somerton manor, stone cold sober to speak with his daughter, to apologise, and try and make her understand that she did matter to him.

He reached Somerton Manor in the early evening, still filled with trepidation about facing his Clara, still trying to sort out in his head what he planned to say to her. As much as Eleanor offered to help him he felt he had made this mess and he was responsible for fixing it. He just hoped he had the strength to do it, and braced himself as he entered the house.

He wasn't sure what sort of reception he was going to receive after the events of the night before, but the last thing he expected when he had just came through the door was to see Clara standing halfway up the stairs, and on catching sight of him she looked almost happy and relieved to see him

"Oh Father. I am so glad you have come back!" she exclaimed as she now hurried down the rest of the stairs

Daniel found himself a little bewildered, but judging from the anxiety on his daughter's face, he knew something was not right.

"What is going on, is there something wrong?" he demanded feeling a whole new sense of unease

"It's Eleanor, she has been gone for hours, and she hasn't come back.. And it's all my fault" Clara babbled in distress.

"What do you mean she is gone, and what could you have said or done to believe you are to blame?" he then queried anxiously, feeling his uneasiness growing. He was doing his best not to sound angry, recalling his earlier resolution to not get so upset with Clara and alienate her further

Clara now proceeded to give him a somewhat rushed and garbled explanation' There was something about wanting to get back at her step mother for ruining things between them, and destroying the garden, then how Eleanor confronted Clara in her bedroom, getting really upset before fleeing from the house

"It's been nearly three hours now, and she still has not returned" Clara finished fretfully, "I am so worried Father, I wanted Tom to go and look for her, but he doesn't want to be bothered and thinks I am being silly... But she was so upset when she left, So I was going to try and find her myself just when you came"

"I see," Daniel finally replied, now understanding the main gist of Clara's concern for her stepmother. He now found himself inwardly swearing wondering if he was cursed to lose his wives in this dramatic manner.

The only thing that gave him little comfort was the fact that Eleanor was missing, and not dead.. But if anything had happened to her? He didn't even want to think about that

"Right," he spoke decisively, suddenly thankful that he could think with a clear head without alcohol muddling his mind, "Clara I want you to stay here, just in case she returns of her own accord. Meanwhile I will go out and try see if I can find her, if she was on foot she couldn't be very far" he then realised

Clara nodded, just feeling relieved that her father was here, and he was going to do something, to try to find Eleanor.

Daniel now strode of in search of Tom, shouting for him, until Tom appeared suddenly, wondering what was going on, and why his employer was eyeing him rather grimly

"I believe my daughter relayed some concern about the mistress of the house, and she asked you to see if you could find her?" Daniel enquired coldly

"Er yes," Tom now shifted somewhat uncomfortably, "but you know what young girls are like, always overreacting" he then replied almost dismissively in defence.

"My wife has been missing for over three hours now, and you think my daughter is over reacting?" Daniel's tone was censuring

Tom lowered his eyes from Daniel's steely gaze, then shrugged somewhat helplessly, "How was I supposed to find her anyway? I was sure she was going to turn up soon. Women have their silly moods. Besides, to be honest, I didn't think it would bother you that much if she was here or not" he mumbled grievously

Daniel's eyes narrowed, but he decided this was not the time to take Tom up on his deliberate intimation about his relationship with his wife

"Just get out there and help find her, Go ask around the local tenants if they have seen her, Now!" He then ordered sharply

"Yes sir," Tom grudgingly replied, still not looking very happy as he walked away muttering to himself.

Daniel found himself remounting his horse and starting his search for Eleanor, though in truth he had no idea where she could be.

It was as he was leaving the grounds he noticed the gardens, and the havoc Clara had wreaked on it

He could not think what on earth possessed her to behave in such a manner. Then realised how great her anger and resentment must have been towards himself and Eleanor. He realised somewhat guiltily he might have deserved it, but Eleanor had not.

But if it had obviously upset his wife to run off like this which was unusual in itself, and he found himself admitting he probably also had to share some of the blame for that. He knew Eleanor had been trying to do the right thing and play her part as mistress of Somerton Manor lately, and he had not made her life easy. And after she had been so understanding the night before, despite the way he had treated her

It was no wonder she had wanted to get away.

But that didn't stop him being concerned about her now, even more so, as he had the guilt of the death of his first wife on his hands. He really didn't need history repeating itself now, just when he was trying to move on at last. He had to find Eleanor one way or the other, he realised in desperation as he urged his horse into a trot

Daniel managed to rouse and alert some of the other tenants on his land to help look for her as well, hoping she would be back, or be found before it got dark. If not then he would be seriously worried.

So far, no one had seen her, and realising she had gone missing they had shown more concern than Tom, and happily spread the word, and joined the search

Daniel was heading towards the woods just on the outskirts of his land when he heard someone shout at him. He halted his horse and noticed one of his tenants hurrying towards him

"We found her sir!" he called out a little breathless from running

"You have? Is she alright?" Daniel demanded anxiously as he turned his horse and going in the direction of the messenger

"Yes, well, I think so sir," The man replied uncertainty, "Seems she must have fallen, when she was down by the river bank, she has hurt her leg badly, so she couldn't move far, and it seemed she has banged her head as well and has a nasty cut They are bringing her back to the house now sir in a cart, and someone else has gone to fetch the doctor sir"

"Thank you, Daniel replied gratefully. But as he galloped his horse back to the house with a new urgency he knew he would not be happy until he seen Eleanor with his own eyes, to make sure she was going to be alright

He had just reached the house as the men had brought the Cart carrying Eleanor in the back of it to a halt at the front door. Daniel swiftly climbed down from his horse to go over and check on her.

He could see where she had cut her forehead, and it was swollen. She looked rather damp and bedraggled and her eyes were closed, but much to his relief she was breathing. He heard her let out a little moan and she moved her head.

Daniel wasted no more time. He carefully gathered her up in his arms and carried her into the house, where Clara, who came out of her room and stood at the top of the stairs, now let out a little cry of dismay as she watched her father hurriedly carry Eleanor in his arms up to the bedroom.

"Is she going to be alright?" Clara demanded worriedly, as she followed her father into the bedroom where he lay Eleanor on the bed

"I am sure she will be," Daniel tried to allay his daughter's fears, but he was still not sure himself.

Eleanor had felt cold and clammy in his arms, and he had felt her body trembling, making him wonder how long she had lay by the river bank.

But there was no time to dwell on it, he knew he had to get her out of her damp clothes.

She moaned and opened her eyes again as he attempted to undress her, but then seeing his face hovering over her, she let out a little cry of alarm, a petrified look in her eyes as she struggled weakly pushing his hands away from her.

As much as he found it reassuring that she had the strength to fight against him. The way she had looked at him also perturbed Daniel, for a moment he wondered what was going through her mind and then found himself guiltily recalling the last time he had come to her bedroom.

In the end, he decided it would be best to let some of the female servants undress her, and change her into a dry gown. Whatever head trauma Eleanor was suffering made her agitated when he tried to go near her. She seemed somewhat confused as she muttered incoherently to herself; he wasn't sure if she knew where she was, or what had happened to her.

Daniel was just glad when the doctor finally arrived to tend to her, and he waited outside in the hallway with Clara who was still looking visibly upset.

"I-I didn't mean for all this to happen," Clara sniffed tearfully, "I thought she was trying to turn you against me, and I just wanted her to stop."

"What do you mean you thought she was trying to turn me against you?" Daniel then demanded with a puzzled frown.

Clara swallowed hard, "Father there is something I need to know," she then spoke up, staring into Daniel's face,  before shifting uneasily in front of him as  she continued

"D-Did Eleanor trick you into marrying her?"

"Certainly not." Daniel denied hotly, offended by the very thought of it, "Where on earth did you get that idea from?" he then demanded

Although she didn't reply, he noticed how Clara was now staring over the top of the stairs, to the hallway below, where Martha was making her way towards them, and realisation dawned on him

His housekeeper had been up to no good as usual.

He decided he would have to deal with Martha once and for all, when he got the chance, she was really taking liberties now, and he had enough of her interfering and meddling and causing trouble.

"Oh Father, I have been so stupid!" Clara then exclaimed and burst into fresh tears.

At first, Daniel just stood feeling uncomfortable and awkward not know what to say or do witnessing his daughter's distress, then after a moment he tentatively reach out and laid his hand on her shoulder patting it comfortingly

"Don't upset yourself so, everything is going to be alright" he attempted to sooth her

The next thing she had wrapped her arms around him, and clinging to him, crying into his chest whilst repeating over and over again that she was sorry.

Daniel felt his heart stir, he couldn't bear seeing her this upset, hesitatingly he eventually put his arm around her, shushing her, and trying to reassure her again that Eleanor was going to be fine.

Then he noticed Martha had reached the top of the stairs, and walking towards them, her expression unreadable, but he knew she had just come up to nosy.

"Is everything alright Sir?" she enquired "Can I be of help?"

Daniel wasn't fooled by her false piety and concern

"Everything is fine Martha," he informed her stiffly, his hold on his daughter instinctively tightening, "And we won't need your help, I think you have done quite enough" he finished with deliberation

Before the conversation could go any further, the bedroom door opened and the doctor appeared. He had finished his examination, and now invited Daniel in to discuss his diagnosis

And as Clara followed in behind both men, Martha was startled to see the young woman shoot her a look of great hostility, before she closed the bedroom door in the housekeeper's face ....

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