
By ilovewriting201

534K 18K 1.9K

He was filled with hate, unable to control the beast inside of him. He knew nothing except for murder. He hat... More

Bonus Scene: IX:Roman's POV


9.7K 291 41
By ilovewriting201


Stupid girl. She was too easy. I don't understand why he gave my such an easy target. Of course, I didn't follow his rules, I was sure to get a beating for that. But what does it matter? I got out, left the alpha weak while his mate lay dying in his arms.

I'd call it a success.

Walking leisurely, I smell him before I see him.

"Is it done?"

I smile, turning to face him, "not exactly according to your plan, but yes. The alpha's weak. Your daughter is dead, and you-"

My words are cut of when hands wrap around my throat."

"You didn't follow the plan?! You've ruined everything! Don't you realize?! She's an alpha's daughter mated to an alpha. Whatever you did, she'll heal too fast for it to really kill her! Weaken her, yes, kill her, no. You're pathetic. I guess I'll just have to do things myself."

Black spots fill my vision and I claw at his hands, trying to get him to let go, "please."

He smiles, "fine."

And then everything goes black.


A constant throb at the back of my neck is the first thing that welcomes me when I open my eyes. Wincing, I turn my head to look around the room, only to find my mate with his head on the bed next to me and his hand in my own.

Squeezing it softly, his head snaps up, his eyes holding surprise and relief, "you're awake."

"I am, I doubt you lost any sleep over it though," I reply smiling a little, saying what I had said when I had passed out at the pack unity ceremony.

He smiles, though it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

The throbbing grows slightly and I wince, "what happened?"

Almost just realizing, he jumps up and calls for the doctor.

"She tried to snap your neck, Lena," Roman tells me.

"Who? Caroline?" I ask.

He nods just as the doctor enters. She's young, her hair dark and long, her skin beautifully tan. I couldn't help but feel envious of her looks.

Her eyes fall on Roman, lingering for too long and I nearly growl in warning, but the pain too unbearable to do so, and a whimper escapes my lips instead. Weak.

Never once did Roman look at the woman though, and that alone made my heart swell.

"I see you're awake, Luna," she says, her voice evidentially unhappy.

I glare at her, but smile, "Yep."

Roman raises an eyebrow at me, but I glare at him too. He isn't doing anything to stop her!

He gives me another confused look but I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to the gawking Doctor, "so, when can I leave?"

She looks down at her papers, "we need to run some tests first, get you your prescription for pain medication, and then you can go."

"Tests?" Roman asks.

Her face lights up when he speaks to her, and at this point he notices.

"Look, I'm here, with my mate, trying to find a way to help her. You're being unprofessional and I'm not afraid to ask for help from someone else," He growls.

She bows her head, "sorry, Alpha."

Hm, that's what I thought.

"Now, what tests does she need to take? What are they for?" He questions again.

"We need to make sure that everything is okay and that there won't be any lasting effects of what happened," she informs, her eyes downcast.

"What lasting effects could there be?" I ask, feeling worry grow inside of me.

"Your spine is a very sensitive part of your body, we just need to make sure that nothing is damaged. There's a chance it could cause you to have problems walking, pain when you put pressure on your feet for long periods of time, stress can cause you pain as well."

I sigh, "okay. Let's get them over with."


Roman holds my hand tightly as we walk out of the doctors office. I, for one, was glad to finally be out of there.

"We're going home," he tells me. "Tonight."

I look up at him, ignoring the pain in my neck, "Don't we still have work to do?"

He tenses at my question and I narrow my eyes at him, "Roman, what are you planning?"

He clenches his jaw, opening the car door, "get in, then I'll explain."

I climb in, and he shuts the door before walking around and getting in on the driver's side.

He sits for a second before sighing, "I said I'd never leave you again, after what happened. But now, with your injury, I'm taking you home and coming back with my Theta."

"What use is Drew going to have for you?" I question.

"He's the next best thing besides Simon. I want Simon with you, in case anything happens," he informs.

"So, you're leaving, then?"

He nods.

I look out the window, "let's just go home, I'm ready to be in my own bed again."


"No, just go Roman."

He starts the car and pulls off, and I watch as the trees go by when we pass them.

At least I'll get to see Aria.


We pull into the driveway just as I
wake up, and I smile. Familiar grounds. Aria and Simon are waiting outside, her bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. I was excited to see her too.

Roman stops, putting the car in park, and I don't hesitate to open the door and run into Aria's arms.

"I've missed you so much! We have a ton to catch up on," she tells me excitedly, her arms tight around me.

"I have a lot to tell you, too," I reply.

She lets me go, stepping back, her smile warm and welcoming. I look to Simon who smiles at me in a brotherly kind of way, and I smile back, "you've been taking care of her?"

He nods, "course. I know I'd have you to deal with if I didn't."

I laugh and hug him, "I've missed you, Simon."

"I've missed you too, Lena. Glad to have you back," he tells me.

I step away and Roman steps forward, shaking Simon's hand and pulling him into a hug. I turn back to Aria and take her hand, pulling her inside.

"Tell me everything that's happened," I state as we enter into my room.

"Well, I kind of, sort of, might be-" she stops as we sit on the bed.

"What? You might be what?" I question excitedly.

"-pregnant," she answers, a smile overcoming her features.

I gasp, but she shushes me, "Simon doesn't know."

"What? Why not?" I ask.

She shrugs, "I don't know how to tell him. What if he's disappointed? What if he doesn't want a baby right now?"

"You should tell him, Aria. He'll be ecstatic! Simon will be an amazing dad," I tell her.

She nods, "Okay. But I want you to be there, you know, for moral support."

I place my hand on her shoulder and smile, "Always."

She lets out a shaky breath, "alright, enough about me. What made you guys come back so soon? Didn't you have things that needed to be planned?"

I nod, "but something happened. The girl that I was in the cellar with when I was kidnapped. She was captured and brought in for questioning. She wouldn't calm down unless I spoke to her. When I went, she lashed out and tried to kill me, and Roman decided that it was time to bring me back. He's leaving again soon to finish what we had planned."

"You guys never get to just spend time together, do you? You're always going, never have time to yourselves," she states.

I frown, "you're right. We're always worrying about something else and never really get to focus on each other."

She claps her hands together, "well, then I guess we'll have to fix that. You're going on a date."

"What?" I ask. "Aria, Roman and I aren't in agreement at the moment."

She jumps up, pulling on my hands to follow her, her eyes sparkling in excitement, "we're going to get you two dressed up and you're going on a date. You're going to relax, have fun, and enjoy each other. Maybe it'll help fix whatever it is that you two are arguing about."

I follow her down the hall, "I'm not so sure that's a good idea-"

"What's not a good idea?"

Roman walks up the stairs in front of us, and I feel my face growing warm. Why was I suddenly embarrassed?

"You and Lena are going to go on a date," Aria tells him.

I glance up at him through my lashes, "it was her idea, not mine."

He smiles at me, then looks to Aria, "I think that's a wonderful idea."

"You do?" I ask.

He shrugs, "why not? It'll be fun. We'll finally get to spend some time together."

Aria claps her hands, "yes! Okay, let's go get you cleaned up and looking pretty."

Roman winks at me as I'm pulled of by Aria. This was going to be interesting.

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