By TwoGirlsHoldingHands

539K 5.9K 1K


Sleepy Jack & His Hair
Josh's White Deep V Tee (Josh x Reader
Oli White's Secret
Birthday Boy (Conor x Reader)
Meeting Anna (Conor x Reader)
I'll Be Your Date - (Josh x reader)
I'll be your date - (Josh x reader) - part 2
Never have I ever had a threesome
"I have a daughter." (Mikey x Reader)
Conor's Blanket Burrito (Conor x Reader)
Prank Gone Wrong (Jack x Reader)
I'll be your date - (Josh x reader) - part 3 (final)
Dear Best Friend (Josh x Reader) [Letters]
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome II
Joe's Internet Friend (Sugg x Reader)
Welcome Home (Jack x Reader) [smut]
Welcome Home II (jack x reader) [smut]
Fake Fan (Conor x Reader) [smut]
Distracting Josh (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Your Brain Freeze Secret (Caspar Lee x Reader)
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome III
Wisdom Teeth (Josh x Reader)
Surprise Visit (Josh Pieters x Reader)
I Told You (Conor x Reader)
Jump Scares (Joe x Reader)
TWISTER TRYST (Oli x Reader)
The Little Spoon (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Pink Cake (Jack x Reader)
This Is My Version (Conor x Reader)
Luggage & Tattoos (Josh x Reader) [smut]
Happy Birthday (Josh x Reader)
My Wife (Conor x Reader)
Cheat Day (Jack x Reader)
Can I Watch? (Joe Sugg x Reader) [smut]
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome IV (Jack x Joe x Reader) [smut]
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome IV.V (Jack x Joe)(Jack x Reader) [smut]
Nightmares (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Bubble Gum (Joe x Reader)
Covers With Conor (Josh x Reader)


6.8K 125 5
By TwoGirlsHoldingHands

Joe and Caspar unloaded the truck once the rain completely stopped. The campsite was still wet, but the fire survived and none of the tents had leaked. Trying to give you a break from all of the cooking, Oli started preparing dinner.

"Joe, is this stuff for meat and veg kabobs?" Oli asked him.

"Yeah, we figured it was an easy meal for the fire." Joe replied.

"Perfect." Oli said, starting to prepare the kabobs. "Want to get the fire set up to cook?" he asked Caspar.

"Can do." He replied, setting up a little metal grate to grill on.

Smelling the food, you and Josh looked at each other with questioning looks. You put socks and shoes on, and brushed out your messy tangled hair. Leaving the tent, you noticed the boys had take over, preparing dinner and cleaning up the camp after the storm.

"Aww, you guys are awesome." You said, hugging Oli.

"You've been taking care of all of us this whole time. Figured we'd give you a break." He said, keeping an arm around you.

"Is Conor still in his tent?" you asked, noticing everyone was around the fire except for him.

"Yeah, he changed and snuggled up in the tent. He may still be asleep." Jack said.

"Let me go check on him." you said, walking over to their tent. "Conor?" you called. "You awake?"

Not getting an answer, you opened the tent door. He was awake, he just couldn't hear you. He had his headphones in his ears, recording little snippets of the two songs you had written on his phone. "Hey!" he said, patting the spot next to him. "I just didn't want us to forget any of the parts we wrote."

Putting the earbud he handed you in your ear, you listened to him play back the song. "I love it. Good idea, too. I hate when I finally get something and then I forget it before I can write it down or record it."

"Dinner's ready!" Oli called out.

"Thank God. I'm starving." Conor said, crawling out of the tent.

"He's alive!" Caspar teased Conor.

You made your way to Josh, snuggling into his side. "Dinner is great, Oli. Thank you."

"I'm glad." he replied.

"I know what game we're playing tonight." Joe said, with a mischievous grin on his face. "Jack, remember the video you did with Oli? Drink it or shot it?"

"Oh, god. No more beans." Oli whined.

"No, no. We're playing the same game, but with actual shots. You get to ask someone a question and if they don't want to answer, they take a shot." Joe said.

"Sounds good to me." Josh said.

"I'm in." Caspar added.

"Alright, someone grab the booze." you laughed, walking to your tent to grab a blanket for you and Josh. It had gotten pretty late and the rain left the air quite chilly. "Make sure you guys put on sweaters and extra socks tonight. It's going to be a cold one."

"First question then, Y/n." Joe laughed. "Do you baby us because you think we're stupid or because you like being the mom of the group."

Josh laughed, too, handing you a shot which you immediately downed.

Everyone's grumbles could be heard. "We're not stupid!" "I mean I did forget the tent, but I'm super manly." "I managed to cook dinner just fine!"

"Guys, guys. I'm totally kidding. I don't think you're stupid at all. I think I just like taking care of you lot." you laughed. "Really. I couldn't ask for better men in my life." You said, pecking Josh on the lips. "Okay, ummm....Mikey. Last week when you 'went home because your phone died' were you really going to meet up with that girl that was visiting from L.A.?"

"Oh, shit." Mikey said, blushing. "Someone hand me a shot."

"I knew it!" yelled Jack, passing the vodka.

"Nice, LP." Conor added.

"Jack. Is it true that you and Lydia snuck off for some private time at Vfest?" Mikey asked.

"Oh, fuck me. I think I need a shot to answer this question." he joked. "Yeah, yeah. We got pretty comfortable."

"I knew it!" Caspar laughed, slapping Jack on the back.

"Josh." Jack cleared his throat. "Did you or did you not get laid last night?" he asked Josh, but he was staring at you. In fact, all of the boys were staring at you.

"Fuck it." Josh looked at you and you shrugged your shoulders. "Yes. Yes I did."

"I'll drink to that." you said, downing another shot, earning you guys cheers and cat calls from the boys.

You all stayed up much later than you had the first two nights. You were trying to build the fire up so that it would last into the night and Josh was making sure the cold groceries were on ice and that the trucks were locked up.

"Everyone asleep?" you asked him.

"I believe so." he said. "Is it time?"

"Fuck yes." you said, rushing to your tent and grabbing the bag of condoms you had collected from Jack's prank. "You scatter those in that tent and I'll scatter these in this one. "

Once you were finished, you crawled into your tent trying not to laugh too loudly. "I'm exhausted." you said, not even bothering to climb under the blankets.

"I bet. You guys practically ran back to camp in the freezing rain." He said, pulling the blanket from under you and pulling you to his chest. "You need to stay warm, love." He wrapped both blankets around the two of you.

"Oh, yeah. I kind of forgot about the storm earlier. I'm also really drunk, and that makes me sleepy." you laughed, eyes still closed.

"I think we all are." he chuckled with you. "Sweet dreams, y/n." he said, kissing your hair and making sure you were snug against him.

The next two days were spent being pretty lazy. You went for small hikes, but mostly you just enjoyed each other's company. Since you were leaving camp tomorrow, you wanted to make the best of your last full day here. Having woken up early after a pretty early night in, you prepared the last of the breakfast food.

"Hey, guys? Anyone interested in packing our lunch and picnicking at the lake today?" you asked the group.

"For sure!" Joe cheered.

"That sounds perfect." Josh said, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around you. "Tell me what to do to help."

"Well, never stop doing this, for one." you folded your arms over his.

"I'm pretty sure I can keep it up." he laughed, kissing you on the cheek.

"Maybe help Mikey pack up the food?" you suggested.

"No problem." Josh replied, grabbing some sandwich stuff and some bags of crisps.

Finally making it to the lake, You guys set out some blankets and pillows with the food and supplies. Josh had been quiet the whole hike to the lake. You and Josh jumped in the lake first, him pulling you in with him. He started swimming towards the middle, pretty far away from the group, so you followed him trying to keep up. When he stopped swimming, you made your way to him and put your arms around his neck.

"What's going on with you?" you asked, kissing him.

"I want to talk to you about something, but I'm nervous about your response." He said, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Hey. I told you never to be nervous to talk to me about stuff. I'm not going anywhere." you reassured him. "What's going on?"

Josh kissed you and then rested his forehead against yours. "I don't want to have to hide this."

"What do you mean?" you asked, bringing your hand up to rest on his cheek.

"I mean...I don't want to be one of those couples that tries to keep their relationship secret from everyone. Trying to not get caught in our friend's vlogs and saying we're 'just friends' in videos." Josh sighed, "I want to be able to show you off and tell people how much I love you and how proud I am of you and how beautiful I think you are." He finally made eye contact with you, again.

"Josh, I would never want to hide this." you said. "Plain and simple."

"Really?" He asked, expecting a fight.

"Really. Why on earth would I want to hide the best thing that's ever happened to me?" you asked, pressing your lips to his with a little more gusto than before.

"I'm such an idiot. I've been worried about this since yesterday and I could have just asked. you." He laughed,

"I told you to just talk to me about stuff. Don't let it stress you out." you trailed kisses from his cheek down his neck. "Pretty sure you just told me you love me, too." You said, swimming toward the boys.

"I was under stress! You can't hold it against me!" he called, swimming after you.

When you made it close to the dock, you stopped and turned, waiting for Josh to catch up. "I don't know. I clearly heard you say you wanted to tell people how much you love me."

Being able to stand in the waist high water, Josh picked you up and spun you around, letting you wrap your legs around his waist. "Well, I kind of meant it."

"That's okay. I kind of think I love you too."

"Aye, lovebirds. Lunch time!" Conor called from the dock.

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