Obito X Rin: Hidden Story

By loylos

154K 4.3K 4.7K

Sixteen years already passed since Rin's death. Everyone started a new life, Obito was a worldwide criminal... More

Prologue: Unbelievable
Chapter 2~ Hanashu's Medic
Chapter 3~Leaving Village
Chapter 4~The Memories
Chapter 5~The Test Subject
Chapter 6~The Masked Man
Chapter 7~Her Name
Chapter 8~Tobi And Miwa (1)
Chapter 9~Tobi and Miwa (2)
Chapter 10~Familly Metting
Chapter 11~Nohara Kazuya
Chapter 12~60 Seconds
Chapter 13~In Another Life
Chapter 14~ Pleasing Company
Chapter 15~Their Feelings
Chapter 16~The Short Road
Chapter 17~Obito POV
Chapter 18~Found You
Chapter 19~What Now?
Chapter 20~Bonus (1)
Chapter 21~No More Fear
Chapter 22~Unmasked
Chapter 23~Rin
Chapter 24~Obito's Decision
Chapter 25~Living Together
Chapter 25.1: Omake
Chapter 25.2: Omake
Chapter 25.3: Omake
Chapter 25.4: Omake
Chapter 26~My first Boyfriend
Chapter 27~Job and Girl
Chapter 28~Waiting For Him
Chapter 29~<3 That Girlfriend <3
Chapter 30~<3 That Boyfriend <3
Chapter 31~ Storm after the Calm
Chapter 32~ Revelation
Chapter 33~I've Heard You
Chapter 34~ Obito's Wish
Chapter 35~ The Right Thing
Chapter 36~Empty Girl
Chapter 37~ Something Lost
Chapter 38~Naruto and Sakura
Chapter 39~ Trouble
Chapter 40~ Not a Castle
Chapter 41~Deceived
Chapter 42~ Unpredicted Proposal
Chapter 43~ Fugitives Spotted
Chapter 44~The Unknown Lord
Chapter 45~ The One He Wasn't Waiting For
Chapter 46~Wasted Dinner
Chapter 47~Awkward Situation
Chapter 48~ Lesson or Punishment
Chapter 49~ Tension
Chapter 50~ Dispute
Chapter 51~When The Girl Escaped
Chapter 52~ Guilt and Regret
Chapter 53~ Unexpected Kindness
Chapter 54~ Seeking the Truth
Chapter 55~Girl's Chat
Bonus (2): Foolish Scheme
Chapter 56~Make Things Better
Chapter 57~ The Tradition
Chapter 58~ Akito's Feelings
Chapter 59~ Irreplaceable Item
Chapter 60~ The Origins of Obi
Chapter 61~ Let it Go
Chapter 62~ Unreachable
Chapter 63~ The Weight of Guilt
Chapter 64~ Unrequited Love
Chapter 65~How It All Started
Chapter 66~ Blessing
Bonus (3): A Day With Team Seven(1)
Chapter 67~The Secret Of Immortality
Chapter 68~A Ghost
Chapter 69~The Writer And The Expressionless Girl
Chapter 70~To The Land Of Valley
Chapter 71~Dangerous Situation
Chapter 72~ She Who Always Escape
Chapter 73~ Stroking Depression
Chapter 74~ Bad News
Chapter 75~ Overcoming The Grief
Chapter 76~Meeting Gone Wrong
Chapter 77~ A Fight To The Death
Chapter 78~ Reality
Chapter 79~ Forced Cohabitation
Chapter 80~ Unbearable Distance
Chapter 81~ Sweet Dessert
Bonus(4): A Day With Team Seven(2)
Chapter 82~ Fractured Heart
Chapter 83~ Hit with Indifference
Chapter 84~ Confronting its Fear
Chapter 85~ Troubled Night
Chapter 86~ Rin's Recollection
Chapter 87~ Restricted Area
Chapter 88~ An ambiguous Woman
Bonus 5: The Legend of the Blue Castle
Chapter 89~ Tears of Jealousy
Chapter 90~ Strong Emotions
Chapter 91~The Thief
Chapter 92~ Wild Waves
Chapter 93~ Rin's Answer
Chapter 94~Dear Obito
Chapter 95~The Fourth Great Ninja War
Chapter 96~ One Last Time
Chapter 97~Mugen Tsukiyomi
Chapter 98~ Overwhelming Reunion
Chapter 99~ Hidden Story

Chapter 1~The Life I Lead

3.6K 86 17
By loylos

16 years later \ the normal time this story is happening/

Info: Rin's haircut is still the same, she is about 167cm.

She is twenty eight.

Third Person Pov :


Rin woke up early in order to visit her parents graves. Well, actually not really their graves since it's in the Leaf and she can't go back there, actually she was just gonna visit the little temple high on the valley to prey for them.

After all, today was the anniversary of their death.

After taking a shower, the young woman put herself in a casual daily attire; blue jean, red sleeved shirt, high heels.

(A/n: picture, without glasses).

She had to be quick, so she can be back to the village for work in time.

Rin headed to the temple which was situated in the highest cliff of the peaceful village of Hanashu.

Hanashu was a small peaceful village, located in the east of the Land of Steam, it was quiet and harmonic.

Most its inhabitants were engaged in farming or other manual works, the village was surrounded by many flowers fields, which rested above a magnificent river.

While Rin was walking across the path towards the temple, she was greated kindly by Ishin-san, the old baker.

'As always, Ishin-san is always up so early.' She thought addressing the old man a smile.

"Good morning, Ayame!"


Yup, here, in this village at the edge of the world, her name wasn't exactly Nohara Rin anymore, it was Ayame.

A name she had borrowed from Teuchi-san's daughter, she couldn't possibly just tell them her real name, especially when she was the only ninja in this village, sometimes she still regretted her decision of declaring herself as a ninja.

In this world full of trouble, Ninja could equal double trouble.

And Rin couldn't allow herself such carelessness, especially if words leak to Konoha Anbu.

She thought dully as she finally made it to the temple.

"Mom, dad, thank you for always taking care of me, this year as well was a peaceful year, now it's already been five years since I started living in this village and nothing had happened yet, so I am probably safe, it's probably thanks to Obito who is with you and taking care of me from there."

A sad and small chuckle escaped her mouth.

"Not that I am saying that you're not doing a great job on your own," She chuckled, "I just know Obito is helpful when it comes to taking care of people."

She laughed grimly, no matter how many years passed, it was still painful

'Time don't always heal the heart, at least in my case.' Rin thought.

"Ma(whatever), Hanashu is a small and peaceful village, I am working here as a doctor, they know that I master medical ninjutsu but they didn't ask any questions, the people who live here are very unaccustomed with Ninja rules and habits, most of the people are old but they are all nice, they also don't care about the conflict in the shinobi world and want to avoid them, the majority work in the cornfield. There is a great one in the village, I help them from time to time and sometimes, I sit on the flower field to read my books and don't worry mom I also relax by laying there, the flower field of Hanashu is one of the most beautiful ones I have ever seen, its very relaxing too."

She stood silent for a moment. "But I suppose that I told you this already last year didn't I? I guess it's by time you ask me to change disk." She laughed.

She spoke again for a time, trying to put to in more enthusiasm, making sure to do not worry them, as if they could actually hear her.

"So thanks mom, dad and rest in peace, Obito...I thank you for everything-"

Before she could finish the huge village bell rung.

"Ah!! the bells of the morning are ringing I gotta go back to open the clinic, bye bye mom, dad, Obito."


Once the clinic opened its doors, patients began to come, there was only minor injuries in the village, like when someone actually burn a finger while baking or something like that, so compared to her work in Konoha, which is a ninja village, it was pretty easy in here.

All those memories about Obito made Rin remember the days after his death, she was insisting to everyone that Obito was still alive, she had no proof, not sensed anything either but she just claimed that he was alive,

'However everyone thought that i was just desperate.'

Sometimes even she felt stupid about it. But not Kakashi, he believed her.

'I knew he wanted to believe for himself as well, but nobody believed us, plus all the proof stated that he was dead, it was hopeless.'

The reason why Rin kept feeling that he was alive despite all that proved that he wasn't was that since childhood days she always had a certain power; to find Obito wherever he was and at any time.

'I spent all my time waiting for him after all.' She used to praise herself with that.

She learned to sense him, not his presence she was no sensor type, or maybe she was Obito limited Sensor type.

For a strange reason she was able to sense his will, his burning will of fire, that will she admired so much, even after his death, she could still feel him somewhere, alive, even if she could never tell where or how, however after her own death, she couldn't feel Obito anymore.

In the end she was the one who was wrong, even giving Kakashi false hope to break his waiting heart.

'I am the worst,' She thought to herself depressed again as each time she think about everything she had done wrong and she could have done better.

'I even had him hit me with a chidori', she thought depressing again.

Often she wondered what kind of pain Kakashi had to outlive after that, if she could she would have stayed by his side.

But instead of things going better after a time, even Minato-sensei died about a year later.

She knew Kakashi must have suffered a lot, and alone. Other time she wondered what was he doing now, did he found love? friends, new ones? She really hoped he did.

Sometimes, she miss him to the point of tears.

In the past, Rin used to bear feelings for Kakashi, but after his rejection, she started seeing him as just a dear irreplaceable friend or more as brother figure.

It was probably because before she had time to realise it, she had developed feelings for Obito.

Returning the love she never returned while he was still alive.

'Yes, it's probably the case, I loved-'

"-Obito!" She said out loud.

"What?" Asked Tanaka-san while the young woman was healing his wound, which he got while wrongly using his hammer.

"Eh? I spoke loudly? I am sorry I was thinking about something else, I am so sorry, I shouldn't have while healing you!" She replied with puppy eyes.

"No need to apologise this much, it's just some minor wound, and you are just bounding them, we all know that when it's serious wound, your mind is always here!" He grinned which made her smile weakly in guilt.

This man is so kind.

Suddenly the door opened and a woman from the village showed up breathless.

"Ayame! Quickly, can you come with me to the river, you were a shinobi in the past and a chūnin from Iwagakure is bullying my little son, so please can you save him!" She yelled crying.

Not wasting a second, Rin ran to her.

"Take me there please!"

Rin followed the woman out of the clinic in a race, stopped just for an instant to adress Tanaka-san.

"I am done, just take some rest from now on, I will personally bring the medicine to you later."

She yelled the rest of the phrase from outside.

Tanaka-san who looked confused at the scene said. "What the heck is a Shinobi?"

Once the woman gave Rin the exact location, she sped her pace, jumping from a house to another, if it's a chunin then she could take him down, she was a chūnin herself back in the time.

Even if she was never the fighting type, she was not the child she used to be anymore, and she should be able to handle a chunnin alright.


In the river, the Iwa nin beat the child stealing his bento.

In normal time, the kid should retreat, not him, he would fight for his food till the end.

So the man kicked him in the stomach and put his feet atop his small chest.

Rin jumped down examining the situation, and judging by the guy's look he was obviously injured, she glanced at the scratch at his headband as she landed swiftly in face of the non identified Rogue ninja.

"You, are you a ninja?" Asked the Nukenin (Rogue ninja)

"Let this boy go!" Rin said with a calm, measured voice.

"Hun? Why would I do something like that?"

"I understand you were hungry, tired and injured, maybe you were running away, but this child have nothing to do with this, so for the last time, let him go. In your actual state, you are no much, and luckily I don't like beating an injured person, so, be reasonable, avoid any more problems and leave!"

She tried to convince him to give up while avoiding to fight him.

The villagers gathered in the region looking at the dilemma.

The man laughed evilly, well, in Rin's opinion stupidly, somehow, he just failed the evil laugh.

"You don't want to beat an injured person?' Don't make me laugh! You are pretty damn, aren't you?"

"You mean dumb?" Asked Rin perplexed.

This somehow managed to make the man even more angry.

"What if I don't want to give him back?" He asked with a smirk.

"I will make you give him back." She said before charging toward the bigger ninja.

Rin was never all too good in fighting, and Taijustu wasn't her strong point, but she was fast and habile, she had served in the War before and gained a military experience, she knew how to attack strategically, which served a lot in Taijustu fighting.

Since he was injured, it was even more easy of a task, his moves were slowed.

She dodged his attack in a way that when he try to attack her, he force on his injuries, well maybe that was a bit cruel, but hitting him in his condition was all the same.

That made him even slower, she waited for the right opportunity to attack and once she got it. Rin filled her hand with chakra, using medical ninjutsu blocking all movements between his neurones. That immobilised him immediately, making her going out victorious of this fight.

She rushed to the child treating his wounds, his mom joined them as well worried and hugging her son, Rin smiled sweetly at the scene.

This light in this woman's eyes was something in common in almost all the mothers in the world, and that was something that moved Rin a lot.

Coming back to reality before drifting in her mind again, the Nohara looked at the suffering Iwa nin in the side, she walked carefully toward him, in case he still could fight, but he wasn't, so she just knelt in front of him healing him as well.

Enemy or not, as a doctor, she have for rule to heal every injured person, of course she tied him in chain beforehand, she was happy he was knocked out, it made things easier.

Later, she would ask the village head to take him to the Iwa authority in exchange for a reward.

She hoped she wasn't being too careless on letting him live.

"Good for him." Said the little boy who approached Rin.

"But why were you playing so far from the village?" Ayame asked, still crouched next to the chained nukenin.

"I wasn't playing, I was waiting for my older sister to come back."

"Your older sister?"

"Yes, actually she is a young lady, she went in the town about a week ago to present her drawing and she hadn't came back yet, she should be coming back today, I told him to just wait for her in the house, but he insisted to come here to welcome her, and when we came we met this shinobi, now that I've seen him, I am a little worried about her as well. You remember her?" Said his mother.

"Yes, of course, Kaya-chan, do you want me to go take a look for her?" Asked Rin worriedly.

"That would be a so good of you my dear." Said the older woman.

"Ohh!!!! what is this with all those people, don't tell me you are all here to welcome me back?" Said Kaya, the older sister, suddenly.

"Oh! it's big sister, she is back!" Said the child running to her.

'We were worried for nothing, she came back safely.' thought Rin with relieved smile. 'Beside Kaya-chan had always been lucky.'

She wasn't done mumbling stuff in her own when she saw a certain ninja of Konoha with Kaya, a silver spiky haired one with a mask covering his lower part face, a headband protector covering his left eyes.

A ninja that she knew all too well.

'Oh My God, why the hell KAKASHI IS HERE????'

A picture of Rin's clothes are on the picture. without the glasses thought.
So guys how was chapter two? Do you want her to meet Kakashi or not ?

I know everyone was excepting to see Obito and actually as the author I wanna see him too, but we are gonna wait just a little more.


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