Supernatural One-Shots [REQUE...

By peachypatrickskies

76.6K 1.7K 310

Sammy, Deano, Cassie, Gabe, Balthazar, Kevin, Charlie, Crowley, Chuck, Luci, Garth, and Adam. Requests are al... More

Authors note
Gabriel x Shy!Reader
Movie Night!
Baking With Gabe
Dancing with Cas
Lose-ifer - Lucifer x Reader
T&S - Sam x Reader???
King of Hell for a Day - Crowley x Reader
A Supernatural Twist - Gabriel x Reader
Preferences (How You Met)
A Supernatural Twist P.2 - Gabriel x Reader
Preferences (Your First Date)
Preferences (His NickName For You)
Listen To Me! - Gabriel x Reader
Preferences (Your Nickname For Him)
Gabriel (Preferences)
Preferences (Hugs)
Preferences (What You Do Together in Autumn)
Preferences (How He Scares You)
Preferences (How You Scare Him)
Preferences (Shark Week)
Preferences (He Teaches You How to Hunt)
Preferences (He Finds Out You're A Hunter) (Alternative)
Amnesia Part Two
Beach Day - Lucifer x Reader
Open! - Gabriel x Reader
LA Devotee - Dean x Reader
Karaoke Night!
Destiel Wedding
Concert - Gabriel x Reader
Nerd - Sam x Reader
Vanilla Twilight - Destiel
Titanic - Balthazar x Reader
Destiel School AU
Candy - Gabriel x Reader
Clumsy - Dean x Reader
The 45th Time
Thanksgiving Shopping - Castiel x Reader
This - Dean x Reader
Kevin (Preferences)
Gabriel Imagine
Preferences (Cheesy Pick-up Lines)
Control - Deanmon x Reader
Black Friday
Christmas Lights
Preferences (What You Do Together in Winter)
Preferences (Christmas Surprise)
Preferences (Christmas Songs)
Just a Day in the Life of Y/n
An Unexpected Day in the Life of Y/n
Preferences (Switcheroo)
That's a Fact - Destiel
Stormy Nights Aren't So Bad After All - Sam x Reader
Christmas Cookies - Sam x Reader
Enemies? - Gabriel x Reader
Nightmares - Gabriel x Reader
I'm Back, Baby! - Gabriel x Reader
Are You Okay? - Dean x Reader
Hot - Castiel x Reader
Preferences (Trust Falls)
Preferences (Colors)
Drunk and In Love - Gabriel x Reader
Preferences (Black and White)
More Destiel
The Djinn Chapter - Dean x Reader
Happy New Year!!
Chills - Sam x Reader
Frog - Dean x Reader
Castiel Imagine
Castiel Imagine P.2
Destiel idk
Shape of You - Dean x Reader
Destiel idk P.2
Destiel idk P.3
This Stupid Song - Destiel
School Spirit - Gabriel x Reader
Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time
Impossible Year - Sam x Reader
Impossible Year P.2 - Sam x Reader
Cooking Ft. The Winchesters
Preferences (Sick Days)
My Best Friend Is Satan - Lucifer x Reader
I'm Just Your Problem - Gabriel x Reader
⭐️Group Chat⭐️
Perpetual Frowner - Castiel x Reader
Preferences (Valentine's Day)
Paper Kisses - Castiel x Reader
A New Day in the Life of Y/n
A Fun Day in the Life of Y/n
Y/n in Oz
Y/n in Oz P.2
Save Myself - Dean x Reader
Taken In
Huggles - Crowley x Reader
Growing Up the Winchester Way
Preferences (Songs That Remind You of Him)
Preferences (Songs That Remind Him of You)
Y/n in Oz P.3
Just Dance! Ft. The Winchesters + Angels
Preferences (Insecurities)
Candy Thief - Gabriel x Reader
Candy Thief [P.2] - Gabriel x Reader
Y/n in Oz P.4
Lost Memories [P.1]
Preferences (First Kiss)
Candy Thief [P.3] - Gabriel x Reader
Preferences (Pets)
Lost Memories [P.2]
Y/n in Oz P.5
Forever Yours [P.1] - Castiel x Reader
official goodbye

Running Into The Devil

1.1K 27 3
By peachypatrickskies

"C'mon, I'll race you!" You smile and laugh happily. Your brother and sister smile up at you and start racing ahead of you.

"I didn't say go yet!" You shout and start running after them, your backpack bouncing.

Despite being a family of hunters, you and your siblings are generally happy. Especially since you and your younger siblings weren't allowed to go on hunts. However, by eavesdropping and reading through books and talking to other hunters, you've gathered that Lucifer is walking the earth once again. You know it's not safe, so you try to keep your siblings and yourself inside. But you know they need to have fun, so after school you often race home or play games.

"Hey guys, wait for me!" You laugh. As you try to run faster, your bag slips off your shoulders and the contents spill onto the ground. Your brother, Jesse, and your sister, Ryan, stop and look at you. You kneel down to scoop up your belongs.

"Here, allow me to help."

"Thank you," you say warmly. You get all the contents back into your bag and stand up with the help of the stranger. By now, Ryan and Jesse have walked over to you.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thank you again-"

You look up and immediately stop talking. The man before you has icy blue eyes. Just like Lucifer's vessel does, according to other hunters. Your parents had been talking about running into him one night. If that was true and if this was Lucifer, than him running into you probably wasn't an accident. Your hand reaches up to your necklace and twists it around your fingers.

"Are you sure you're alright? You look a bit pale."

"Yeah! I'm fine! Thanks again, have a lovely day sir!" You smile shakily and grab Jesse and Ryan's hands.

"Come, let's not be late."

You pull them along behind you, not looking back once.


"Why were you scared of that guy?" Ryan asks, looking up with her big blue eyes.

"I wasn't scared. What are you talking about?" You ask with a smile, putting her dinner in front of her.

"You always mess with your necklace when you are scared or nervous," Jesse says, biting down into his sandwich.

"You are very observant," you mumble, sitting down next to them with a sandwich of your own.

"So you were scared," Ryan says triumphantly.

"It's fine. You know I'm just shy," you reply, finishing your sandwich. Ryan and Jesse finish their dinner in silence. After they're done, you throw away their paper plates.

"We're sleeping in the basement tonight. I'll get your stuff, just head down there."

They nod at you and go downstairs without question. The crickets chirp outside as night falls, and the stars slowing come out. You pound up the stairs, grabbing pillows, blankets, phones, and food. The items are piled high, and you have to walk slowly to keep any of it from falling. You reach the bottom of the stairs and are about to walk through the open basement door when it slams shut. You drop everything in your hands and spin around.

"Nice to see you again (Y/n)."

You don't say anything but turn back around and try to open the door. The doorknob won't even move.


"It's okay Jesse, it'll be fine!" You yell back through the door.

"Please don't hurt them," you whimper, turning back around to face him.

"Wouldn't dream of it."

He walks closer, sending chills down your spine. You consider trying to defend yourself with the knife in your pocket or the gun in your other pocket, but you know it wouldn't be wise, and it wouldn't work anyways.

"So it's true. Lucifer is walking the earth again," you say shakily.

"Yep. And I have to say, your parents have really been a thorn in my side."

You narrow your eyes.

"What did you do."

He doesn't answer, and instead studies your face.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?" You yell. He raises an eyebrow.

"You really should watch your tone with me."

You shrink down as he places his hand next to your head. You almost say sorry, but instead just try not to cry. You are still only 14 after all.

You look behind him when you see movement outside your window. He turns his head a bit, but not much. He stares into your eyes after a moment, and you stare right back. You see flecks of dark blue in his almost gray eyes. Finally, you look away. He moves your head to look him in the eye again.

"Are you scared of me?" He asks with a hint of a smirk on his lips.

"I'm not scared of anyone," you growl.

"Well," he leans in closer. "You should be."

The door bursts open suddenly.


"Sam, Dean, haven't seen you two in a while. How's life been treating you?"

Lucifer turns away, but when you try to move, you find you can't.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere."

He smiles back at you and then looks at the Winchesters again.

"Leave her alone," Dean says, lifting a gun.

"You know that won't work on me. Remember last time?"

You look pleadingly at the boys.

"She's only a kid," Sam says incredulously, still not understanding quite how anyone, even Lucifer, could do this to a child.

"You think that makes a difference? Her parents were a real problem for me, and she learns from them. I want her gone."

Dean fires the gun once, twice, three times, but it barely affects him. The wounds heal within an instant. Lucifer shakes his head and raises his hand to do something when you hear the flapping of wings and another man is suddenly in the room.


The man's voice is deep and rumbly, reminding you of thunder.

"Castiel, what a pleasant surprise."

Castiel glares at him.

"Leave the child alone."

"Last time I checked little brothers didn't tell big brothers what to do."

"Last time I checked, big brothers didn't throw tantrums and start the apocalypse just because they were mad at Daddy," you smart off sassily. Suddenly your air ducts squeeze shut. You gasp and shake against the door, trying to reach up to your throat. Your peripheral vision starts to fade out, but just before you surrender to the darkness, you can suddenly breathe again. You suck in air greedily.

You jump when you hear the sound of fighting, and realize you can move again. Castiel has a long silver blade of some kind, as does Lucifer.

"Angel blade," you whisper in awe. You'd never seen a real one before.

"Cmon, we're outta here."

You look up at the green-eyed man.

"My sister, my brother, I can't leave them behind!" You shout.

"You get outta here, we'll get them. Where are they?"


He places a hand on your shoulder.

"Okay what I want you to do is go out the front door and across the street is a black Impala. Get in there, lock the doors, don't go anywhere else. Got it?"

You nod at him hesitantly and go to run outside, but get slammed against the wall by the two men with the angel blades. You scream out in pain.


The taller man picks you up.

"I got you, it's okay."

Tears prick your eyes and a few spill out.

"It hurts."

He carries you out of the house.

"I know, I know."

He opens the back door of the impala and sets you down.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to get yours siblings, okay?"

You nod and he closes the door, running back into the house.


Castiel backs away from Lucifer, his nose bleeding onto his trench coat. Lucifer sighs.

"I don't have time for this."

He walks around Castiel and the boys.

"I'll be back for the girl."

And with that, he's gone. Castiel wipes his face with his hand and puts away his angel blade. For a moment, all three of them are silent as they wipe away blood and catch their breath.

"You two head out to the impala, I'll get the kids."

Dean nods and they walk out the door. Sam goes downstairs into the basement. Jesse looks up from comforting Ryan.

"Where's my sister? Did he kill her? Did you kill her?"

He stands up and stands in front of his other sister protectively.

"I'm not scared of you! Mom taught me how to shoot a gun!" Jesse shouts shakily, pulling a gun out of his pocket and pointing it at Sam. Ryan sniffs and pushes herself farther away. Sam puts his hands up.

"No, I'm a hunter like your parents. My name is Sam, I'm here to help."

Jesse looks unsure, but grips Ryan's hand and puts the gun away. They follow Sam outside and get in the back of the impala.


"Jesse, Ryan!" You hug them tightly. "I'm so glad you're okay." "

"(Y/n), are you hurt?" Ryan asks.

"It's okay sweetie, it's just my leg, it'll be fine," you reassure her, pulling away. Sam and Dean share a look. Castiel sits next to you awkwardly.

"You guys okay?"

You nod at Dean and let go of your siblings.

"Let's get moving."


Jesse holds onto Ryan tightly as they sleep. You yawn a little and look at them lovingly.

"You really love em, huh?" Dean asks, glancing at you.

"They're all I have left. I'm all they have left. We love each other a lot," you reply. Sam nods.

"You're not a hunter too, are you?"

"Parents wouldn't let me go on hunts. However, they did teach me lore and how to shoot guns and stuff," you yawn again. "They've seen it all though. Demons, Angels, Werewolves, Vamps, Ghosts, and even a Phoenix back when they were younger. My favorite was this archangel. His name is Gabriel. He was funny. And nice. Although he kept giving Ryan and Jesse candy. You should've seen them. They were bouncing off the walls. They loved him," you laugh dryly. Castiel looks as if he is about to say something but falters as you curl into him. You lean your head against his chest despite the still wet blood on his trench coat and surrender to sleep.


When you wake up you discover you are being carried into a motel room by Castiel. Sam is carrying in both Ryan and Jesse, and Dean has several bags in his hands. You wipe the sleep out of your eyes as Castiel sets you down on the bed. The pain in your leg has dulled a bit, but it's still prominent, and you wince.

"Cas, you can fix her leg, right?" Sam asks, setting Ryan and Jesse on the other bed. He places two fingers to your leg.

"For the most part, yes. You'll need to pop her leg back into place though."

You groan.


Sam looks quietly surprised at your cussing.

"What?" You ask. He only shakes his head.

Castiel places two fingers to your forehead. The pain gets worse for a moment, but after, you feel much better. You let out a breath you didn't realize you had been holding.


Dean rolls up a rag and puts it in your mouth.

"We're gonna pop your leg back into place. It's going to hurt, but it'll feel better after, okay?"

You nod slightly and brace yourself for it. Dean places his hands on your leg and Sam does too.

"1... 2-"

"HMMMPH!!" A muffled shout/groan makes its way passed the cloth in your mouth and you breath heavily.

Dean pulls the cloth out of your mouth so you can breath better. Ryan stirs on the bed but doesn't wake up.

"Thanks," you mutter. Your eyes flutter a little. The last thing you remember before you fall asleep is Sam nodding and Dean patting your arm.

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