To Love A Demon (Gaster!Sans...

By vicious-pretzel

106K 3.9K 5.2K

*Do you fear me? "N-No" *Are you sure? "Yes." *You will learn to fear me Heh. Well here we are! I hope you en... More

Hate And Pain
The Demon Of The Land
Confusing of feeling
A Magically Delicious Lunch!
Science Daddy
An angel on my shoulder
The stuff of nightmares
The gay robot
A touch of sweetness
The Plan ~ part one
The Plan ~ part two
The King Of Hearts
The coming of Chara: part 1
The coming of Chara: part 2
Ask the characters!
Home (Lemon prep)
Brown Chicken Brown Cow
Eye candy
hello there :3 (Republished)
The unknown man
The Update

Far From Over

3K 111 52
By vicious-pretzel


White sheets were wrapped warmly around us. Sans was snoring softly, hugging me close to his chest. Last night felt so surreal, I needed a moment to let everything soak in.

It seemed like forever that I've known him, but in truth it had been a mere three weeks. Perhaps this is what they meant by love at first sight. Is that how Cinderella felt the night she met her prince?

Sans yawned loudly, stretching his arms above his head. The lights returned to his eye sockets. *Morning XX.* Sans sighed.

"Good morning lazybones."

Dust danced lazily through soft beams of morning light. Such a pretty yellow glow. Sans watched me, smiling, it made my nerves stand on end in a very good way.

*we might as well get up.* he sighed. *we were gone so long, and the house isn't even fit for you to stay in.* He stood, and the sheets fell from his chest revealing smooth bones. It almost pained me to watch him cover them up with his shirt.

I handed him the black leather jacket as he zipped the front of his jeans. "Can we start with the wardrobe? Stripes don't flatter me."

Chuckling, he tossed me one of his gray turtle necks, and the black skirt I came her in. It had been washed and sewn back up. Presumedly by Mettaton.

*wear this for now. After work we will find you some nicer things.* He lit a cigar with the tip of his finger, eye flashing quickly before turning back to white. It smelled sweetly of oak.

"I get to come to work with you?" I asked excitedly. "Where do you work? Will I be able to help out? Do you think I could get hired? Wait, maybe I could be a waitress at Grillby's! What do-"

*Shhhh. Too many questions.* he puffed on the cigar. * I work at muffet's. You can help out today, no she won't hire you. Grillby is looking for an assistant bartender, so you could probably get a job there."

He cocked his head to the side. *We can swing by Grillby's after work and the store.* I kissed his cheek, which flushed a light yellow.

"C'mon! Let's go!" I pulled Sans to his feet and rushed out the door. I had almost forgot what happiness felt like.


"Look at them." Chara sneered. "Just like that, they forget we were here, that we were ever a problem. Ha!" Chara paced back and forth in the invisible realm of the dead.

Reaper, sitting silently, watched with vacant eyes as the beauty of his life made love to another. How he had longed for her touch, her kiss, and she gave it away. He watched her being caressed by a hand that wasn't his, helpless to stop it. His soul was bruised and weakened. 0.9999 . not enough to kill him, but render him immobile for a time, trapped in a heartbroken state.

Blah blah blah "-re you even listening to me? Hello? God of fucking Death??" Chara snapped her fingers impatiently. She has become rather bothersome since taking her to the afterlife. Her soul decided not to rest.

*What do you want now? " I groaned. She huffed and balled fists at her sides.

"How can you just sit here and let them do this?! Get off your ass, take me back to Sans, and get your girl!"

*It doesn't work that way, Chara. You're dead now, and I'm too weak. I have to recover my strength before trying something else.*

"I'm like you now right? I could do something!"

*No. I'm the god of death. You're a lost soul. The most you could do is haunt someone. Maybe knock a flower pot over.*

Chara was quietly thinking. "Can I haunt anybody?" She tapped her chin thoughtfully.

*I suppose... However, I'd refrain from haunting your dearest beloved. He does have the power to completely vanquish your soul.*

"I had no intention of haunting him. "


"That girl ran from someone, right? An abuser of some kind?"

*yes... But-*

"So if I went to him, and told him where Xx is, that would be within my power?"

*I suppose so... But I-*

"And you're too weak to stop me right now." Chara grinned madly.
Reaper said nothing, but looked very uneasy. "Well then. Looks like I have some haunting to do."

"Look out bitch. I'm not done with you yet!"

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