Bal: a King and his queen

By Huggy3516

159K 4.2K 528

This story starts straight after the final scene of descendants and is focuses around Bal and their struggle... More

I think i love you
The enchanted lake
A summer afternoon
The date
The beach
Back to school
Class together
After practice
Surgery and press
He's awake
Interupting a family
His inner beast
Mal's in charge
Bed time benny boo
Out with the stitches
Bad boy
The trip
Beach date
Memory lane
Ancient history
The artist
Don't wanna talk about it
Sleepy fairy
Back to school
The big game
Something significant
6 months
The road ahead
Candles & twinkle lights
Week away
First of many
Birthday boy
A few too many
Graduaton day
Prom ~ the after party
19 years
Make or break
Broken dreams
Evil past
Red carpet
Thank you for coming
Happiness doesn't last
Don't worry
Come back to me
Getting better
A slightly less drunk christmas
Happy New year
Evies big day
Valentines day
Tipsy or just plain drunk
Wedding day
Royal Wedding
Long live the queen
First night

Heres to us

1.6K 51 11
By Huggy3516

*the next day Ben wakes up to Mal still asleep snuggled into him, he smiles thinking he could get used to this, he gently moves the hair out of her face and plants a gentle kiss on her cheek*
Mal: Ben?
*her voice showing how tired she is*
Ben: shh go back to sleep babe
*he whispers gently to try and not wake her up properly so she can go back to sleep more easily*
Mal: hmm okay
*she starts drifting off but as he goes to get up she get pulled back to being awake again*
Mal: where are you going?
Ben: I'm gonna go help gramps make breakfast
Mal: you can cook?
Ben: you'd be surprised what I can do
Mal: hmm is that an offer
Ben: not now babe your half asleep
Mal: I could always wake up
*having gotten dressed into jeans and at shirt while having this conversation he goes to her side of the bed and gives her a kiss on her forehead*
Ben: happy anniversary babe
Mal: you too
*she rolls back into her side again and snuggles back into the pillow, he smiles again and then heads out the door to find Maurice hard at work on a new invention*
Ben: what you working on gramps?
Maurice: it's a secret
Ben: I'm your grandson you can tell me
Maurice: it's specifically you I can't tel
Ben: oh
Maurice: oh no it's not like that it's for you, for your birthday
Ben: oh okay
Maurice: where's that darling girlfriend of yours?
Ben: she's still in bed, I thought I'd get her up when breakfast is actually ready because she's a bit of a grump if she hasn't eaten
*he chuckles thinking about it*
Maurice: oh well then we'd better get the poor girl some food hadn't we?
Ben: yeah
Maurice: could you pop down to the bakery for me? I need some more bread
Ben: sure it's just down the road right?
Maurice: yep, you remember the way?
Ben: course I do
Maurice: sorry I just wanted to make sure, it's been a while
*ben has to contemplate his grandfathers words for a second before responding*
Ben: too long
Maurice: I've missed you Ben
Ben: and I have you
Maurice: 6 years
Ben: yeah
Maurice: how's your mother? I've called her a few times but she always seems to be busy the last few months, I thought she'd be more available now you've taken the throne
Ben: she's good, her and dad had a big cruise and did a bit of traveling
Maurice: ah yes, and your father? How is he?
Ben: oh um he's...okay, you know, hasn't had this little to do in quite a long time so he's a little bewildered by all the spare time
Maurice: I can imagine, he always was a very busy man
Ben: uh gramps do you mind if I ask, what happened between you two, I've tried to ask him but he just tells me to drop it
Maurice: it's difficult to understand
Ben: come on gramps you've never been the person who wouldn't tell me
Maurice: I wanted you guys to come and visit me for your mother's birthday but I was told he were to busy, I got upset about it and he wasn't happy, words were said and it just broke down from there
Ben: oh, gramps I'm really sorry
Maurice: it was my fault, I should've understood that being King was a busy job
Ben: no, he was wrong to do that, I managed to come down here for a week, I never want to be like that
Maurice: Ben your father's a busy man
Ben: no don't get me wrong, I love my father, I truly do but I didn't see him very much as a child mom and I both wanted to see him more than we did, I just don't want to be that, I don't want Mal to only see me when I come to bed at night, I don't want to have a child who is always missing his father
Maurice: you're a good man Ben, a good King and you will one day be a good husband and father but you have to remember that your father was in a different position, he wasn't you, he didn't have a good life before your mother and you, family meant something different to him
Ben: I guess
Maurice: but promise me one thing, look after that girl in there, she cares about you in a way that doesn't happen a lot
Ben: I know she does
Maurice: she reminds me of your grandmother you know?
Ben: really? You've never really spoken about one has
Maurice: she was a bit of a rebel too, but she was soft at hard, so caring, loved in a way many others could only dream of being loved
Ben: sounds a lot like Mal
Maurice: she was an amazing night woman your grandmother
Ben: I wish I could've met her
Maurice: I'm sure should would love you, I'll tell you all about her one day, but right now I need that bread
Ben: oh yeah right, bread okay, I'll be back soon
Maurice: thank you Ben
*ben leaves from the store at which point Mal walks out of their room*
Mal: he's so sweet
Maurice: he is, he deserves a girl like you
Mal: thank you
Maurice: you really do remind me of her you know?
Mal: well then I'm honoured

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