Sex, Love, and Basketball *Bo...

By KarmyVolkevens

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**Includes SLB Books 1 and 2** Sex, Love, and Basketball follows a groups of girls and a few guys on their jo... More

1. Move In Day
2. Campus Tour
3. "Shopping"
4. Do I Know You?
5. "Is This a Game To You?"
6. I Deserve Better
7. "International House of Pussy...I mean Pancakes."
8. "I Know It Was You."
9. Daaaammmnnn!
10. Feel My Pain
11. One on One
12. Legal
13. Birthday Sex
14. Momma Don't Play (Skip to the very end of this ch.)
15. Just a One Time Thing: Part 1
16. Just a One Time Thing: Part 2
17. A Deal's a Deal
18. Why Her?
20. Making Up
21. Just For The Night
22. Faking It
23. Taking L's
24. Double Dating
25. Perfect Timing
26. Ex's and Oooooh's
27. Pizza and Chill
28. The Honeymoon Stage
29. "Hoemance"
30. Stitches
31. Saying Goodbye
32. The Jealous Type
33. Buzzer Beater
34. First Fight
35. Official
36. Head Ahh
37. "I'd Go Anywhere With You."
38. Exposed
39. Christmas Break
40. It's All Good
41. Sistah Sistah
42. Bad Timing
43. N.I.M.D.K
44. Christmas
45. New To This
46. Fighting and Cheating
47. Misunderstandings and Mental Breakdowns
48. YT People Sh*t
49. Chaos and Tragedies (Part 1)
50. Chaos and Tragedies (Part 2)
(Book 2) 1. The Perfect Couple
2. Awkward Situations
3. No New Friends
4. You Ain't Got No Nipples!!!
5. One Hundred Yard Suicides
6. Get The Strap
7. "Are You A Boy Or A Girl?"
8. Baggage
9. P.E. To The TT. Y
10. Break Ups, Makes Ups, And Things That Start With The Letter P
11. Explosions and....Proposals?
12. First Times and Goodbyes
13. Sebastian's Tree
14. Hypocrite
15. Cherry Pie
16. Match Makers
17. I Hate You
18. Number 22
19. Heat Of The Moment
20. "Eating"
21. The Silent Treatment
22. Meeting The Rents
23. Talk To Me
24. Parking Ticket
25. Ménage à trois
26. Ménage à trois (Part 2)
27. Three's a Crowd
28. Bad Idea
29. Recovery Road (Part 1)
30. Recovery Road (Part 2)
31. Family and Friends Day
32. Old Habits
33. First Fights and First Dates (Part 1)
34. First Fights and First Dates (Part 2)
35. Ghosting
36. Ambush
37. Group Hangout (Part 1)
38. Group Hangout (Part 2)
39. The Kick Back
40. Millenniums

19. Needing Space

1.2K 67 9
By KarmyVolkevens

Sorry for any grammatical errors and mistakes. This chapter is unedited.


"Pick it up Fuller! What's the matter with you?"

I wiped sweat from my forehead and ran to retrieve the ball that I had turned over. I was having a terrible practice, but it was only because I couldn't stop thinking about Nadia. It had been a week since her breakdown and she's been avoiding me ever since.

When she got herself together that day, she asked me to leave and I tried to protest, but she wasn't having it. I tried calling her and texting her just to check on her, but she didn't respond to anything. I wasn't expecting anything like this to happen between us. The last thing I expected was for Nadia to shut me out, but that's exactly what she's doing.

I miss her so much. A week may not seem like a lot, but I can't handle going this long without speaking to my best friend. I tried to ask Chastity if there was anything wrong with the girl, but she said she's been fine. I'm the only one she's pushing away. I don't get it. Everything was fine and now I feel like I'm losing my best friend. Well maybe I've already lost her.

"You have two minutes to get water and be back on this court." My coach said after blowing her whistle and rescuing me from my thoughts.

"Come here Fuller." The woman said giving me a look that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"Ma'am?" I said approaching the woman cautiously.

"Are you okay?" The woman asked looking concerned instead of angry.

"Yeah coach. I'm fine." I lied. I wasn't fine. I was hurt, sad, and confused.

"Well I really hope you're lying to me because if you're fine and you're playing the way you're playing, you can get ready to ride the bench all season. That's not you out there on that court Fuller, so I suggest you tell me the truth." Coach Young said and I just looked down at my shoes because I didn't feel like my reason for playing badly was good enough.

"I'm fine. I'm just having an off day." I said figuring it would be best to just stick to my lie.

"Okay. You have like thirty seconds to get water. When you get back on this court, I don't want to see another turn over."  The woman said pointing a finger at me.

"Yes ma'am." I said jogging over to where the water was.


I was lucky enough not to turn the ball over again, so instead of having to stay after practice like I'm sure my coach would have made me, I rushed into the locker room once our coach let us go.

"Way to play out there Fuller." The starting point guard for the team said sarcastically.

"I'm not in the mood, Malaya." I said rolling my eyes at the girl. For someone that hated me, she was always on my dick. Figuratively speaking.

"You're not in the mood to play basketball. Not in the mood to argue with me. Something must really be wrong." The girl said continuing to bother me.

"Something is obviously wrong, so leave her alone. Why are you always fucking with her anyway? Are you that threatened by a freshman?" Raquel said surprising me by coming to my defense. That was new.

A couple of my other teammates laughed earning glares from Malaya.

"Calm down. Fuller knows I'm just playing." The girl said to which I just rolled my eyes. She wasn't just playing.

"Well she's not in the mood, so leave her alone." Raquel said surprising me yet again. I guess she really did mean it when she said she had my back.

"Damn. You act like she can't speak for herself." Malaya said laughing and exposing her dimples. She and Nadia favored a lot now that I'm actually paying attention to her. The dimples, the honey brown eyes. The only difference was that Malaya's hair is sandy brown and a lot curlier than Nadia's. She's also a little darker than her niece. She's so pretty and it makes me angry because she's so mean. I usually find things like that attractive, but Malaya is just a level of bitch that I can't handle. I can't believe she's Nadia's choice for my girlfriend.

I wonder if the deal is even still on since Nadia isn't talking to me at the moment. Maybe I can still try having a little fun with Malaya even if the deal isn't on. At least that way I can get her to act right. If you catch my drift.

"And you act like I've actually done something to make you dislike me. I barely even speak to you, yet you always find a reason to say something slick to me."

"There she is." The girl said looking amused now that I was entertaining her crap.

"What's your problem with me? Whatever it is we need to settle it now because we actually have to play together now. I'm not just some recruit anymore." I said looking at the girl and almost getting lost in those stupid honey eyes.

"You're right, you're not just some recruit anymore. You're just some freshman. And I don't have a problem with you." The girl said getting in my face and I smirked.

"Is there sexual tension between us or is it just me?" I said getting a little closer to the girl's face just to mess with her.

"What the fuck?" The girl said creating space between our faces and looking confused and slightly disgusted. "It's definitely just you."

"Wait." I said grabbing the girl's arm before she could walk away from me. A couple of our teammates were watching us, including Raquel, so I pulled the girl into the showers. Don't worry, everyone was done showering already.

"What do you want?" The girl said pulling her arm out of mine.

"Have you spoken to Nadia?" I asked the girl and she looked even more confused.

"Not today. Why?" The girl asked going from confused to concerned.

"I don't really know how to say this because I'm not really sure what's wrong, but we were talking last week and we got on the topic of her parents. I asked about meeting her mom because she met mine and-"

"She broke down." The girl finished for me.

"Yeah. Yeah that's exactly what happened. Is this normal? Because she hasn't spoken to me since that day and I don't know what to do. I tried texting and calling. I even went by her room, but her roommate said she wasn't there, which I know was a lie because all Nadia does is sleep all day." I said and the girl laughed nodding her head.

"Yeah. That's nothing new. All Nadi's lazy ass does is sleep and whine about being hungry." The girl said and I laughed too.

"But on a serious note, should I be worried? I miss her and I'm scared that she doesn't want to be my friend anymore. I sort of need her in my life." I said playing with my fingers and Malaya wasn't speaking so I looked up only to see her smiling at me.

"Aw, does little Dani have a crush on my niece?" The girl asked and my eyes got wide.

"No! I-I mean. No." I said lowering my voice to a level that wasn't obnoxiously loud. "She's my best friend and I miss her. I really miss her, so if you know of anything I can do to fix this-"

"Don't let her push you away. I've watched her do this too many times and she ends up losing someone close to her every time." The girl told me and I felt bad for Nadia.

"But I thought it was best to give people space in situations like this. I don't want to force myself on her." I said worriedly.

"Maybe it is in certain situations, but not with Nadia. She's not one of those people that will come around. She'll push you away until she convinces herself she doesn't need you in her life anymore. You have to be the one to snap her out of this. She's probably just scared because she revealed a part of herself to you that she likes keeping hidden. She and I barely even talk about my sister, but when we do, she goes from bitter, to angry, and then she gets extremely sad. It's hard to get her back to normal sometimes, but you just have to be persistent and patient. If that even makes sense."

I listened to Malaya as she gave me advice about her niece.

"She won't seem like herself at first. She'll push you away and she'll say whatever she can to get you to leave her alone, but don't leave her alone. Don't let anything she says or does get to you because she won't mean it." The girl said and now I was even more worried. What was I going to get myself into by trying to fix things with Nadia?

"Why is it that she didn't push Chastity away though? She was there when everything happened too." I pointed out.

"But she didn't open up to her. She opened up to you." The girl said shrugging.

"Oh. Well I guess that makes sense." I said scratching the back of my neck nervously.

"Don't be scared. Just remember not to let anything she says get to you." The girl said smiling at me and then turning to leave the showers.

"Thank you." I said to the girl's back and she stopped.

"You're welcome." The girl said taking a step forward and then stopping again. "I still don't like you Fuller."

The girl said smiling a dimpled smile and then leaving me for real this time.

"I know." I said laughing to myself. "I know."


After practice, I went straight to Nadia's dorm. I still hadn't knocked yet, but in my defense, I was scared to. I wasn't prepared for what could be on the other side of that door. How would I handle Nadia saying hurtful things to me? Even if she didn't mean them, they would still hurt.

I didn't even get to knock before the door opened revealing my best friend and boy did she look happy to see me. Nah, not really. More like the opposite.

"What are you doing here?" The girl asked looking annoyed.

"I came to see you." I said trying not to let the bored expression on the girl's face get to me.

"Why?" The girl asked frowning and I frowned right back at her.

"What kind of question is that Nadia? You haven't spoken to me in a week." I said not really able to not get upset with the girl.

"I don't have time for this." The girl said trying to walk away but I stopped her.

"Is this really what you want to do? Push me away just because you opened up to me? We're best friends Nadia. We're supposed to be able to tell each other anything."

Nadia just rolled her eyes at me before speaking.

"I don't like talking about my mother Daniella. How would you feel if I asked about your dad?" The girl asked and I felt the usual pain in my chest that I did every time I thought of him.

"I would talk to you about him. You're my best friend and I trust you with every part of me. Even the parts I don't like revealing." I told the girl honestly.

I felt comfortable enough with Nadia to tell her anything.

"Well I'm not like that. I can't just open up to anyone."

"Since when am I just anyone?" I asked feeling offended.

"Why are you being so sensitive about everything I say? I don't like talking about my mom. It doesn't matter who the person is." The girl said and I got irritated because we were getting off of topic.

"This isn't even about that. Why have you been avoiding me?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"I haven't been avoiding you. I've been busy. Like I am right now. This is college you know." The girl said trying to walk away again, but I grabbed her.

"I need you in my life Nadia, so whatever it is you're doing, please stop. I'm sorry for asking about your mom, but you know there was no way for me to know anything." I said resulting to begging.

"I'm not doing anything Daniella, and that's the problem at the moment. I have a paper to do and I would like to get to it." The girl said looking bored again.

"Well, can I come see you later? I'd invite you to my dorm, but ever since I moved back in, Mya has been sure to have Chipotle Mya over almost everyday. We might as well have a third roommate." I said laughing, but Nadia didn't. Tough crowd.

"Maybe some other time. This paper might take me all day." The girl said and I frowned checking my phone for the time.

"It's 9 in the morning. You're writing a paper not a book." I said and Nadia sighed before speaking again.

"Why are you being so clingy? We can go a few days without speaking to each other."

"It's been a fucking week Nadia! It would be different if you weren't purposely avoiding me, but you've been ignoring me and that's why I'm being like this. And maybe I am being clingy, but I miss you." I spoke in a lower tone than I started off with.

"Look, can you just give me some space? I just need sometime to myself." The girl said and I scoffed.

"No, I'm not giving you any space. In fact, I'm coming with you to the library." I said hoping I wasn't being too pushy. Malaya did say to be persistent.

"I don't need you to come with me." The girl said laughing, but not because she thought what I said was funny. Just in a way that meant she was annoyed with me.

"I know you don't, but I don't have anything to do, so why not?" I said shrugging and smiling at the girl.

"I don't want you to come with me. Can't you just go find some random girl to fuck or something?" The girl said trying to say something hurtful in order to get me to leave her alone. Nope, not gonna work.

"Well of course I could, but for like the first time ever, I'm not horny." I said brushing off the girl's attempt at a verbal blow.

"Look Daniella." Nadia said pinching the bridge of her nose. "I appreciate your concern, but I don't need you to be worried about me because I'm fine. I want to be alone right now and if you cared about me the way you claim to, you'd respect that."

"Fine." I said defeated. "Just call me when you're done with your paper please. I just want to talk."

"About what?" The girl asked frowning at me.

"The deal." I said trying a different approach. "It is still on right?"

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot about that." The girl said laughing weakly. "You don't have to go through with it. It was stupid anyway."

"No. I want to. I kinda have a little thing for Malaya now." I lied. Malaya was sexy and all, but she was too mean for my liking. She'd probably hurt my feelings and have a thug like me crying 24/7.

"Well then, you don't need a deal to make you go after her. Just do it." The girl said shrugging and I sighed because I wanted her to be more interested.

"But I need your help. I'm sort of scared of her."

That was sort of true. Malaya put a fear in my heart that I thought only my mom could. She took the thug right out of me.

"You have no reason to be scared of her. She's one of the nicest people I know." The girl said and I laughed.

"You must know some mean ass people because Malaya and nice should not even be used in the same sentence. That is unless you're describing her ass." I said actually getting a mental image of the girl's behind. She was blessed.

"Dani come back." Nadia said snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry. I was on another planet for a second." I said laughing at myself.

"Yeah I see. Look, I'll call you after I get finished with my paper and we can discuss a strategy or whatever." The girl said making me smile.

"Okay. You better call me for real." I said pointing a finger at the girl.

"I will Daniella." The girl said smiling at me, but it was definitely forced.

"Okay, I'll leave you alone for now. I'm gonna go listen to the Mya's make out." I said already knowing that Chipotle Mya was in my room.

"Have fun with that." Nadia said laughing and walking away from me.

I watched the girl walk away and felt a wave of sadness wash over me. I don't know why, but I ended up chasing after the girl and forcing her to turn around and look at me.

"What now Daniella?" The girl asked not looking so annoyed anymore. I couldn't really put into words the look that was now on my best friend's face.

"I just wanted a hug." I said opening my arms for the girl and pouting.

"I swear to God you are such a freaking baby." The girl said obliging.

I squeezed Nadia really tight and breathed in the sent of her hair. It smelled fruity. I liked it.

"Are sniffing me?" The girl asked laughing and I smiled at the sound.

"Maybe. Is that weird?" I asked and the girl giggled before saying "Yes, now let me go you weirdo."

"Just a few more seconds" I said squeezing the girl a little tighter and then letting her go.

Nadia was blushing, but I didn't say anything about it. She knew I noticed.

"I'll call you when I'm finished." The girl said giving me a small smile and walking away.

"Bye Nadi Baby." I said and the girl looked over her shoulder and smiled at me again before waving cutely.

Spoiler alert! She never called.

(Peep the time jump)

One month later


I have mastered the art of being a stupid bitch.

It's been a month. A whole fucking month since I've spoken to Daniella. The most fucked up part about all of this is that she's still trying. How could I treat someone as amazing as Daniella this way? She's the only person that has refused to give up on me. I wish I could make things better, but I can't. She knows too much. She's going to treat me like some wounded puppy and I don't want that. I don't want anyone's pity. I'm a big girl.

"I'm not trying to be in your business, but don't you think it's about time that you spoke to Daniella? Your phone is going crazy and I know it's her." Malaya said gesturing to my phone that was vibrating like crazy do to my persistent best friend. I could legit masturbate with thing if I wanted to.

"When I started hiding out here, it was to escape all things Daniella, so you bringing her up is pretty counterproductive don't you think?" I said snapping at the older girl. Malaya was always more like my older sister than she was my aunt and she never let me call her Aunt anyway. She says it makes her feel old.

I had been spending most of my time outside of class at Malaya's apartment. It was perfect since Dani wasn't going to be anywhere near here. I was safe here. Dani was always showing up at my room demanding Chastity to let her in, but Chastity would never budge. I guess it helped that I threatened to murder her in her sleep if she did. I was bluffing of course, but my roommate didn't want to take any chances.

"What's counterproductive is you pushing away a girl that obviously makes you happy. She's your best friend Nadia. Why would you want to ruin that? She's not going to fight for you forever. She'll give up eventually and you're going to regret pushing her away. Big whoops, you told her about Melanie. It was bound to come out eventually. You're such a fucking brat sometimes I swear. If I was her, I wouldn't even be trying anymore."

"I don't want her to try anymore! This is your fault! You're the one that told her not to give up. Why couldn't you just stay out of it Malaya?! Damn." I said losing control of my temper.

"Calm down Nadia. I don't want to fight with you." The girl said and I let out a breath so I could do as she said. I was getting worked up for no reason. I'm losing it.

"I'm sorry Lay-Lay." I said laughing humorlessly at myself. "I'm gonna go talk to her before it's too late."

"Promise me you won't do anything stupid? This girl really cares about you. I think she has a crush on you, but she's always denying it." The girl said laughing and I rolled my eyes.

"It's you she likes actually." I said remembering what Dani told me the last night we spoke.

"What would make you think something as ridiculous as that? Dani knows I can't stand her little ass." Malaya said laughing and making me feel a little bad for my friend.

"She told me. And you should give her a chance. She needs someone like you." I said knowing Malaya would keep Dani in check.

"How about you go make up with her first before you start trying to play wing woman. And I'm sorry, but I'm not into your little friend. She's cute and all, but she can't handle a bitch like me." The girl said laughing.

"You're right about the bitch part, but I'm sure Dani can handle you. She needs a challenge." I said and Malaya scoffed.

"I'd probably make her cry everyday. She's really sensitive and I'm insensitive. It wouldn't work." The girl refused.

"Oh come on. Dani is not that sensitive. She has mood swings, but she's not like a crybaby or anything. She's a big baby, but in a cute way. Don't reject my bestie." I said pouting and the girl just rolled her eyes.

"Oh shut the hell up. You haven't spoken to the damn girl in a month. How do you even know if she still likes me?" The girl asked and I frowned because I didn't know if Dani still liked her.

"That's a good question. And I'll get the answer because I'm gonna ask her to meet me in my room." I said pulling out my phone and texting Dani to meet me. Well I would have, but I was nervous. I was never nervous to text Daniella, but now I was.

"What are you waiting for?" Malaya asked noticing my hesitation.

"I'm scared. What if she doesn't want to see me? What if I just so happened to come to my senses when it was too late?" I said beginning to panic.

"That girl is not going to give up. She loves you too much. Trust me. She asks about you everyday."

"I don't deserve a friend like her." I said feeling bad.

"Yes you do. Not only do you deserve a friend like her, you need one. Just talk to her. Don't even text her, just go to her." The girl encouraged.

"What if she's mad at me?" I asked and my aunt rolled her eyes.

"Then you let her get whatever she needs to get off of her chest and then you kiss her."

"Woah woah woah. What? Why would I kiss her?" I asked really confused.

"I'm sorry. I just thought if I threw that in there you'd do it without thinking about it." The girl said laughing.

"You and Chastity annoy me. Daniella and I don't like each other and we never will." I said for maybe the millionth time.

"Well I'm not sure how you feel, but I'm pretty sure that girl likes you as more than a friend." My aunt said and I just glared at her.

"I'm gonna leave now." I said standing up and hugging Malaya even though I was slightly irritated with her.

"Good luck Nadi."

Once Malaya and I said our goodbyes, I was off to the dorms to talk to my best friend. If I could even still call her that.


"Freshman, I know I said I had your back, but this is getting out of hand. You've practically moved back in and I'm really sick of sharing my bed with you. Your mom is wrong for telling Mrs.Kerry about the extra room in here by the way. I don't have anything against Natalie, but the girl is weird as shit. She was fucking standing over me last night. Like just standing there. I know for a fact that I locked this door."

I was barely listening to Raquel as she babbled on about who gives a shit what. I was just curled up in her bed staring at the wall. My life as been pure shit for the past month. I haven't spoken to Nadia. I can't stay in my room because Mya 1 and Mya 2 are always in there fooling around. I hate hearing them laugh and shit with each other like they're just the happiest couple in the world. I think it's stupid that they're even together. Why the hell would someone want to date a person with the same name as them? 

I've been camping out at Raquel's apartment for a few weeks because the Mya's got to be a little too much for me. I wanted to move back into the extra room, but my mom called the housing lady and told her that Raquel had been letting me stay there. That's why Ms. Kerry moved a girl that was on the waiting list for the apartments in with Raquel and her other suite mates, Stevie and Janina. AKA the couple that can't keep their hands off of each other.

Raquel thought Natalie was weird. She was, but I liked her.

Natalie living here was also the reason why I got to share a bed with Raquel, so that just added to my liking for her. I wasn't romantically interested in Raquel anymore, but I would never not be attracted to the girl. She is just so fucking fine. Okay let me stop. My hoe-ness is trying to wake back up and I put it to sleep for a reason.

"Where am I supposed to go Raquel?" I asked cutting in on a random part of Raquel's rant.

"Damn if you would listen you would know that the dorm room Natalie was staying in while she was on the waiting list is free. If you just talk to Ms. Kerry, it could be yours." The girl said and I liked the sound of having my own room.

"What if I get denied. Ms. Kerry already has it out for me. I honestly think she has a problem with gay people." I said thinking of all the dirty looks the woman has given me.

"Or maybe she has a problem with sneaky, disrespectful ass, freshmen that break her rules. Ms. Kerry is not a homophobe. She likes me." The girl said and I rolled me eyes.

"Everyone likes you. You're a fucking goody two shoes. You're a kiss up." I said and Raquel gasped.

"I am not a kiss up and I'm obviously not a goody two shoes because I broke the rules for you." The girl pointed out.

"That's because you have a thing for me." I said turning so I was facing the girl.

Raquel just rolled her eyes and mushed me.

"You wish. There is only one woman for me." The girl said smiling and I rolled my eyes.

"Too bad Coach Young is straight and not even a little into you." I said making fun of the girl.

I figured out that Raquel had a crush on our coach because the girl is always staring at her. Plus she has a notebook with little doodles of our coach and her in it. It's so juvenile, but cute. I low key ship them even though I would like to have Raquel to myself. For sexual reasons. Can you believe that I've shared a bed with this goddess for two weeks and I still haven't tried anything freaky? Trust me, I thought about it, but I just don't want to be a hoe anymore. I have been delivert from my hoe ways.

"She's just in denial. I catch her looking at me all the time." The girl said and I burst out laughing.

"No, you stare at her until she looks at you and then your delusional ass makes it seem that way." I teased and Raquel flicked my nose. What am I? A dog?

"Why is that your punishment for me? I'm not a dog Raqi." I said rubbing my nose and feeling my eyes tear up from the pain. I was not crying though. That's just what happens when you get hit in the nose.

"Well stop being a bitch and I won't mistake you for one." The girl said and my mouth dropped open.

"Touché." I said accepting defeat.

"Okay, so how about you get up and go talk to Ms. Kerry about moving into the free dorm room? I'll help you and I'll even call Gio. If you want I'll even come with you to Ms. Kerry. She'll never tell me no." The girl bragged and I rolled my eyes because I knew she was right.

"You really want me out of here don't you?" I asked rolling out of Raquel's bed and hitting the floor.

"Why do you always get out of bed like that?" The girl asked laughing at me.

"It wakes me up." I said hopping up like I hadn't just hit the floor.

"You've been up all morning. Your lazy ass has just been too lazy to get out of the bed." The girl pointed out and I just gave her the finger.

"Oh you'd like that wouldn't you?" The girl said and I smirked.

"Been there done that." I said smiling smugly at the girl and she just rolled her eyes in defeat.

"Whatever." The girl and getting up too and going to her closet to find clothes.

"You want the shower first?" I asked going through my bag.

"We can just share. It'll be quicker." The girl said with her back facing me. Thank God because I didn't want her to see my jaw hit the floor. Was she serious? She can't be.

"You're just fucking with me right?" I asked and Raquel turned around and there was no sign of playfulness on her face.

"Well no. You've been here for two weeks and you haven't tried anything. It's just a shower." The girl said shrugging.

"Yeah, but we'll be naked. And wet." I said trying to get the girl to see where this could go wrong. Or right in my case.

"Yeah. And?" The girl said going over to her bottom drawer and pulling out two towels.

"We'll be in a steaming hot shower. Together. In a bathroom. Alone. And naked. And wet." I said and the girl just shrugged and chuckled.

"It's not that big of a deal Freshman." The girl said throwing me a towel.

Okay. In this situation I could do one of two things. I could contain my hoe-ness and decline this offer or I could awaken the hoe inside of me and take advantage of this. I know Raquel was just suggesting a shower, but it was going to escalate whether we wanted it to or not.

"You're right. It's just a shower." I said standing up and placing the clothes I had picked out on Raquel's bed.

When Raquel opened the door to her bedroom, I followed her out and across the hall, to the bathroom. This was really happening. Be calm Dani.

Raquel walked in it the bathroom and I was going to follow her inside, but she slammed the door in my face.

"You thought!" The girl yelled through the door. "Wait your turn with your little horny ass."

"Fuck you!" I yelled back kicking the door. I should have known that bitch was up to no good. I can't believe I fell, for that. My dumb ass.

I walked back inside of Raquel's room with my head down. I was sulking until I heard my phone ringing. I looked on Raquel's nightstand and felt my heart drop to my stomach when I saw a picture of Nadia and me making funny faces flashing across my screen.



Sorry for the long wait, but in my defense, I'm a busy woman and I have other stories that I'm working on plus school and basketball, so you know how that goes.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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