To Live Is To Fight (#2)

By justanothergirl1314

452K 20.4K 3.1K

Second book of 'The Nerd Can Fight' Series *You'll need to read the first book to understand this one* After... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Prequel - Bryant's Story

Chapter 14

12.7K 534 88
By justanothergirl1314

The next day I woke up blurry eyed but the soreness in my body was no longer present which was a relief. Maybe I was finally getting used to all of this training and sleeping on the floor afterwards.

Although remembering what happened yesterday aroused a lot of questions in my head, I decided to procrastinate a bit, not quite wanting to know the answers to those questions just yet. At least not this early in the morning. Procrastination is a human's best friend after all.

I quickly freshened up, knowing Mr. Huang was probably already up and in the kitchen, preparing something organic to eat. The second I step foot into town, I'll be hunting down some meat for myself.

These healthy foods are driving me crazy, I need some serious fattening junk food in my system. It'll do me some good after all of the weird things going on.

I walked in the pace of a sloth to the kitchen after my shower. I don't know when they'll be knocking at out door but they did say it will be noon so we have some extra time. That is, assuming that Mr. Huang didn't plan anymore training for today. I guess we'll find out.

I pulled out one of the stool and sat on it, watching Mr. Huang cook us up some breakfast in his tank and man shorts.

"Wo zhi dao ni you xu duo wen ti dan shi wo men xian chi ba." (I know you have a lot of questions but let's eat first.)

I didn't bother answering and simply waited for him to finish up his cooking. I was starving anyways so I wasn't about to decline that offer. It might not be greasy pizza but it's edible food nonetheless and my stomach's been grumbling since I woke up.

Silence covered us during breakfast. I was there, barely holding up with all the questions that seemed to be giving birth to other questions in my head while Mr. Huang enjoyed his breakfast. I didn't know where to start with all these questions and I'm not entirely sure that I want to know the answers to them.

When I gulped down the last drop of water from my mug, I gathered the plates and did the dishes and that was when Mr. Huang decided to start talking.

"Your brother fought Klovski during one of his visits here. He's not a good man, very competitive and cunning. Under no circumstances should you trust a man like that. One of the most important things you should remember, Xiao Fu. Don't trust men who sweet talks their way out of things."

I listened quietly while I continued to apply soap to the dishes and rubbed them in circular motions, trying to absorb every detail I can about this Klovski dude.

"Every time rumor goes around that I have someone looking for me to study the martial arts, somehow, he'll get wind of these news and pay a visit. None have been pleasant so far. In case you were wondering, I did notice his arrival when he came around and yes, I purposely tried to fool them in thinking I was you." I snorted, he should consider being an actor or maybe that Klovski dude needs to consider getting prescriptions.

"You really do want to get rid of me, don't you?" I joked about and he let out a deep laugh. I continued my chore and turned the tap on to rinse the soap covered plates.

"I had to test your skills at some point and why not then. I knew you were more than capable and since Klovski was more or less an idiot, I was pretty confident you'd be alright and I was right!" I shook my head with a small smile.

"How confident is 'pretty confident' from 1-10?"

"An 8 maybe?" I rolled my eyes, handing the plates under the tap one by one.

"That's not very reassuring, now is it." I argued.

"Well, to console your offended feelings, you brother beat every apprentice Klovski brought here and since you are your brother's sister, I believe it runs in the genes; just like how fast-learning runs in your family." He stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Well we've got a small problem this time which is my 'opponent' being a friend back home." I reported to Mr. Huang who simply gave me a small smile.

"A friend should be trusted, Xiao Fu, and the fact that he doesn't know your birth name says a lot about the trust you've thrust upon him." I stayed quiet at that, grabbing the cloth and wiping the plates dry instead of answering him.

Well at least now I knew the basics of this guy. He's competitive, has some sort of losing grudge against Shi Fu and has a lot of vengeance issues judging from his temper yesterday. Question is, how did Levy get stuck with him?

"So do I train before I go against the opponent?" Mr. Huang smiled at me in approval for some reason and I gave him the look that says 'I don't understand why you're laughing and it makes you look mental in my eyes'.

"You didn't say 'my friend' meaning you've learnt how to not be detach yourself from whatever personal relationship it is between the both of you. It's a good start. Facing an opponent that's a friend will not end good for someone who doesn't rid of any personal feelings. You hesitate to hurt them and that hesitation may be their undoing." He lectured and being smart, I listened to him with a newfound sense of pride in me. I did something unconsciously that he approved of. That has got to mean something right?

"No, you don't train. You rest. You've done enough training. Wo xiang xin ni neng yin." (I believe you can win)

I nodded and excused myself out of the cabin to get some fresh air to prepare myself.

I'd have to admit that Levy was no one to underestimate. He is one of the best fighters I've known but if Mr. Huang thinks I'm ready then I'll have to trust his word. I know my training is far from done but who knows, this might actually do me some good. Learn from my mistakes and all.

Although an injury before the competitions wouldn't work in my favor since I'd have to work my way up the chain to face off the dude who's brother I injured. I truly do feel sorry for him.

It makes me wonder what would've happened if I immediately sought him out and apologized earlier. Would things still turn out as it did? Will this psycho still threaten me?

I was probably a bitch in his eyes but I understood how hard he was taking it and after seeing him with those kids the other day, I wasn't so sure that he was that bad of psycho. At least not as bad as Dom.

Dom never liked kids even when we were children. I should've seen the signs.

The fresh air of the outdoors did little to comfort my nerves. The thought of the two suspects who might have caused Adam a head injury caused me to get worked up. I still wasn't convinced that it was an accident. I mean after what happened to my brother? Who's to say that Dom wouldn't try the same trick again but this time on Adam? I'm pretty sure he was the one who brainwashed him anyways.

And psycho brother dude? He threatened me right before Adam got into the accident. That couldn't be a coincidence. Only God knows how much my bitch conscience was clawing to the surface.

Maybe getting so heated will do me some good. It'd be nice to take some of this anger out on a fight. It's been too long.

I know the saying is to not get into fights without a clear head but honestly? I could use some extra boost here. I'm going to fight against a friend and I need some recklessness in my system at the moment. I can think about the consequences after I win it.

Noon quickly came by and sticking to his word, Klovski came to the cabin again, just as I was done with my warm ups. Levy was trailing behind him with a scowl on his face. I could tell someone didn't like this arrangement as much as I did. It sucks but I can't say no. I need to do this for Mr. Huang and after everything he's done for me, it's the least I could do.

Oh just be honest with yourself, you've always wanted to try and fight against Levy. Remember that time when he joined in laughing during that fight with the crowd as you tried getting the sexist asshole to fight?

Okay, I have to admit he had the right to laugh because if I wasn't the one dealing with the sexist son of a chimp, I would've been laughing too but by then my conscience was just trying to reminisce every single annoying memory I have of Levy being an utter dick. I just hope this helps cross out my hesitation in fighting him.

"Should we start or what?" Klovski snapped impatiently while I straightened up. I was about to enter the cabin to fetch Mr. Huang but he beat me to it by exiting the small lodge instead.

"Patience is a virtue, Klovski. It'll do you well if you'd bother remembering it." I wanted to snicker at how much Mr. Huang sounded like those asian kung fu masters but bit my lips instead. Nothing could hold the ends of my lips downward though. I looked away from them so that they won't see me laughing soundlessly before regaining the expressionless facade. I knew I must've looked incredibly dorky to anyone who could've seen what I did but I couldn't help myself. It was in my blood to be weird and quirky. If only I had better timing, it would be really useful.

Guess horrible timing comes with the genes too then.

"Enough, let's get this over with." Klovski yelled angrily.

Dude, chill. It's just us here, not a fucking military army. Hakuna yo tatas bitch.

The thought of actually saying that to Klovski caused another laugh to build up in my throat and this time, Levy seemed to notice as he raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

No one can know what my conscience is talking about or I'll probably be sent to a mental institution. That wouldn't be good with everything that's going on, would it?

Soon, Levy and I were facing each other, both a little nervous and anxious to start fighting but when Klovski stepped aside and signaled for us to start the match, I looked straight into Levy's eyes.

"You ready?" He asked in a low voice, probably trying to avoid getting yelled at by his coach or something. I shrugged, getting into a fighting stance.

"I'm ready when you are."

Levy smirked and quirked an eyebrow at me. "No hard feelings on this one?"

"Oh I intend to count every hit and take great offense for each bruise." A smirk worked its way up my mouth as I finished my sentence and squatted to swipe his legs under him.

He jumped and shook his head, moving backwards and started to circle me.

'This is certainly going to be interesting.' I thought to myself as his face went stoic just as I felt mine lose every trace of humor in it.

Oh it's on.


I'm sorry it took so long and for the digression in my stories.

Exams are just a week away and I need to prepare so updates are going waaay slower than usual. Real sorry guys, hope you still love me and tell me what you think about the chapter.

Thank you so much for the support, the lot of you ❤️

Love y'all 💕-J

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