Waves of Life

By melted_chocolate

57.1K 2K 603

Eva, a funny, witty, sarcastic 15 year old Australian girl has a whole hell of a hectic life with three aweso... More

Waves of Life
Chapter One- The door to my life
Chapter Two - The Unlucky Life
Chapter three- The foolish days of life
Chapter Four - The Detention Life
Chapter Five- The Scheming life
Chapter Six- The Helpful Life
Chapter Seven- The coincidental life
Chapter Eight- The Dodging Life
Chapter Nine- The horrifying Life
Chapter Ten- The Criminal Life
Chapter Eleven- The gossip life
Chapter Twelve- The West free life
Chapter Thirteen-The Mothers, cats and tears life
Chapter Fourteen- The Advising Life
Chapter Fifteen- The kilogram Chocolate life
Chapter Sixteen- The Troublesome Life
Chapter Seventeen- The James Bond and Watson life
Chapter Eighteen- The Baby Richards Life
Chapter Nineteen- The sticky situation life
Chapter Twenty - The Party Life
Chapter Twenty One- The Beach Life
Chapter Twenty Two - The Dancing Beach Chair Life
Chapter Twenty Three- The shocking revelations life
Chapter Twenty Four - The Hospital Life
Chapter Twenty Five- The Kit-Kat life
Chapter Twenty Six - The Super Hero Life
Chapter Twenty Seven- The school and military school life
Chapter Twenty Eight - The Lost Life
Chapter Twenty Nine- The found life
Chapter Thirty - The Love Life
Chapter Thirty One- The Crazy Exchange Life
Chapter Thirty Two - The Awkward Life
Chapter Thirty Three- The boy life
Chapter Thirty four - the art life
Chapter Thirty Five- The abusive life
Chapter Thirty Seven- The millionaire life
Chapter Thirty Eight - The Camping Life
Chapter Thirty Nine- The False Life
Chapter Fourty - The Library Life
Epilogue- Waves of Life

Chapter Thirty Six - The Vengeful Prank Life

753 24 16
By melted_chocolate

Pranks, pranks and more pranks! Today I with the help of two trusty people pulled off the bestest prank ever!

Who are these two people you ask? Read on to find out!

-Eva xox


"..Eva...Hello? Ev-"

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I quickly asked, jumping out of my trance.

"Are you alright?" He questioned, looking sincere.

"Yeah, I was just thinking-"

"About Matt?" He added.

I nodded, frowning a little when I heard that rascal's name.

"I just don't understand why he'd do something like that, you know? Like, why would someone do that to someone else? And I hate how everyone believes that stupid rumour! I don't have a freaking STD!"

"Just forget about him, and everyone else for that matter. By tomorrow everyone would of forgotten about it."

"I doubt it," I sighed, twirling pieces of speghetti around my fork.

"Me too."

I rolled my eyes at his stupid attempt at comforting me.

"You know what? I don't want to stay here and cry about it. I'm not going to let stupid Matt ruin my life. I want to get even."

"Why would you get Evan? I'm right here, I'm just as good-"

"No you idiot! Even, not stupid Evan."

"Oh!" He sighed, after realising his mistake. "So what type of prank were you thinking about pulling on him?"

"I'll call it, no mercy."

"I like that sound of that," Kat agreed, rubbing his hands together in the way evil villains did in cartoons.

"But before we start the prank, we need to get a few people on side first."

If Matt wants a war, then it's a bloody war he's going to get.


"Are you sure this is the right house?" Kat whined, as he looked over his shoulder for the billionth time.

"Yes, Christie said she was positive it is this one. Now stop looking so suspicious!" I scolded, as I knocked on the door again.

"If they don't answer this time, then I think we should go. It's not that great of an idea anyway-"

"Hello?" Paige interrupted, answering the door.

"Ah Paige! We were hoping this was your house!" I smiled widely at her.

"Oh okay, so what's up?" She asked, looking across the both of us, a little confused.

K"You know how Matt spread this huge rumour about me having an STD?"

"Yeah, are you alright?"

"He made it up-"

She cut me off with a long gasp.

"He made it up?" She repeated.

"Yes, and now everyone in the whole school thinks I'm a walking, talking disease!"

"Oh, you poor thing!" She cooed, pulling me into a tight hug. "Is there anyway I can help you clear things up?"

I fought the urge to send Kat a sinister smile and kept a straight face.

"Well, you know, me and Kat were casually walking down your street and just as we waked passed your house, we suddenly came up with a reasonably good idea," I lied, trying to make it sound like we hadn't planned this all out.

"Oh, and what is it?" She questioned, eagerly.

"Well, it involves you, Matt, an earpiece and a restaurant."

"What? I don't get it."

"Listen," started Kat, "were gonna give you an earpiece and through that earpiece you can hear what were saying. So we want you to go on a date with Matt and while your on that date, do everything we tell you."

"But I don't like Matt that way," she frowned, looking as though she was going to back out. But it was too late for her to back out now. She knew the plan...what if she blabbed to Matt?

"Find, it's okay if you don't want to help out your friend. I'll just continue my life at school as 'the girl who gave Matt a lip disease'. You don't have to feel bad, even though right now I'm giving you the chance to help me and turn this all around."

I was pulling out the guilt tripping card, and thankfully it was working.

"Okay fine! I couldn't live with that sort of guilt. I'll help you," she blurted, motioning for us to come inside.

"Thank you Paige, Kat and I knew we could count on you."

"It's alright, come on let's head up to my room and we can talk about the details," Paige suggested, leading us upstairs to her room.

Once there, she sat on her bed and Kat and I stood across, getting ready to explain to her, what exactly is going to go on.

"Okay, so Eva pinched this ear piece off her brother and this is what were going to use. You put this just above your ear and we have this other piece and a microphone where we can talk to you-"

"It's kinda like a walkie talkie," I interrupted Kat, when I felt like Paige wasn't understanding.

"Oh, I get it," she smiled. "But, what type of stuff are you gonna tell me to do?"

"Uhm, you know. The usual pouring milkshakes over his head, throwing main courses in his face and then outright telling him you don't like him and that you never ever will. And followed by us running in there with and camera to record his humiliated face. That sorta stuff," I said quickly, as if saying it faster would make her not hear me.

"Isn't that a bit too mean?" She questioned.

"Mean?" Kat snorted. "Mean is spreading a rumour about someone that you're supposed to like. This, is just some much deserved revenge."

"But aren't you and Matt friends?" Paige asked Kat.

"Well, if this is the sort of thing he does to friends, then definitely not," he quickly shot back.

I couldn't help feeling a little guilty hearing that. Did that mean I had practically split two friends up just because of a petty rumour?

"Paige, if you want to turn back now, you can. I don't want to pressure you into doing something you believe is wrong. So are you in, or out?"

"He did something bad to you, and it's only natural to want to do the same back. But that being said, it's your battle, not mine."

"You could of just said you're out," Kat said bitterly, rolling his eyes. "Come on, Eva. We've wasted enough time here. It's almost 7."

"See you at school then," I waved getting ready to leave.

"Wait, I said it's your battle, but I'll be more than happy to fight as your warrior," Paige called after us.

"Can you talk human?" Kat asked, with the same rude tone.

"Does this mean you're in?" I questioned, not fully understanding her warrior speech.

"I'm most certainly in."


Finally Saturday night had come around. I had spent the rest of the week getting out of everyone's way and trying to keep a low profile. I had avoided Matt at all costs, even though each day he had a new attempt at apologising. Every time I felt a hint of guilt I reminded myself that he had not even once admitted to anyone about the whole rumour being a fake. This prank had to come as a complete shock to Matt, so this chilly Saturday night was the perfect night for a spectacular prank.

Kat and I were seated exactly four seats away from Matt and Paige, in a fancy hotel just a couple of streets from my house. In our seat, we conveniently couldn't be seen by Matt or Paige, but we had a full view. We had earpieces and cameras at the ready. What made this prank even sweeter, was the fact that not only was Matt paying for Paige's dinner, but mine and Kat's too. This prank would be one of my best yet.

Soon enough, a waiter came and asked what we would like to order.

I grinned sinisterly at Kat as I took a quick look at the menu. "Um, what's the most expensive dish you have?"

The waiter frowned slightly and answered with a the name of a dish that I couldn't understand.

"Okay, we'd like that," Kat added, handing him the menus.

"Are you sure? You're both teenagers, I'm not sure if you could afford it."

"Oh, don't worry. We're not paying. That guy over there is," I informed,moping into over at Matt.

The waiter stole a glance in his direction and left for the kitchen.

Looks like Matt is going to have to work some extra shifts at dominos to pay of this debt.

Strike 1.

We both waited patiently for our food and Matt and Paige's food to arrive.

Now it was show time.

We flicked on our microphone and gave it a tap. When Paige suddenly flinched back, we let out a sigh if relief that it was all working.

"Okay, Paige we know you can hear us, because we can also hear you. Now, tell Matt you like his red and silver tie," I spoke into the mike.

"Matt, I just wanted to let you know that I think that Red and silver tie look really nice," Paige complemented.

I held the microphone away from me, as I stifled a laugh.

"Okay, now say, it matches with your face," Kat chucked.

"The red matches with your face," she repeated.

I watched as Matt went even redder (if that was even possible). He muttered a thank you and began digging into his food.

"Grab his fork and chuck it at the waiter who is looking the other way-"

"Isn't that a bit too mean?" Paige hissed, probably forgetting that Matt was sitting just across her and could hear each word.

"What's mean?" He questioned, placing a hand over Paige's.


"Just chuck it! And then you can blame it on Matt!" Kat said again.

And just like that, Paige smacked Matt's hand away and threw his fork at a waiter who looked anything but pleased when he whipped his head around stormed over to their table.

The look on Matt's face was revenge itself- but ofcourse, a flying fork was nothing.

Strikes two.

"Who threw that?!" The chubby waiter demanded.

"Blame Matt!" I hissed into the microphone.

"It was him!" Paige quickly said, pointing at our victim.

"This is your first and last warning! Any more funny business and you're out!" He scolded, spit flying out of his mouth as he did so.

Once he had left them back for their meal, an outraged Matt leaned over the table and asked through gritted teeth, "Why did you do that?"

"Why did I do that?" Paige repeated, with the intention of asking us for help and a believable answer.

"You did it because it's bad luck to use a silver fork with your left hand," I supplied.

She repeated what I had said, and stupidly enough, Matt bought it.

"Just don't do that again," he frowned, getting up to retrieve his fork that was now flung across the room.

We quickly ducked so he didn't see us.

He then went back and took his seat again. We let them have a normal meal for a couple minutes. Soon nature called and Matt needed to take a trip to the bathroom. Once he was gone Kat and I darted over and shoved a hand into his chocolate pudding. We smeared it on his chair. I hurried back. Kat, however, stayed over there hiding behind a plant with the camera. He sat there getting ready for the perfect shot of Matt.

Matt finally came back (he probably took long after making his own chocolate pudding) and took his seat. He quickly shot up and I heard the camera lens open and shut. That's what humiliation sounds like.

Strike three.

"What the heck?!" He schreeched, feeling his bum. "I knew there were prawns in there! They always give me diarrhoea!"

I muffled a cackle as I grabbed a cream pie off of a table that no one had been seated at and charged over there.

"Now?" Kat called, with the camera at the ready.

"Now!" I nodded, launching the pie into his face.

Kat was taking a million pictures a second while Paige was reciting the hurtful sleep she had learnt.

"..I would never like you! This whole thing was a fake! No one would ever even think about going on a proper date with someone as stupid and unpopular as you!"

Bonus strike?

"What I going in here!" Boomed a built secretly guard.

With one glance in his direction, Kat, Paige and I were out of there. Leaving poor little Matt to fix all the damage that had been done.

Revenge is certainly sweet!


The rest of the weekend flew by, and I spent it laughing away with my friends at Matt's misfortune and studying my brains out.

Usually Monday's weren't my best days, but I was eager to see all the pictures Kat had stuck of Matt all around the school hallways.

I couldn't help chuckling with Skye as we came across the one with chocolate pudding all over his chair. If I wasn't there, I would of definitely thought that Matt had shit his pants.

"These are hilarious!" Skye commented, as we walked down the corridor to our maths class.

"I know, I'm so glad it worked. Now everyone's forgotten about the rumour and are laughing about Matt. As of right now, my life I good."

"Maybe you should wait and say that after maths is finished."

"Yeah you're right," I agreed, following her into the classroom.

I let out a sigh of relief when I noticed no eyes were on me, but Matt. Yep, I was definitely old news now. I also notified how all the seats near him were empty. It was like he was carrying the plague and no one else wanted to be infected.

"Hurry up, Trigonometry awaits!" Mr Kenam called, in an attempt to hurry us up.

"Our pleasure," Skye muttered sarcastically, dragging out a chair to sit down.

I did the same and flicked open my text book.

We spent the next couple of minutes listening to Mr Kenam explain (quite horribly) how to do it and we were off.

I was now studying an example since Mr Kenam wasn't much help. And next thing I knew a paper landed on my desk.

I quickly grabbed it and unravelled it. I immediately recognised the horribly tiny handwriting;


I frowned and crumpled it up.

"No!" I hissed, in his direction.

"It's important. Come on!" He hissed back, from behind his exercise book.





"I said n-"

"What did you say Eva?" Mr Kenam interrupted, looking straight at me with his creepy old face.

"Can I go to the toilet?" I quickly blurting.

To my surprise he nodded, and I dashed out of there as soon as I could.

I waited outside the door in the corridor for a couple minutes, and when he didn't come out I decided that right now a trip to the bathroom was necessary.

But just as I hurried past a locker, someone jumped out and grabbed onto me.

I tried to scream; but the freak had his hand clasped over my mouth, and I tried to fight back; but the creep was too strong.

"Shh, my sweet. Everything will be fine. You're with me now."


I bit down on the hand that was covering my mouth and he cried in pain.

I took this as my opportunity to run, but as soon as I did that, I crashed into somone. That someone was a furious Matt.

"Hello Eva," he greeted, as he clutched onto my hands and pulled them behind my back. "You've made me the laughing stock of this school for the last time. I never intended to hurt you before, but now you've taken it too far."

Joel nodded as he stalked over. "You see, Eva, I've put a lot more thought into this one," he smirked as he circled around me.

"I invested in one real cuffs, got a nice assistant here. And a perfect hideaway."

"No!" I screamed, when I felt tight, cold hand cuffs around my wrists. "Mat, Joel is the one who gav you that bad lip in the first place, remember. He hurt you too. So why are you on his-"

I was cut off by duct tape, roughly being stuck onto my mouth.

"Because I like to be in the winning team."



This chapter was a little bit darker, but hopefully you guys still like it! Also, I noticed that in the last chapter a lot of you were team Meva supporters. Let's see if you've had a change of heart after the chapter.

Don't forget to;


-Ed ⭐️

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