War Of The Robots |COMPLETE|

By MuteSpy

1.2K 166 28

In the 22nd Century, robots were a relatively new invention. They were now made for different uses such as cl... More

The Nightmare Begins
A New Life
The Dreadful Discovery
A New Ally?
The New Adventure
A New Problem
The Poisonous Robot
A Dangerous Turn
The Newest Memory
The New Boy
The Talk
The Newest Attack
Unlikely Allies
The Past Of Cameron
The Simulation
Important Codes
A Training Session Gone Wrong
The Newest Plan
Newest Failure
A Secret Backup Plan
A Plan Put Into Action
Journey To The Laboratory
All According To Plan
The Master's Death Plan
Tests of Dignity
The Final Battle
Amara's Reactions
Celebrations and Sadness
The Future Surprise

The Prize

70 10 2
By MuteSpy

AN: Hey there reader. Thank you for reviewing and a shout out for AngelStar for voting and reviewing. Glad you like the story. I haven't updated in 10 days! Wow. If you like this story, please share it with your friend so they can read it as well. There are some minor changes to chapter 2. 

September 9th, 2150 

The first week of school was ok for Amara. She didn't bother meeting new people,  but at least she can communicate with them when doing group projects. As the week has been going on,  Amara saw that bills were in the mail. 

"Electricity, Water, Air Conditioning. Well, crap." 

She didn't know this was going to happen. How was she going to pay them? Amara sighed at this predicament, never planning for this at all. She looked at the sword, knowing she was going to go to class tonight for the first time since the accident. Looking at the possible future knowing that her house was going to be for closure soon. 

Her teacher was starting to get suspicious of her as well. Asking her questions about her being in poverty. Of course, Amara lied. What would she do? How would she solve the problem? Those were questions in Amara's head for a while. 

The girl was thinking until she realized something. She never went into the basement before. Or at least she thought that. 

"Maybe there are some clues in there." Amara thought to herself as she walked down to the basement. Taking a breath, Amara went into the basement. 

Amara was going down the stairs slowly. Looking at her surroundings slowly. Never knowing the secrets of the basement. She saw that she would never see in her 13-year-old life. The basement was made of iron with gray and red splotches on the wall, Amara was assuming was paint. With a lot of papers on the ground, and a large metal table in the middle of the room. 

"Wow," Amara said as she looked around the lab like basement. Curious, she decided to tread on, looking at small little androids. Picking up one of the papers, seeing what the text said. 

"On February 15th, 2140, My friend Harold and I have been working on a robot that can feel emotions of the owner and can comfort the owner and  is able to tread with humans without being noticed. This will be revolutionary in robotics and everyday life." 

"That sounds like a horrible idea." Amara retorted, picking up another paper. 

"The beta is done and Harold and I completed the frame. The frame looks just like a human teenage boy. The emotion program will be completed in a few years. We are making progress, but it will be hard to complete it." 

Looking at the paper for a few minutes before waking up from her daydream, Amara was wondering who made this robot. Who is Harold also? Why would they make it? These questions were buzzing in Amara's mind for a while. 


The next day, Amara was walking to school early to get breakfast. It was a long walk to the grocery store and she didn't have money anyway. The normal routine has been checked off the list. Wake up, get breakfast, hearing about people dying in accidents. It was all normal. 

The girl noticed that it was a quick walk to school. With her black hood over her head, she walked inside. 

"Hey take off your hood. You can't wear that hood." This was also normal. Someone remind her to take off her hood. Amara just wanted to really yell out as many curse words she had in her head at the overbearing teacher. 

As part of the normal routine, she saw Mrs. Wellbird and said good morning to her. She was a little suspicious, but Mrs. Wellbird loved her students and were extra nice to them. She snaps easily, though, if you get on her bad side, then you are in for it. Thankfully Amara was on her good side. 

Amara knew it was a special day today as it always is on September 10th of every year. Her teacher was going to announce it too. God, why did these days exist? Sitting down at her desk, she glanced at the other students. Noticing that a girl was looking at her, her name was Alex. Or at least Amara thought that was her name. 

Alex was staring at her. Amara was about to glare at the girl, but that smile that she was giving Amara was odd to her. Amara waved at Alex and she waved back.

"This is weird." Amara thought to herself. Mrs. Wellbird came up to the front desk and started her speech. 

"Well, good morning class. I see that everyone is here today. Well, first I have a special announcement to make. Today is Amara's birthday. Make sure to say happy birthday to her okay?" Oh yes. Amara's birthday was today. Turning into a 14-year-old. This was exciting. At least her parents didn't die on her birthday. 

Amara rolled her eyes at the teacher, looking up from her phone. Of course, this was bound to happen. This happens every year. 

"Okay, class. We have announcements today so I'd like to get those out of the way. The first one is..." Before Mrs. Wellbird had a chance to speak, the alarm went off. It sounded like the evacuation alarm that was newly installed a few week ago. Mrs. Wellbird cursed before getting up at her desk and looking at her computer. Sweat was clearly escaping and dripping on her face.

"No! Okay kids calm down! What we need to do is get out of here. A robot is in the school." She heard more screams in response. Amara was smirking, though. Mrs. Wellbird was going to ask later. But now, they all needed to run. 

They heard the robot coming and ran for their lives. Except Amara. She was hiding under the teacher's desk. Waiting for her prey. She wanted to kill at least one robot, before dying herself. She was surprised herself for not caring that her life was in jeopardy and that she was doing something stupid. 

"Let's get some work done," Amara smirked as she said this. Hearing footsteps, Amara grabbed her sword that she hide in her backpack, and got quiet. The now 14-yead-old screamed to get the robots attention. Of course, this worked. 

The robot looked like a boy Amara's age. With short hair with a bang covering his right eye. He had a black body suit with some muscles showing and has a black cannon-like gun as his right hand. The boy saw Amara and gave a smirk. 

"I am ready for you," Amara said as she got out her sword. The robot said nothing at first but, smirked. 

"You are the first human to show determination, but I am sorry. You will have to die." The unnamed robot charged. Amara knowing she had no plan, started to run out of the classroom. The girl was running for her life and knew that if she stopped, she dies. Not wanting to know what death is like, she ran faster. 

"I need to think of a plan fast!" Amara thought to herself. "But what?" As she was thinking, she heard bullets going off. That cannon thing might look big, but it can shoot fast. Amara started swerving around the bullets as they passed. She saw windows being broken, lockers being battered, and an angry murderous robot going to kill her. Amara was running until she was starting to run out of breath. 

A few minutes pass. The robot was looking as murderous as ever but, was getting closer. His accuracy approving. Amara was expecting for a shot to come, but it did. In the arm. Amara stopped and screamed in pain. Now knowing what her parents have been going through as they were murdered. As Amara was bleeding, she came up with a plan. 

"I have to play dead. So I can land the final blow." Amara fell to her knees. Blood everywhere and some coming from her mouth. She laid down on the floor. Only breathing slightly, closing her eyes. The robot came up to her. Seeing her corpse on the ground. His hand turned back from being the weapon that supposedly murdered the victim. 

"I did it." The robot said  his voice was scratchy. Looking up to call his supposed master. 

"I killed lots of people today Master." The older man on the communicator seemed like he would be smirking at his robots success. 

"Good job. Now exactly how many?" 

"Um, exactly 30 people sir." 

"Um a low amount, but for your first run, you did great. You do need to improve like your brothers and sisters." 

Amara was listening carefully, looking for the right time to strike. She stopped the bleeding as the robot looked away from her, but didn't want the robot to know that she was alive still. She took out her sword carefully, aimed it at his back. Then she stabbed. She stood up and pushed it forward into his chest. She noticed that the robot didn't even flinch. 

It fell down with a thump. Amara was no repair man but, was looking at the robot itself. Usually, robots didn't look this human. They always had wacky designs, but this one looked human. Odd. Amara examined the robot for a little bit. She always watched programs about robotics, but did not know how to fix a robot at all. 

Now that she killed the robot, though, she could examine one up close. Without being killed! This was the best day of her life. Amara nodded tiredly to herself, then picked up the robot bridal style, then started walking out of the messed up building....

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