The Leaf?

By High5sgoaround

473K 14K 3.3K

Ida Ayumin is now 11. She left her old clan when she was 6. Feeling alone, and exhausted she is discovered... More

The Leaf?
The beginning
I meet the inhabitants
Secrets Unfold
My New Ninja Life
Reliving the Past
My First impression, Really?
I Have to Work With Them!
Missions go Downhill
Need to Know Basis Includes...
Kidnapped and News
Zero-Gs and More
Violence is Sometimes the Answer
When Kitties Attack
We Enter the Chunin Exams
Talking Turtes and Scary People
Have I Ever Told You I Hate Writing
Saying Farwell
Did I Just Get Bit
I'm Not Alone
More Purple
Needle, NOOO!
Revenge is Sweet
A Girls Dream, is my Nightmare. A Day with Sasuke
Nothings Changed
My summoning
The Chunin Exams Begin
Watching the Fights
Ducks, Pandas, and Medical Ninjas, Do Not Mix!
Kabuto is Dummer than He Looks
Way to Go!
Here it Goes
It's War
Let's Make the Alcoholic our Leader, Why Not?
Unforunate Sightinings
Getting Advice from Naruto
Rematch With the Gay, Purple and Glasses Wearing, , Pain in the A** ,Ninja,
Making a Few Stops on the Way
Back Home
Almost Discovery of Sasuke's Fear
Racing with Meanies
Oh, That's Who He Was
Fight With a Purple Eyed Ninja
And the Winner Is...
Ear Shaped Landing
Friend Vs Friend Vs Apple Vs Orange
Confused Beyond Belief
My Best Friend the Traitor
New Determination
Break-Outs to Break-Ins
Ally or Enemy?
Secret of the Spiders.
Into the Mouth of the Snake
Where'd That Come From
Short Chapter, I know
Interesting Day, but Not Unusual
Shino's Fetish Has Advantages
Starting Of Our Mission
Let the Hunt Begin
Search Continues
Running Out of Time
Finding Henry
Found to Be Lost
So Close
The Begining Has Barely Begun

Say What!

7.2K 200 76
By High5sgoaround


Story Start

I raised my hand in the air and heard my voice ring out "I quit."  There was a pause everything stopped, no noise could be heard in the room.  Everyone looked around to find the person who spoke, and their eyes all landed on me.  Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke knew who spoke at the beginning, but they just stared at me trying to diguiest what I just said.

"YOU WHAT NOW!?" Naruto and Sakura yelled at the same time.  One was load enough, but both of them was ear shattering.

"Okay, ow" I sighed rubbing my ear that I thought was bleeding.

"Well do you have a reason?" Sakura demanded putting her hands on her hips and looking down at me.

"I have a few."

"Do you care to share any" Naruto jumped in, also looking down at me, but with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hmm" I hummed.  I did have reasons I wasn't lying.  One was something I had to go do, but they wouldn't accept that.  They other reason would end up me having to fight three very angry sand ninja, and I don't know if this is normal or not, but I like my head on my shoulders not away from my body.

"I don't really have a reason to continue on.  I just really don't believe in mindless violence." I spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"What do you mean? You've fought countless times with us." Sakura bursted out.

"Yeah, but I was always fighting for my life, or to help all of you."

"Here is a reason.  Do you want to be a chunin?" Naruto added in.

"Not really, at the moment, anyway that is."

"Then why did you take the chunin exam?" Sakura asked.

"For you guys, I know the three of you want to, so I did it for you.  Now you can't make me fight, and I won't without a reason."

"What are your reasons?" Sasuke finally jumped in.

"To protect those I care for and to make sure that no one gets hurt from reasons I can control." I answered softly, but steadily.  "Now I think the Hokage is saying something important." I lifted my eyes up to the old man, ending out conversation.

"You have other reasons" Sasuke whispered in my ear.  His hot breath tickled, but I kept a straight face, and answered.

"Yeah, but do you really think you should keep going."

"You too, Sakura already tried to get me to quit, so I think I have you to thank for distracting her." Sasuke laughed and took a step back.  This is way Sasuke is best to give shocking news too.  One: he doesn't freak out.  Two: he understands and doesn't make a scene.

I finally tuned in to what the Hokage was saying.  He was saying the chunin exams replaced war, so all the nations could keep peace.  Now that made sense, you replace mindless violence, with more controlled, yet mindless violence.

He also said that by having the chunin exams the village got more revenue for its village.  This is because in the final round rich people from different countries would come to watch the genin fight.  Then they would decide if they liked a villages genin, and pay for missions with that country more. In the short term people with too much time on their hands fight, and get their village more money.  I'm kind of glad I quit.

"Now if you look up at this electric board the first two names will appear." the Hokage pointed up at this board that had a red trim around the edge.  Everyone looked up and names flashed back and forth, until finally two names stopped.  One was my, duck haired friend, Sasuke, and the other was some guy named Akado Yoroi.

This guy was with Kabuto, he was not to be trusted.

"Now if this isn't you please wait up there" the Hokage finished pointing us to stairs that led us to a higher section of the arena. 

"Watch this guy" I whispered as I passed Sasuke.  He looked at me and nodded his head in understanding.

I was standing in between Kakashi Sensei and Naruto.  "Ida, I'm still shocked you quit.  You could've gone far in this exam." Kakshi questioned.

"Yeah, but I gave my reason."

"If you're sure you made the right choice" he smiled his closed eyed smile.  I turned back to Sasuke's fight.  Things weren't looking good.  Sasuke was already panting, and this Yoroi guy didn't have a scratch on him.

Sasuke got up and charged, only to have his face grabbed.  Then Yoroi took Sasuke down, and both of them were on the ground.  I saw Sasuke's chakra being sucked out of his body, by Yoroi.

I was about to yell down to tell him, but he got a certain glint in his eye, that told me he knew, so instead I yelled "Come on Sasuke, you call yourself an Uchiha!"

"Ida!" Sakura snapped, but I ignored her, and so did Naruto.

"Yeah Sasuke come on, I thought you were all strong, but now I'm not sure!" Naruto yelled.

"If you can't beat this guy, then there is no way you can ever beat him." I called.  That struck a nerve Sasuke's, main goal in life was to kill his older brother, Itachi, but he knew you couldn't if he couldn't do this.

This news got to him.  He grabbed Yoroi's arm and pushed him off.  Sasuke stood up, and kicked Yoroi into the air.

"How could he" a voice gasped behind me.  I turned to look to see who is was, and so did the rest of my team.

"What do you mean Lee?" Sakura asked.

"He only saw this move once, but yet he is performing it perfectly." Lee answered still shocked.

"That's the magic of the sharingan." I mumbled turning back to the fight.  Lee was right his was his move.  Sasuke had kicked Yoroi up into the air and was about to kick him back down, but his curse mark started acting up.  I could see its inky pattern slowly creeping up to his face and down his arms.

"What is that?" Kakashi Sensei asked, staring up at Sasuke.

"It's a curse mark from Orochimaru, he bit both Sasuke and Ida." Sakura answered.

I glared at her "Why did you have to tell him about me" I hissed at her.

"I would've found out anyway Ida.  Thank you Sakura."  She just gave our Sensei a small smile, and I just glared at her. 

At a few ice cold moments I turned back to watch Sasuke.  I gasped as his curse mark started to recede back down his neck.  He soon had control again and spun in mid-air sending a bone cracking kick into Yoroi's ribs.

Yoroi can hurtling to the ground and Sasuke landed gracefully on his back.  When Yoroi landed the ground gave away a little.  That would surely hurt in the morning.  Sasuke landed on his back, and struggled to his feet.  Thank the lord he got to his feet, and won the battle.

The referee of the rounds directed at Sasuke and said "Uchiha Sasuke will go to the next round."

Sasuke started to fall down, but Kakashi Sensei poofed down there and supported him with his knee. Since Kakashi Sensei told me to come with him I poofed next to Sasuke as well.

"Would you like me to take him?" a paramedic asked.

"No I got him." Kakashi answered with his closed eyed smile.  The paramedic guy nodded and walked away to go help with Yoroi.

"What's going on?" Sasuke asked glaring at Kakashi.

"I'm going to go seal your curse mark." Kakashi answered.  Sasuke looked at me with a look that said 'who ratted us out."  I made a heart with my hand, trying to get the point across that it was Sakura.  He raised an eyebrow until he realized the heart meant love-sick pink haired girl that likes to stalk you in her free time.

Kakashi seemed to know what was going on, so he added "I also saw your curse mark whenever you were fighting."

Sasuke stood up with helped and limped out of the arena with us.  I turned to Kakashi Sensei "Why do I have to come?"

"You got bit too." he answered simply.

"Yeah, but-."

"No buts Ida." Kakashi said with finality.

"Fine, just don't say I didn't tell you so." I grumbled, but shut my mouth anyway.  I was going to kill Sakura, then bring her to life again, to kill her again, for making me miss my friend's fights.

We walked in silence until we came to this stone structure.  The stone was a pale grey color and the building had a curved roof.  We walked in and headed down a dark hallway, until we came to a dark room. 

"Okay now I will seal your curse marks it's best if you don't have any clothing surrounding your curse mark." Kakashi told us as he started drawing a circle on the hard bare floor.  Sasuke took off his shirt and threw it to the ground.

"Kakashi Sensei I tried to tell you this earlier, but you wouldn't let me." I interrupted his circle drawing.

He looked up at me "what is it Ida?'

"It's about my curse mark."

"What about it?" he stood up and walked over to me.  I sighed and took off my arm-band that was covering it.  Kakashi's eyes widened and he took my arm into his.  "It's almost disappeared."

"Yeah I know." I sighed looking down at it as well.  It was even lighter than when I last looked at it.  Now the three lines were hardly there, not a light grey anymore.

"How did this happen?" he whispered.

"The monster inside of me, doesn't want me to be able to draw power from anything else, so it started to get this one out of my system." I answered calmly.  I couldn't help, but think that, that was a weird sentence.

"Oh okay, when do you think it will be gone?"

"I don't know, tonight, tomorrow, sometime soon is all I know."

"Okay, I still have to seal Sasuke's, so just wait over there." he said pointing to the right wall. 

Kakashi finished drawing his circle that now had eight lines through it, so he made Sasuke sit in the center of it.  He then started to draw conjs on all the end of the lines.

"Okay Sasuke, this will hurt" Kakashi Sensei warned placing his hand on Sasuke's back.

"Good luck." I called giving Sasuke a thumbs up from my spot on the wall.

"Thanks." Sasuke mumbled.  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath "I'm ready."

"Okay Sasuke, this seal will stay as long as you wish to not use your curse mark." Kakashi Sensei told Sasuke.  He then closed his eyes as well, and summoned his chakra.  The conj marks on the ground started to slither across the floor and up Sasuke's back.

"Awww" Sasuke cried in agony.

"Just a little more." Kakashi Sensei coached.  I jumped from my position and ran over to Kakashi's side.  He sighed and took his hand off Sasuke's back.  Sasuke quit screaming, but started to fall facedown.  I caught him and set him down on the ground.

My blood froze in my veins.  I felt the fimilar power of the man who tried to take my innocence. "Ka...Kakashi Sensei?" I stammered.

"Don't worry Ida, I'll protect you." Kakashi Sensei declared taking out a kunai.

"Ah Kakashi Hatake, I see your trying to protect these brats." Orochimaru laughed appearing out of the shadows.  I took out a kunai and stood up in between Sasuke and Orochimaru.  "And you're going to try to protect him, how sweet."

"Don't focus on them; I will take care of you." Kakashi Sensei yelled.  Lighting started shooting out of the palm of his hand.  The sound was a high pitched screech, it kind of sounded like birds chirping.

"Hahaha don't bother Kakashi, they will be mine" Orochimaru's voice emanated around the room, but the man himself was nowhere to be seen.

"Ida I'm taking Sasuke to the hospital, will you come as well?" Kakashi asked after he recovered from his shock.

"Um hmm." I nodded as I started to pick up Sasuke's body.

"I got him." Kakashi leaned down and took Sasuke from me.

I followed him out, and to the hospital.  We passed a lot of people who watched as watch by.  We couldn’t just teleport to the hospital since Kakashi used a lot of his chakra, so we had to get there the boring way, walking.

"Alright Ida, you stay here; I'm going to go watch the rest of the team." Kakashi told me before he left the room.

"I understand." I replied in a monotone.  It was all I could do not to argue.  I know why he wanted me to stay here, and I knew why three anbu were outside Sasuke's room.  Orochimaru wanted me too, so Kakashi Sensei wanted me safe, and not in danger, but I so wanted to watch the rest of my friend's fights; to be there to support them.

None the less, I was stuck here, with an unconscious Sasuke, and three stoic anbu who don't do anything, but stand there.

I sat down in the brown and blue chair on the left side of the room.  I sat there for about three seconds until I jumped up.  I couldn't take the silence anymore.  I ran to the door and opened it.

"Hey how long do I have to stay here." I asked the anbu closest to the door.  He has really tall, and had no ounce of fat on him, and it looked like he didn't have a lot of muscle either, but he was probably really fast.

"I don't have a time, my only order was to make sure you don't leave the room." his voice came out from behind his fox mask.

"Oh okay, what's your favorite color?" I asked desperate for any kind of conversation. 

He turned to look at me with what I guess is a what-kind-of-a-question-is-that, but it’s hard to tell from the mask. "I'm going to have to ask you to go back in the room, so I can concentrate on my task."

"Mine is blue, but not a dark blue, but not baby blue, so that medium blue."


"Okay, okay, I get it.  I'll just go talk to the unconscious boy in here.  Wow that came out weird." I sighed shutting the door and walking to the middle of the room.  I sat down in the middle of the room, and took out my drawing pad.

I started to draw a flying hippo, but I didn't finish.  My eyelids became extremely heavy and my head started to bob back and forth.  My consciousness was slipping in and out.  Finally sleep won, and I passed out in the middle of the room.    It's amazing how tired you feel after your adrenaline runs out, and you hadn't really slept in the last five days.

My eyes snapped open.  I looked around the room, trying to remember where I was.  I saw the door the white walls, the blue carpet, and the weird chair.  I knew I was in the hospital now; I looked over at Sasuke, and saw and anbu with a kunai standing over Sasuke.

Wait an anbu standing over Sasuke with a kunai.  I jumped up and ran into the side of the so called anbu.  As soon as I touched him though, I realized it was Kabuto.

"So you kill little boys often." I growled.

"You know who I am?" he chuckled.

"No I don't know that you’re a two timing, lying, gay guy, in purple; who lied to my friends so he could sell me and my friends out to an even bigger gay madman."

"That was a mouthful.  Wait!  You think I'm gay."

"Are you going to fight or not." I yelled trying to avoid his question.

"Fine."  Kabuto lunged at me, and I barely had time to roll away.  Sleeping really muffles your reflexes, so don't ever sleep then fight it's not a good idea.  My bag was on the ground, but I couldn't get over to it.  Kabuto had backed me up against a wall, and he was coming at me fast.  I made a split decision move, and jumped up.  My hands and feet touched the ceiling and I held on to it with my chakra, but only three of my limbs held me on.  I couldn't even feel my right foot.

I looked down and saw that Kabuto's hand was glowing with a green chakra.  I paused for only a minute until I started to scramble across the ceiling.  I dropped right over my bag, and picked it up.  Kabuto came at me again.  I lunged out of the way my bag in my hand.  I landed on the ground.  Kabuto came at me a third time.  I tried to move, but my legs just wouldn't let me stand.

Kabuto hadn't done any damage to them, but I did...brush against his hand.  His chakra was making my nerves all jumbled up, so I couldn’t move.  He was still coming at me, fast.  I didn't have any time to get anything out of my bag, so I started to make hand signs for a jutsu.

"Wind bla-." My jutsu was cut off.  Kabuto was faster than I was, and he hit me with his chakra hand in the middle of my stomach.  My breath was knocked out of me and somewhere in the world.  I could no longer sit up, so my body crumbled over and fell to the floor.

"You are some trouble aren't you?  I think I will kill Sasuke and let you watch, and then I will kill you." Kabuto mocked. He straightened himself out and walked to the left side of me.  I glared daggers up at him. "Now we just have to make sure you can see." with that he kicked me in the gut, flipping me over.

I groan escaped my lips.  He just laughed and walked over to Sasuke.  He took out his kunai again, and put it up to Sasuke's air supply.  I sturggled against my non working limbs to move, but I coudn't.  I had to save Sasuke though.  Move body move, I was never mad at you for being small, but please just move.

The only thing I got was a tiny twitch from my fingers.  Sasuke was going to die, and I could do nothing.  I underestimated Kabuto, and now Sasuke would die.  I closed my eyes, so I wouldn't have to see Sasuke's death.

I never heard the sickened sound of Sasuke's body being injured, so I opened my eyes.  Kakashi Sensei was standing there holding Kabuto's arm.

"Kakashi Sensei" I laughed tears of joy spilling out of my eyes, and making wet spots down my cheeks.

"Yes Ida, I will take care of everything." Kakashi Sensei said flashing his closed eyed smile my way.

Kabuto leaped out of to the right, and Kakashi followed him.  I couldn't see anything, so I closed my eyes and let my ears of more power.  I heard the clank of kunai knives, and then Kakashi Sensei spoke.  "You're Kabuto, but why would you're village."

"You underestimated me Kakashi." Kabuto said in his actual voice.  I then heard a window crash, and Kakashi sigh in exasperation.  I then heard his footsteps walk over to my direction, so I opened my eyes.  I saw him lean over me. 

"Sorry about that Ida, I did underestimate Kabuto." Kakshi apologized setting me up and placing me against a wall.

"What do you mean, why would he betray the leaf?" I asked looking my sensei in the eyes.

"Kabuto was the son of a highly skilled medical ninja of the leaf, but his parents died, and he has been an orphan, but he was just an average in the academy.  I never thought he would be this strong."

"Kakashi he tricked all of you guys by just being average.  Take me for example it's really easy for me to trick people into believing I'm weak, so by just doing enough he let suspicion slide off him.  Now so what he did to me was medical nin-jutsu.  Wow I've got to learn this trick."

Kakashi Sensei laughed "Ida I think you're strong enough without having dangerous paralizing jutsu added on."

"Yeah you're right.  I already know how to make a poison that will paralize." I laughed too.

Kakashi Sensei's eyes widened and he looked at me with a semi scared expression "Are you serious?"

"Heh no, of course not" I laughed lamely.

"Me and you will talk about his later, but for now we will find you a bed to rest in until you can walk." with that he picked me up and headed out the door.

When the door opened we saw to dead anbu lying on the ground.  The third one was by the window in Sasuke's room.

"Sensei, what did Kabuto do to them?" I asked looking at the dead bodies.  None of them had blood coming out of them.  In fact I couldn't see any physical wounds to them.

"Kabuto used a jutsu that made them puppets of his, so then you used that one’s body, and whenever he didn't need them anymore; he released the jutsu, and they were dead."


"I'll call a nurse up to clean the bodies away." Kakashi continued to carry me down the hallway and down two flights of stairs.  We got to the information desk and Kakashi told the nurse "Ida needs a room for a few minutes, or at least until she can move."

"Right away, sir, just give her to me and I'll take her up to a room.

"Can you also check her for any injures while she's up there?" Kakashi Sensei asked.

"No problem, sir" the lady said.

"But I'm fine, except not being able to move." I whined.  Both of them just ignored me.  I was set on a bed in a plain white room.  I waited for a few minutes, and I doctor can in.  He lifted my arms, and legs.  Made sure none of my ribs were broken, and I couldn't do anything, but sit here.

Two of my ribs were cracked, but nothing serious, so they set them, and told me I could go as soon as I could move.  Now all I had to do was wait for Kabuto’s jutsu to wear off.  This was going to be the longest minutes of my life.


Story End

Yeah another chapter is out.  So tell me what you thought of this.  I hoped you all liked it, and I also hoped you aren't to mad about Ida quitting the chunin exams.  I gave the reasons and I will explain them more in later chapters.  Anyway I really want you feedback, so please leave a comment, all of them are appreciated.

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