Making Babies #NewAdult

By LilyFullyLiving

9M 331K 35K

Highest rank #1 in ChickLit ● ● ● ● ● ● All it took was a few minutes for her life to change forever. ... More

Author's Note: All Rights Freaking Reserved.
~Twenty One~
~Twenty Two~
~Twenty Three~
~Twenty Four~
~Twenty Five~
~Twenty Six ~
~Twenty Seven~
~Twenty Eight~
~Twenty Nine~
~Thirty One~
~Thirty Two~
~Thirty Three~
~Thirty Four~
~Thirty Five~
~Thirty Six~
~Thirty Eight~
~Thirty Nine~
~Forty One~
~Forty Two~
~Forty Three~
~Forty Four~
~Forty Five~
~Forty Six~
~Forty Seven~
~Forty Eight~
~Forty Nine~
~Fifty: Cast List~

~Thirty Seven~

125K 4.7K 807
By LilyFullyLiving

    "I'm here for you, Frederick, because I know you need me. I need you too and I'm sure we can work it out if we give it another try, maybe even try for another baby again. Wouldn't that be nice?"

    Wait, what now? I took a second get things straight inside my brain as I looked back and forth between the both of them. Frederick was looking at Karlie but didn't seem too preoccupied by what was happening or what she had said. If anything, he looked a little annoyed, but that was about all the emotion displayed on his face.

     I cocked my head to the side and stared at him, totally expecting him to start pulling her down from the clouds, but instead of saying anything, he just kept quiet and continued to stare at her. Was he really just going to stand there and watch her little one woman show?

      But fortunately for him, before I could open my mouth and rain rage on the both of them, (because at nine mouths pregnant, there was little shit I could take and handle from anybody), Frederick beat me to the punch and finally opened his mouth.

     He shook his head first. "Karlie, what's this? What are you doing here?" He started descending the stairs and kept talking. My eyes followed him while he made his way to her until he was close enough to where she was standing and then stopped, his hands in his pockets. I watched them. "You can't do this anymore, this has to stop."

     Karlie frowned, trying to move a little closer to him but one look at Frederick and the way he had narrowed his eyes and was shaking his head made her stop. "What do you mean, Frederick? I'm talking about you and me and the fact that it's obvious we can't keep away from each other. I know you love me, I just know you do."

      What the actual fuck? Was this girl delusional? I couldn't blame her entirely, instead I blamed Frederick mostly for not doing anything to stop this from happening way earlier. I cleared my throat which made both of them look up at me.

    He sighed, looking  a little exasperated while he turned his attention back to miss Karlie Fenton. "Karlie, you and I are never getting back together, it's just not going to happen. Eva and I are about to have a baby and get married," he started but of course, instead of listening to what he was saying, Karlie stopped him, her face scrunching, her eyes red and teary as if she was about to cry.

     "But I love you..." She cried, her face a mess of tears and mascara which ran down from her face to the white, skin tight dress she was wearing. She had taken off her shoes and was walking bare foot while she approached him, falling into his arms in the process.

     "I know the death of the baby has been hard on you and I'm willing to find someone for you to talk to,  but that can't be me anymore. I can't be that person for you, you understand?" He held on to her face so that she could look nowhere else but at him. She cried and tried to pull away but Frederick held on tight, and continued to speak to her in a firm but also non threatening voice.

      "You can't do this to me, you can't do this, please I need you." She was sobbing, her head now resting on his torso while she was bawling her eyes out.

     A small Part of me, that human part of me, that sympathetic part of me felt bad for Karlie because I knew she was suffering and for a second, just a second, my face softened and felt a tiny pang in my heart at the suffering of another human being but that all went away when she raised her head and stared at me with eyes so filled with anger that I actually had to take a step back.

    "You," she growled, trying then to pull away from Frederick who soon noticed the change in Karlie and stopped her from coming anywhere near me. "I'm going to kill you." She was yelling her lungs out while she pulled, with all her strength, against Frederick's hold on her.

    "Karlie, Eva didn't do anything to you, if you need to hate someone, hate me, not her."

    Karlie though, didn't seem to want to hear any of it and continued to pull herself from his tight grip, her anger still directed at me and to he honest, I was a little scared.

     "Frederick, she needs to go, please take her out of here." I said, I was a little frightened by then and wanted her gone from my home. I had never been scared of Karlie until that moment. I had always thought of her as a manipulative bitch of a first degree, but never have I been scared to the point that I thought she would actually cause me harm.

    But now, that very moment, staring into her eyes, I was almost certain that given an opportunity, she wouldn't hesitate to cause me bodily harm. The bitch scared me.

     Frederick nodded, "I'll put her in a cab and be back, Eva." He explained, pulling a still screaming Karlie who was babbling nonsense that I couldn't understand beside 'I'm going to kill you.' And 'you'll pay"  by the time Frederick had dragged her out of the penthouse.

     I took a deep breath and slowly let it out the second the elevator doors closed and she, Karlie, was finally gone and I couldn't hear her screams anymore. "What the fuck was that?" Billie who I knew couldn't have been sleeping while all this shit went down came to stand next to me.

    "Karlie isn't very happy at the moment." I answered, trying to make light of things. Billie laughed and followed me down the stairs, I needed something to drink and maybe eat...Yeah, definitely eat.

       "No shit! This girl was legit out of her mind and was about ready to pounce on you. I swear for a moment there I thought I was going to have to beat up the crazy bitch."

     I shrugged, opening the fridge to find the rest of the home cooked lasagna we had for dinner. "Frederick had it under control but I'm pissed at him for not changing the code. I mean, what type of idiocy was that?" I complained to Billie who had reached into the fridge by then to grab the last of the cheesecake flavored yogurt.

     "Not to be picking sides here but I don't think he actually thought she would just show up, that's some crazy shit that most people wouldn't have thought of doing. I mean, common sense teaches you that. You just don't do shit like that."

     The microwave dinged then, so very carefully, I pulled my plate out and went to the dinning table to fill my belly and make my baby happy. "Well, that'll teach him a lesson I guess." I said a second before Frederick stepped outside of the elevator and walked towards us.

     "That was something, wasn't it?" He smiled as if we had just witnessed two puppies kissing. I stared at him and rolled my eyes. Billie laughed.

    "You're a dick, you know that?" I said with a mouth full and to which I heard him laughing before standing behind me and hugging me tightly. "I hope you've called someone to come and change that code." I added.

    "I'm sorry my love and I will tomorrow morning." He kissed my cheek before taking the fork out of my hand to have a bite at my food. Even though I was mad at him, I knew deep down that I couldn't really stay upset. Frederick just had a way about him and that was one of the reasons why I fell in love with him.


            I was tired because I couldn't find a decent spot or side to sleep on and everything was uncomfortable. And because I couldn't sleep, I was irritated and annoyed at every single thing and was ready for it all to be over and for this baby to get here.

         I was also truly impatient and was certain that most likely, I was getting on my friends nerves. Frederick had to endure the most of my irritation and anger and frustration because he was the one who had knocked me up but my friend's, well I knew for sure that Billie would have strangled me a long time ago if  I wasn't pregnant. But then again, I would have never been acting this way if I wasn't pregnant.

         It also didn't help that last week, at my final consultation, I gave in and found out the gender of my baby which made everything even more real and much more excited. I couldn't wait to meet the baby and all of it played a part in the making of the monster that I was at the moment. This baby had to just hurry up and come already.

           "I'm irritated." I complained to Billie who was walking down the stairs to head to work. She had been working as an employee at Darcy's company for the last month or so which was great. She worked as one of their accountants and was finally making decent money and actually enjoying her job.

        "When aren't you irritated though is the real question. I swear it's like you've been in a state of constant irritation for the past two weeks." She laughed, grabbing her purse and jacket. I rolled my eyes.

    "Stop being a bitch to me and tell the baby to hurry along already." I groaned. She just leaned over me while I lay on the couch and placed a kiss on my forehead.

    "Stop being a baby." She smiled before putting her suit jacket on. "Oh and won't you look at that, Frederick is back, at least he can take your whining." She added the second Frederick stepped out of the elevator.

     "Babe, are you ready?" He asked, coming to help me up because at this point, I was heavier than a whale.

    He had called an hour ago to let me know of a surprise he had for me and that I should get ready and wait for him. Of course, as curious as I was, I had wanted him to tell me what the surprise was before he even came back but he had refused, only telling me that I was going to love it.

        "Frederick, ugh thank God you're back, Billie has been verbally abusing me." I yelled the last part dramatically for Billie who was getting into the elevator to hear.

    "Yes, yes I was." She yelled back before the doors closed. Frederick simply smiled because he knew not to take to heart any complaint that was coming from my mouth, especially those about our friends.

    "So, where did you say you were taking me again?" I asked Frederick for the billionth time. He shook his head.

    "If you're patient, you'll know soon enough." He simply answered. I just groaned my frustration. I hated him a bit.


    We drove for more than an hour, I was certain, outside of New York City which was a little uncomfortable for me even though Frederick had opted for the SUV instead of the sports car. I kept asking over and over again if we were almost there and Frederick in return kept answering the same thing over and over again which, of course, was irritating to me. "We'll get there soon enough my love, almost there."

          I just kept rolling my eyes until finally, after what felt like forever in a car but was probably around an hour and half to two hours, we got to our destination. "We are here." He looked at me and smiled, pushing a button inside the SUV to open the gate of a freaking mansion.

     "Where are we?" I asked As he drove through the open gate.

     "To your gift, Eva. I bought you a home." He said as we kept driving towards the house that I thought we would never get to, the gate was that far.

    My heart skipped. "Frederick, OMG. Are you serious?" I couldn't believe it. He stopped the SUV then, turned off the engine and kissed me.

    "Let's go check it out." He said, stepping out of th vehicle to open my door and help me out.

    The house/mansion was incredibly well built and truly beautiful from the outside with a well maintained garden and landscape. The outside of the house was covered with beautiful bricks with large glass windows and doors painted gray. I looked at Frederick and looked back at the house.

     "Come on, let's go in. It's a bit chilly outside, don't you think?"

    I nodded, still in shock at what I was seeing. Frederick held my hand while we walked up to the main door and entered it after he had unlocked it.  I stopped inside the foyer and looked around, a  little bit overwhelmed.

    "So? What do you think so far?" Frederick asked. I took a second and looked around more before looking back at him.

      I smiled, turning to face him. "I think you're an insane man who just bought me a mansion and I love you beyond words." I told him with all the sincerity in me before pulling him down by the shirt and kissing him.

       "I've been waiting for three months now for the remodeling to be done, they called me today to let me know that it was safe enough to bring you here to see." He explained smiling. "Here, I'll show you around and if you want, we don't have to go upstairs, I know the stairs are a little intimidating." He said, referring to the two long stair cases at the end of the foyer that led to the upstairs part of the house. I smiled.

     We walked to left and into what looked like an office which I expected to be his office which had another room in it with the door open. "Is that a bathroom?" I asked because I had been wanting to pee since we got there.

    "Yeah, but there seems to be no toilet paper." Frederick answered with an apologetic tone. I laughed.

     "So you tell me you brought a pregnant woman some place and there's no toilet paper for her to wipe with once she's done peeing? What a disgrace." I joked.

     "I'm sure you'll be fine this one time. If not, then I  could always run to the nearest store to buy some ." He replied.

      "I cannot not wipe, it's unsanitary and I could get an infection from that which isn't so good since I'm carrying our child, so Please do so and hurry while I urinate." I tell him before walking into the bathroom.

     "I guess I'll go and hurry back. Are you sure you don't want to come with and find a place to use the restrooms there?" He asked and I shook my head.

     "I can't hold it in, I'm sorry I've actually been holding for a bit. That baby is seriously sitting on my bladder."

     "Ok, I won't be long." He said and walked out which allowed me to finally relax and actually pee. And when I was done, I opened one of the bathroom cabinets in hope that maybe some of the workers had left a roll somewhere which would have been a big help and meant Frederick didn't have to go.

     And as if God himself was listening to me, the last cabinet that was at arms reach happened to have a roll which I laughed ironically at before pulling it out, deciding then to call Frederick and then remembering that I had left my whole purse, including my phone in the vehicle.

     I sighed, flushed the toilet and washed my hands sans soap. I was just going to have to look around on my own then and patiently wait for Frederick to be back. Hopefully, that wasn't going to be long.


    Frederick not being there gave me the time to lazily walk around the house and look around starting with the downstairs because I didn't try to even go up the stairs.

     But the second I walked out of what would soon be Frederick's office and before I could walk to the next room which I most certainly thought  was a formal dining room, and before even stopping to admire the high ceiling and beautiful chandeliers and gorgeous floor, something ring inside the house. I turned and walked over to the door to see what it might be when I spotted a car waiting outside the gate.

     "Can I help you?" I pushed the button to speak to whomever was waiting.

     "Uhm, yes ma'am I'm one of the guys who's been working on your house. I left something of mine yesterday night and was wondering if I could come in quickly and retrieve that?" Came the barely audible voice of what I could guess was a man.

    I looked around me as if to spot anything out of the ordinary and wondered for a second if he wasn't back for the toilet paper because that would have been ridiculous. Not wanting to be the one looking for something I didn't even know what it was, I quickly agreed for him to come in.

    "Hold on while I open the gate for you." I said before buzzing the person in and continuing my adventures in this marvelous house knowing that the door wasn't closed and that he could just walk in once he was at the door.

    I walked into modern kitchen with a huge granite island in the middle and a farmer sink with a window above. The appliances were all new, stainless steel and expensive looking. I could just imagine the family dinners that I would be more than happy preparing in this beautiful and large kitchen. I carassed my belly and smiled happily while I looked around, walking out of the kitchen only when I heard the automated voice of the alarm system announce the opening of the door.

    "Hi, sorry my husband isn't here at the moment. Hopefully you find what you were looking for." I smiled at the dark hair gentleman standing in the middle of the foyer but quickly my smile fell off my face when the door opened a second time and Karlie walked in, my brother next to her.

     I took a step back, my heart sinking. "Well, hello there Eva." She smiled, moving towards me. I looked between all three of them and even though I was freaking the fuck out, I tried to not let it show, instead silently prayed for Frederick to come back and soon.

     "Dexter, Karlie. What are you doing here?" My voice was shaking, my body trembling, my heart beating way faster than it ever didn't.

    Karlie smiled. "I don't know how you do it but somehow you've ended up taking something from both of us and so, now we'll take something from you too."

     I stepped back again, already trying to plan my escape. Maybe if I was able to lock myself inside one of the rooms, I could wait it out until Frederick came back. I swallowed past my fear. "I don't know what you're talking about but Frederick will be here soon so maybe you should go now." I said weakly.

     Karlie laughed again before looking at both  men next to her. "Get her."

I started running.


Welcome to the longest chapter in this  whole book. You're welcome!😏😊 The more you vote, the quicker I update 😮🤓😌

Word counts: 3315

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