Fate Exposed

By bxtcountry

5.5K 135 32

This is the sequel to Escape, if you haven't read Escape I suggest you read escape here because below is a hu... More

Fate Exposed
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 7

240 5 0
By bxtcountry

***Matt's POV***

Laying there with Morgan in my arms felt right. I loved holding her, and having her close to me. I loved being the one who protected her. I loved feeling her body rise and fall as she inhaled and exhaled. I loved looking at her beautiful face, Most of all though, I loved her. I loved everything about her. And laying here with her made it feel like we were supposed to be together. It made me realize that I don't want to be with anyone else. It made me realize that she is the one for me and I would do anything for her. I would take my life for her. I would do anything for Morgan. I love her endlessly.

I didn't get much sleep though, mostly because I spent most of the night worrying over two things, Morgan, and losing Morgan. I was worried about Morgan because of house depressed she is. I'm worried about losing Morgan because, the answer is obvious; I don't want to lose her because she's my entire world. The 2 months I spent without her were the worst two months of my entire life. The thought of having to ask Morgan to be my girlfriend burdened my thoughts as well. I wanted to ask her in a romantic way. Technically we never broke up, but technically we did because she threw her promise ring in my face.

If I could give Morgan the world, I would but honestly she deserves so much more than that. She deserves so much more than me.

***Morgan's POV***

I woke up in Matt's arms, exactly where I had fallen asleep. I attempted to maneuver my self out of his embrace without waking him up.

"Good Morning" Matt said groggily.

"Sorry I woke you" I chuckled, as I sat up and looked down at him. Matt shifted, so that he was sitting up next to me.

"Are you kidding?" Matt laughed, "I've missed waking up to your beautiful face everyday"

"I missed this too" I whispered as he pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.

I eventually got up and went to go shower, and get changed. When I walked back into Matt's room, he wasn't there. I assumed he had gone down stairs. I noticed my phone light up on the nightstand so I walked over to it to see what it was. There was a few tweets from some Avenged Sevenfold and then there was a text from Brian asking me when we would hang out.

I replied with a simple:

Soon, hopefully :)

I wanted to see him, but I wanted to spend time with Matt as well and I only had a week here. He replied quicker than I had expected with;

Oh, I understand ;) Love ya punk

"Who's that?" Matt asked, startling me slightly.

"Brian" I replied quickly, before sliding my phone into my pocket.

Matt came up behind me and gave me a hug from behind, "I made breakfast if you want any"

"I'm not hungry" I sighed.

"You're never hungry" Matt observed.

"Yeah.." I sighed awkwardly. Part of me actually wasn't hungry because whenever I ate I felt like I was going to throw up, it's happened ever since the car crash. Another part of me though, was hungry and I just wouldn't let myself eat.

"Morgan?" Matt said in a concerned tone as he turned me towards him.

"Matt?" I said sarcastically, while trying to change the subject.

Matt raised his eye brows, "Morgan this is serious"

"No it's not, just… I don't want to talk about this right now" I said awkwardly, as I walked out of the room and down stairs. Matt followed close behind me, I heard him mumble something to himself when I got to the top of the stairs. I made my way to the kitchen, I could see that Matt had made toast and scrambled eggs, I grabbed some of each, sat down and began eating.

It was more than I normally ate in the morning, that's for sure. Matt just sat and watched, it almost reminded me of the last time we had eaten breakfast together… and I did not want a repeat of that.

"See, that wasn't so bad" Matt smiled, noticing that I had eaten all that was on my plate.

I shook my head, and took a swig of my water. Suddenly I felt a knot in my stomach, a feeling I hadn't gotten in a long time. I swallowed hard, hoping that the feeling would disappear. It did, but it came back moments later, this time it was worse. My back started to ache, just like when I was little… was all I could think.

I got up quickly and ran down the hallway to the bathroom, unsure about whether or not I was going to throw up.

I hovered over the toilet bowl for a second, before sitting down and clutching my stomach. My heart was burning along with my esophagus and it felt like someone was stabbing me. I heard Matt knock on the door that I had left slightly ajar.

"Morgan, can I come in?" Matt pleaded.

"Yes" I moaned.

Matt was speechless when he saw me sitting in the corner. He slowly walked over and knelt down next to me. He slowly raised his hand to my face and moved a strand of hair behind my ear, before brushing my face softly with his thumb.

"I'm so sorry" he whispered.

"No, i'm sorry" I sighed, "I should of told you"

Matt's face became flushed with worry.

"It's not that bad" I smiled slightly, "I just.. I have Acid Reflux"

"You do?" Matt asked, as he sat down next to me and I rested my head on his chest.

"Yes, I've had it ever since I was little, it's only gotten worse as I've gotten older" I sighed.

"So what does it do?" He questioned.

"It makes me feel nauseous after I eat, I lose weight for no reason, I cough a lot, and I get heart burn… nothing to serious" I explained.

Matt just nodded his head.

"So basically, I only eat lunch, and a small dinner. I'm never hungry for breakfast, because this happens" I laughed slightly, trying to lighten the mood, before I would surly make is sad again.

"I'm so sorry Morgan, I wish you had told me" Matt admitted, as he kissed my forehead.

"I wish I had too… I'm sorry" I said as I leaned up to kiss him. He placed his hand behind my neck and deepened the kiss for a quick moment before I pulled away.

"Matt, as long as we're being honest about this I…Well, I guess you could say I have an eating disorder.." I sighed, I hated admitting this almost as much as I hated admitting to the fact that I self harmed.

"You do?" Matt's eyes widened.

"Yeah… it kind of started after my parents died, and after I started receiving death threats from Andrew. In them he always said I was fat, and I guess I let myself believe him" I explained.

"That bastard" Matt mumbled to himself.

" I just, I believed it because part of it was true, to me at least." I sighed, as a tear slipped from my eye.

"Oh my god, Morgan" Matt said sadly, "That's not true at all, and you need to know that."

I nodded as I collapsed into Matt's embrace.

"You're the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. Don't believe what assholes like Andrew say" Matt said aggressively, in a way that was comforting.

"Okay" I moaned. It was silent for a couple seconds before i finally asked, "Do you really think that?"

"Absolutely" Matt said with confidence.

"But it's not true" I denied his statement.

"It's not true? Morgan, are you serious? It's one hundred percent true. To me, you're more than beautiful. Words can't describe you because they wouldn't do you justice. You're beyond beautiful, inside and out" Matt mused.

I couldn't do anything but smile, that was the nicest thing he had ever said to me.

We sat there for a minute before Matt began to get up and he picked me up with him so that he was carrying me in his arms bridal style.

"So how are you feeling?" He said as we walked into the down the hall and into the living room.

"Okay, I guess" I smiled slightly.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked, as he took a seat on the couch.

"Be with you" I smiled.

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