The Somerton Man

By jayjay33

140K 1.7K 174

When Daniel Somerton, a married man. embarks on an affair with his childhood sweet heart Gwen, whom he has al... More

The Somerton Man(rewrite)
Gwen Pays a visit
A Tangled Web
The Turning Tide
Shattered illusions and the terrible truth
The Price Of Betrayal
PART TWO: ( OVER FIVE YEARS LATER) The trouble with Bitterness and Guilt
An Uneasy Reunion
Home Sweet Home
Martha Makes her Move
A Problem solved
The Reluctant Bride and Groom
A Revelation for Eleanor
The Reluctant Father
Clara Comes Home
Father and Daughter
Eleanor Takes Charge
Martha's Machinations backfires
The Turning Point
Healing Wounds, Old And New
An Easier Life
A kind of contentment
A Progressive Morning
Shall we Dance
Turning The Corner
Clara's unexpected Encounter
The Cat amongst the Pigeons
Confessions and Confrontations
The Fallout

(PART THREE) The Unruly Daughter

3.5K 49 2
By jayjay33

Clara Somerton sat in her room, a mixture of emotions seething through her young mind and body.

Anger at her cousin Roberta, who had been cruelly taunting her earlier, about her father remarrying and starting a new family, and how he obviously had forgotten all about Clara, and that he didn't want her

Her cousin's taunting had infuriated deeply. So much so, Clara had lost control and attacked Roberta, by grabbing her by her blonde ringlets and demanding she take back what she was saying.

Annette and the servants, hearing Roberta's screams of pain and protest s at her cousin's rough treatment, was horrified when they came into the room, to find Clara attacking her cousin in a rage,

They hurriedly went over, to pull them apart.

Now, after being scolded severely that her behaviour was unacceptable for a young lady, Clara had been sent to her room for the rest of the day as punishment.

She had also been forced to grudgingly apologise to her cousin Roberta, although deep down, she believed she had deserved it. Roberta was a spiteful girl, who had resented Clara because she had her grandparents' favourite, and she had always been jealous of that.

Clara's only regret had been that the whole incident had upset her grandparents, she cared about them deeply ,and did not want them to be angry or upset with her.

But the provocation had been too great, especially when Roberta's remarks had been a mere reflection of Clara's own unspoken feelings towards her father.

She had only recently found out about her father's remarriage three months after the event had occurred. He had not been in contact with her since that awkward meeting a few years ago, when he had returned from Europe.

Her grandparents always made excuses for him, telling her he was probably too busy, but would visit again when he had the time. She had believed that at first, but after two years, and now she was a little older, she could not imagine that was the case at all.

Her initial disappointment after her father's visit a few years ago had now turned to bitter resentment, in that he had chosen to go on ignoring her existence. Then to discover he had remarried, and now probably with a new wife would start a new family.. Where would that leave her?

He had made it clear he did not want her to be part of his life, and did not care about her, so she would not care about him

But it was still hard to live with, especially with her cousins whispering about her behind her back, some of them even gloating at her situation.

It had been easier when she had been younger. In his absence from her life, she could boast he was a war hero who was fighting against the French .

Now a little older and wiser, and knowing he was not really that far away, but still didn't seem to want her, hurt.

And as much as she tried to convince herself it did not matter, that she had her grandparents love and affection and didn't need her father, deep down all she wanted to know was why?

Why did he not want her? what had she done so wrong that he shut her out of his life, and showed no interest in her?

She now found her anger focusing on her father again. It was his fault she had attacked Roberta, her cousin would have been unable to taunt her so, if her father had not neglected her

It was all so unfair. Frustrated by her situation, Clara found that sitting in her bedroom was not helping, It just made her mind continually go over all the wrongs she felt heaped up on her by her cousins and her father, which had put her in this situation

With a sense of defiance, she went over to her wardrobe and changed into her riding habit.

Even though her grandparents had ordered her to stay in her room, she could not bear it anymore, feeling like she would go mad.

Opening her window, she daringly and very unladylike managed to climb down onto the ground using the huge oak tree close to her bedroom window.

She knew her Grandparents would be even more shocked by her behaviour, and her disobedience to their wishes, but at that moment she just didn't care.

She just needed to get away, and rid herself of the frustration building up inside her, and she knew the only way she could do that was to be with her beloved chestnut mare, Copper.

She had fallen in love with riding and horses when her grandfather had presented her with a grey pony when she was ten years old.

Now it was her passion, and as she sneaked into the stables and saddled up Copper, she rode off in a gallop across her grandparents estate. It made her feel better with the wind whipping across her face, and the exhilaration of the galloping hooves and sensation of freedom,

In her mind, she decided with determination, that one day soon she would face her father, and she would demand the answers to her questions...

He could not avoid her forever she realised, as she urged Copper forward with a new sense of satisfaction.


Eleanor was feeling pleased with herself. Since Daniel's absence the last month had been pretty busy for her as she set about asserting her role as Mistress of Somerton manor.

It had not been easy in the beginning with Martha still shooting her resentful looks and treating her with a certain amount of disdain.

But the housekeeper had remained silent and had not counter argued any more suggestions Eleanor put forward, realising that her stay at Somerton was starting to become precarious now that Daniel had openly announced they had to abide by his new wife's wishes, and he had looked Martha in the eye specifically .

Her days of intimidating Eleanor had come to an end, much to her annoyance, and the young woman had grown more confident as the days went by.

She was even more delighted when Daniel's aunt Mary had written to her, only too eager to help her, sending her a list of the business proprietors and tradesmen whom she could deal with and also give her advice on hiring more staff for the kitchen and the house. She even apologise for not having visited, but informed Eleanor that when she had mentioned it, Daniel had kept putting her off, insisting he was busy trying to get his home into order and it was in no state for visitors yet

On this, Eleanor found she could partially agree, yet she wondered if Daniel's reluctance to put the house to rights in a hurry, was because it was a good excuse to keep people away.

But that would not be the case now she was given the freedom to do just that. Before he had left, Daniel had finally and taken on a new trustworthy and reliable Steward, a Mr Cummings, who would be in charge of the rest of the estate in his absence and would be overseeing the renovation of the stables and out building around Somerton Manor, but he also offered his assistance to Eleanor, which she was grateful for

She had gone about going through the house having the rooms cleaned out and cleared out, although she tactfully avoided the room where Isabella's belongings were stored.

Eleanor was amazed that just what a good dusting and polishing to the place could make such a difference, and it seemed Somerton Manor was looking and feeling more respectable

She was occupied choosing new curtains and material for the furniture, glad to have her days occupied with these various details.

She realised she wasn't only doing this for herself but for Isabella. And perhaps Daniel would appreciate her efforts, and think of her more kindly, even appreciating his family home a little more.


As usual, Daniel had not been particularly overjoyed about returning home. But when he arrived home, he was greeted by a new male member of staff called Harold, who opened the door and offered to take his hat and coat.

Daniel surveyed the man up and down for a moment. He certainly looked a lot more respectable than Tom, and he remained stoic under Daniel's scrutiny, not in the least perturbed by his unexpected entry into the house. The man had been well trained.

Now Daniel found himself relinquishing his coat and the rest of his outer garments into the man's care.

Just glancing around him, Daniel could see the difference; it looked lighter and brighter and cleaner, Eleanor had indeed been busy. For a moment he had mused that perhaps he had thought he had returned to the wrong house

On enquiring of his wife's whereabouts, he was informed she was out, but was expected back shortly

Daniel was walking across the hallway towards his study, when Martha made an appearance

"So you are back?" she greeted him sourly

"Good afternoon Martha, it is good to see you again as well," Daniel drawled in a tone that spoke of the complete opposite, "I see a lot has happened since I have been away, Eleanor has been keeping herself occupied with the place" he then said

"Yes well, she seemed determined to turn the place upside down, now that you have given her the permission. She has wasted no time in taking over and doing what she likes," Martha replied stiffly

"What is wrong Martha? Don't you like the changes? I thought you would find it refreshing not to have all that responsibility on your shoulders" Daniel said with a small smile.

She knew he was mocking her

"She will be wanting to organise your life next, how much will you enjoy that?" she shot back.

Daniel just chuckled softly, "She might try, but I doubt she will be successful. No woman rules me," he informed her, his blue eyes piercing into her meaningfully

"Now, I will be in my study, have a bottle of port brought up, otherwise don't bother me," he then informed her dismissively

"Yes sir," she replied with forced politeness before turning on her heel and walking away, seething that he took great pleasure in putting her in her place.

Eleanor had not neglected his study, and it looked a lot cleaner and tidier than he ever remembered it. Piled neatly on the desk were several letters that had arrived for him in his absence, and now he started to go through them, one in particular caught his interest, he recognised the writing belonging to his father-in-law.

Curious, he tore it open, and started to read. It was quite a lengthy letter, and as he read it down, Daniel's expression became uneasy.

His father-in-law was informing him that his wife Annette's health had not been great lately, and that Clara's behaviour these past few months had become unruly, and they were finding it difficult to handle her now they were older and getting frailer.

He expressed his view that now Daniel had remarried and settled with a new wife, that perhaps it was time his daughter also returned home, as they could no longer handle her welfare in the same manner, much to their regret. He also expressed how they had done their best to rear Clara, but perhaps now it was Daniel's duty to take responsibility for her, as her father and it would also be the best for Clara

From the tone of the letter, Daniel knew if he attempted to refuse their request, it would make him seem uncaring about his daughter and ungrateful to Isabella's parents for looking after Clara all these years. Once more, he found himself pushed into a position where he was being forced to take responsibility for someone, when he felt he was inadequate for the job of doing so.

It wasn't that he didn't want his daughter to come stay, under different circumstances, his heart would be glad. But, at the same time, the thought of having her around, reminding him of his dead wife, was something he could not contemplate right now. He was sure Clara would have a lot of questions to ask him about her mother, and he wasn't sure if he wanted those memories of the past stirred up, or that he would be able to talk about Isabella, whilst inside the guilt of her death, and how he had betrayed her, was still eating away at him inside.

When the servant arrived with the bottle of port, Daniel wasted no time downing it with gusto. His father-in-law's letter had been the last thing he had wanted or needed right now, so he did  what he liked best and drank his problems and worries away.

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