My Brothers Best Friend

By Yamileth_Cardenas_

105K 3.7K 1.5K

My name? Yamileth. Regular name regular life right? Well, what if I were to tell you my last name was Pimente... More

He left
The Accident
Welcome to Miami
Meeting them
Secrets Revealed
Finding out
Safe With Me
That smile
He's Perfect
I Promise
My Only Reason
His #1 Fan
Not The End
Surprises (PT.1)
Surprises (PT. 2)
Chasing and Tickles
Explanations and Arrivals
Duck faces
Food and Mini Speeches
beach nights
A Step Closer
After Many Years
Catching Up
Eating Disorders?!
Happy Birthday!
Getting Help
On The Hunt
Thorns & Questions

No One

1.6K 87 8
By Yamileth_Cardenas_


*Joel's P.O.V*

She's been gone ever since the show finished. Its almost 1 am and she is still ignoring our calls and messages. We've been looking for her but we can't find her anywhere.

I bumped into Yoandri at the studio when I was going to the restroom and he asked me if I knew where Yamileth was since he wanted to talk to her, and in that moment I realized she wasn't with us.

I am such a horrible brother. Everything bad that happened to her, was all because of me. I was never there for her to protect her. I was never there for her so she can talk to me about her problems and I'll try my best to talk to her about it and help her out. I was never there for her as a brother. Instead 2 other guys that I don't even know about were there for her.

She has every right to hate my guts and not want to know anything about me, but I will still try. I will try to be there for her now even though it might be a bit too late. I won't give up on her. I won't.

So now here I am, at 1:15 am, walking around the streets of Miami looking for my sister.

I just hope we find her.

*Yamileth's P.O.V*

Have you ever had a moment where people hate you so much, that they make you question them? You start questioning why they hate you so much when you didn't even do anything to them. No? Well I'm having one of those moments right now.

Like, the kids from school. What did I ever do to them? Nothing! I never even looked at them nor have I ever spoken to them and they just come up to me, talk shit, beat the crap out of me, and leave me dying.

Also my parents. I have never done anything to them and they hate me as well. Never knew why and I probably will never know either.

But what I don't understand, is why do they hate me... But they just LOVE Joel? I never understood that. But I had to live with it.

I never felt any sort of love in my life. The only place was with Ezequiel and Jeremiah, but they're gone now and I'll never see them again.

They took the bit of love I was holding in with them, as well as my "happiness".

I got my phone out and decided to see if I can find any more videos if them like what Yoandri and Johann showed me.

I barely type in "Ezequiel and Jer" when recommendations of them popped up. I tapped it and many videos of theirs came up.

There were videos of La Banda even from American Idol. There was also a channel by the name of "itsatwinthing". They had song covers, Q&As, challenges, and vlogs.

I started watching them from the first video they had and as soon as I tapped it, tears started welling up my eyes.

I just can't believe this. I haven't seen them in so long time and this is what I see when I see them again. Not personally sadly, but on my phone!

I start watching the videos and video after video, I ended up watching them all. I saw the audition again and when they were auditioning for American Idol.

They have such amazing voices.

I don't have social media but I looked them up on Google and since they're not private, you can see their accounts. I started looking at their Instagram and saw a few tweets but after that my phone battery was at 15% so I put it to airplane mode and turn the screen off and looked into the ocean.

I wonder if the guys are even looking for me. Its almost 3 am. I doubt it. They're probably sleeping without a care in the world.

Oh whale 🐳...

I got off the rock and took of my black vans and socks and rolled up my jeans a bit.

I walked by the sand as the cold water splashed against my feet. I walked along the shore and carried on until I got tired and sat on the sand.

Next thing I knew, I was laying on the sand and the sun was shining bright.

"Hey. Are you okay?" a guy asked me with another guy behind him and a girl.

I sat up and tried brushing some sand off of my hair. I slowly nodded and whispered, "Yeah I'm fine. "

"Are you sure? We can help you if you want. Would you like something?" he asked. I looked at him for 2 seconds and saw that he was really concerned about me.

"No. Really I'm fine. But, umm... Do you know the time?" I asked getting up. He shook his hand out to help me and I took it.

He got out his phone and turned it on before turning it off again.

"Its 6:20. We were taking our morning jogs and we saw you laying on the sand very pale. For a second I thought you were dead but I checked your pulse and it was beating." he said.

I wish I was dead.

"Oh..." I muttered. "Um thanks. I should get going though... " I softly said looking down at the sand and took a step back.

"Yeah okay. But are you sure your okay and you don't need anything?" he asked as I got my shoes and put on my socks and shoes.

"No I'm fine. Thank you." I said taking a glace at him the back down to my shoes.

"Alright then. Well, we'll leave you be. Be safe alright? Take care. Bye." he smiled and waved and him and his 2 friends also smiled at me and waved and mouthed a 'bye'.

"Bye" I whispered as the three of them left to continue their morning jogs.

I sighed and took out my phone hoping it still had battery. When I turned it on I saw it had 12%.

6:28 A.M.

I sighed and sat down not knowing what to do. I don't want to go back, but I have all my stuff there. I want to be alone, but I kind of want to hear the guys and laugh with them. They make me feel something I've haven't felt in a long time. They make me smile a bit more than before.

After the twins left, I don't remember ever smiling again nor laughing. With these guys, I do. They make make me feel somewhat... Warm inside.

Especially Johann and Yoyo. They are the ones that really seem to help me. They're the ones helping me get over the past. They're helping me with the eating disorder I have. They're helping me feel like I have a place in the world.

Unlike the bullies who told me that I'm just a waste and using up extra oxygen. That I should just do everyone a favor and kill myself.

But no one, no one will ever make me feel like my twins did. No one will ever make me smile and laugh like they did. No one will make me feel loved like they did. No one will take the special place they have in the bit of heart that I have left.

No one.

I decided to take a break of all the thoughts I have right now and walked more around the streets of Miami.

By the time it was 8am I took my phone out and took it off of airplane mode to call someone.

When I was about to call, I got like 20 messages asking if I'm okay from like 3 different numbers and 1 saved number. Joel's.

I called one of the unknown numbers are waited for them to answer.






"Hello? Yami? Is that you?!?" the person answered.

"Hey Yoandri. Yeah it's me. Um, I didn't want t-"

"Oh my god! Where are you! We've been looking all night for you! We actually thought something happened to you!"

"Im fine" I muttered. "Can you come pick me up?"

"Yes of course! Just tell me where you are. The street name, which store, your surroundings. "

I looked for the street names and the name of the store I'm in and I told him the names.

He said he'll come and to keep my phone in hand so when he calls I pick up in case he needs me to move somewhere easier. But he thinks he knows where I am so I shouldn't worry.

I looked at the percent and saw that I'm at 10%.

And now.... I wait!

Word count: 1495✨


I hate life at the moment. 😑😑🔫

I also started the first week of school today. Got a lot of homework today AND I HAVE TO BE ON TOP OF THINGS CAUSE IT'S MY JUNIOR YEAR! 😭

I'll still try to update tho :).

Well, hope you enjoy my loves! I love you all! 💖😘


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