That smile

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I was laying down on my bed when I heard someone knocking on my door. I ignored it and the person knocked again. I didn't say anything again so they just opened the door.

"You know, if someone doesn't answer when you're knocking on their door, it most likely means that they want to be alone." I said. I was laying down with my back facing them.

"But you don't want to be alone." he said. I felt the other side of my bed dip down indicating that he probably sat down or later down. But the way I'm feeling it, is that he laid down.

I stayed quiet and stared at the wall in front of me.

"Do you?" he asked. "Do you really want to be alone?"

I turned my body so I was facing him, but when I turned, our noses brushed against each other. I quickly backed away and he scooted over a bit leaving a little space between us.

"So? Do you really want to be alone?" he asked me again raising his perfectly shaped eyebrows.

I looked at him and whispered "Not anymore."

He smiled and raised his hand up to my face, softly brushing back some strands of hair that fell out of its place, and tucked them behind my ear.

I gave him a small smile and fiddled with my hands.

"You know, you should smile more often. It looks good on you." he said smiling wide.

He has such a perfect smile.

I breathes out a laugh and closed my eyes shaking my head slightly. "Oh my god Yoandri."

He smiled yet wider, if that was possible, and laughed. "What? I'm serious!"

I shook my head again and looked at him. We stayed like that for a while, just looking at each other.

I took in this moment to take in all his features.

His pale skin.

His dark brown eyes that have a glint in them.

His perfectly shaped eyebrows.

His pink, plump, lips that look so soft.

His cute smile that hides his white teeth.

His black hair that looks so soft and fluffy, making me want to run my fingers through it.

I yawned since I was still tired, seeing as someone had to wake me up in the morning. *Cough cough Erick cough cough*

Yoandri laughed and looked at me weirdly. "Youre tired?"

"Yes. I am! I slept really late and Erick and all of you woke me up." I told him letting out another yawn.

"At what time did you go to sleep?"

I thought about it for a while until I remembered. "Like at 2:35 am, or sometime around there." I shrugged.

His eyes went wide and softly gasped.

"What! Why so late?! We all separated like at 10:30 last night. Were you doing something or what?" he said his eyes still wide.

"No. I just can't really sleep. I could lay in my bed and I would fully knock out at like 3 in the morning. Then I would wake up at 5 for school. But on the weekends, usually I wake up at 8:30 or something." I said shrugging.

"Oh my god child!" he yelled. "You need more sleep!"

"Eh." I yawn. "You get used to it eventually."

He shook his head disapprovingly. "That explains the dark circles around your eyes." he teased.

I laughed and decided to take a nap.

I kicked my shoes off and got comfortable.



"Can you sing to me?" I asked him.

He smiled and nodded his head. I had my head rested on his chest and our legs were tangled up against each others. He had his chin on top of my head and he played with my hair.

He started singing and I closed my eyes taking in his voice.

As the song came to an end, I felt him kiss the top of my head.

"Sleep well Princess." was the last thing I heard before sleep took over me.

Word count: 680✨

I FOUND IT so I was able to update today!! Yay!

But its kind short.. Oh whale! Lol.

Yoyo's so cute! 😍

Well I will see if I can update Sunday! As usual. But I can't promise anything rn.. I don't know if I'll be able to update anytime soon... So many problems going on I just don't know what to do anymore.. 😒

Well, enjoy my loves! I love you all! 💖😘


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