He left

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He left.

Joel left and according to my parents, its all my fault. Instead of things maybe getting better now that he's gone, they got worse. Now, because he left, they are getting mad at me saying that he left cause of me.

I didn't do anything though. He just left from one day to another. No explanation. No reason. Just a plane ticket and he's gone. Where to? Only he knows. Will he come back? No one knows.

He left about a week ago, and they still won't drop it. Every single day, all the time, they yell at me. I just want to leave them as well but I can't. I don't know how Joel did it .

He just woke up one morning and said to my parents, "Mom, dad, I'm leaving. I don't know when I will be back, but I hope to see you soon."

They barely had a chance to ask a question, when he was out the door with his luggage and bags.

That day, I didn't hear the end of it. All day, they were yelling at me, calling me names, they even hit me! Something I never thought they would do! They were so mad/sad, they got drunk! They were drunk off their minds!

It has become something that might continue everyday. Sadly

* 2 months later*

I was home alone again waiting for them to come home from work. I just came home from school and did my everyday routine. Get a water bottle, then walk up to my room and start my homework. And listen to music.

It was about 5:09 when I finished all of my homework and I decided to study for a test I have on Monday. Today is Thursday so I have plenty time to study.

My phone started ringing on my lap. Some unknown number was calling me. I ignored it and let it finish ringing so my music can continue.
It stopped and I continued taking notes so I can study.

My phone started vibrating again. This time I decided to answer. It must be important if they called me more than one time.


"Hey uh... Yamileth?" the person on the other line asked. It sounded like a guy. And the voice sounded so familiar.

"Um. Yeah... Who is this?" I asked.

"It's uh... It's Joel."

Word count: 393✨

Enjoying it so far? 😂 Short chapter! But there will be more coming!😁 Don't. Worry! Lol


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