Safe With Me

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*Yamileth's P.O.V*

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!!

Hopefully they didn't hear much! Anything at all preferably! But the tears on their faces and the gloomy eyes told me otherwise.

"W-What are you doing here? H-How much did you hear?" I asked wiping the tears from my face.

"Only all of it." Jaime said taking a breath, his voice softly cracking at the end.

"We came when Erick was pulling your arm so you can get up." Johann said.

Oh my god. No. I looked at Joel who had streams of tears going down his cheeks.

He heard it all. They all did.


"Why?" he cut me off with a whisper.

"I already said why." I told him looking down at the floor.

"But, you never told me." he said.

Is he being serious right now?

"Are you serious?! You wanted me to tell you? You? Of all people, you were one I hated the most! And from telling you and a random dog on the street with rabies, I'd rather tell the dog!" I said nearly yelling.

Honestly I wasn't thinking about what I was telling him, but I'm really not in the mood. I looked at everyone before walking right through them at the door and walked out.

"Yamileth!" I heard 2 voices calling me. I ignored them and walked outside getting my phone as I passed it and my black vans.

I kept ignoring Erick and Joel and started walking somewhere.

I just walked and walked and kept walking for a while until I reached a beach. I probably walked for a good hour or a bit past that.

I sat down on a big rock and looked at my phone.

"Damn girl! You walk a lot! And fast!" someone said putting both hands on the rock and bending over to catch their breath.

"Why did yo follow me? Did Joel send you!?" I asked getting annoyed.

He took a few deep breaths and looked up. "No. He didn't. I came on my own. It wasn't safe for you to be here alone. And I bet you don't even know where you are." he said cracking a smile.

I looked around and surely enough, I had no idea where I was. "So what. Maybe I wanted to get lost. Maybe I don't want to be found. Maybe that way I die. And I bet no one will notice. And if they do? Then they will just be happy I finally did what they've been asking me to do! Die!" I told him.

"Yamileth. Don't say that." he said scooting me over so he can sit down next to me.

"No Yoandri. I do say that because its true!" I said looking over at him.

"No it's not. You have people around you that care about you." he said.

I nearly laugh. "Really? Like who?"

"You have the guys. They care. Sure, you just met them. But trust me, they really do care about you. You have Joel-"

"No. I don't. I don't have Joel. He doesn't care about me." I said. Its true. I'm positive he couldn't give a shit about me.

"Yes he does. He probably doesn't show it but he does. And also, you have me." he said putting a hand on my shoulder.

I flinched away, but let him. I guess he seemed to have noticed cause he put it down after.

"Don't be scared. I would never hurt you." he whispered.

I stayed quiet and looked down at my hands.

He placed a hand over mine and held it. "Don't worry. You're safe with us." he said. Then he whispered. "You're safe with me."

Word count: 612✨

Awww how cute is Yoyo?!

Well like I've been doing each time I update, I did a double update! 😂 Lol but only because I thought they were both short chapters.

Lol. So it didn't turn out to be as cute as I thought it would be 😐 but a little bit 😂😂 lol. So enjoy and I'll post next chapter on Sunday!! Yaass 🙌 Night Nenas!😘

(Btw, have y'all seen Yoyo's Snapchat?!? The Disney covers!! Omf 😭💖😘)


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