The Accident

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"It's uh... It's Joel." They said.

I went into shock. My mind went blank.

Joel? Why is he calling me?

"J-Joel?" I asked to make sure I wasn't just going nuts and hearing things.

"Yeah..." he said trailing off.

"W-Why are you calling me?" I asked stuttering.

The other line was dead silent for a while and all I heard was faint breaths coming from him. "Joel?" I called him.


"Why are you calling me?" I repeated.

He was quiet for a second before answering. "I uh... I just wanted to call to a-" voices in the background cut him off.

"Ayyee Joel!" They yelled and laughed.

I didn't hear anything after that because the line went dead.

I put my phone down and started at it for a while.

Joel called... But why? I kept asking myself the same question for a while, then decided to go back to studying.

Eventually I put my things in my bag since I couldn't concentrate on my studies.

Mom and dad are coming out late again so I had to see what I could make to eat. Ever since Joel left 2 months ago, they have been coming out of work late every single day.

I went downstairs and started making a sandwich.

I was sitting on the couch in the living room drinking my orange juice when my phone rang again.

I checked who it was but it said it was restricted.

"What if it's Joel again?" I asked myself before answering.


"Hello. Is this Yamileth Pimentel?" some lady on the other line asked.

"Uh yes. Who are you?"

"Hi Yamileth. I'm calling from the hospital Mission Hills. Our information here, says that you and Joel Pimentel are children of Patricia and Elideo Pimentel. Is that correct?" she asked.

"Umm.. Yes we are." I said unsure of what's going on.

"Okay well I am afraid to tell you that your parents have suffered a horrible car accident. And we called so you can come see them. We tried calling your brother but he wouldn't answer." she said.

I ignored everything she said after car accident. Without thinking twice, I started running all over the house. Shutting everything, turning off everything that was on, and getting the things I needed. I got the keys to the other car and started driving to the hospital.

I got there and asked what room they were in. "6312" the lady said.

  I quickly ran all over the hospital and up the elevator until I found the room.

"6312" I read and slowly turned the knob of the door and opened it. Surely enough, I saw two people laying in their own gurney. The only thing that I noticed, was that the ones laying there, weren't mom nor dad. They were someone else. I stepped out of the room and back to the front desk asking again.

"Excuse me?" I called her.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Hoe this ain't time for smiling" I said to myself before I told her about the room.

"Um. You told me that my parents are in room 6312 but the people there aren't them."

She looked confuses for a moment and she said she'll check again. She asked for their names and I told her.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she shook her head. "No... It says right here that they are in that room..." she trailed off. She stood up a d stood next to me. "Follow me." she said.

So I did. We started walking until we were standing in front of the same door I entered moments ago. She got the clipboard that was on the door and nodded. "Yeah." she opened the door and went in while I barely entered and stood by the door.

"That's them." she looked over at me.

"W-What?" I whispered and slowly walked up to them.

I tried blinking away the tears that were reforming in my eyes, making my vision go blurry, but they managed to escape.

I looked at them very carefully and surely enough it was them. But you wouldn't be able to tell.

Faces all scratched up, bruised, swollen. A dark blue/purple/black color took over their natural skin color. Each of them had some type of cast on them.

My eyes were like waterfalls tears after tears. Sobs after sobs.

The nurse left and I just presses my back against the wall. I slid down until I was sitting on the floor.

I took my phone out and decided to call someone. I looked for their number in my history calls.

I found it and hesitated a little before calling. It rang and rang until it sent me to voicemail. I called again it went to voicemail again. I checked the time. It was 8:39 pm.

It was Sunday and I had school tomorrow but I don't think I'm going to go. I need to stay. I waited an hour or so before calling again.

By the second ring, they answered. "Hello?" they said.

"J-Joel?" I asked. The voice sounded different.

"No Joel is in the bathroom right now. I'm Richard." the guy said.

"Oh... Sorry. " I muttered. "Well, when he's out can you tell him to call back?" I asked

"Uh yeah sure. Are you okay? You sound like if you were crying." he said.

"Yeah. Just tell Joel to call me back when he's done." I told him. I was about to hang up when he started talking again.

"Wait! He's out! Joel! Bro! Your phone was ringing." Richard said.

"Did you see who it was?" Joel said, his voice sounding as if he got his phone.

"No. It was a girl though. She sounds upset."

"A girl?" I heard him mutter. "Hello?" he said.

"Joel!" I called out nearly crying again.

"Yamileth? What happened? Why are you crying?" he said surprised that I called him.

"Oh god Joel! It's mom and dad!"

"Mom and dad?! What happened?" he sounded confused.

"They got in a horrible car accident! The doctor said they might not make it!" I told him braking down again.

"W-What? When! How!" he started shooting questions at me.

"I don't know! But you have to come!" I told him.

As much as I hate him, he should be here for them.

"Okay. I'll but the first plane ticket there! I'll be there in a few hours!" he said.

We said bye and hung up.

"Hopefully they make it." I told myself.

Word count: 1091

Uh-Oh... What did you think!

Do you think they'll make it?
Comment! 💖 Love you all! 😘


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