His #1 Fan

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(For real this time😂)

*Yamileths P.O.V*

I put the necklace around my neck and held the silver heart in my hand. I smiled and realized, the last time I really smiled, was with them. When I would be with them, I would always be laughing and smiling. Time with them, were the best times. It's as if when they left, they took my happiness with them.

I sat down on my bed and held the medium sized, white bear with the checkered bow tie.

  I sat down on my bed and held the medium sized, white bear with the checkered bow tie

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He just couldn't live without the bear. So when he gave it to me, I didn't know whether to take it or to just leave it with him since it was like his life. But non the less, he wanted me to keep it.

I started petting the bears head and pulled it up to my chest and hugged it. I held on to it for dear life!

"Yamileth!!!" I heard someone yell from downstairs.

"What?!" I yelled back.

"We're almost going to leave so finish up or whatever so we can go!!" Joel yelled but lowered his voice as he reached my room.

I nodded and places the bear in the middle of my bear. "Okay. I'll be down in a minute."

He just nodded and smiled as he turned to leave.

I got up and made sure I have everything before heading out of my room.

I passed one of the rooms and saw someone pacing back and forth, running their fingers through their hair.

I walked into the room but he didn't seem to notice.

"Hey." I said.

He quickly turned around and breathed out a sigh.

"You scared me." he laughed placing a hand over his chest.

"Sorry. What's wrong?" I asked slightly tilting my head to the side.

"Huh? Oh! No nothing. I'm just kind of nervous. I think I'm the one that's going to leave tonight." Johann sighed sitting on the bed.

"What? Why would you think that?!"

He stayed quiet for a while before answering. "I just... It's cause, well, you see, during my last performance, I kind of had a little disagreement with the judges, and I maybe said a few things that they really didn't like, and they'll most likely take me out because of that and ugghhh!!! Why did I do thag?! I'm so stupid!" he groaned and face palmed.

I got his hand away from his face and looked at him. "Listen, I don't know much about this show nor what you do, or anything about it, but even if you do get eliminated, think about how far you've made it! You've made it to the top 8! There is 8 of you left right... Yeah! 8! And trust me, it won't end here. If you give it some time, later in the future, you will be big! You are already famous. I mean, look at all your fans. They all love and support you! They might even be the ones to help you get signed or something. So don't think that once this is done, you're done. Okay? Because this is just like a boost. Just believe in yourself and you will make it. Here, let's make a deal. If you make tonights performance, what could possibly be your best performance ever, then I will do something you want me to do. Whatever you want. But I just has to be, mind blowing." I said looking into his eyes.

"But, what if I don't make it?"

"Johann! Stop saying that." I scowled at him and hugged him. "No matter what happens, I will always be your number 1 fan."

"Aww stop. You're making me blush." he joked. But when I pulled away from the hug, I noticed that he was not, in fact, joking about blushing.

His cheeks were tinted a shade of pink as he smiled.

I slightly laughed and looked down.

"You know,you are reall-" Johann got cut off by someone yelling.

"Yamileth! Johann! Hurry up! We're going to be late!" Jaime yelled.

"Come on. Let's go." I said grabbing his hand and ran out of the room and out the door where everyone was outside waiting for us.

"¿Porque tardaron tanto tiempo?" Christopher asked laughing and shaking his head.

"We were just talking." I shrugged going into the van.

I always hated vans. They always reminded me of kidnapping and I always thought I would get kidnapped when I saw one close by.

The only vans I do like, are the shoes. Love, actually! The only kind of shoe shopping I love to do, is when I'm buying Vans or Converse. Also, maybe, TOMS. But I prefer Vans or Converse.

A few minutes later we arrived to the studio and got out of the van. They started greeting people and went up to the stage to practice and check the mics and everything else they had to do.

When it was almost time for the show, they all went back to the rooms to get changed and get their hair styled. They were all Snapchatting things and goofing around until it was time. Time to reveal the truth...

Just kidding. It was just time for the show to begin.

They were all huddled in a circle, wishing each other the best of luck and giving each other a mini prep talk.

I went up to a TV that was near by, and watched the show from there.

Good luck guys❤

Word count: 911✨


Lmfao 😂😂 so is this the 17th chapter?!?!... I think so... Damn. I though it would barely be like the 10th one or something 😂

Lol well, enjoy my loves! I love you all! 💖😘


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