Broken Boy (Septiplier Trash...

By jacky885566

9.6K 614 599

Their heads: crazy. Their hearts: longing. Their feelings: unstoppable. Their love: eternal. Together: inse... More

New Kid
The Project
The Holy Trinity
Important A/N
The Play *Date*
He Just Doesn't Like Me
Broken Heart
Don't Die On Me
Love Me Back to Life
Hidden Hearts
New People ~ Crossover Special!
Pumpkin Eater
Please Don't
Meaningless Words (Ending 2)
Marks of Life
Regarding Mark and Sean's Friendship ... A/N
Just Another A/N
Happy Birthday, Sean A/N
Giving of Thanks
Sorry... A/N

Goodbyes ~ Crossover Special! Pt. 2

293 20 25
By jacky885566

{Well aren't I just the best author, not updating in almost two months ≧ω≦. No, but seriously, sorry for the huge gaps between chapters. The crossover episodes are hard to make because the author I'm doing the crossover with lives kinda far and we write as we text and it's super complicated. If this is the only septiplier fanfic you're reading and waiting for, PLEASE find another one in your free time because I don't update very frequently or on a schedule.


September 19, 2016

Mark's POV

"You messed with the wrong guy... " The stranger said with the most murderous look in his eyes. Uhm... Who the hell does he think he is?

He throws a punch towards my face and I duck down, but as I'm getting up, he throws a painful uppercut.

"EASTON, STOP!!!" Royal screams at him with fear in her eyes as she tries to pull him back.

Everything I saw was a blurry vision after the hit, but I barely made out what happened. He kicked me on my side and I groaned in agony. Royalty yelled something else at him and Easton slapped her to the ground.

I heard the door behind me swing open and a loud, familiar voice yelled something, most likely to Easton.

He walked closer to where Easton and I were and I saw a blurry neon green on the top of his head and he pointed to me while still yelling at Easton.

Jack, please, for the love of God, don't get involved.

Easton picked up his knee and kicked Jack in the stomach.

Jack fell with a loud *thump* on the metal floor and let out the most heartbreaking scream of pain.

Just like magic, I comprehended everything in a second and my vision was clear to me.

Oh. No. You. Fucking. DIDN'T.

I kicked Easton's legs to trip him and I got onto his stomach {how many times have I said stomach in this fight scene} and began to furiously punch him in the face with all my wrath in my fists. I got up and kicked him where no man should be kicked. He began groaning in pain, but Jack was still on the ground and I completely forgot about Easton {and Royalty, apparently}.

I scurried over to Jack and crouched down. "Jack, a-are you alright?" He only groaned in response {STOP THINKING LIKE THAT, WE HAVEN'T GOTTEN TO THAT PART OF THE STORY, YET}.

I lifted his shirt up to see if Douche-Face left him a mark, and surely enough, there was a huge dark red, almost purple circle where he kicked Jack.

"Oh my... -Jack?"

"Don't mind me, I'll just die alone in this dark corner! {Me everyday tbh}" Royalty said, weakly.

A slap versus a kick in the stomach? Jack was my priority.

"Jack, I have to take you to the nurse, now." I told him.

"Mark, you got the real beating, don't worry about me." He replied.

"It doesn't matter, you're on the ground! I'll carry you if you can't get up."

Royalty loudly said, "*cough* GAY *cough*".

"SO WHAT IF WE ARE?!" I yelled at her. I mentally face palmed.

Are you fucking retarded, Mark? So much for 'not expressing our relationship'.

"Chill out, I was fucking around." She responded calmly.

I heard Jack quietly growl at me, "Mark, you piece of shit..."

Jake came entered through the open door and said with shock, "What the actual hell happened here? Royalty, are you okay?!" He ran over to her and helped her up when she clearly was capable of getting up herself.

"I'm fine, but why are you here?" She asked him.

"You know, I could ask you the same, Jack." I told Jack.

"I came in here because I saw him running in here." Jake pointed to Jack.

"I came because I was tired of seeing you two running off to places in secrecy." Jack told us.

"Well you don't have to worry, Jack, I have a boyfriend {TRIGGERED} ... Who is right behind us, dying!" Royalty said.

I just... What?!

"You-he...-huh?!" I stammered.

Jack gave out of fucks to give and just blurted out, "Are you fucking stupid?"

"Well he's... It's just that he's so-" She was cut off by us.

"Abusive?" Jack suggested.

"Violent?" I added.

"An idiot in general?" Jake finally said.

"Well I-" Royalty cut herself off and looked back at Easton on the ground. She looked lost in thought and sighed. She went over to him and put his arm over her shoulder to help him up.

"Are you helping him?!" Jack asked.

My thoughts exactly.

"Nooo!" She replied in sarcasm. "Come on, let's go to the hospital." Royalty replied.

We all stood there, gawking as she carried him out.

I whispered over to Jake while slightly pointing at Royalty, "You- uhh, like her?"

"Right now she's acting like she has the IQ of a potato, but trust me, I'll win her over." Jake says as he leaves behind Royalty.

"Northhigh kids are weird." Jack randomly blurted and broke the silence.

We left the room and began to walk back to the tables where the squad was chilling {I'm hip with the kids, yo. 420 blaze it.}.

"Wait, you're nose is still bleeding." Jack interrupted our walk.

I put my finger under my nose and felt the liquid slowly streaming down above my lip.

Ah, shit.

I looked around for anything to wipe it. There was nothing at all.

"Umm." I said in confusion of what to do.

"Let's take you to the nurse." Jack suggested.

"No it's fine, I just have to wipe it off." I told him.

"Mark, stop being stubborn, let's go. Just say that your nose started bleeding our of nowhere, it happens to other kids all the time."

"Fine" I gave in.

We asked a passing student where the nurse's office was and he gave us the direction.

She gave me a rag to clean it off. Although, that's not the full story. She wrote a full report, asked how I got it, took an unnecessarily long time, you know; what nurse's usually do.

When the nurse was writing something else down, I whispered to Jack, "If you dragged me here, you should get your own injury checked."

"We're going to be here for helluva lot longer than we have to be if I do." He whispered back.

"Right." I replied in defeat.

We walked out of the office, still checking to see if anyone was watching us together.

Danielle ~ Where are you all?! Everyone is getting worried. We're expecting one hell of a story when you get back to make it up. Jake is here but he's not telling us what happened

Mark ~ Fine, we'll be there right now, but tell the others not to expect Royalty to come back for a bit.

Danielle ~ Will do. Btw we moved to the bleachers in the football field. It's west of the lunch tables, meet us there

We walked until we found the football field and saw everyone there, waiting for us. April pointed at us and yelled "There you are!!! What the hell happened?"

"Well Easton and I got onto a bit of a fight..."

"Let me guess: over Royalty?" Stephanie asked.

"Yep." Jack said.

"Oooh give us the juice." Felix cooed.

Jack and I looked over at each other and playfully rolled our eyes. We sat down and told them everything.

When I finished, April slapped me in the back of my head.

"Ah, what the fuck?!"

"That's what you get for ignoring Royalty when she was down." April explained.
Suddenly, each and every one of us got a text at the exact same time.

'Sorry for the inconvenience, students of both schools, but due to unfortunate reason, Watchwood High will be leaving on schedule and not at the extended hour. Thank you for understanding.'

We all groaned in annoyance.

"Seriously? That is so like them. Giving us great news then shitting all over it." Danielle complained.

Right after that, Royalty walked in, with Easton nowhere to be found.

"Well looky here." April sneered as Royalty approached them.

"Did you guys get the texts?" Royalty stupidly asked.

We all gave each other a 'let's just let it go' look and went along with it.

"Yeah, well we gotta get going. The buses should be parked at the bus bay by now." I said while standing up.

"Aww, but I was just getting to know you!" Stephanie whined. She flirtatiously batted her eyelashes and winked at me.

I saw Jack's fists get tighter and his teeth gritted. I chuckled to not start anything.

"Yeah, well it was nice knowing all of you, too." I said.

We all said our goodbyes to each other individually and we're on our way.

As we entered the buses, we got the seats to the side of where the school was. Royalty, April, Stephanie, and Jake were lined up on the concrete and waved to us in the bus.

I'm gonna miss this place.

A/N Does anyone else think that it looks like I'm putting less effort into my writing? Cuz I feel like it...

I made an instagram account for Wattpad (only). Follow me @ jacky885566_wattpad and add me on my personal kik @ kittygurl856.... DON'T JUDGE ME I MADE THAT STUPID ACCOUNT WHEN I WAS LIKE TEN.

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