The Beginning (Book One in Th...

By SCCourtney

525K 10.9K 357

A little blood, a love triangle, more danger than one girl can handle. What more could a girl ask for? Georg... More

The Beginning
The Trial
The Punishment
Uncomfortable Situation
How Are You Feeling?
The Fight
The First Kiss
The Meaning of "It"
Next Question...
That's For Me To Know...
Sparks Fly
A Night Out
To Be Or Not To Be
If You Don't Have A Plan, Nothing Is Going To Work Out.
Kidnapping Attempt
Full of Adjectives
What's Missing
The Exchange
Dizzy Spells, Iron Pills, and Heartbeats
Is It Man Crush or Man Crunch?
It All Comes Out
Dreams Of Michael
Special Orders
Scheming Little Brother
Bee's Knees
Being Difficult
Don't Speak
Epitome of Suck
Calm Before the Storm
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Memories OF Michael
Everything Is Just Fine
Epilogue: Getting Back To Normal

Just Spaced Out

12.3K 265 4
By SCCourtney

He was right. However, the lunch lady had already been told about my new diet restrictions so she had a cup of broth and a pack of crackers waiting on me. She also handed me one of those hard plastic water containers you see joggers carrying around. It had the school logo on it and it was green.

“I always wanted one of these,” I said.

“Really? They have them in the book shop.”

“I was kidding,” I said.

We sat down at our table and I was surprised when Mark, Jassica, and my brother joined us.

“What’s going on guys?” I said, taking a sip of my…broth. I pretended it was coffee.

“We were worried,” Mark said. “We decided to have breakfast with you this morning.”

“Aw,” I said. “I’m fine. Really.”

“Mom said you might need this,” Sebastis said handing me my jacket. I was kind of sad I’d have to surrender Aidan’s.

“Thanks,” I said.

I shrugged off Aidan’s and handed it back to him. He slipped it on and smelled the lapel. “Smells just like you.”

I laughed. “Yeah but I’m stinky at the moment.”

I slipped on my own jacket, a black pea coat. It had four buttons instead of three and I felt warmer already.

“You don’t stink,” Aidan said. “Your mom sponged you off last night.”

I blushed and my forehead smacked the table. “God will it never end?”

Everyone laughed quietly. Aidan rubbed my back in support. I looked up and even my brother was giving me a sympathetic look.

“I’m tired of the one getting…hurt. It’s your turn,” I said to him.

“No way. That’s your corner on the market. You cover worry and injuries. I cover favorite and steady.”

“You are so full of shit!” I said throwing one of my crackers at him.

He laughed and threw it back. “I only speak the truth big sister.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

The bell rang and it was time for class. I sighed. Aidan looked at me funny but didn’t comment. My brother gave me a kiss on the cheek and took off. Mark and Jassica were in their own world and gave us brief good-byes.

“What was that about?” Aidan said. “That sigh.”

“I’m going to be paired with Harriet again in herbology.”

“Ah. Yes.”

“She told me yesterday she could give me pointers.”

“That wasn’t very nice of her,” Aidan commented.

We dumped our trays and headed out among the masses.

“She’s holding a grudge. I’m sure today she’ll inform me what your favorite sexual positions are.”

He looked over at me like I was crazy. “What?”

“Never mind. I’ll deal with her.”

“Just tell her to back off,” he said.

“She’s not like a guy Aidan. She’s not going to just back off because I ask her to. She thinks I betrayed her. I’m just going to have to deal with the consequences.”

“You shouldn’t have to. You have enough to deal with.”

“Not according to her.”

We stopped at the door to my class. “Do you want me to talk to her?”

“And say what? She’ll just take that as another sign that…”

“That what?”

Something caught my attention over his shoulder. A person that looked oddly familiar stood there. He towered over all the other students. I narrowed my eyes trying to bring his features into focus.

“Ana…” Aidan looked behind him and at the spot I was staring at. “Are you ok?”

“Do you…do you see him?”

“See who?” He turned back and looked at me. “Ana—see who?”

Luke stepped up and touched my shoulder. I blinked and the guy was gone. “Georgiana…”

“I’m fine. Sorry. I thought I saw…”

“What did you see?” Luke asked looking me in the eyes.

“Nothing…don’t worry about it.”

I brushed off their comments about going back to the infirmary. I gave Aidan a peck on the cheek, no public displays of affection in the hallways or during school hours, and headed into class without saying anything else.

Luke and Michael stood at the back of the class along with Adriana’s Guardian. I sat at my station instead of at Harriet’s. I wasn’t going to sit there unless I had to. The bell rang and Mr. Lighthollow came in. He took role and asked Harriet to move back to my table.

I sighed. She hadn’t unpacked her things and gave me a wicked smile as she took Michael’s old seat.

“Hello Gee,” she said.

“Not today, Harriet. Please?”

“Oh come on. We’re friends. We can carry on a pleasant conversation right?”

I sighed; this was going to be a long class period. Mr. Lightwood started lecturing about various plants in the rainforest. I tuned him out halfway through and stared out the window. The weather was unseasonably cold. Then again it was September. I watched the wind blow around the trees outside and the occasional student fighting their way to wherever it was they were going. I rubbed my neck absentmindedly and my eyes drifted to the actual window itself. It was weird. I’d never paid particular attention to these details. The window frame and sill were painted white. They weren’t painted closed like most schools. In fact only a few days ago Mr. Lighthollow had them open.

“Georgiana?” Mr. Lighthollow called.

Harriet elbowed me and I was snapped back to reality.

“I’m sorry,” I said, looking at him. “What was the question?”

“Ms. Vertigo, are you feeling alright?”

“I’m fine,” I said quickly. “Just spaced out.”

He frowned but nodded. “Jack-in-the-pulpit,” he said as a reminder

I narrowed my eyes and tried to drag up the information. “Found in most woods from Canada to Florida. It’s edible but only after drying and cooking. If you eat it raw it can cause poisoning and death. It’s acrid, antiseptic, diaphoretic, expectorant, irritant and stimulant.”

“Very good. Uses?”

“Um…” I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. “Poultice can be used for headaches and various skin diseases.”

“Very good. You should space out more often,” he said looking at me with pride.

I gave him a weak smile and then looked back down at my paper. He went on to drill another student and I took a swig from my bottle.

“Are you ok?” Harriet asked, actually sounding concerned.

I looked over at her. “I’m fine. Just a little…”

“Spaced out?” she said giving me a weak smile.

“It’s a bit hard to focus, yeah.”

“Well. If Aidan is too much for you I could take him off your hands.”

And there it was…the stinger. “That’s ok. I think I can manage.”

“Offer is open ended.”

“I’ll make sure to tell him.”

She smiled. “You do that.” She turned back to listening to Mr. Lighthollow and I went back to studying the window and rubbing my neck.

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