Worth The Wait? (Seme Male Re...

By Uunouncium

54.3K 1.7K 237

Set in modern world. Basically reader is singer songwriter and dancer. Zoro is dancer who ends up working for... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
Tsk....Yeah Right
The Man with the Red Bandana (Pt. 1)
Bloodied Bandana (Pt. 2)
Defaced Bandana (Pt. 3)
4,325 (Pt 1)
Axe Hand and the Hilt Maker (Pt 2)
Song Writer and the Sword Maker (Pt 3)
Its....Tough (Pt 4)
What Im Fighting For (Pt 5)
A New Life? (Pt 6)
Marionette (Pt 1)
Stringless (Pt 2)

chapter 23

771 34 5
By Uunouncium

earlier that night...before the party...

Rebecca's pov

a chorus of goodbyes and goodnights and i was out the door of the hospital. it was a warm Thursday afternoon and i wanted to walk home today. i have a car but...i also live like a half mile from the hospital and i need the exercise. not that i dont get enough exercise helping people in and out of the bed and even carrying some people but enough about that. im off work. im not on call for the rest of the weekend. im good. i just power walked down the sidewalk. ok.

i was about half way home when i heard a low groan. i immediately went into panic mode. ive worked in a hospital for the past 16 years and i know that groan anywhere. its the sound someone in pain makes when they cant scream in agony. ok. i know i heard it. im only 36 so im not senile yet. ok. im sorry whoever you are but i need you to make-. i heard it again. ok. i looked around. the sidewalk under me, clear blue sky above, the busy street to my left and the bushes to my right. i heard it again. this time its coming from....the bushes? i scanned the bushes. nothing seemed out of the-.they started rustling. ok. i moved a little closer. a little closer. i kicked something and i heard the groaning louder. i looked down. i tried not to jump out of my skin. im a professional. done this too long to be startled by the sight of blood...but not that much blood. "AAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!" i jumped back, nearly falling flat on my ass. it was a head. sticking out of the bottom of the bushes. i took a deep breath. ok. im good. my heart can stop beating so fast now. i dont have time to ask what happened to him cause he is obviously in intense pain. ok. i leaned over him. wow. he was actually cute. i could tell he cleans up nice and what the fuck am i thinking about!!! shit. i gotta get him to the hospital!!! i tugged on the head. he let out a lo groan as the rest of him started coming out the bushes. he was inside of a large black trash bag with just his head sticking out. looked like someone wanted him to be found. i tugged on the bag. it was wet. really wet. this guy is still bleeding from something. i picked him up and hoisted him on my shoulder. yeah. i work out. and he is sorta light. ok. i took a deep breath and started jogging back to the hospital.

"oh hey Rebecca! back so so-OH MY GOD!!" the other nurse started freaking out at the man hoisted on my shoulder. "calm down. i need a stretcher pronto," she just nodded and took off running. she returned with a freshly prepared stretcher. i carefully set him on the stretcher. she rolled it while i worked at the bag he was in. i took some shears and sliced it open. loads of blood came pouring out. im soo glad i didn't change out of my scrubs. "get doctor chopper asap!!! he is gonna need surgery and lots of blood!!!" i  yelled. the other nurses nodded and scattered to find the director. we wheeled him to the ER. i removed the bag and got loads of towels to stop the bleeding on his chest and ankles. it wasn't enough and the color of the blood coming out his ankles was a dark red. some arteries were severed. i called over more nurses to help with his clean up. some held his chest together and did some emergency stitching on his long cut. other kept his feet from falling off at the ankles. more stitching. whoever did this to the guy did NOT want him to live. 

20 minutes of seemingly futile efforts to stop the blood and he was stable. by some miracle he is stable. we got the blood iv's in his arms, all his wounds are stitched up. he is definitely gonna be blind in his left eye. we had to sew it shut. "OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPPEND!!!" the familiar panicky voice of the director. "oh come on!! you are the last one who should be panicking here!!" he just nodded. he walked over quickly and started inspecting him. "we were able to stop the bleeding and sew up his wounds temporarily till surgery can be performed. he had a massive laceration across his chest, both ankles sliced to the bone, and a large deep cut down his left eye," i reported. he nodded. he stood next to the man and inspected the stitching. "looks like the cuts were clean through so they should heal up just fine. he wont be able to walk for a long time but not forever. how much blood did he loose?" he asked. i looked at his chart. "looks to have lost about 3 pints of blood. we have him on three iv's and a mechanized filtration unit to keep him alive and get the blood back in him," he nodded. he looked at the man's ankles. "he will need tissue and artery reconstruction surgery asap. the chest wound seems to not have cut into anything so some clean stitching and a body cast to keep it together till it starts healing on its own. he seems to be in a medically induced coma. good. keep him like this for at least two weeks. did you find any id on him?" i shook my head. the nurse finished cleaning off the dried blood from his body. i took the shears and cut the pants and undies off. my face felt hot. some one's hung. i shook my head at the thought. not the time or the place. i grabbed a gown and worked it on him. ok. he is good. alive, breathing, getting better. i sighed. im super tired. i worked a 12 hr shift today and i was looking forward to getting some shut eye over the weekend. i felt a hand on my shoulder. i looked at tony. "its ok, Rebecca. he is fine here. go ahead home. ill see you sunday," he said calmly. i nodded and made my way home.

present time at the party....

boa hancock pov

i dont think ive ever seen someone's hands move that fast. i dont even hear him breathing or coughing. i think he might be dead. i saw his chest moving up and down. shit. better not tell mark or he will finish him. i sighed. he kinda deserved it. lets be honest. i saw doffy panicking trying to calm down mark. mark was holding nami's waist soo hard and just sobbing his eyes out. yeah. id probably beat the shit outta him if i saw that too. i looked around. people were filming it. this is definitely gonna be on the internet tomorrow. i sighed. no point in trying to stop it now. "ALRIGHT PEOPLE!! THE SHOW IS OVER!! TAKE YOUR DRUNK ASSES HOME!!" I yelled. there was a chorus of awes and people started to leave. someone had called the ambulance. crocodile was hoisted on a stretcher and rolled out to the hospital. i sighed. doffy was still naked. it was really pissing me off. not only do people have pictures, they have VIDEO of him naked. this is gonna be a lot of work to cover up. i walked up to him. he stood up. he could tell i was pissed. "now look, sis, i-" i slapped him hard across his pretty ass face. my hand print was starting to show. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?! mark is on his knees sobbing his eyes out cause of some stupid shit you and your husband pulled on him. he was soooo angry he nearly beat him to death!! and on top of all that this was all filmed!!! so not only will people all over the world see someone get beaten half to death, they will see the world's top model NAKED!!! do you know how much money we are going to lose because of this? MILLIONS!! HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS!!! why dont you think about some of the shit you do?" i slapped him again, and again, and again. shit. im starting to cry. he caught my hand and pulled me into a hug. his damn hard on poked me in the stomach. "its fine, boa. this place is dark. only thing they will see is some pictures. we can sue them for our losses," he started rubbing my head. "goddamn it!! we are gonna start getting calls about you being a porn star now," shit. i started sobbing into his firm toned chest. goddamn it if he wasn't my actual blood brother and not super gay, id have this man. im very serious. i sighed. i cant. he is my brother, super gay, and likes mark. like everyone else here. except me of course. he squeezed me tighter.


viola pov

gotta say....did not see that coming. i was waiting in the limo at the hotel for crocodile and mark to come out. i was surfing the internet and stumbled upon a video of crocodile getting his face smashed in by mark. it was HILARIOUS. i couldn't stop laughing. i had always wanted to see him get his ass beat. and it was by mark?! 100 times better. he needs to tone it down. i sighed. he had just came out in the stretcher and was hoisted into the emergency truck. they took off. we cant let him stay in the hospital for too long or they will find out he isn't susposed to exist. "follow them," i told the driver. he nodded and took off after the truck.

we got to the hospital after they had took him inside. i sighed. i paged for some henchmen to help get him out of there. im just gonna wait till they finish treating him, then we will retrieve him from his room. i sighed.

we waited for around two hours and things were finally calming down. the henchmen had arrived with the necessary equipment for the extraction. ok. i got out of the limo and we walked down to the side of the hospital. "what room is he in?" i asked. "room 302," said one of them. we put up the ladders and climbed up to the 3rd floor. i looked in the room. he was sleeping in a bed with a hospital gown on and bandages covering the top half of his head. mark fucked him up bad. he was barely able to breath on his own. i opened the window and climbed inside. i noticed his hook was still missing. two more henchmen came in with the hoisting equipment and some actual clothes. i shook him. he groaned. i shook him harder. another groan. i hit his bare leg and he snorted. he sat up. he swung but missed. "calm down sir. we are here to get you," i motioned for someone to hand him his clothes. just some underwear, a tee, and some jeans with socks and sneakers. he grunted and started getting dressed. he stood up. stumbled a little and i caught him. "broken nose, cracked skull, split lip, bruised temples, and a bunch of other shit," he grumbled under his breath in frustration. i helped him to the window and the henchmen helped him down to the ground. i helped him to the limo. we got in. "where too?" i asked. "back to the party. i need to go get my future husband," he grunted. we took off.

meanwhile....a little earlier...

reader pov

shit. i need a drink. i hate drinking but i need to get drunk and sleep these sorrows away. crying all night wont bring him back. i pulled away from nami's bosom. "are you ok?" she whispered. i nodded slowly. "just...get me a drink," i whispered. she yelled some stuff. a few minutes later she handed me a glass. i downed it. ok. ok. hit me like a freight train. ok. im good. im fine. i stood up. i stumbled a little. good. i can feel the grief starting to fade. a good night sleep and ill be fine. ok. i started walking towards the elevator. i felt a hand in mine. i looked back to see doffy. "...i know what we did is unforgivable....just...here is the key. use the room to get a good night's sleep," he put the key card in my hand. i nodded. i kept walking. almost there. i felt my arm being thrown over a shoulder. "need some help?" the low voice of smoker. i couldn't protest. my vision started to blur with tears. shit. i didn't drink enough. i grabbed a bottle as we passed the bar. i popped the lid and took a long sip. ok. i blinked away the tears. we got to the elevator. i hit the button and the elevator took us down.

we got to the floor and smoker helped me to the room. i swiped the key and we went inside. to the bed. i laid down. smoker helped me get undressed to my undies. ok. another swig of the wine and i tossed. good and drunk now. probably wont remember my feeling for him tomorrow morning. i started giggling. completely forgot why im in this room right now. i felt all the worries drift away. being replaced by the intense horniness. i was at full attention. smoker saw it as he sat up from taking my pants off. he had a light blush. "well dont....*hiccup*...dont just stand...there!!!" i couldn't stop laughing. he climbed on me. kissed me like he hasn't seen me in years. started grinding on my hard on. i kissed back. he started taking off his stupid suit. those wonderful nipples of his. i giggled. they were hard. felt that poke in my stomach. i rolled myself on top. i kissed him a little harder. felt around his mouth. he gripped my neck soooooo hard. i helped him take off his pants. off went our undies. i lined up against him. he sucked on my tongue. his legs wrapped around my hips. i pushed against it. he gasped. mmmm. feels good. i pushed inside in one go. down to the balls. he clenched and came between us. feels soooooo good to be inside someone. warm. tight. i started thrusting.

i finished a couple hours later. mmmm. kinda tired now. i rolled off him. he grumbled something and smiled. he rolled over to half straddle me. buried his face in my neck. "im...im ready for a boyfriend now," he whispered. felt funny with my neck vibrating. "what...what do dat mean?" i didn't know what he was talking about. he leaned up and kissed me softly. "im....im ready for you to be my boyfriend now. no more rape kinks. no more holding me down. no more secrets. im gonna tell nami that im gay now and we can be t-," i had already fallen asleep.


viola's pov

"are you really sure about this? i mean...mark probably hates you now and wont hesitate to kill you the next time he sees you," i tried to reason with him. we pulled up to the hotel. people were finally coming out. crocodile got out the car and started walking inside. i got out and jogged to catch up along with two henchmen. we were going against a crowd. he grunted when he ran into a clothed doffy. "where is he?" he grunted. "i dont know if you wanna mess with him right now. he is kinda-" crocodile gripped his shirt. "i said where is he!!!" he yelled. doffy shrugged. "in the room," he said. crocodile pushed him away and we followed him to the elevator.

we all got on and he hit the button for the floor the room is on. it started up. "are you really gonna go after the guy who just tried to kill you?" i asked. he just grunted. the elevator dinged and we got off. we followed him to a room. the door was cracked open and there was the smell of sex leaking out. i he got visibly angry. he grabbed the pistol with the silencer from one of the henchmen's pocket, turned off the safety, and cocked the bullet in place. he had this grimace on his face as he opened the door and stormed in. we followed him, closing the door behind us. we got over to where the bed was. yeah. just as we figured. mark had fucked some silver haired guy and was cuddling with him. l looked at crocodile. he was visibly fuming. "GET THE FUCK OFF MY HUSBAND!!!" he screamed. the man snorted and woke up. he sat up and looked around. he spotted crocodile's glare and jumped. crocodile took aim at his forehead. "what the hell is-" *bang*. his whole body went limp. brains splattered all over the bed. a little got on mark's sleeping body. the man fell back on the bed next to mark. yeah. dead. i looked back at crocodile. his face had softened as he handed the gun back to a henchman. he put it away in his pocket. crocodile walked over to mark and used the covers to clean him up. he kissed him softly on the lips. "its ok, baby. i got you. ill take care of you," he whispered as he stroked his hair. "get him cleaned up and dressed," he grunted to us. the henchmen nodded. they walked over and used the covers to wipe him clean of the cum on his stomach and dick. tossed the covers. they hoisted him up in their arms roughly. crocodile was pissed. "do that again and ill kill you," he grunted. they nodded rapidly. they took him into the restroom and i heard water running. "take care of the body. im gonna put my clothes back on. bring him down, clean and dressed, in 30 minutes," he said. i nodded and he walked away.

it was time for one of the bad parts of my job. i took all the covers and rolled up the body tightly in it. tossed all the pillows inside too. got some towels and cleaner and cleaned the surrounding area. tossed them in with the body. i dug out the bullet from the hole it made in the bed. put it in with the body. i had paged some henchmen a while ago to come up with the clean up kit. i filled in the hole in the mattress and patched it up. put new sheets of the same color on it. put the body and the other stuff into a large black bag and tied it tight. placed it in  another bag and tied it up. ok. "take it to the incinerator. burn it all. not even ashes left," they nodded and took the body out. the other men carried the still sleeping mark out of the bathroom. "he is all clean, ma'am," i nodded. they dressed him. picked him up bridal style and took him out the room. ok. i looked over the room. all the cameras were shot out. crocodile must have did it a while ago. bed was back to normal. ok. when the housekeeping comes in tomorrow, she will finish cleaning the crime scene and wont even know. ok. i flipped off the lights and followed them out.

i got back down to the car as mark was being placed inside next to crocodile. i got in across from the two. mark was still sleeping. he laid down on crocodile's lap and started snoring softly. crocodile rubbed his head tenderly. he blushed a little and started staring out the window. "how are the wedding preparations going?" he asked as the driver took off towards his house outside the city. "after the finalization of your divorce in a few days, you are set to be married in 4 months, on October 22nd," i said. its kinda sad actually. mark doesn't even know crocodile has been planning their marriage since a week after they met. crocodile is crazy about him and apparently, after tonight, his feelings have only intensified. he sighed. "its gonna be amazing. ill put him in a crisp black suit. ill wear a white one. all beautiful and shit. bright. mark will be mine forever. the rings will show it," he grumbled. his blush darkened. "...and the wedding night," he grinned.

we got back to his house. the men carried mark as we all followed crocodile into his house. it was huge. a mansion with 10 beds and a master suite for him and mark to share. crocodile literally bought this house just so him and mark could live together in it. we went to the master room. crocodile stripped and motioned for them to strip mark. he got in bed and mark was placed inside next to him. he pulled mark's hand around his waist. mark got comfy and grumbled some thing before going back to sleep. "...yeah...i love you too," whispered crocodile and he fell asleep. wow. just wow. we headed out. got back in the cars. the driver started to my condo. its kinda sad. crocodile was sooo lonely for soo long. now that he has found mark, he feels as if they aren't moving fast enough. like they dont need to wait to get married. i dont think this will end well. not at all.


yeah....smoker kinda died. sorry all you smoker fans.


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