Headcanons of Onity and Frien...

By NinjaNekoAru

31.5K 3.2K 1.1K

A book full of headcanons and AUs and stuff regarding Onity, Unity, Tyler, Mike, etc. Sometimes I have ideas... More

About this Book!
Meet the Characters!
#1 - Onity's fear of water
#2 - Travel
#3 - Nightcore
#4 - Lady Gaga
#5 - The Cat
#6 - Pets
#7 - Drinking
#8 - Time
#9 - Royalty AU
#10 - Confidence
#11 - Fingers
#12 - Little Ball of Fire
#13 - Faults
#14 - Lyrics
#15 - Marriage
#16 - Old
#17 - Appearance
#18 - After
#19 - Cooking
#20 - Texting
#21 - Gaming
#22 - Love Triangle
#23 - Grinning Munchkin Theater Child
#24 - Reality TV
#25 - Nicknames
#26 - Email
#28 - Not ready
#29 - Parents
#30 - Fashion
#31 - SU AU
#32 - Yvenity AU
#33- Siblings
#34 - TV
#35 - This is longgg
#36 - Fusion
#37 - Heart Break
#38 - Outed AU
#39 - Alex's Story
#40 - Evil Onity AU
#41 - Museum
#42 - Witch
#43 - 2p AU
#44 - Diet
#45 - Grandpa Diego
#46 - OTP Questions
#47 - Oni life style
#48 - Halloween
#49 - Unity's friends
#50 - EMT
#51 - Closet
#52 - The Sims
#53 - sympathetic
#54 - Micheal
#55 - electrical socket
#56 - Hilarious Croissant
#57 - Volunteer
#58 - more questions
#59 - Rae

#27 - Dads

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By NinjaNekoAru

#27 - headcanon - Dads

In the AU where Onity has a child, the three try to be parents who allow their child freedom. They want the child to trust them and feel like they can open up and they want their child not to feel inhuman or locked away or over protected.
Despite what they want, they aren't every good at it. Having a human/oni mixed child means they have no idea what to expect. What is a healthy diet for them? Can they control their powers as a normal oni?
When their kid gets sick, they freak out and call Rose, who by then of course knows Onity's secret. Of course shes just as worried buutt calmer.
Literally all three of them had major anxiety when they send their kid to public school. Are they going to be okay? What if they accidentally hurt themselves? What if someone figures out their secret?

They also spoil their kid.
Like if they had a cookie jar, all three of them are the type of dad to sneak their kid a cookie after dinner time if the kid asked.
They're the type of parents where like Onity will work with the kid one week to prank Mike and Mike will help the kid prank Tyler and Tyler will help the kid prank the other two. The kid loves being in the middle of this harmless but funny prank war against their dads.

Onity is the type of dad to stay up till 3 am watching cartoons with the kid on weekends.
Tyler is the type of dad who will play pvp games against the kid and will be all into it, but lets the kid win. He'll be in 1st place in Mario cart while the kid is like 2nd or 3rd place and last second Tyler will "accidentally" lose control and  end up in like 8th place.
Mike is the dad that sit at the table with the kid, helping them with homework, and if he needs to he'll finish filling in the worksheets with his left hand because honestly?? The kid knows this stuff??? But its been a long fucking day?? Its 10 pm and they need their sleep??? You know???

Imagine them as dads
Aa aaaa

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