Waves of Life

By melted_chocolate

57.1K 2K 603

Eva, a funny, witty, sarcastic 15 year old Australian girl has a whole hell of a hectic life with three aweso... More

Waves of Life
Chapter One- The door to my life
Chapter Two - The Unlucky Life
Chapter three- The foolish days of life
Chapter Four - The Detention Life
Chapter Five- The Scheming life
Chapter Six- The Helpful Life
Chapter Seven- The coincidental life
Chapter Eight- The Dodging Life
Chapter Nine- The horrifying Life
Chapter Ten- The Criminal Life
Chapter Eleven- The gossip life
Chapter Twelve- The West free life
Chapter Thirteen-The Mothers, cats and tears life
Chapter Fourteen- The Advising Life
Chapter Fifteen- The kilogram Chocolate life
Chapter Sixteen- The Troublesome Life
Chapter Seventeen- The James Bond and Watson life
Chapter Eighteen- The Baby Richards Life
Chapter Nineteen- The sticky situation life
Chapter Twenty - The Party Life
Chapter Twenty One- The Beach Life
Chapter Twenty Two - The Dancing Beach Chair Life
Chapter Twenty Three- The shocking revelations life
Chapter Twenty Four - The Hospital Life
Chapter Twenty Five- The Kit-Kat life
Chapter Twenty Six - The Super Hero Life
Chapter Twenty Seven- The school and military school life
Chapter Twenty Eight - The Lost Life
Chapter Twenty Nine- The found life
Chapter Thirty - The Love Life
Chapter Thirty One- The Crazy Exchange Life
Chapter Thirty Two - The Awkward Life
Chapter Thirty Three- The boy life
Chapter Thirty Five- The abusive life
Chapter Thirty Six - The Vengeful Prank Life
Chapter Thirty Seven- The millionaire life
Chapter Thirty Eight - The Camping Life
Chapter Thirty Nine- The False Life
Chapter Fourty - The Library Life
Epilogue- Waves of Life

Chapter Thirty four - the art life

766 22 14
By melted_chocolate

This whole time I haven't been that truthful with you guys....the truth about me is that I am secretly an artist. There I've said it, I'm the future Michael angelo and Van Gogh rolled into one artistically being.....

Okay all if that was a load if rubbish and I suck at art, but in my defence it's not completely my fault. I've got a teacher to blame for that. Mrs Nester.

Go on and read for yourself about how lovely that woman is. Hopefully she inspires YOU to pursue your artistic dreams.

-Eva XOX


"Ahh, I've been waiting for soo long to do that!" He cheered, pushing the door open.

"Kat, I can't believe you stole my first kiss!" I scolded, squinting a little so I could let my eyes adjust to the light.

"Kat? It's the first time I kiss you and you think I'm another guy?" Evan questioned.

"E-Evan?!" I screamed in disbelief.

"Yes, that's right. Evan, not stupid Kat-"

"You took my first kiss you idiot!" I yelled again, ignoring the glares we were now getting from other students in the corridor.

"Uh-uh. Does it usually take you this long to process things?" He sneered, raising an eyebrow.

"You don't get it, do you?" I demanded, balling my fist angrily.

"Obviously I don't. Care to explain?"

I inhaled and exhaled slowly in an attempt to calm myself down- but it didn't seem to be working.

"You kissed Emm, then you kissed me!"

"I thought we were over the me kissing Emm thing-"

"No! You kissed her then kissed me! That means I've got some of Emm's germs in my mouth!" I shrieked, my mind thinking of how many diseases I could be infected with.

"Are you for real?"

"Do you know how many people she's kissed? I could like die from a lip infection because of y-"

And just like that, the idiot crashed his lips into mine. I quickly pulled away as a wave of disgusting images of lips with infections flooded through my brain. Gross!

"Don't you ever do that again! I don't plan on dying at the age of 32!" I yelled at him again, pointing an accusing finger with each word.

"Whatever you say!" He called, sending a wink my way as he walked in the opposite direction.

Ugh, the nerve of that boy!


"The problem with this school is that some of you children don't value art! You know, my son he is only eight years old and he is an artist! Not because he got his talent from me, but because he values it!..." I decided to zone out of Mrs Nester's daily lecture.

She had been my art teacher for only two years, and in those short two years she would of probably given us around two billion lectures....okay maybe I'm exaggerating just abit, but this lady didn't know how to shut up. If she wasn't talking about how our school sucks compared to other schools in Adelaide, or telling us Art is what makes the world go around, then she was telling us how perfect her children were, and how they were the future famous artists of the world.

I guess she didn't know the well known fact that all artists become famous after they die. So unless she's planning to murder her own children for the sake of art, she needs to shut it.

"....So as I was sayin', I have come to realise that, since this is a public school, a lot of the things that are provided here for you for free, are provided to you by the tax payers money. I've never thought of it that way. You know, like this paint bottle for instance, we wouldn't of had this bottle if I didn't pay my taxes. So you should thank the Australian people, and well, me of course because I am an Australian citizen that is payin' taxes.."

"Is this a lesson about taxes or art?" Skye questioned, a little too loudly, because next thing we knew all eyes was on our table.

I tried to suppress a laugh as Mrs Nester shot us a look of utter disgust.

"You know, this is what I was talking about before. Some students don't respect me or art for that matter. Is it because I am too kind?"

I couldn't help snorting this time. Mrs Nester was anything BUT kind.

"That's it! You lot, are cleanin' the art supply closet!" She yelled, her annoyingly shrill voice echoing throughout the room.

"But miss, me, Jazz and Maddison haven't done anything. Why should we have to clean too?" May inquired, only just snapping back to reality from book land, when she had heard that she would have to do some cleaning.

"Because I am the teacher!" She yelled again, as if that was a good excuse.

"Whatever, it beats making shadow puppets out of stupid Popsicles!" Skye added, purposely raising her voice to get on Mrs Nester's buttons.

Mrs Nester shot us another glare and lead us to the storage closet (as if we didn't know where it was). As soon as she whipped the door open she began shouting....again.

"What are you two doin' in here? Is this a closet or a chat room?!"

"I wasn't even talking to Paige, I just needed a some blue paint-"

"I don't care! You are cleaning too!"

"But Matt and I really weren't doing anyth-"

"One more word and the WHOLE class gets a detention because of you lot, who think you are above the law!"

"Are we in a court room or an art room?" Skye sneered.

"SKYE!" We all warned, but it was too late.


And if looks could kill- Skye would of been annihilated.


And there we were. All thirty-four students sitting in a detention room, just because one Art teacher was too lazy to clean her own art supply closet.

The room was filled with pens and pencils scratching away at paper, explaining why we were in detention- that was our punishement. We wouldn't of had to stay an extra forty-five minutes at school if Mrs Nester could of just stopped crying and actually explained that it was her fault we were here.

As soon as Principal Stratford had asked, why the WHOLE class needed a detention, she broke down crying, claiming we had taken advantage of her kindness and FORCED her to send us here.

That witch.

'Dear Mr Startford,

Today, on this pitiful Tuesday afternoon, I have been sent to Detention. The reason for this, I am still unsure of, and I'm sure you are too. But there's still fifteen more minutes on that clock and I can't keep passing notes to Maddison asking her for help writing this stupid letter, like I have been doing for the past hour. Did I really just call a letter I'm sending to the school principal stupid? Well, I guess I am, since I've said it twice now. Anyway, the point was, why am I here. Well let me tell you. Plain and simple (and in no way am I trying to be offensive) but Mrs Nester has a serious problem. You see, when our Art lesson begins (which might I add is always a DOUBLE lesson, seriously I think one lesson a week with her would be fine...not FOUR!) we are energetic and ready to start the artistic lesson. But theeen Mrs Nester feels like she should give us a talk about the economy and her artistically talented children (whose work I have seen and no offence isn't really that great) and that talk just drains us of all the energy and enthusiasm we had towards the lesson. So then we get irritable and just don't feel like doing the work. And when you add on her need to pick on everyone for unknown reasons, then you can't really blame us for getting this detention-'


"Yes!" The whole class cheered as everyone shouted up and out of their seats.

"I'm so glad that's over," I sighed, folding up my paper and sliding it into my bag.

"Ugh, I know. It took forever!" Maddison piped in.

"I just want to go home and sleep!" Jazz spoke my thoughts.

"Can we just go already, I'm so sick of this room," May complained, leading us out.

"Wait, Eva hang on!" I heard Matt call after me.

I grimaced as I answered, "Yes?"

"Uh, Mitch just sent me text saying he waited around for you and then left with Liv."

"That loser."

"He also asked, if I could walk you to my place, and he can drive you back home since he's already there."

Well La-dee-daa! Everything turns out perfect-except for the fact that, Matt has recently practically proclaimed his love for me and I shot him down! I know I've said this before, but this is going to be achingly awkward.

"Um, actually why don't I just walk myself home? It's not too far and-"

"Sorry, but I'm not taking no for an answer. Plus, your brother would kill me if I let you walk home alone."

"Hah. My brother is not the-"

"Over protective type?" He finished for me.

"Yeah. He couldn't care less if I was kidnapped and murdered."

"Wow, you don't know your brother do you?"

"Actually, I'd say I know him quite well," I challenged, raising an eyebrow.

"Whatever. You haven't seen him angry," He shrugged, slumping his backpack over his shoulders.

"Trust me, I've seen him angry."

"Yeah, but you haven't seen him 'Touch my sister and you die!' type of angry."

"Pfft, if he was like that, then why would he let you walk me to your house?" I questioned, finding this new found info amusing.

"Who says he's been that type of angry with me?" He inquired, with a smirk.

"Who else would......ohhhhh!" I sighed, aloud after realising. "He threatened Kat? That's something."

"You should of seen his face though. It's was the funniest thing ever! He looked disappointed but was trying to hide it by smiling and I swear he just looked really really constipated!"

"Why are you two still in here? OUT!" Mr Stratford suddenly boomed.

That was enough to get us out if there in under 0.2 seconds.


"Oh, Hello there, Eva!" Mrs West, greeted, pulling into a hug as soon as she answered the door.

"Ahem!" Matt fake-coughed, wanting his mother to acknowledge his presence.

"Oh, and hello Matt," She greeted, him with a lot let enthusiasm.

I awkwardly smiled at the two and was a little relieved when Mrs West inched the door open for us to pass through.

"So have you finally accepted my offer and come to look at old photos of Matt when he was just a baby?" She asked, with a big expectant smile on her face.

"Oh, I completely forgot about that-"

"No! Muuuuuum!" Matt whined, sounding more annoying than I think I've never heard him sound (if that was possible).

"Eva wants to see them so let her. You shouldn't be so ashamed of yourself Mathew."

"How could I not be ashamed if there's a picture of me in there, in a tutu?"

"A tutu?" I repeated, my face lighting up.

If I just got a tiny glimpse of that picture I can have teasing rights over Matt for the rest of my life.

"No, no, no, no, no! Not that look!" Matt cried, his eyes bulging. "Mum, she cannot see my photos. Can you see that face? That face means she's having evil, evil thoughts! She's can't see th-"

"Don't be silly, Matt. I'm not evil," I said, ironically giving Matt the evil-est smile I could muster, while Mrs West went over and got out the photo album.

"Whatever you see here, stays here. Alright?" He tried to settle, looking genuinely worried.

"Ofcourse, there's no need to worry. Your darkest secrets are safe with me."

"I hate you."

"Oh, stop being so rude Matt," She scolded, plopping down next to me. "Let's start when Matt was just three years old and he was in his spider man phase......"


"Really? He actually made his mum dress him up in a tinker bell dress every Halloween until he was seven!?" May half gasped, half chuckled.

"Yes! He was and is soo stupid!" I added, standing up as the bus parked in front of our school.

"Hey! I'm right here, have a little respect-"

We cut him off with a few more cackles and then met up the rest of the gang.

"The timetables changed and now we've all got art first and second periods," Jazz complained.

"My favourite lesson," I sarcastically commented, walking with the rest down the hallways towards the art room.

Once we reached the class we all shuffled into our seats and readied ourselves for yet another pain stacking lecture.

"Where are your apology letters?" Was the first thing she asked as she wandered into the class, with a long floral dress- that she would probably go on to tell us she made herself....when she was FOUR!

Everyone began getting out of their seats and wandering over to the front desk.

"Psst, what apology letters?" I whispered over to Maddison.

"You know, the apology letters that the whole class had to write to her in Detention."

I couldn't see my face right now, but I'm sure I looked like a mixture of surprise and confusion.

"But I thought we had to write to Principal Stratford explaining what had happened."

Maddy rolled her eyes, looking a little frustrated. "No. Mr Stratford specifically asked us all to write a letter of apology to Mrs Nester. And he also said he didn't know, and didn't care what happened he just wanted us to write those letters."

"Oh, crap."

"What did you write though. It can't be that bad-"

"I practically bitched about her in that letter. If she read it, she kill me with a blink of an eye! Plus, you've seen how creative she is, she could probably murder me with cardboard a bit of duct tape and a marble!"

"I feel sorry for you."

"I feel sorry for me too-"

"Eva! Since you are too lazy to come over here and hand me my letter, then you can read it to me and the whole class!"

"I really, really feel sorry for you," Maddy repeated.

I can just sense that today is going to be a splendid day for me.


"I seriously can't believe you made Mrs Nester cry like that," Jazz thought aloud, as she took a chomp off her Nutella sandwich.

"I know," I sighed, lazily taking a bite out of my wrap.

"She's going to hate you even more now," May said, sending me a sympathetic look.

"I know."

"If that's even possible," Skye added, giving me a nudge.

"Can we not talk about her anymore? Let's talk about something else," I said, trying to change the subject.

"Fine, let's talk about what's going on over there."

I looked over at the direction Jazz was pointing at.

"What on earth are those three doing?" I questioned, still watching the brawl.

"It's a fight, let's watch!" May cheered, already out of her seat and on her way to the fight.

Even Maddy was eager to go. "Come on, let's go!"

I gave in to peer pressure, and walked myself over there. I soon wished I'd hadn't when I realised who the three were.

Kat, Matt and....Joel?

"Isn't Joel supposed to be interstate?" Maddy asked exactly what I was thinking.

"Y-Yeah," I managed to answer.

"EVA!" I heard a voice boom, and I was almost certain it belonged to Joel.

"Crap, crap! What do I do?" I demanded, looking around at my friends helplessly.

"We run!" Skye screeched, grabbing onto my wrist and pulling me into whatever direction.

Soon all five of us were hiding in the main corridor in between lockers, when we heard footsteps. We would of just thought it was a teacher on duty, but then the owner of the footsteps called, "I've come back for you. Eva."

"AHHH!" We all stupidly screamed, running off in the opposite direction. I was running just behind May when someone grabbed me and pulled me into a janitors closet.

Not this again.

"Evan?" I breathed, still needing to catch my breath.

"No it's Matt. Just stay quiet."



Oh no! Joel has just returned and he's already causing havoc! Comment down why you think he's back and the closets guess will get a dedication!


-Ed ⭐️

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