Sex, Love, and Basketball *Bo...

By KarmyVolkevens

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**Includes SLB Books 1 and 2** Sex, Love, and Basketball follows a groups of girls and a few guys on their jo... More

1. Move In Day
2. Campus Tour
3. "Shopping"
4. Do I Know You?
5. "Is This a Game To You?"
6. I Deserve Better
7. "International House of Pussy...I mean Pancakes."
8. "I Know It Was You."
9. Daaaammmnnn!
10. Feel My Pain
11. One on One
12. Legal
13. Birthday Sex
14. Momma Don't Play (Skip to the very end of this ch.)
15. Just a One Time Thing: Part 1
17. A Deal's a Deal
18. Why Her?
19. Needing Space
20. Making Up
21. Just For The Night
22. Faking It
23. Taking L's
24. Double Dating
25. Perfect Timing
26. Ex's and Oooooh's
27. Pizza and Chill
28. The Honeymoon Stage
29. "Hoemance"
30. Stitches
31. Saying Goodbye
32. The Jealous Type
33. Buzzer Beater
34. First Fight
35. Official
36. Head Ahh
37. "I'd Go Anywhere With You."
38. Exposed
39. Christmas Break
40. It's All Good
41. Sistah Sistah
42. Bad Timing
43. N.I.M.D.K
44. Christmas
45. New To This
46. Fighting and Cheating
47. Misunderstandings and Mental Breakdowns
48. YT People Sh*t
49. Chaos and Tragedies (Part 1)
50. Chaos and Tragedies (Part 2)
(Book 2) 1. The Perfect Couple
2. Awkward Situations
3. No New Friends
4. You Ain't Got No Nipples!!!
5. One Hundred Yard Suicides
6. Get The Strap
7. "Are You A Boy Or A Girl?"
8. Baggage
9. P.E. To The TT. Y
10. Break Ups, Makes Ups, And Things That Start With The Letter P
11. Explosions and....Proposals?
12. First Times and Goodbyes
13. Sebastian's Tree
14. Hypocrite
15. Cherry Pie
16. Match Makers
17. I Hate You
18. Number 22
19. Heat Of The Moment
20. "Eating"
21. The Silent Treatment
22. Meeting The Rents
23. Talk To Me
24. Parking Ticket
25. MΓ©nage Γ  trois
26. MΓ©nage Γ  trois (Part 2)
27. Three's a Crowd
28. Bad Idea
29. Recovery Road (Part 1)
30. Recovery Road (Part 2)
31. Family and Friends Day
32. Old Habits
33. First Fights and First Dates (Part 1)
34. First Fights and First Dates (Part 2)
35. Ghosting
36. Ambush
37. Group Hangout (Part 1)
38. Group Hangout (Part 2)
39. The Kick Back
40. Millenniums

16. Just a One Time Thing: Part 2

1.6K 74 73
By KarmyVolkevens

Sorry for any mistakes 😅

(Let's play a little game called spot the Fifth Harmony song references.) The person to spot the most gets to be a minor character for the next four chapters. There are 9 in all. Tell me what they are to win. 😁


Raya and I were cleaning up the mess I made and I made the mistake of picking up a piece of the broken glass because Raya missed it when she was sweeping. I saw blood dripping from my fingers and knew that I had yet again done something stupid.

"You're bleeding." The woman said leaning the broom up against the wall and carefully taking the piece of glass from my hand. "Why are you so accident prone?" The woman said grabbing my wrist and leading me into the kitchen.

"I'm not actually." I mumbled. Raya made me this way. Stupid and clumsy. It was all her fault for being so damn beautiful and just being her.

"I'm gonna go get the first aid kit. Just sit here and don't move. I don't want you breaking anything, or possibly yourself. You know what, just come with me. I'm not taking any chances." The woman said grabbing some paper towels and wrapping them around my bloody hand. "Put pressure on this until we get to the bathroom."

Instead of arguing, I just let Raya drag me upstairs to her bathroom because, 1. blood really freaks me out and 2. she was holding my wrist and it's pretty close to my hand, so in my delusional world, we were currently holding hands.

"Okay, just sit here." The girl said leading me towards the toilet. She put the top down and I sat on it and waited for her to get the first aid kit.

"I'm sorry I'm so clumsy." I apologized because I just wanted to say something.

"No need to apologize, it's not your fault."

"Yeah, it's your fault." I mumbled, but I'm sure Raya heard me because she was frowning at me.

"How is it my fault?" The woman asked laughing. Yup, she heard me.

"Um, I really think I should get this cleaned out." I said taking the paper towel from around my hand and watching more blood drip from my thumb and middle finger. "I'm gonna puke."

The blood was seriously making me queazy.

"Stop being so dramatic." The woman said grabbing the first aid kit from the medicine cabinet and putting it on the vanity before opening it up. "Okay, so first I'm going to flush it with water just to get the access blood off of your hand, and then peroxide. It might burn a little, but that's just how you know it's working."

"That's the same thing you say when you're killing us at workouts." I said rolling my eyes and keeping my hand back from the woman.

"Well it applies here too, now give me your hand." The woman demanded and I did as she said.

"You don't have to be so bossy. We're not at practice." I grumbled.

"I'm this way naturally." The woman said doing what she said she'd do and running my hand under cold water. "Okay, now time for the peroxide." The woman said taking the white cap off of the brown bottle and tilting it over my hand. She made sure she got the two fingers that were actually cut and not my whole hand and just like she said it would, it burned a little.

"Ow!" I said trying to pull my hand back, but she had a good grip on my wrist.

"Stop acting like such a baby. My nephew takes this stuff like a boss and you're whining like a little pansycake." The woman said and I glared at her.

"It stung okay?" I said watching as the woman dried my hand off and placed a bandaid on each of my fingers.

"SpongeBob? Really?" I said frowning at my fingers.

"You whined, so you can't get a grown up bandaid." The woman said closing the first aid kit and putting it back in it's respective place.

"You're the queen of petty right now." I said shaking my head and standing from the toilet.

"And you're a crybaby." The woman countered and I just rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to go finish my food before it gets too cold. Well try to anyway. It's not really that good. I said I loved it, but I lied. I was just trying to be nice, but since you're being mean, I can be that way too." I said leaving the bathroom. I heard Raya chuckle at my words and of course it had an effect on me.

"You love my food and you know it." The woman called out behind me. She was right, but I wouldn't tell her that.


"How are your fingers feeling?" Raya asked me randomly.

We had finished eating and I helped her clean the kitchen. We settled in the living room afterwards and were trying to find something good to watch on tv.

"If you're making fun of me, fuck off." I said because honestly, I was irritated with the woman.

She had been bothering me the entire night. She wouldn't let the whole cry baby thing go and on top of that, she was barely letting me touch anything. She even took it upon herself to help me to the living room. She was mocking me and I didn't like it. I wasn't mad, but I wanted her to stop.

"I'm not. I swear. I'm just asking. That glass got you pretty good. Any deeper and you might have needed stitches." The woman said and I turned to her and she was obviously trying to hold back a smile.

"Fuck you, Raya." I said rolling my eyes, but not being able to fight a smile. Her's was contagious.

"You do realize that I can run the hell out of you for talking to me like that right?" The woman asked and I couldn't tell if she was serious. I was feeling a little bold at the moment, so I decided to test the waters.

"Yeah, but you won't." I said making the woman scoff.

"And what makes you think I wouldn't?" The woman asked sitting on her leg and turning so she was facing me completely.

"The fact that I'm your favorite." I told the woman and she rolled her eyes.

"I already told you that I don't choose favorites." The woman said and now I was the one rolling my eyes.

"How many other players have spent the night here?" I asked.

"None, but I let you come here because I know that you didn't always get to go home for breaks and I didn't want you to be alone." The woman spoke and her reason was pretty legit, but I still knew that wasn't the only reason.

"Okay, but what about the other times? We weren't even on break." I asked and she sighed.

"We're friends aren't we?" The woman asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, but why am I the only player you've formed a friendship with?" I pushed.

"You just are. Why does there have to be a reason?" The woman frowned.

"There doesn't. Just admit that I'm your favorite and we can drop the subject." I shrugged.

"But you're not. If anyone's my favorite, it's Fuller." The woman said mentioning Daniella and I burst out laughing.

"That's such bullshit. Daniella is barely even tolerable. There's no way that little pervert is your favorite." I said still laughing.

"Pervert? Are we speaking about the same Fuller? She's a sweetheart. She's a little too hyper and silly, but other than that, she's very respectful." The woman said and I looked at her like she was crazy.

"What? Have you heard the things she says? 98% percent of the things that come out of her mouth are about sex. She wouldn't know respect if it hit her in the face. She's cool and all, but she is not the innocent girl you think she is. She's got you fooled." I said shaking my head.

"Well, you have spent more time with her than I have, but the fact that she's not that way around me is respectful. She knows when to act right and that's all that matters." My coach said shrugging too.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But I wish she had the same respect she has for you for me. The girl has no chill."

"I think she has a little crush on you." The woman said laughing. "I could tell by the way she got all stiff when she saw you a few weeks back. That's why I suggested you give her a tour around campus."

"Oh wow. What are you? Her wing man?" I said laughing at the new information.

The fact that Raya was trying to help Dani out sort of stung because I'd rather her be trying to get at me, but I brushed the negative thoughts off and decided to just laugh about it.

"I don't think she needs one. She's really cute and I can tell that she's going to cause some trouble with the girls here." The woman said laughing.

"She is really cute, but she's got the whole player thing going on. She has to grow out of that. Once you get older, that stuff gets old. She's going to start craving actual connections with people, but she won't even know how to handle them because all she knows is the game." I said and Raya nodded.

"Maybe you should help her. I want you to take her up under your wing. Be sort of a mentor for her." The woman suggested and I was not down with that.

Dani and I had gotten close enough. She doesn't need to be up under any wing of mine.

"Um, I don't think that's a good idea. Maybe Malaya can do it. She is the starting point guard. That would make more sense." I tried getting out of it.

"Malaya doesn't have the leader ship skills that you do though. And just between us two, she's a bitch. I love all of my players, but her attitude makes me want to pull her scholarship sometimes." The woman said and I laughed at the fact that she was comfortable enough to talk with me like this. I guess we are really friends.

"Well she graduates soon, so she'll be out of your hair next year." I said making the woman chuckle.

Raya's laugh got me every time. It was a beautiful sound and I always wanted to kiss her when she did it.

"What?" The woman asked looking at me with a slight smile and confusion. I was staring.

"Nothing. I just like the way you laugh." I said making the woman furrow her eyebrows. Dammit Raquel. That's not something you say to your coach.

"Why do you say things like that to me?" The woman asked and I couldn't tell if she was uncomfortable or just curious.

"Like what?" I asked playing dumb.

"Well only counting today. Earlier you called me beautiful. Then you basically told me that I make you clumsy which I'm guessing is due to you being nervous around me and now you're telling me you like the way I laugh. Not to mention, I always catch you staring at me and even when we're talking, you just zone out and stare. I could keep going, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about now by the look on your face."

I wasn't sure exactly what look I had on my face, but I'm sure I looked similar to a deer caught in headlights. She noticed those things? I thought I was being discreet.

"Do I make you uncomfortable?" I asked instead of answering her original question.

"No. Not at all. I just don't get why you get like that around me. We've known each other for almost four years not counting the five years we saw each other every now and then when my dad was scouting you." The girl said referring to the old head coach. She went from being a player, to being the assistant coach below her dad, to being our head couch after he retired.

"I know, but I'm not like that because I haven't gotten used to you because I have. I'm comfortable around you, but I'm nervous for other reasons." I said and Raya gave me another look of confusion.

Remember when I said I felt like tonight was the night I was going to do something stupid? Well I was right.

"Other reasons like what?" The woman asked and I laughed nervously before speaking again.

"Other reasons like I have a huge ass crush on you." I confessed like an idiot.

Raya's silence scared me. Was this the part where she kicked me out and told me we would have to keep our relationship strictly professional? I felt like I waited hours for Raya to respond, but she finally did.

"So I'm not crazy." The woman stated more than asked.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I had a feeling you had a crush on me, but I always figured I was being ridiculous. I'm all old and you're in college. There are plenty of pretty girls here for you to be interested in." The woman said and I scoffed.

"28 is not that old. And besides, you don't even look it. You're gorgeous and I can't even count on both my hands how many times you've been mistaken for a player." I said making the woman blush.

"Oh hush." The woman said pushing me playfully.

"I'm serious, Raya. I think you're beautiful and your age is not an issue for me. We're just seven years apart. That's not that bad." I said and the woman laughed gently.

"I'm flattered, but I'm your coach, Raquel. Your teammates already think you're my favorite. If I get romantically involved with you, it would be hectic." The woman said and I frowned.

"So that's the only thing standing in the way?" I asked.

"Well it's the main thing. I can't date one of my players." The woman said and I rolled my eyes.

"Then I quit." I said making the woman burst out laughing.

"That's not the only thing standing in the way Raquel." The woman said making me frown.

"What else is there?" I asked.

"I'm straight." The woman said and my heart sunk. Dammit. I forgot about that.

"Oh right." I said not really able to look at the woman anymore. Keeping my feelings inside and assuming I had no chance with her was a lot better than confessing them and actually knowing I had no chance. At least then I could still dream. Now I have to move on.

"Don't look like that." The woman said placing a hand on my cheek and making me look at her. "You'll find someone else easily. You're beautiful and if I was into women, I'm sure I'd be all over you."

"That doesn't make me feel any better." I said taking the woman's hand off of my face but not letting it go immediately. Instead I opted on playing with her fingers before speaking again. "You know, I thought I was straight too until I kissed a girl for the first time."

"Don't do that." The woman said pulling her hand out of mine and looking uncomfortable. "This isn't a 'you don't know until you try' situation. I was in college once and I can assure you, from experience, that I'm not into women in that way."

"Having experience and experimenting are two totally different things, but I'm not trying to pressure you. I can take a L like a woman." I said putting my hands up.

"How are they any different?" The woman asked and I smirked because I had her right where I wanted her. Curious.

"Well you said 'experience' like you've actually tried the whole lesbian thing and it didn't work for you. Kissing one of your straight girl friends just to see how it felt isn't experience. That's experimenting. This isn't Science, it's not just something you can study or experiment on. To truly understand it, you have to live it, in which you have experienced it." I spoke and Raya looked like she was eating my every word.

"How did you know what I meant when I said that?" The woman asked looking embarrassed.

"Because, if an actual experienced lesbian got a hold of you, you'd like it." I said confidentially. That wasn't necessarily true. There are straight women on this planet and there are woman that have tried things with lesbians and weren't into it, but right now I was trying to win, so the ends justify the means.

"You don't know that." The woman argued and I just shrugged.

"And neither do you." I countered.

"Well, I don't want to know." The woman said turning away from me and facing the tv.

I laughed because I could tell I was getting under her skin.

"Well if you ever do want to know, I'm here." I said facing the tv too.

I give it three hours before she's coming to me.

Approximately Three Hours Later 

I was lying on the bed in the guest room when I heard two soft knocks on the door.

"Burrows?" Raya said peaking her head in the room

"Yes, Raya?" I asked already knowing what she was here for.

"Never mind." The woman said going to close the door.

"What is it?" I spoke which caused her to stop and look at me nervously.

"It's stupid." The woman said laughing dryly and I rolled my eyes.

"Curiosity isn't stupid." I said making the woman look at me in what seemed like shock.


"I know you're thinking about what we talked about and I know you're here because you want to take up my offer." I said not beating around the bush.

"Oh." The woman said stepping back into the room and standing awkwardly by the door.

It didn't seem like Raya was going to move from that spot, so I got out of the bed and slowly walked over to her until I was standing right in front of her. We really were the same height and we were leveled perfectly with each other. I was sure not to get too close to the woman, but I was close enough to hear Raya swallow nervously.

"I won't do anything you don't want me to do." I assured the woman.

"What if I don't want you to do anything?" The woman asked and I took a step back.

"Then I won't do anything."

"What if I want you to do everything?" The woman asked after that and I took another step in her direction before speaking.

"Then you might want to call in sick to work tomorrow." I asked knowing that Raya was still working her part time job at the local YMCA since our season hadn't actually started yet. She liked to stay busy.

"Why?" The woman asked looking genuinely confused.

"Because I don't know how useful you'll be in leading exercise if you can't walk." I said taking another step towards the woman.

Raya was just looking at me and her eyes exuded both nervousness and excitement.

"So what do you want me to do?" I asked because I wasn't doing anything to this woman without her permission.


"I had a really great time with you today." I said as Mya and I got into her car. We were just now leaving the restaurant.

"You say that like it's over?" The girl said laughing and looking at my confused face.

"It's not over?" I asked because I figured we had done everything.

I told Dani that we were going for a run when Mya came to get me this morning, but really, Mya just asked me to spend the day with her and I said yes. I didn't know how Dani would feel about it, so I didn't tell her. I probably shouldn't care what she thinks or how she feels about what I do, but I do.

"Not unless you want it to be. I was thinking we could go back to my place and watch a movie or something." The girl said and I smirked.

"Or something?" I asked just messing with the girl. Dani sort of rubbed off on me, so any chance I got to be inappropriate, I took it.

"I promise I'm not trying to get your in panties. I just like spending time with you." The girl said looking like she was getting embarrassed.

"Oh, so you don't want to?" I asked still messing with the girl and she face palmed.

"Ugh! That's not what I meant either because if you wanted to, I wouldn't be opposed. I'm just trying to take things slow enough for you to feel comfortable with me again." The girl said and I just laughed.

"I'm just playing, Mya. And I am comfortable with you." I told the girl seriously. "It's like we never lost touch."

"Oh. I should have known you were just messing with me." The girl said laughing too. "And I'm glad you're comfortable with me. I really thought my sketch pad was going to scare you away. I feel like such a creep for it."

I have to admit. The sketch pad did creep me out, but that's only because I'm not an artist. I don't know what it feels like to have a muse. I can't really judge what I don't actually understand.

"You are not a creep.....You're an extremely talented creep." I said making the girl gasp.

"Oh wow." The girl said laughing despite herself. "That kinda hurt."

"I'm sorry, but I had to." I said as my laughter died down.

"It's all good. I know it was creepy, but I don't regret showing you. I feel like just hanging on to it would have been creepier." The girl said and I just shrugged.

"Thank you for showing me and thank you for letting me have it. You are really talented though and I'm honored that you thought enough of me to draw me. I thought about you too you know? It was mostly confusion, but I also missed you....a lot." I told the girl what I had wanted to call and tell her for almost two years.

"I missed you too. But I'm sure that's pretty obvious." The girl said gesturing to the sketch pad on the dash board and we both laughed.

"I don't remember what your lips feel like. I could never decide whether or not I liked the kiss or not." I said sort of shifting the subject.

Honestly, all the smiling and laughing Mya was doing was making me feel funny. But in a good way. Her dimples were showing and they were so cute.

"You probably didn't. I barely kissed you because you pulled away so fast. It was barely a kiss." The girl said almost sadly.

"I won't pull away this time." I said beginning to play with my fingers because though my move was bold, I was getting nervous. Dani was the last girl I kissed and I just wasn't sure if anything could compare to kissing her. The last thing I wanted to do was be disappointed, or to disappoint Mya.

"I'm not sure if it's a good idea for me to kiss you." The girl said and I could feel her eyes burning a hole in the side of my face.

"Why not?" I said facing the girl and not even trying to hide my slight disappointment. I wanted her to kiss me.

"Because, I'm not sure if I'll be able to stop at just that. That probably makes me sound like a horn dog, but I am extremely attracted to you and even the little things you do turn me on." The girl said and my heart rate picked up.

I was surprised at how straight forward the girl was being. I thought I made her nervous, but apparently I didn't make her that nervous.

"Then maybe we should wait until we get back to your place." I said not believing the words that had just slipped through my lips. Did I just agree to have sex with her? It has been awhile since I've been with anyone in that way.

"Are you sure, Mya? I don't want you to think you have to do anything you don't want to." The girl said and I thought about what I was saying before speaking this time.

"I want to. Just promise me you won't leave me afterwards. If sex is all you want then tell me now before I get myself into something I can't handle." I said thinking of the way Dani used to do me. And I was dumb enough to give her what she wanted every time. I'll never be that girl again. I refuse to let someone toy with my heart again.

"I promise you that I want so much more than sex from you, Mya. We don't even have to do anything. Just being in your presence is enough for me. Hurting you is the furthest thing from my mind. I'm not like Daniella." The girl said pretty much reading my mind. She knew why I was worried. I felt like she was being slick and throwing shade towards Dani, but I didn't address it. Dani would do the same thing. "Are you sure?"

The girl asked again since I didn't respond to her previous comment.

"If you meant what you said, then yes. I'm sure."


"Hi, Ms. Fuller." Nadia said once we were both in my mother's car.

She sounded all sweet and I wanted to scoff. There was no need to suck up to my momma. She either liked you or she didn't. She can see through bullshit.

"Hi Nadia. It's nice seeing you again." My mother replied.

"We should go to Dave and Buster's." I suggested just because I hadn't been there in a while. The last time I was there, I ended up fucking some girl in restroom. It was unsanitary, but what better than a restroom to get dirty in? Let me stop.

"I've never been there." Nadia said and I turned around in my seat so I could give her the 'You're lying.' face. "What? I haven't." The girl said reading my facial expression.

"Well today's your lucky day." My mom said making me do a little dance in my seat.

"How have you never been there?" I asked looking back at the girl again and she just shrugged.

"I just haven't."

"Well it's lit as fuck." I said forgetting that my momma was right next to me.

"Watch your damn mouth." My mother said slapping me up side the head.

Of course Nadia thought it was hilarious. I couldn't even be mad at her for laughing because she looked so cute.

"I'm sorry Ma, but you know I love Dave and Buster's. We're gonna have so much fun. I'm gonna kick your as..stronaut in every game they have." I said catching myself before I cursed again.

"You're trying me, Daniella." My mother said hearing my almost slip up.

I just rolled my eyes and smiled at Nadia before facing the front again. She wasn't as excited as I wanted her to be, but I guess it's because she's never been.


I was a little nervous about hanging out with Daniella and her mother. I had this weird feeling that Ms. Fuller didn't like me. Maybe I was just being paranoid, but I already knew how much Ms. Fuller liked the idea of Dani and Mya together and even though Dani and I were just friends, it seemed like she thought we were hiding something. It also seemed like she thought I was trying to take Mya's place. I don't know. Maybe it's all in my head.

Once we got to the restaurant a waiter led us to our table. She gave us our menu's and proceeded to take our drink orders.

"My name is Frankie. I'll be your waiter."

The girl said introducing herself.

"My name is Daniella and I'll be whatever you want me to be." I rolled my eyes at the fact that Daniella was really flirting with this grown ass woman.

"Oh that's cute. But I'm not that kinda girl. I like men and only men." The woman said shutting my bestie down like a savage.

"That's what they all say." The girl said and I tried not laugh at the look Ms. Fuller was giving her daughter. She looked like she wanted to slap the crap out of her, but I already know how it goes in public. Momma Fuller has to keep her cool.

"What would you ladies like to drink?" The woman said ignoring Daniella and focusing on Mrs. Fuller and me. Dani and her mother were sitting across from me. Dani was on the inside while her mom had the outside seat.

"I'll just have water." Mrs. Fuller spoke kindly.

"I'll have sweet tea." I spoke next.

"What about you, Daniella?" The waiter said turning her attention to the girl.

"Do you come in a glass with light ice because if so, I'll have that." The girl said winking and I couldn't help but to laugh out loud at that. Daniella was a whole fool and a half.

"Stop playing, girl." Dani's mother said making her wince. I'm guessing she pinched her.

"I'll have sweet tea too." The girl said mugging her mom.

"Okay, I'll be right back with your drinks." The waiter said looking like she wanted to laugh as she walked off.

"Don't get embarrassed in front of your friend. What did I tell you about acting a fool in public?" The woman said scolding her daughter.

"I'm not acting a fool, Ma. She was fine. What am I supposed to do? Just sit here and miss an opportunity?" The girl asked and I had to keep myself from laughing because I knew that would just make it worse on Dani.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do with you. You are something else." The woman said surprising me when she laughed.

A few minutes later. Frankie returned with our drinks.

"Two sweet teas and a water." The girl said placing our drinks in front of us.

"Are you ladies ready to order?" The woman asked and I hadn't even looked at my menu yet.

"Yes, I'll have the parmesan crusted chicken Caesar salad." Mrs Fuller spoke and Frankie wrote it down.

I sped through my menu and picked the first thing that looked good.

"What about you?" The woman turned to me.

"Um, I'll have Dave's double cheeseburger." You can't go wrong with a double cheeseburger.

"Daniella?" The woman asked obviously messing with Dani by calling her by her name.

"Yes, Frankie?" The girl responded in the same tone that the woman used.

"What would you like to eat?" The girl asked and I already knew Dani was coming back with some heat.

"I don't think they have what I want on the menu." The girl said giving the waiter a look that even made me blush and I wasn't even the one who it was directed at. Dani's hoe powers are so fucking strong.

"She'll have what she ordered. Mrs. Fuller said picking for Dani since she and the waitress were having a stare off.

"O-Okay." Frankie said snapping out of the trance that Dani had put her in. "Your food will be here shortly."

Frankie wrote down Dani's order and pretty much sped away from our table. She almost made one of the other waitresses drop the food she was taking to her table.

"How do you do that?" I asked looking at my friend and laughing.

"I don't even know." The girl said laughing.

"You better stop before you make her catch a case." The girl's mother said laughing too.

It was crazy how chill Dani's mother was about her behavior, but I guess she was used to it.

"Um, did you forget that I'm 18 now? I'm legal, so I can get with who I want now." The girl bragged.

"Legal doesn't make it right." I said rolling my eyes.

"Quiet down youngin. The adults are talking." The girl said shh-ing me.

"Oh hush. You're legally an adult, but you still depend on me, so you're a child in my eyes." The girl's mother said shutting her down.

"Why you gotta bring that up?" The girl said making her mother and me laugh.

Before any of us could say anything else, Frankie came back with our orders.

"Here's your salad and here are your burgers." The woman said giving us our food.

"Are you guys good on your drinks?" The girl asked and we all nodded. "Okay, I'll be back in a little bit to see if you need anything."

"Wait." Dani said making Frankie stop and roll her eyes.

"Yes Daniella?" The girl asked.

"Why is it that all of this delicious looking food is sitting right in front of me and all I'm craving is you?" The girl asked looking genuinely confused.

"I'm guessing you just have good taste." Frankie said shrugging and then walking away.

"She wants me." Dani said smiling to herself and beginning to eat her food.

"You see what I have to deal with?" Mrs. Fuller said looking at me and shaking her head.

"Well technically I have to deal with it now." I said and the woman laughed.

"Don't talk about me like I'm not sitting right here." Daniella spoke with a mouth full of food. No manners.

"Swallow your food, nasty." I said frowning at the girl.

"I always swallow my food." The girl said smirking at me.

"Don't be inappropriate, Daniella." The girl's mother said giving her one of the usual 'Don't get fucked up' looks.

"Sorry." The girl said rolling her eyes and continuing to eat.

"So, Nadia, what's your major?" The woman asked turning her attention back to me.

"Psychology and I'm minoring in English. I want to be either a writer or a psychologist." I said and the woman nodded her head.

"That's good. What would you write about?" The woman asked seeming really interested in getting to know about what I wanted to do with my life.

"No specific one thing. I just want to write. I've always wanted someone to write about though. Like you know how an artist has a muse. I want that, but instead of drawing them, I want to write about them." I said and the woman smiled.

"You should write about me." Dani said talking with her mouth full again. That's going on to the list of reasons why I would never date her.

"Dani: The Disgusting Girl With No Table Manners Whatsoever. I think it'd be a bestseller." I said making the girl's mother laugh.

"I have table manners, I just keep having to say something while just so happening to have food in my mouth and if I wait until I swallow, what I say will be all late, random, and awkward." The girl said justifying her rudeness.

"That's the lamest excuse ever. Just admit that you're nasty." I told the girl and she smirked.

"I never denied being nasty." The girl said making her mother choke on her salad.

"Are you okay?" I asked the woman as she choked and grabbed her water in order to stop herself from choking.

"I'm *cough* fine. *cough cough*." The woman said drinking more water. "I don't want to hear anything else that's inappropriate come out of that mouth of yours. I already told you I am not one of your little friends"

"My bad, Momma." The girl said rubbing her mother's back. "I was just trying to be funny."

Daniella was obviously fighting back laughter. I was too honestly.

"I'll be right back." Ms. Fuller said leaving the table.

Once Dani's mother was far enough away, we both burst out laughing.

"You are the worst daughter ever. Show your mother some respect would ya?" I told the girl half playfully. She really shouldn't talk like that around her mother. I'm surprised that she was even comfortable enough to talk like that around her. Then again, this is Dani we're talking about.

"Man, my momma knows how I am. This isn't anything new to her, but I should chill. I try to be good around her, but sometimes the hoe in me just can't be contained." The girl said making me laugh again.

"Don't take this any kind of way, but why is it that you flirt with every girl you see, but when we first met, you didn't flirt with me?" I asked because I didn't understand why I was the girl she chose to befriend.

"You're different." The girl said shrugging.

"How am I different?" I asked because I was still confused.

"You just are." The girl said and I sighed.

"That's not helping me understand." I said getting slightly frustrated.

"Did you ever take a second to think that I don't understand either? Damn." Daniella said looking just as frustrated as I was.

"Okay damn. No need to get upset. I'm sorry I asked." I said beginning to eat my food again.

"I'm not upset. It's just that when girls start asking questions like that it's because they're catching feelings." The girl said and I stopped eating so I could speak.

"Would it piss you off that much if I was catching feelings?" I asked because I felt like that was a stupid reason to get upset.

"Yes, it would because that would mean I would eventually lose you because Lord knows I'll find away to fuck things up." The girl said laughing dryly.

"Well with a mindset like that, of course you'll mess things up. That's like you going into a basketball game thinking you're going to lose. If you have the mind of a loser, you'll be a loser." I said and the girl smiled a little.

"You sound like my coach from high school." The girl said laughing.

"Well then he must be a smart man. As long as you continue to tell yourself you aren't capable of being in an exclusive relationship without messing it up, you'll never be able to be in one without doing so. You need to have more faith in yourself and you also need to try harder. Because everyone one knows faith without works is dead."

"This is why I love talking to you. You're always speaking to me in a way that makes me feel like I'm capable of anything, but you don't sugar coat shit." The girl said making me smile.

"I'm your best friend. It's in the job description." I said making the girl return my smile with one of her own.

"But are you? You know..catching feelings for me?" The girl asked out of the blue and I quickly shook my head no.

"Not at all. I just wanted to figure out why that possibility bothers you so much." I told the girl.

"Oh." The girl said picking up a fry and dropping it back on to her plate. "Good because the last thing we need to do is complicate our friendship. I like things the way they are."

Dani's mood seemed to change, but I ignored it because that was just a Dani thing. Her mood changed like the time. Her mood swings were just inevitable.

"You ladies need anything?" Frankie said coming back to the table.

I shook my head "no" but Dani spoke.

"Can you show me to the bathroom?" The girl asked and I frowned because Dani had been here before. She should know where the bathroom is.

"Oh, it's right-"

"No, I'm not really good at taking directions, can you walk me there?" The girl interrupted the waiter's directions and I knew she was up to no good.

"Well, you're the only table I'm waiting on at the moment, so I guess I can take you there. You can use the bathroom on your own though, right?" The woman asked obviously teasing Dani for "needing" help getting there in the first place.

"Ha ha very funny. Just take me there before I leave you a warm mess to clean up." The girl said making the waitress twist her face up.

"Let's go." The girl said grabbing Dani's arm. "I don't get tipped enough to clean up piss."

As Dani was being dragged away from our table. She looked back and winked at me. What is that girl up to?

"Where's Daniella?" The girl's mother said just so happening to return to the table shortly after her daughter left.

"Um, s-she went to the b-bathroom." I said cringing at how high pitched my voice got and at how I was stuttering. This is why I can never get away with lying to my father. This is why I didn't try to lie for Dani yesterday. I suck at it.

"The b-bathroom huh?" The girl's mother said mocking me. Of course this made my cheeks get red with embarrassment.

"She really did go to the bathroom." I said sounding a little less nervous.

"I'm sure she did, but I'm not stupid. I know my daughter very well and I can assure you that she didn't have to use the bathroom. She's not slick and this isn't the first time she's done this." The woman said shaking her head and going back to her salad.

"Oh thank God you already know because I'm a terrible liar." I said taking a breath of relief.

"I can tell." The woman said laughing at me. "That's not a bad thing. Don't let my daughter influence you to cover for her when she's up to no good. I like you because your innocence levels her out."

"You like me?" I asked surprised.

"Have I been giving off the impression that I didn't? You haven't given me a reason not to like you. Plus, my daughter never lets girls meet me unless they mean something to her." The woman said and I smiled.

"I guess I was just being paranoid. I just know how fond you are of Mya and Dani being together. I felt like maybe you thought I was trying to take Mya's place or something." I said and the woman frowned.

"I want Daniella with anyone that's good for her. The reason why I like Mya for her is because I know she's not like these other girls that just want one thing from her. She genuinely cares for her, but I see that in you too. So if you have feelings for my daughter, I approve." The woman said and I laughed.

"No offense, but I would never date Daniella. She's a player and I've had my heart broken enough times to know not to put myself through that again. She's a great friend though." I said and Ms. Fuller chuckled.

"I can't blame you for feeling that way, but I think you would be good for her. I think you'd be the one to change her. Don't you ever wonder why she's never tried anything with you?" The woman asked and I thought about it for a second.

"I already know why she hasn't tried anything with me. She doesn't want to ruin our friendship and she's scared that she'd some how messed things up." I told the woman what her daughter had just told me.

"Doesn't the fact that she's even considering the consequences with you make you wonder?" The woman asked and I frowned.

"She did the same thing with Mya." I pointed out.

"No she didn't. She may have not gotten into a relationship with Mya, but she didn't let that stop her from being with her in other ways. She knew she wouldn't be able to give Mya what she wanted, but she led her on anyway. She's hasn't even let it come to that point with you." The woman said and though she was right. I just figured that Dani wasn't interested in me that way. Maybe she wasn't attracted to me.

"So what am I supposed to take from that?" I asked because the woman seemed to know something I didn't.

"My daughter cares for you more than she's ever cared for a girl in her life." The woman said and I shook my head.

"No disrespect, but I think you're wrong. I think Mya is the girl she cares about most." I said and the woman just smiled at me.

"I won't deny that she cares for Mya, but I can assure you that if she ended up having to choose between you two, it would be you." The woman said confidently.

"What makes you so sure?" I asked not because it would ever come to that because it wouldn't. But I was just curious.

"I know my daughter better than anyone else. She's sweet on you." The woman said and I remembered Chastity saying the same thing.

"What does that even mean?" I asked laughing because she was the second person to tell me that.

"She may not even know it yet, but I think my daughter has romantic feelings for you." The woman said and I shook my head so hard that I was probably gonna get a headache.

"No way." I said laughing. "That's ridiculous. If she likes anyone, it's Mya. But not me."

"I won't push it on you. But a blind man could see the chemistry between you two." The woman said and I scoffed.

"No, a blind man could a see the chemistry between Dani's fingers and that waitress's vagina. Oh my God! I did not just say that!" I said slapping my hands over my mouth.

"My daughter is rubbing off on you." Ms. Fuller said laughing which surprised me once again. My dad would have scolded me.

"It just slipped, I swear. I don't even think I thought it. It just came out." I said contemplating cleaning my mouth out with soap. I wasn't innocent or anything, but it just freaked me out how something could just fling itself out of my mouth like that.

"It's fine baby girl. I've been around my daughter for 18 years. What you just said was nothing compared to the things I've heard come out of her mouth." The woman said laughing.

"I just feel so dirty and disrespectful. I'm sorry." I said not able to not feel guilty.

"It's fine, sweetheart." The woman said waving me off.

I was gonna kick Dani for polluting my mind. That is if she ever came back from the bathroom.


"I can't believe I'm even doing this. And in a bathroom. This is just a one time thing okay? I'm not gay."

Frankie was just blabbering as I backed her into the stall. We were in the handicap stall since is was the largest. Hopefully no one that needed this stall came into the bathroom.

"You may not be gay, but you can't deny being a cougar." I said teasing the woman.

"I'm only 24. I'm not a cougar." The woman said pouting and I giggled before kissing her.

I hadn't had a random hook up since Komfort and Taylor. I won't really count Raquel as random since we knew each other.

Our kiss became heated quickly as Frankie's tongue slipped through my lips. She was pretty damn eager for a "straight" woman.

I reached down and unzipped the woman's pants. This needed to be quick because I wanted to beat Nadia's ass in all these games. I slipped my hand in Frankie's panties and started rubbing her clit. I wasn't surprised to find that she was already wet. I just have that effect on women.

"You're gonna get me fired." The woman moaned as I removed my lips from her's and started sucking harshly on her neck.

Some minutes later

It wasn't until I stared fingering Frankie that I realized this wasn't fun for me anymore. Why the hell do I do things like this? I don't even know this woman.

"No no no. Why'd you stop?" To woman asked when I pulled my fingers out of her. She held on to my wrist and gave me a pleading look. Could I really deny a woman in need?

"Shut up." I said kissing the woman again and going back to what I was doing. I'd finish Frankie off, but after this, I'm done with this bullshit. Everyone was right. Pointless sex doesn't appeal to me anymore.


"So what do you want me to do?" I asked because I wasn't doing anything to this woman without her permission.

"Kiss me." Raya whispered making my heart leap in my chest. "I want you to kiss me."

I only hesitated for a second before slowly leaning in and capturing Raya's lips with my own. Her lips were softer than I had imagined. The kiss started off timid on both of our ends, but once we were able to learn the other's lips the kiss got a little more intense, but not too intense.

Raya surprised me by taking my bottom lip in between her teeth and biting it. After she did that she pulled away with a look I couldn't quite read. It was a mixture between confusion and something that I couldn't pin point.

"Kissing my roommate didn't feel like that." The woman said breathing unsteadily just like I was.

"How did it feel?" I asked because I was hoping she liked it.

"Kissing you or her?" The woman asked and I chuckled.

"Me. How did kissing me feel?" I asked sort of scared of her response.

"Wrong." The woman said and I tilted my head in confusion.

"Why did it feel wrong?" I asked.

"This can never happen again okay? It was just a one time thing and you can't tell anyone." The woman said and I frowned.

"We just kissed. It's not that big of a deal." I said laughing.

"Maybe not to you, but I'm not gay." The woman said and I just rolled my eyes.

"If you're so sure about your sexuality, why does this bother you so much?" I asked trying not to get irritated.

"That's the thing. Maybe I'm not so sure anymore. I've never felt like that before. It was really...intense." The woman said pinching the bridge of her nose. I just laughed. "What the hell?"

"Look, I'm just a really good kisser. There's no reason for you to be stressing right now."

"Shut up." The woman said pushing me before rolling her eyes and laughing too.

"On a more serious note. What's so bad about you possibly liking kissing girls?" I asked and Raya frowned.

"I don't like kissing girls. I like kissing you." The woman said and I gestured to myself before saying, "I am a girl. Unless I got confused in Biology."

"Ugh! You know what I mean Burrows." The woman said sounding like my coach again.

"Can we just call each other Raya and Raquel when we're alone?" I asked because I wanted our time alone to be different from our time with the team.

"We can't forget what we are first." The woman said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"And what's that?"

"I'm your coach and you're my player." The woman said and I sighed.

"Well then I guess I should just go then. This isn't really appropriate for a coach and a player." I said walking back over to the bed and slipping my shoes on and grabbing my bag. Yes I was mad. I was big mad, just in case anyone was wondering. How can she go from saying we were friends to acting like our friendship wasn't even real?

"You don't have to leave and besides, it's pretty late." The woman said blocking my path.

"I'm capable of getting myself home despite the hour. I'm a big girl." I said trying to get around the woman. "Excuse me, Coach Young."

"That's another issue. Why is it that every time something doesn't go your way, young people feel like the best solution is to run away?" The woman said and I scoffed.

"You're seven fucking years older than me. If I'm "young people" so are you. And why should I stay somewhere that I don't want to be anymore?" I asked the woman.

"Why don't you want to be here? Because of what I said? I didn't mean any harm, but it's the truth. We can't let this come in the way of our professional relationship. It's not like it will go any further than this anyway." The woman said making me clinch my jaw in anger.

"Then why the fuck did you kiss me? Why would you let that happen after I told you how I felt?" I asked not able to keep the hurt out of my voice.

"What did you think was going to happen Raquel? That I was going to kiss you and suddenly become gay?" The woman asked and I just pushed her out of the way.

"Fuck you, Coach Young."

"Why are you so angry at me?" The woman said grabbing my arm. I forgot she was stronger than me.

"I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at myself for telling you how I felt. I knew you wouldn't feel the same way. And I'm angry at myself for expecting that kiss to change your mind."

I couldn't even look at Raya at this point. I was so hurt and embarrassed. I'm so stupid.

"Burrows." I just ignored Raya's voice. I didn't want to hear what else she had to say.

"Raquel, please look at me." The woman said and I still chose to look at the ground. At least the floor couldn't judge me. And if it did I would just stomp the shit out of it.

"I'm sorry, okay?" The woman said and I only looked up because I was confused.

"For what?" I asked frowning.

"For asking you to kiss me. I shouldn't have done that. It was inappropriate and it ruined our night. I don't want this to have a negative effect on our friendship. It means more to me than I let on. I know I always deny it, but you are my favorite player. At this point in my life, you're one of my favorite people, but my feelings for you just aren't romantic." The woman said shooting me down with care. It still stung.

"I understand." I said letting my head hang low again. "Thanks for letting me down easily." I said forcing a laugh.

"I'm sure you'll find someone a lot younger and prettier than me." The woman said trying to lighten the mood and I laughed a little.

"Oh, I'm sure I'll find someone younger, but I doubt I'll find anyone prettier than you. God's obviously a show off." I said actually managing to make the woman blush.

"Shut up." The woman said laughing and then just smiling at me. It was making me feel all giddy and I hated it because I needed to get over this woman ASAP.

"I'm gonna go to bed now." I said walking past the woman and dropping everything beside the bed again. I slipped my shoes off and then got back into the bed. "Good night, Coach Young." I said because I didn't want to straight up tell the woman to get out of a room in her own home. But I did want her to leave the room so I could wallow in my sadness.

"Goodnight, Raquel." The woman said smiling at me again before turning the light off and leaving the room.

I'm never going after a straight girl ever again. It's the stupidest thing a gay girl can do. How the hell does Dani do it?


"If you meant what you said, then yes. I'm sure."

"I did mean what I said and that's why I'm going to take you home. I'm not in a rush to have sex with you. It's honestly the furthest thing from my mind. I just want to get to know you again. You've obviously changed over the years and I have too. Let's take things slow and learn who the other is before we take this any further."

"What about the movie?" I asked the girl since she was the one that suggested it.

"How about I take you to see a movie next weekend?" The girl asked and I smiled.

"Like a date?" I asked.

"Would you like to go on a date with me, Mya?" The girl asked, not in a way like she was asking me out though. Just in a way like she was asking me if I would be okay with calling it a date.

I thought about it for a second. Am I even ready for this? What if I start something with Mya and realize that I'm not capable of getting over Dani? No, I need this. Fuck Dani. I know that's mean, but I have to tell myself that whenever I sense that I'm getting weak. I can't subject myself to the pain that comes with Daniella anymore. I need to move on.

"I would love to go on a date with you, Mya." I said making the girl smile.

"Then I guess we'll be seeing each other again next weekend." The girl said obviously trying to contain her happiness.

It felt so good to be wanted for a change. It was nice to be a part of something that wasn't one-sided. I know that if I was ever to fall for this girl, she'd be right there ready to catch me. I couldn't say the same about Daniella. And I damn sure wasn't about to take a chance with her again.

"I guess so."  I said smiling to myself.


Once Mya dropped me off  I had the goofiest smile on my face as I walked to my dorm room.

But that changed when I got inside.

(Authors Note)

Give it up for the longest chapter in this story ever!

Okay okay, you can stop clapping now. And if you didn't clap, fuck you. I'm kidding. I'm kidding.

On a more serious note, How did you guys feel about this chapter? Did you love it? Did you hate it? Or did you late it?

How do you feel about Raquel and Raya?

How do you feel about Mya and Mya? (Lol This same name thing cracks me up.)

Lastly, but definitely not leastly (buh dum tss)

How do you feel about Dani and Nadi? Do you think Ms. Fuller was on to something regarding Dani's feelings for Nadia? Or is she just making assumptions?

Also, what do you think Mya walked in on? Why did her smile turn upside down? 🙂☹️

Yeah sooooo that's all the questions I have for this chapter haha.

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Stay Sexy 😉

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