Worth The Wait? (Seme Male Re...

Oleh Uunouncium

54.2K 1.7K 237

Set in modern world. Basically reader is singer songwriter and dancer. Zoro is dancer who ends up working for... Lebih Banyak

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
Tsk....Yeah Right
The Man with the Red Bandana (Pt. 1)
Bloodied Bandana (Pt. 2)
Defaced Bandana (Pt. 3)
4,325 (Pt 1)
Axe Hand and the Hilt Maker (Pt 2)
Song Writer and the Sword Maker (Pt 3)
Its....Tough (Pt 4)
What Im Fighting For (Pt 5)
A New Life? (Pt 6)
Marionette (Pt 1)
Stringless (Pt 2)

chapter 12

1K 30 5
Oleh Uunouncium

zoro pov

"is it time?" i asked. luffy nodded. "what are you gonna do about your truck?" he asked. "i....i don't really know. i cant take it with me and i don't have anyone to leave it with," i said. "just junk it for a little cash," said ussop. i sighed. it looks like i don't really have a choice. im kinda gonna miss it. it was a raggedy piece of shit but it was mine. it got me and ace where we needed to go. "go ahead and go to the junk yard. meet us back at the studio," said ussop. i nodded. that will be just fine since the  junk yard is like two blocks from sanji's studio. "on...on second thought. i better come with you. some how you can still manage to get lost going two blocks," there were nods of agreement. i don't know why they always say i get lost. its not my fault the universe keeps putting walls in the way of me going places. me and ussop got in my truck and took off.

"i can give ya about 800 for it. its in good condition but requires much work and is near the end of its life. that is about all i can do for ya," i nodded and took  the money from his hand. a firm hand shake and we were out the door.

we got to the studio around 2:30 pm. everyone else was waiting with the two rentals. we got a big truck and a nice car for everyone to fit in. the truck had our luggage, luffy and law in it. the car had robin in it. me and ussop got in the car. "did anyone get in touch with sanji?" asked ussop. robin had rolled  down the window to speak with those in the truck. "yeah. he said that the house was ready to go," said luffy. "did anyone tell him that we are coming?" i asked. law nodded. "he said that its fine for us to come. the house is ready to move into," said luffy. i nodded. we stopped by a store for groceries and filled the tanks up. we were on our way.

later on that night...

"umm...did anyone think to get the address of the new house?" asked robin. we were driving around for a long while in the city. "hold on," luffy said. we traded passengers in the car so everyone got a chance to sleep. luffy typed on his phone. it was around midnight and i was getting sleepy. "its at 3232 Alabasta rd. its huge you cant miss it," said luffy. we headed there.

he wasn't lying when he said it was huge. it was fucking massive. it was like they took a huge airport hanger and converted it to one huge house. it had little wings. one of the wings had a huge hole with a fence around it. looked like a pool was still under construction. "and where are the keys?" asked robin. "un...under the welcome mat," luffy was staring in awe at the new house. we grabbed our suitcases and headed up to the door. luffy grabbed the key and unlocked the door. he opened it. everyone's jaws dropped. the first thing we saw was the huge living room that shared the space with the kitchen. the kitchen had all sorts of shiny new equipment and there was a door in the back, telling us there was more to the kitchen. there were huge plush sofas that luffy ran and jumped on. the sofa almost swallowed him whole. massive screen TV's in the living room with every gaming system available. i suddenly felt the urge to drop everything and play them. if only i wasn't so tired. "lets all head up and claim our rooms," said robin as she made her way up the huge staircase. we followed her to a long hallway of rooms. it ended in a massive set of doors. "that must be the master bedroom," said robin. luffy grabbed law's hand and pulled him towards the doors. law stopped him. "we cant. we both know that will be mark's bedroom when he gets back from his trip," everyone nodded. i walked over and went into the room next to his. yeah. this one room was the size of my entire apartment back home. literally. i tossed my suitcase in a corner and laid on the bed. slightly more dense than the sofa. perfect. the room was decorated with white and black curtains. soft white carpet. a huge black wood dresser with a mirror at the top. wow. just wow. its like living in the hotel 24/7. i sat up. i need a shower. i dug through my suitcase for some clothes. i grabbed them and went out the room. i walked down the hall to find it. everyone came out their rooms with shower stuff too. "does anyone know where the bathrooms are?" i asked. they shook their heads. luffy came running from around the corner opposite where we were. "i found them!!" he ran back. we followed him.

it was six bathrooms. all were massive. they all had Jacuzzi bathtubs and water fall showers in them. the sink was black marble top with white wood all around. white tile floors. there were two sink areas so two people can use each one. i had to think. what is the probability that i can share mark's? shit. wait. the master bedroom probably has its own bath.  i sighed. luffy and law claimed one, ussop and robin, we saved one for sanji and koala and sabo. there were two left. "looks like me and you get our own ones too!!" said ace. we went into the baths. i took a long hot shower. it felt amazing. i took one of the mega plush towels and dried off. i cleaned up. i gathered my stuff and headed back to my room. i laid down on the bed. i heard a chorus of doors shutting. looks like people are returning to their rooms. i got under the covers. im gonna get unpacked tomorrow. im feeling that heavy pull of sleep. i got comfy. yeah. i can get used to this.

that same night....

reader pov

there was the announcement that we will be landing soon. smoker snorted an woke up at the noise. he fell asleep on my shoulder a couple of hours ago. he still held tightly to my hand. he would grumble something every now and again in his sleep. he sat up in his chair. "what's going on?" he was wiping his eyes. "plane is landing soon," i said simply. he lifted the window cover and we looked out the window. yeah. this is definitely france. i saw the Eifel tower in the distance. we put on our seat belts as the plane landed in the terminal. it was finally done. we were here. ok. people were filing out the plane. smoker got up and pulled me along by my hand out the plane.

we went out to the terminal. over to baggage claim to get our things. we stood in the middle of the terminal for  a while. "um...aren't we going to the hotel?" i asked after a while. "gotta wait till she comes and gets us," he said. we waited for another 10 minutes before a woman came out of nowhere. she had on a long flowing one piece black dress and black heels that compliment her black hair. she carried a little purse. she ran up and threw her arms around smoker's neck. she hugged him tightly. he hugged back. they released. "im so glad you could come on such short notice, smoky," she said. he grunted. "you know you like that nickname. anyway..." she turned towards me. she looked at smoker gripping my hand till his knuckles turned white. she held out a hand that i took. "im boa hancock. its a pleasure meeting you, mark. im a big fan of your music. i assume you will be staying with smoky while he is here?" i looked at smoker.  he nodded. "ok. its no problem at all. you guys can follow me to the car," we followed her out to the car. it was a limo. we got in while the driver put our luggage in the truck. he got back in the car. "take us to the hotel," boa said. he nodded and we took off.

"what is the emergency?" asked smoker. boa had sipped a glass of wine. she set it down. "doffy wants you to shoot another magazine. he has some new designs that he is working on in the men's sport and underwear lines that he wants you to model," she said. he nodded. she looked at me. "what brings you here?" she asked. i shrugged. "smoker asked if i wanted to come on this trip to france. ive never been to france so i was like sure," i said. she chuckled. "id love to see him working. it seems like it would be fun," i added. she smiled. "ive seen a few of your shows live and i gotta say, there is a huge chance doffy will try to recruit you for the agency. you are pretty damn hot," she said. smoker grunted. she looked at him. "its ok smoky. im not trying to steal your man. you know...im still a bit surprised. when you called me the other day saying that you have a boyfriend now, i had mixed feelings about it. its kinda devastating that another sexy man bats for the pink team now," i could see her start to tear up. she wiped it quickly with a napkin. she cleared her throat. "none the less. im glad to see you aren't with that orange haired bimbo nami anymore. i mean seriously, how could she be so bad in bed you couldn't be satisfied with just her. im not condoning your cheating but i do see where you are coming from," she ranted. i took a deep breath. im not angry. im all good. she just doesn't know nami that is all. smoker grunted. we pulled in front of a huge tower like building. "looks like we are here. you guys are in the executive suite for the week. doffy wants you at the studio around 9 am so get some sleep. here is your cards," she handed him a gold card. "food will be at the studio so you don't have to worry. the car will be here to get you two around 8:30. that is all i have for you today. any questions?" smoker shook his head. we got out the car while the bell man took our stuff to the room. smoker dragged me through the lobby to the elevator and we headed up.

we walked in the door. it was huge. massive California king. huge dressers. Jacuzzi in the middle of the room. personal bath. it was nice. smoker pulled me to the bed. he stripped. i stripped. we got in the bed. i glanced at the clock, 2:04 am. i got under the covers. smoker got comfy. i let out a deep breath. i was about to doze off when i felt a hand run up my chest. i looked towards him to be met with his lips. it was a long passionate kiss. yeah. definitely a different smoker here. he sucked on my tongue for a while. he grinned. he pulled away. he hovered over me. "thank you for coming. i would have been so lonely in this room by myself. i....i love you. i love you so fucking much it hurts," he whispered. another kiss and he laid in my neck. i heard soft breathing. yeah. super weird smoker. i flipped off the lights and dozed off.

i was woken up by the alarm. smoker groaned as he reached for it blindly. he hit it and it switched off. he nuzzled his face in my neck before leaning up to kiss me. another passionate kiss. he pulled away. "morning babe," he whispered. he pushed up off my chest and got out bed. he walked in the bathroom and switched on the shower. he didn't close the door. i sat up and waited for him to come out. he came out few minutes later completely dry and naked. he was pouting. he put on some undies and a tee. some jeans. i got out of bed and headed in, shutting the door behind me. i took a shower and dried off. i wrapped the towel around my waist as i headed out. i put on some undies and jeans. a nice white tee. i put on socks and my tennis shoes. im all ready to go. i grabbed my phone and wallet and followed smoker out the door.

we got down to the lobby. i felt smoker's hand snake in mine when we were on the elevator. he held it tight. he grunted and i squeezed back. i was pulled out to a waiting car. we got in. the driver pulled off.

we were dropped off at a huge building. we went inside and up to a really high floor. smoker never let go of my hand the entire time. the elevator stopped on a floor and we headed out. we walked into a brightly lit room. it was full of cameras and back drops. people were walking to and fro with papers and folders and cameras. smoker pulled me along through the commotion to an office in the back. it was pretty nice. sorta like shanks' office. in the chair was a blond haired tall man. he seemed pretty muscular. he wore a big poofy pink feather coat. he had on some weird star shaped shades with a red tint. he wore tropical capris and since his feet was on his desk, i could see that he wore purple slippers. this guy would be hot if he didn't have such eccentric taste in fashion. he was talking on the phone when we walked in. he smirked and set it down. "well well look who we have here!! one of our top models has graced us with his presence!!!" he jeered. he stood up from his chair. he might be like two inches taller than i am. maybe. either that or them shoes have heels on them. he looked between me and him. he looked down at smoker's grip on my hand. he grinned even wider. "looks like someone has switched sides," he said. he held out a hand. i took it. "im doflamingo donquixote-saltwater. everyone calls me doffy. im glad to see you join us, Mark," he said. his grip was firm. he licked his lips while shaking my hand. all of a sudden i felt like running home and hiding under my bed. he shook my hand for a long time. i looked at his. this guy does a lot with his hands. they were strong and flexible. long fingers. thin. i noticed a nice silver band with a diamond on it. yeah. this guy is super married. "will you let go of my boyfriend's hand," scolded smoker. doffy let go finally. he stared at me for a little bit before snapping out of it. "ok. lets get you into the new line of clothing and into the spotlight, shall we?" he walked around his desk and out the room. i was pulled along by smoker after him.

doffy handed him a stack of outfits from a rack. "this is the new line. you are with set 6 on the other side of the studio. the photographers already have their orders and poses for you ready. head over in outfit one immediately," doffy explained to smoker. he nodded and started to pull me into his dressing room. he was stopped by doffy. "we both know that guests aren't allowed in the dressing room. mark can wait in my office till you get done," he said. smoker grunted and let go of my hand. smoker glared at doffy as he closed the door. he shut it. i turned my attention back to doffy. he was drooling while looking at me. "umm...." i started. he snapped out of it and i was led back through the studio to his office. i took a seat. he took a seat across from me in his chair. he put his feet up on the desk. he was twiddling his thumbs staring at me. i felt really uncomfortable. "so...who is the lucky guy?" i pointed to his wedding ring. he looked at it. "i don't know it id call him lucky any more. we've been separated for the past two years," he said. my heart cringed. "what happened?" i asked out of curiosity. doffy just stared at his ring. "....i guess we just kinda....fell out of love? i don't know what to call it. it was like one day, he stopped being the man i married. every since the accident that took his hand, he just changed. he stopped being my partner. my rock. my other half. he just became a push over. i held on. i held on so hard to the possibility that he might return one day but after dealing with it for the last two years....lets just say the sex wasn't like it used to be. he lacked all the passion he used to have. don't get me wrong....i didn't marry him for the sex or the money. i actually did love him. he just changed and when it started to show in the bedroom, that was pretty much the last straw," he said. he stared at his ring. wow. i didn't expect him to just tell me like that. like i wasn't a complete stranger that he just met today. "have you ever had to watch the person you love just....deconstruct? just vanish one day? sure their body was still here but their heart was  on some other unreachable plain. its awful. the most gut wrenching sight i have ever seen. we are seriously considering getting a divorce. right now we are just...testing the waters if you can really call it that. he suggested we see other people," he explained. "well obviously you still hold on to something. i mean, you still wear the ring like you are still married. you still use his last name. there is still something there it'll just take a little more time to find it," i said. he looked at me. i could see little tears coming out from under his shades. smoker came into the room suddenly. he glared at doffy and pulled me out of his office. i was pulled over to an area labeled set 6 and sat in a chair. i looked at the outfit smoker was wearing. i chuckled. some brown jean shorts, a sleeveless white tank top, and some shoe-string less brown and white slippers. he kissed me before walking and standing in front of the cameras and spotlight. i just sat back while they took hundreds of pictures of him in different poses. it was super boring. just watching them take pictures of him. i sighed. i felt a hand on my shoulder. "i know it can be boring to watch him. wanna go grab some lunch?" it was doffy. i nodded. this will shorten my life if i continue to watch this. i stood up and followed him out the building.

we went to a local restaurant and took a seat outside in the bright and fresh air. "so....how long have you and smoker been dating?" doffy asked as he sipped some tea. "to be honest, i don't even think of this as a relationship. some stuff happened one night while i was drunk and...lets just say he liked it. so much so that he 'had to have me'. he literally twisted my arm to force me to 'date' him. you know... i cant even tell my friends about me and him. as far as they know he is still dating nami. if they were to see us one day, i would automatically be branded a home wreaker," i ranted. i took a sip of some tea. doffy just nodded. "sounds tough. what happened with nami?" he asked. "it was awful how he treated her. just plain awful. he was super possessive of her, jealous for no reason, glares at any and everyone. i you should have seen when i first me him. i wanted to fuck him up real good that day. he was beating off right in front of me and nami while moaning some other girl's name. like nami wasn't sitting next to him. he had his legs on her and kept smacking her in her fucking face with his foot. and if that wasn't enough, i took nami to her room when she fell asleep. the bed was so messy. literally every corner of the sheets was soaked through with cum. the sheet could stand by itself. i just took her to another room. it still irks me. he didn't even try to hide he fact he was cheating on her," i could feel the frustration building up. doffy giggled. "im still curious as to what brought you guys together," he said. i pulled out my phone. "don't tell anyone. this is could be very bad if it got out," he nodded. i pulled up the footage from that night. his jaw dropped. i put my phone away quickly. "that video is 6 hours long," he said. i didn't even notice how long the vid was. i also didn't care. that's not the point. "he literally holds it over my head. like he would go to the police and snitch on me with the fucking video," i said. doffy was still dumfounded. "i thought he would hate me. but no. surprise!! he now has a super rape fetish now," i said. doffy smirked. "why don't you just get rid of the video?" he asked. "tsk...like i didn't already think of doing that. i cant from the app. i need to get to her house and erase  it from her filing. i cant get anywhere near her with smoker basically adjoined at my fucking hip," i said. "i know a guy who might be able to work something out for you," he said. i felt better at hearing that. "for a price," he finished. i sighed. "and what would that be?" i didn't want to ask. "i just want you to model some stuff for me," he said. i let out a sigh of relief. "i thought it was gonna be something shady," i said. he chuckled. "when can i do it?" i asked. "there is this party im holding at my house in a few days. i want you to come. we will handle the modeling there. also...you might want to ditch smoker in the next few days. we have a couples shoot and im certain he wants you to do it with him. our magazines are quite popular. billions sold in all corners of the world. the entire world will know your secret almost instantly," he said. i sighed. we finished eating and headed back to the studio.

"where the hell have you been?" smoker walked up to me and kissed me deeply. i pulled away. "this photo shoot is super boring. doffy invited me for lunch," i said. he frowned. "he didn't try to make a pass at you, did he?" i shook my head. he sighed. "ive got two more out fits to try on. itll be a few more hours. you wanna wait in my room? ive got cable tv," he said. "sure," i said. he grabbed my hand and i was pulled to his dressing room. he looked around, nodded and pulled me into the room. he locked the door. i took a seat on the sofa. "ive got a 30 minute break," he climbed on my lap and kissed me. i could feel him stabbing me. he grabbed my hands and placed them on his ass. he grunted and a dark blush appeared on his face. i just sat there while he kissed me. he pulled away a little. "d-d-do the thing on my...you know," he kissed me again. i groped his wonderfully round butt. he kissed me harder. he took off his shirt. he tugged at mines. he pulled it over my head. he attacked my neck. nipping and sucking till he left marks. he started working at my pants. there was a knock at the door. smoker grunted. "who the fuck is it?" he called. "its me, boa. doffy wants to speak to you right now," it was muffled by the door. "im on break. ive got another 15 minutes," he called back. he went back to working at my pants. "he said for you to come immediately. you remember what happened the last time he came to get you," she said. smoker grunted. "....just gimme a minute. ill be there," he said. i heard her walk away. smoker grunted. he got off my lap. he put on his shirt. "...we will finish this tonight," he groaned as he walked out the door. i flipped on the tv.

he returned around 2 hours later. he shut and locked the door. he took off all his clothes. he snatched the remote from my hand and flipped off the tv as he straddled me. he was still super hard. he tossed the remote far from the sofa. "is this really what we should be doing at your job?" i asked. he grunted as he worked at my jeans. i never did put my shirt. he undid my belt and unzipped them. he kissed me. he pulled away a little. "i....i want to be your bitch," he whispered. that...was the most unexpected thing he has ever said. it threw me off. he got off my lap and pulled my pants down. he laid down next to me with his asshole facing me. he rolled his hips till he got comfy. "...im...im ready," he said. i sighed. it was still weird but it did kinda turn me on. i got hard. i got on top of him and aligned with his hole. i just noticed something....he never did want to use lube. its like he wants this to hurt. he grabbed my hands and put them above his head. i pinned his wrist like he wanted me too. he closed his eyes. i pushed in. he gritted his teeth and his back arched. i pushed further. he started struggling in my grip. i could see little tears come out his eyes and he shut them tighter. i pushed all the way in. he rolled his hips with me inside till he got used to it. he nodded. i started thrusting. he grunted. i picked up. another grunt. i picked up till i was hitting it hard, deep, and fast. he suppressed the moans that escaped. i looked at him while i fucked him. this position was.....just so demeaning. i felt like i did this out of pity. his grunts were signs of disapproval. he suppressed his moans. like he didn't want this to feel good. he didn't want to be here. he didn't want my dick shoved up his ass. like he didn't choose this. it felt like i was...like i was raping him. like i forced him in here and ripped his clothes off. im holding him down and using his ass like a pussy. just using him. there isn't love here. i cant even call this sex. this is pure rape. all of a sudden a deep knot formed in my stomach. what the hell is wrong with me? why and i raping this man? he makes it seem like i forced him to come here. i felt so fucking guilty. i deserve to go to jail. this isn't right. not by a long shot. i don't need to force people to have sex with me. im good enough to go get some from someone voluntarily. it feels like...this is the prison showers. he happened to drop the soap. why isn't someone stopping this? why is everyone just watching? like this is one of their sick and twisted fantasies. i don't want to do this. sex is susposed to feel amazing. not make your face twist and cringe at the unbearable pain. i started to turn myself off. i was getting soft. i was losing the sexual urges. shit. i felt warm tears flow down my face. am i just that despicable? i cant have sex unless i force someone too? having to hold them down and take it whether they want it or not? why is he writhing so much? why does he grit his teeth like this is torture? im a man who derives his pleasure from the others pleasure. when i push inside, they aren't susposed to run away from me. i don't need to hold them down. if anything, they get mad because i didn't push all the way in. they push back. he was still writhing. im so fucking sick. just using this guy's asshole to rid myself of sexual urges. like he chose to be here. how could i derive pleasure from his unbearable pain? im not a rapist. he wanted me to do this. tsk....can i really believe that? your face doesn't cringe when you like something. you don't grimace when it feels good. you don't squeeze your eyes shut because you want more. those aren't happy tears. he doesn't like this. the ocean of cum on his stomach right now isn't from pleasure. its just him trying to make the best of this sad situation he is in. i cant do this. no. i wont do this. i refuse to rape anyone. when i have sex, it is completely consensual. in fact, in most cases they want it more than i do. no. i pulled out. i was completely flaccid. the tears flowed harder when i noticed the river of cum flood out his ass. i cant believe it. my body derived pleasure from the violent raping i just did. no. never again will i do this. not like this. i looked at him. his eyes were squeezed shut and tears flowed out of them. he was panting hard. his face stuck in a grimace. a dark blush on his cheeks. i looked down. he was mega hard and leaking precum. this is sick. i got up and put on my pants. "where the fuck are you going? im not satisfied yet!!!" he tried to reach for me. i didn't let him. no. im not a sick perverted rapist. i put on my shirt. the tears flowed harder, soaking my shirt almost all the way through. i need to get out of here. ive just committed one of the most despicable crimes in the world. i need to flee the crime scene. i went to unlock the door. i was stopped by a hand. i looked back. it was a still panting smoker. he still had that dark blush. the cum leaking off his stomach and out his ass onto the floor. his dick is still rock hard. i fucking gaged at the sight. i heard it hitting the floor in drips. i don't want to rape him. im better than that. he looked at me with this dark glare of hate. like he wanted to kill me for doing that to him. i cant really blame him. he didn't choose to be here. he didn't want it. not in the least. i just forced it on him. the evidence is clear in that video. "where the fuck are you going? get back over there and finish fucking me," he whispered. he kissed me. no. he pushed his tongue in my mouth. shame on me. im such a terrible person. i pushed him away. he grunted and kissed me again. i pushed him away harder. he grunted and kissed me again. he put an arm around my neck and pulled so i couldn't push him away. i tried harder. he put the other arm around my neck and held on tight. he pressed his chest to mine. it felt disgusting. the cum was soaking into my shirt. he kept stabbing me with his hard on. i desperately tried to push him away. he pulled away from the kiss. "what the fuck is wrong with you?!?!" he could see my tears as i tried to pry his grip off me. i finally got him off me. he stumbled away but caught his balance. he looked at me with such a confused look. "what the fuck is going-" i cut him off. "i cant do this. not anymore. not ever again. im not a fucking rapist," i whimpered. "i don't know what the fuck you are talking about. just....come back over here and finish fucking me," he sighed and took a seat on the sofa. he laid back and spread his legs. i couldn't help but sob at the sight of his prostration. he looked up at me. "what the hell are you waiting for?" he groaned. he got up and walked back over to me. he grabbed my hand and pulled, trying to take me back to the scene of the crime. i didn't let him. "i cant do this. im not gonna fucking rape you," i said. he cocked an eyebrow. he kissed me. "i love you. is that what you want to hear? because ill say it as many times as i need to for you to come back and finish what you started," he whispered. its even worse. he thinks he loves me. "i cant. ever again. its over. i don't think this was even a relationship in the first place," i broke his grip and grabbed the handle. "you are breaking up with me?" he said. i nodded as i tried to figure out the unlocking mechanism. he started laughing. he grabbed my hand and spun me around. he kissed me hard. he grinned. "nah. we gonna date till im satisfied. whether that be tomorrow or fucking 50 years from now. you are mine. i want you and i can have you, now get back over there, take them fucking clothes off, and get back to fucking me. i don't have time for your mental break down," he started to pull me back to the sofa. no. fuck no. i broke his weak ass grip. "its over. simple as that. im not gonna have a mental break down because of your rape kink. it makes me feel guilty. like i force you to do this. i don't want those tendencies to transfer to my next relationship," i said sternly. he laughed again. "next relationship? nah. you stuck with me forever. we gonna get married and imma have yo motherfucking babies. i love you. i love you too much to ever let you go. now that we got that out the way. im very horny. sex, now," he grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me again. "you don't fucking love me. this is just satisfying your weird ass rape kink. you just think this is love," i started working at the door again. "OH COME ON MARK!!! you love me too. you said so. let just stop...whatever this is and get back to making mad passionate love," he grabbed my hand again. " that's not love. love is when both people are equally enjoying the sex. everything about that is rape. period point blank. im not doing this. its over," i said. "what the fuck do i have to say to get it through to you? i want your dick inside of me? is me not laying on the sofa with my legs spread wide not enough? you aren't breaking up with me. no," he shook his head. "yes the fuck i am," i started working at the door again. what the fuck is it with this lock? its like its jammed or something. "you not going anywhere. i got footage of you raping me first of all, and....i got the key to the room. you not leaving me ever. WE will leave this room when you get done satisfying me," he said. i turned towards him. "where is the key?" i asked. he giggled. "like i would ever tell you that," he walked over to the sofa and took a seat. he put up his legs and spread them. "im waiting," he said. i sighed. i looked around the room. i saw the glint of silver on his desk. i walked right over and picked up the key. wow is he terrible at hiding things. i walked back over to the door. i put the key in. i heard the click of the door unlocking. i heard commotion. 'how in the fuck!!" he ran over and grabbed me. he held the door shut and grabbed at the key. i didn't let him take it. he fought with me. still not strong enough. a hard shove in his chest and he stumbled back, falling flat on his ass on the floor. as i opened the door i heard sobbing. i looked back at him. he was crying hard. "y-y-you just gonna l-l-leave me?!?! like none of this is your fault?!?! like you didn't hear my screams when you raped me that night?! i didn't chose to have a rape kink. its how i cope with the psychological trauma of having my ass rammed for the first time in my entire life. i didn't chose this. i didn't chose to be gay. you fucking forced me!!!" he sobbed. i shook my head. "rape doesn't just happen. im not so deprived of sex that i need to do anything with force, especially not sex. no. you did something to me. i was very drunk and with nami as a witness to it. you only showed me the part when i raped you. i know there is more to that video," i said. its true. i do know that there has got to be more to that video. i walked out the door. "d-d-don't goooo..." he cried after me.


wow. complete mental break down. this is a long chapter.


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