*completed* A Kindergarten Pr...

By liamsstagram

147K 4K 528

Becca was 5 and she was his best friend Louis was 6 and he was her best friend They made a kindergarten promi... More

A Kindergarten Promise (One Direction/Louis story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
CHapter 25
Chapter 26
A/N (: I promise an update soon!
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
you and i
Chapter 32
I promise a chapter
and the winner is.......
Chapter 33
One shot and laziness
Chapter 34
Be mad at me
Chapter 35 (last chapter?)

Chapter 2

5.5K 164 15
By liamsstagram

**Louis POV**

"Aye Louis wake up", someone rudely awoke me from my nap, "we have a meet and greet signing today". It was clear that Harry  was the one who woke me from my sleep. 

"Harry shut up and let me sleep" I rolled over , squishing my face into my pillow. Then I rolled over and chucked it at him, which made him scoff when the white fluff hit his face.

"Never!" he yelled jumping on me and I guess you could consider this a larry moment, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" he playfully (but painfully) punched me in the arm like an excited kid waking their parents on Christmas morning. The loud chanting of Harry summoned the other three boys to the room. I already know what this means-

"Dog pile!" Niall yelled and then it happened, I was tackled  and pinned down by all the weight of them, god when did they get so heavy. 

"Damn, I'm awake now." I said rubbing the sleep from my eyes, "When do I need to be ready?" I asked stretching a bit, my back popped and oh it felt good.

"Not sure, probably half past eleven because it starts at one and we have to be early so we can get ready." Zayn said running his fingers through his dark hair, "Although, when are we ever on time?". 

I kicked the boys out of the room so I could get dressed and showered. Because they always make fun of my butt when I change in the open, even though I know they're actually just jealous.


After I got dressed, we all ate breakfast until there was a knock on the door signalling our ride was here. The familiar black vehicle with tinted windows and leather seats awaited us.

 "Have I ever said how much I love meet and greets" Harry said sarcastically, "I love sitting down and writing until my hand cramps up, just absolutely brilliant".

"I'm actually quite nervous". I admitted, and it was strange because I never am nervous. But something about today is just feeling off about today. I can't quite put my finger on it, whether it is a bad feeling or a good feeling.

"Well it'll be fine. We've done this many time before, my hands are gonna hurt from all the signing" Niall said. It was true after signing your name for hours on end, it cramps up, and get's sloppy.

"Louis just relax and be happy" Zayn yelled, "It's going to be fun, Niall what are- are you really eating again? Harry made us pancakes not even thirty minutes ago" when I looked over Niall sure enough had a bag of Cheetos, which left me wondering how he is still hungry and how he managed to get them so quickly. Do we even have a food storage in here?

"Cheetos!!" Harry flung himself across my lap and tried to steal the bag, "let me have some" he put his hands out and Niall stuck his tongue out at him. I swear I live with a bunch of little kids not adults.

"How about, no" Niall said and leaned his head back and dumped the whole bag right there into his mouth. He has an endless stomach I swear, but i can't say I don't eat a lot either, its a miracle that we are all so fit. That and we do work out a lot, Liam especially.

"Alright boys, we are here!" Paul opened the door and we filed out. Thankfully we got through the back door because there was a thousand fans in the front. Immediately we were rushed into hair and makeup, as well as being told the itinerary for the day.

"But I'm already sexy" Zayn said making us all double over in laughter to something that Lou, our stylist, had said to him. Lou rolled her eyes and continued direct us to makeup chairs and she pulled out her supplies. 

We continued in normal chatter for a while until finally Lou finished curling Harry's curls, "Okay boys. Go make some girls day, you all look fabulous" she clapped her hands and I laughed hugging her, the other boys did too. Her daughter Lux, wasn't with her today, she was probably with the babysitter this afternoon. Who knows? 

When we were done we sat down until security came and escorted us to the table set up, now all there is to do is open the doors.

Hopefully this Meet and Greet can make my day better, just like they always do.

** edited February 12, 2014**

**Re-edited November 26, 2015**

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