Oh, Angel. (1)

By bellamarwan

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She fell in love with someone who was impossible to love. He thought being in love was impossible until she c... More

Chapter 1: Macallan 18
Chapter 2: Millionaire
Chapter 3: You have my word
Chapter 4: Conflict of interest
Chapter 5: A deck of hearts
Chapter 6: Dimples and giggles
Chapter 7: Stay
Chapter 8: Rules
Chapter 9: Beauty behind the lie
Chapter 11: Veins full of liqour
Chapter 12: Well fuck
NEW COVER: not an update
Chapter 13: Styles theatre
Chapter 14: Love always, Emma.
Chapter 15: Hurt
Chapter 16: Gone
Chapter 17: I swear to you
Chapter 18: Why?
Chapter 19: Beautiful
Chapter 20: A day with him
Chapter 21: Complicated
Chapter 22: Until next time
Chapter 23: The reveal
Chapter 24: His heart
Chapter 25: CHILDish
Chapter 26: Perfume
Chapter 27: 90 days
Chapter 28: Say something
Chapter 29: The H word
Chapter 30: The M word

Chapter 10: Danger

83 3 0
By bellamarwan

Quick disclaimer I wanted to explain. This is not a typical Harry Styles fancfiction. Yes I am using his name and his appearances but this has nothing to do with one direction. The other members are small parts that honestly don't really matter. The main characters that ARE important are Harry, Mia and Ethan. I was thinking of adding some chapters with Ethan's thoughts but we shall see.

Love you all,

Bella x

"Losing me will hurt; it will be that kind of pain that won't feel real at first, and when it does, it will take her breath away."


Liam had phoned me twice while I was having brunch with Mia and my mother. I decided to take a few business calls before going out shopping with Mia. I was in my office looking through emails my secretary had sent me when I hear knocking coming from outside my office door.

"Come in."

Mia peeks her head in smiling at me and I give her a smile back. All of a sudden I feel happiness and all the stress I felt just a few moments ago, vanished.

"What's wrong love?"

She shrugs and looks around. "I was just bored." She says as she looks at my book shelf biting her bottom lip.

I would stop biting that lip angel. It drives me crazy.

I watch her drag her fingers on the books studying them one by one.

"I see you like books." I say

"Yes I do. But I don't have much time to read now with work and all." She says and moves to sit in front of me. "What are you up to?"

"Just doing some paperwork and fixing up some deals people have fucked up in."

She nods and bites on her lower lip again. "I uh.. I have a question."

I raise my eyebrows and set my pen down. "Okay go ahead."

She looks at me, making eye contact and takes a deep breath. "Why did you need to get a contract to get a girlfriend ? I'm sure you're capable of finding one on your own."

I nod and lean back "You're right I could. But I don't want a relationship, that's where you come in. It's an easy business deal nothing messy that a relationship would carry. After these months are up we go our separate ways and that's that."

"A business deal.. Right." She mumbles

Why does she look so upset?

I look at her with a confused expression and she sits up straight. Her complete aura changing from timid to confident within seconds.

"I wanted to also propose the two days a week I want off to see my BOYFRIEND." She explains

I clench my jaw and my hands ball up into fists at the mention of her boyfriend. But I straighten myself out. "Very well."

"I was thinking of leaving Saturday morning and staying there until Monday morning." She says

"I'll look on my schedule and make sure it works. It might not work every Saturday and Sunday but otherwise that's fine." I state not even looking at her when I finish my statement.

"If you're done I would like to finish this and you're distracting me. I won't be much longer go wait out in the living room."

She nods and stands up walking herself out of my office. When she's left and I'm alone I lean back my chair running my hand through my hair.

"Calm down Harry." I whisper to myself "It's a business deal, nothing more."

I finish up everything that needs to be done and faxed them over to Liam. I look at the time on my watch it's only 4:30 pm. I decided to go change into something even more casual.

I go to my room and pick out a regular blue t shirt and black jeans , pairing them with my brown boots. I knew how hot it was going to be so I decided to put my hair in a bun. After finishing up I grab my wallet and car keys.

When I go over to the living room she was on her phone but she looks up when I entered.

"Let's go." I say nodding towards the door.

She doesn't say anything as she gets up going out the door. I sigh knowing she's angry with me, this was going to be a long day. I shut the door locking it and going down the steps to my garage.

"Where's randy?" She asks

"I sent him home, I'm driving." I say as I unlock the garage doors revealing all my cars I had to choose from.

I decided with my matte black Range Rover. I grab the appropriate keys and I turn to see Mia standing there with her mouth open looking at the cars.

"What is it angel ?"

"Typical, of course you'd have ever expensive car possible."

I look around at all my cars and smirked. Yes I enjoyed having the luxury to buy these vehicles but I didn't have THAT many.

"Why are they all black?" She asks

I shrug "I like black." I unlock the car and tilt my head over to the car indicating to her, to go inside.

She walks over and opens the door going into the passenger seat. I go in as well starting the car and driving into the city.

I glance at her a few times, I felt the awkward tension. I decided to put the radio on and just focus on driving into the city.

"Why do you live so far ?" I hear her ask

I glance at her and smile. "I wanted a house with some land. New York doesn't really have that luxury so I enjoy living outside of the city for that bit of nature."

She nods "Makes sense."

I reach over and rest my hand on her knee. She tenses up for a moment until she relaxes and rests her hand on top of  mine.

We finally ended up at the mall and thank god no paparazzi had found out where we were. I didn't want to keep sofficating her with my lifestyle and how I was clearly used to things.

We had found a Chanel store I pushed her into, she looked at the label and almost ran the other direction.

"Harry I can't afford this kind of luxury." She says in a hushed tone as I had pulled her in.

"Hush up. I'm paying for all the expenses." I insist

Her eyes narrow at the floor. 

"Welcome to Chanel, my name is Crystal. Is there anything I can help you with?"


I look up from the ground to see a lady that obviously works here starting at me. I could tell she was talking to me, and not to Harry.

"Uh well I-"

"We are looking for a dress, she will using for an elite event." Harry says making full on eye contact with the lady.

She looked a bit shocked then shifted her eyes between us.

"Y-yes sir right this way."

He nods and rests his hand on the small of my back. For some reason I instantly felt calm and more relaxed. I think Harry noticed because when I looked up he was starring at me giving me a smirk.

I roll my eyes and instantly he wraps his arm around my waist pulling me towards him. "Don't do that angel unless you want to be spanked right here."

I gasped and turned away from him. I look at he racks and racks full of beautiful gowns.

"This section is what I would suggest for your evenings attire. These styles have been used on red carpet by many celebrities."

I look up at Harry and he gives me a warm smile. "Go on love, pick whatever you like."

I look at Crystal and smile. "What would you suggest would look best on me."

She looks at me all excited and smiles. "I thought you'd never ask! This is my favourite part of my job."

I giggle and I hear Harry chuckle as he holds me closer to his side.

"I was going to suggest maybe something red. Bold colours on your skin tone would look stunning. But I'll give you some other options as well."

I was dragged over to the change rooms where many dresses were hung inside. I turn around to see Harry sitting down on the couch outside my fitting room.

I tried on the first dress which was a one shoulder deep blue dress. I looked at the mirror and huffed, I didn't like it. The way it was hemmed almost made it look like a had three body's in the one dress. I walked out and see Harry look up from his phone. He grimaces and shakes his head.

I nod "I didn't like it either."

I walk back inside and try on a slightly baby pink on. I come out frowning this made me look sick and pale.

Harry chuckles when I come out and I pout crossing my arms. "Don't. This isn't fun for me you know."

He rolls his eyes "I thought this is what females aspire. To be drowning in riches."

I narrow my eyes at him. "Sometimes." I mumble.

I decided on the white lace dress now, I would never have picked this regularly but the lace made it look beautiful and I didn't mind such a pale colour.

It's long sleeve white lace with a tanned base. The only problem was I couldn't zip up the zipper on the back. 

I open the curtain and look at Harry. His eyes go wide as his mouth parts open. "Wow.. I-"

I look into his eyes, they are so green. They reminded me almost of the sea, with that tint of green that you just couldn't help putting your feet in. Or perhaps the trees on a nice summer day. You could get lost in his eyes, in a good way. Like you wanted to get lost.

"Can.." I clean my throat. "Can you zip me?"

I turn around moving my hair from my back onto my shoulder. I felt him come up behind me, he runs his finger up my back slowly I nibble on my bottom lip.

His hands land on my waist as I'm pulled closer to his front. "I would say the dress compliments you, but you compliment the dress."

I blush at his comment before I could respond my phone starts ringing. I quickly grab it and see the caller I.D reading "Ethan".

Harry backs up from me and sighs as he walks to the couch sitting back down.

"Hey!" I say answering the phone

"Hi, I was just wondering if you could do dinner tonight? Maybe we could talk about what's been happening ?"

I look over at Harry and frown. "No.. I can't tonight. How about tomorrow ?"

"Yeah.. Sure. no problem. Bye."

We end up deciding on the white lace dress and the alterations will be ready by Friday morning which is perfect for the charity party that evening.

Harry has been acting weird this entire trip and I grew frustrated with his snappy behaviour.

"I don't care Mia, choose whatever you please."

I sigh looking at the limited options of the food court. He can't even look at me his face has been in his phone this entire time.

I just cross my arms and walk away completely annoyed with him.

I feel his hand on my arm pulling me back. "What's wrong ?"

"You've been acting all snappy, and you can't even have a decent conversation with me."

He rolls his eyes "This is how I always act."

"You're giving me fucking whiplash. One second you're the sweetest person alive then the next it's like Satan personally trained you to be an ass."

His jaw tightened "You better watch your fucking tone with me."

I was about to reply but he gave me a glare that shut me up.

"Let's go."

"Where are we going?" I ask

"It would be wise for you not to talk right now." He says through his teeth

I sigh and just follow him out to the car. We drive in complete silence, and I can tell he is beyond pissed by his face.

"If you grip that steering wheel any harder it might just break."

He shoots my a warning look "Don't be a smart ass not now."

"Where are you taking me?" I ask a little sternly.

"I'm taking your ass home so you can have a lovely dinner with your lovely boyfriend." He spits.

He was so confusing, I couldn't understand it. One moment he is a complete gentlemen treating me like an angel and suddenly I forget all about Ethan. Then something snaps in him and he's back to square one. I keep getting caught up in his emotions and I don't want to. I don't know what to do with him anymore, I should just focus on my boyfriend. He's what matters right now.

He's dangerous Mia, he'll break your heart.

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