Our Burning Love-A Clato Love...

By Summer___Rain

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Poverty, her mothers hate and being friendless doesn't stop her. He is to arrogant and rich for his own good... More

Prolouge: Backrounds
Chapter 1: looking at the locket
Chapter 2: Meet my crush: Cato Emerson.
Chapter 3: time to confess
Chapter 4: Are you sure you were going to say that?
Chapter 5: sword fighting
Chapter 6: Awkward moment
Chapter 7: Lets talk about the games...
Chapter 8: memories hurt.... I know that
Chapter 9: Ronnie's birthday
Chapter 10: The so called 'Date'
Chapter 11: Bloody Mother
Chapter 12: I was a mistake
Chapter 13: My sweet 16....not really
Chapter 14: The Almost Kiss
Chapter 15: My birthday, The reaping And Shit
Chapter 16: Train Cars and Love Stories
Chapter 17: The Tribute Parade
Chapter 18: Shocker!!
Chapter 19: This is love
Chapter 20: Private Training
Chapter 21: "Straighten your back.."
Chapter 22: The Interviews and Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 23: The Bloodbath
Chapter 24: Beautiful Friendships.
Chapter 25: Tracker Jackers.
Chapter 26: Death
Chapter 27: Explosions
Chapter 28: ''The rule change that changed my life''
Chapter 29: Thinking
Chapter 30: The Feast
Chapter 31: Waiting
Chapter 32: Thresh.
Chapter 33: The Mutts
Chapter 34: The Finale.
Chapter 35: The Crowning
Chapter 36: Home And The District Winner's Ball
Chapter 37: Being Busy.
Chapter 38: Kelly "Chase" Mitchell
Chapter 39: Old and new faces.
Chapter 40: Why she left.
Chapter 41: A better boyfriend.
Chapter 42: Apologies & Our Date.
Chapter 43: More Then Once.
Chapter 44: Drunk.
Chapter 45: Reunion & Rumours.
Chapter 46: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Chapter 47: The Result & Your eyes.
Chapter 48: Don't you remember her?
Chapter 49: Aftershock.
Chapter 50: Taylor Burditt
Chapter 51: If I lose myself.
Chapter 52: Moving On?
Chapter 53: Take Over.
Chapter 55: I have lost myself
Chapter 56: I'll ruin your life
Chapter 57: The Engagement Party
Chapter 58: Realisation
Chapter 59: Clarisse's Baby
Chapter 60: My kind of day.
Chapter 61: Glowing.
Chapter 62: Calm before the storm.
Chapter 63: Suprise!
Chapter 64: Despair
Chapter 65: Alien
Chapter 66: My life
Chapter 67: Disappointment.
Chapter 68: Blood.
Chapter 69: Execution.
Chapter 70: Tweet Tweet.
Chapter 71: Bridges.
Chapter 72: The beginning.
Chapter 73: Electric.
Chapter 74: The Edge.
Chapter 75: Confusion.
Chapter 76: Final Three.
Chapter 77: Loneliness.
Chapter 78: How I want to end it.
Chapter 79: Smile.
Chapter 80: Home never felt so good.
Chapter 81: Misunderstandings.
Chapter 82: Things are looking up.
Chapter 83: Number Two.
Chapter 84: What else happened.
Chapter 85: Holding Hands.
Author's Note.

Chapter 54: The Truth.

2.6K 41 3
By Summer___Rain

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11 March 3114

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Yesterday, was extremely painful. I was questioned by Roni non-stop about where I was. And then later lectured by her on how dangerous it is to go out. I said I was with Cato.

My mind was racing and I felt sick. I finally realised I have cancer, and I freaked out. I couldn't breathe and I found myself crying.

But something caught my eye though, as we were watching the news, the hostage thing came on again. Except there was a slight difference, they didn't say Clove Rambin, or Clove-Sienna Rambin. They said Adara Beckitt.

"Come on Roni!" I scold her. We arranged to meet with Kyle and Samara today, in a different cafe by the main square. Roni's wearing heels for the first time.

We were both wearing make-up, and heels and Roni was wearing a blue skinny dress, while I was wearing a wine mini-skirt with the same colour over-sized jumper with black tights and black ankle wedge boots.

We couldn't let the KAP recognise us. And this is serious.

We warily enter the cafe and I scan the room for any possible threat. None.

We walk swiftly over to the twins as we see them immediately.  We sit down, Roni next to me as I face Samara and she faces Kyle.

"This better be good" Samara warns. "it's to dangerous to just call a meeting with us all of a sudden. None of us should be seen in public places."

"Oh don't worry,  this will be good" I assure her. She glances at Kyle. "You both have some explaining to do. I want answers, and I want them now!"

"Answers about what?" Kyle asks with confusion on his face. He fiddles with his gold wedding ring.

"We were watching the news yesterday, and the reporter was talking about the cafe incident. And recently they called me Clove-Sienna Rambin. But that's okay.

But what's not okay is what they called me yesterday; Adara Beckitt. No Clove and no Rambin. Now please explain why." I demand.

Their eyes widen and they glance at each other, fear in their eyes. I get a little nervous.

"Well go on!" I exclaim.

"We weren't going to tell you until you were eighteen." Kyle mumbles.

"Tell me what?" I say, my voice raising.

"Remember I told you about Elaine, and how she died from ovarian cancer?" Kyle asks and I nod. Glad he hasn't said anything about my cancer.

"Well, that was a lie. She didn't even have cancer, she died of a heart attack when Roni was just born." I frown, I feel like asking about the cancer and the fact that I got Roni tested for nothing. Little does she know.

"I'm sorry I did that. And she's also not your mother Clove." I furrow my eyebrows as I feel my jaw drop slightly.

"Did dad have an affair with another woman or?" I question.

"No. You see when Samara and I were about eight-"

"Seven" Samara corrects him.

"When Samara and I were about seven, Elaine, our mother-" he said motioning to himself, Samara and Roni. "she wanted another child. Wait, am I allowed to say stuff in front of Roni?"

We both nodded. He smiled and rubbed Samara's hand which was on the table. She peered up at him with sad eyes. He took a drink of his water.

"They tried for two years to have a baby, but it wasn't working. So, they went to the hospital, and forked out a lot of money for them both to be tested. It turned out that in some weird way, Elaine had gone infertile. She couldn't have anymore children. She cried for a whole month straight,  literally. Until-"

"I've a surrogate mother?" I question, thinking that that is the only other option. Isn't it?

"No!" Samara corrects me. I look at Roni, who is just as confused as me.

"Until Patrick suggested adoption."

"A-adoption?" I stutter.

Samara swallows what seems to be a lump in her throat.

"The two of them went to the adoption centre in Region Two and they looked for ages. They wanted a new-born baby, and one just had happened to been brought in on the day it was born, 19 June 3098.

They fell in love with her at first sight and brought her home, she should've still been in the hospital as she was just born early that morning, but her mother wanted nothing to do with her." Kyle finishes. I don't follow?

Samara looks into my eyes and says "And they named her Clove-Sienna Rambin. Even though her real name was Adara Beckitt. They treated her no different from myself and Kyle. No special affection.

Three years later, Elaine surprisingly fell pregnant. She shortly gave birth to Veronica Lilley Rambin.

That adopted baby was you. That adopted baby is you."

And that very moment, I felt as if I was on some sort of drug and that I had misheard him. Maybe it was the Chemo.

"Me adopted? Ha! Then how come I look just like Patrick?"

"It's just luck Clove. Pure luck and it made it easier as you grew up, no one ever was suspicious about anything. Roni, if anyone was different. No one had blonde hair or blue eyes." Samara says in a hushed tone.

"Are you lying? You lied to me about Elaine, and the fact that she had cancer?" I snapped. I can feel the blood inside me beginning to boil. Reaching it's peak, I glance at my hands to see that they have turned an unhealthy red colour.

"No Clove. We're not. They planned on telling you when you were about eight or nine. But after Elaine died, he just couldn't and he swore he'd tell you before or when your eighteen. He wrote a letter that he was going to give you, one day when Madge was annoying him"  Kyle informs me.

And that's when I remember Roni. I look at her. Her bottom lip is quivering and her eyes are glassy.

"Roni?" I whisper softly. I place my hand on her shoulder. She slaps it away and stands up, forcing her chair to jerk backwards, eventually falling and causing everyone to look at us.

"Am I adopted too? hmm?" Roni roars. "Blonde hair and blue eyes? I look nothing like either one of them! This family is messed up! And guess what? It's all yer fault!"

She storms out of the cafe and I panic. She could get shot.

"Great work, guys!" I hiss sarcastically to Samara and Kyle, my so-called "Brother and Sister"

I push myself up and power walk towards the door but not before I yell "What're you looking at?" to everyone.

* * * * * * * * *

18 March 3114

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"Clove-Adara Sienna Rambin-Beckitt. What a mouthful!" Cato exclaims as I lead him up the stairs. It's been one week since I found out I was adopted, and unlike the cancer, I plan on telling people.

Cato was let out of hospital yesterday, I managed to visit him once or twice. And I also promised Astrel that I'd help him.

He was wrecked, so I told him he needed to sleep. it was a struggle to get him to agree with me, and it was an even bigger struggle to get him up the stairs.

He winces and hisses through his teeth. That stomach of his must be agony.

"C'mon, just a few more steps Cato!" I encourage him. After another two minutes, we make it and I escort him in his bedroom. It's sort of like mine.

He collapses onto the bed and grunts, while I can't help but laugh at him.

"What about Roni and Izabelle. And Kalen?" he questions me as he shifts in the bed.

"I sat down with Izabelle and Roni, after she calmed down that is and I basically told them that I'm still going to be your family. And that this is a shock to me aswell. We talked for a small bit, and discussed when we'll tell Kalen. When he's nine."

"Sounds good. And I'm sorry by the way, must be tough. if there's anything I can do-"

"Don't be silly! If anything, it's me who should be doing everything for you. You saved my life, again!" I informed him and he rolled his eyes. "I'm serious!"

"Well, would ypu mind staying for a bit?" he asks kindly. I smile and drag over the armchair and sit myself down, resting my legs on the edge of his bed.

"What're we going to do about the KAP?" Cato asks me. "Both of our families are in serious danger. And so is Enobaria and her baby, and Corden, Leven, Brutus, Calpurnia, and every one else. Granted, we have the most victors, but they have guns. And lots of them."

"And they'll work outwards, heading towards the Capitol. We need a plan. And a big one at that. I'll start workong on it!"

"But with the Quell coming up aswell, and especially with the fact that you can't remember what the first games was like."

"I watched them last night...." I tell him. His eyes widen and he pushes himself up, and shortly followed by a wince.

"Eh, calm down!" I joke.

"And? Did you remember anything else?"

"Well-" I say contemplating whether or not to tell him that I remembered how we first meet. I decide against, he'll only strain himself. "No."

"Oh, um.."

"I probably will get it back Cato. Some day. It might be years though, and I don't want you to wait for that day. If you want to move on and find someone else to love, then do. I won't be angry, and you deserve happiness."

He shakes his head and carefully rubs the back of his neck. You can see that he hasn't shaved in a bit as he's starting to grow a bit of a beard.

"Are you still seeing that Taylor guy? For ya know, counciling or whatever?"

"I am. I'm seeing him again next Thursday. On the 24th."

"What do you be doing?" he asks, playing the innocent card, but I can really tell that he's trying to find out do I fancy him or not.

"We just talk. About the amnesia, we do relaxation techniques to calm me down as I often get worked up and angry when I talk about it. It helps you know."

"Just like the old you."

"What do you mean?" I ask him, extremely confused.

"Before Hayzelle died, you were happy and chirpy. You enjoyed spending time with the kids, and Clarisse and Bristle, and Enobaria, and my family and me. You were a beacon of light, you'd been though so much, especially with the PTSD after the games. You put a smile on every ones face. You were never as cruel as the cameras portrayed you to be. But you could get so angry and snap at anyone if they pestered you too much. Or if someone said something that you didn't like."

He slowly lied down in the bed. It looks painful.

"And that's why I loved you. And that girl is still there, that's why I still love you."

* * * * * * * * * *

24 March 3114

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I gently rest my head against Taylor's door. I can hear him inside. I take in a deep breath and knock politely on the door.

"Come in" he calls. I push open the door and enter his small little office. "Clove! Take a seat!"

I fake a smile and walk over to the sofa. He messes about with some folders and examines some sheets before chucking them into the metal cupboard.

"How're you anyway?" he asks as he sits down on the sofa.

"I'm well. And you?"

"Good, I guess?" he asks? I frown. "Anything new that you'd like to say?" he asks hopeful.

I ponder this question. Should I? I mean a lot has gone on in the past month. Cancer, adoption, hostage, remembering how Cato and I meet.


"You see Clove, the town heroine-" he smiles. "Sometimes you gain less then you lose. And it's hard, but you need to bend down and pick up the pieces of your shattered life, and fix yourself up, then you walk away live nothing happened." he finished that with a wink.

"I'm very proud of you. You and that Cato boy saved all the people in there."

"And Cato saved me."

"Oh yes, right." he mutters awkwardly. "You know, this is our second last session?"

"Really? I've enjoyed spending the time with you. You've really helped me over the past month. So much has gone on. And you, Taylor Burditt, was and still is the only thing that seems to make sense in my life right now."

"Really?" he asks, rather shocked, playing with his lip ring.

"Yeah, really" I say.

Taylor moved closer to me. His eyes flickered down to my lips. My heart rate increased. What's he doing? He shut his eyes and grabbed, yes grabbed, the back of my neck and roughly placed his lips on mine.

My eyes widen. I couldn't move. I'm not enjoying this! Help! Cato! Roni! Kyle!

I struggle backwards but my strength is nothing compared to his. He pulled me onto his lap. One hand was fiercely holding my two hands and another hand was holding the back of my head.

His lips tasted strongly of salt. I think I'm going to be sick. He thrusts his filthy tongue into my mouth and I feel myself gag. Help! I struggle again. but he just tightens his grip.

Am I going to be raped?

Suddenly,  I have an idea. I begin to kiss him back which initially causes me to gag, but he doesn't know. I play with his tongue in my mouth.

It seems to come naturally to me, as if I was a pro at this. But in my memory,  I haven't kissed anyone, but I know I did.

I begin to grind my hips. He moans briefly, and I roll my eyes in disgust. He still has my hands, so I begin to rub his stomach. Give me some disinfectant, will ya?

He responds and lets go of my hands and they go straight to his hair. This is going extremely well! Go me!

Then, I slip my hand to the right, still kissing him and moving my hips. I feel something hard, I'm unaware what it is though,  but with a quick glance, I see it's some sort of wooden decoration.

With all my strength, I force it down onto his head. It snaps, and as I pull away, he rips the sleeve of my top.

I run over to the corner of the room, I pick up a lamp, ready to hit him with it if he gets to close.

"Don't come any further!" I order him as he gets up off the sofa. I'm shaking.

"Clover? Baby? What's wrong?" he asks, playing dumb.

"Don't call me that!" I spit.

"Why'd you do that?" he asks rubbing his head.

"Me? What the heck are you doing?"

"I just thought-"

"You just thought that amnesia was enough to get a girl into bed? I have amnesia,but I'm not stupid. And you thought, that even though I have PTSD, and amnesia, that I'd want a new relationship with you?" I smirk. I throw the lamp against the wall, and he just misses it by ducking.

I grab another random object. "Isn't that a big enough excuse?" I ask him. "Hmm? well,  let's take a look at the secrets I've been keeping from you..."

I throw the glass in my hand.

"Well, I found out a few days after I woke up, that I have cancer. Stage four, ovarian cancer, my right ovary and fallopian tube. It's also spread to my uterus and my lymph node. In five years time, there is an 11.6% chance that I'll still be breathing air."

I fling another thing at him.  "Then, in that cafe, when those gunmen held us hostage and Cato and I were fighting them off. I was on the floor and Cato stood over me to help me up. And then I remembered that's how we first met in a training academy, he knocked me down and didn't bother to help me up."

I throw another thing.

"Then I find out that the woman you thought was my mother, was just my step-mother and my younger brothers only my half brother."

I throw another thing.

"Then, I find out that the woman who was my 'real' mother, and the man who was always my father, wasn't even that. I'm adopted!"

I throw another thing.

"My real name is Adara Sienna Beckitt."

I throw another thing.

"And that everything I've ever known is a lie, Roni, Iz, Kyle, Samara, Kalen, Madge, Patrick, Elaine, Hayzelle, Derek, Ellie, all a lie!"

"Do you still want me, the ugly victor who is a victim of cancer, abuse, stress disorder and on top of that is an adopted orphan!"

"Choose carefully..... and you'll also have to compete with Cato, who recently told me he still loves me! But I suppose he doesn't know about the cancer. So what is it Taylor, do you still want me?"

He doesn't answer, so I throw another thing, which hits his forehead.

"Never trust a victor, you prejudice bastard!"

"Clove?" I turn to my left where I see that the door is open, and there stands Clarisse and Rosalie.

"Clarisse! Rosalie!" I call after them.

But I can't help but feel as if, in some strange way that I've cheated on Cato.

* * * * * * * * * * *

A/N- Drama? right?!?! Haha I hope you enjoyed it.

Fan; if you think Taylor is a bastard.

Vote; if you were shocked that Clove is adopted.

Comment; on your initial reaction to adoption, Taylor Burditt and the fact that Cato says he still loves her.

Next Update; Monday

Teaser; "Clove?" the doctor says.

"Clove-Adara." I reply, smiling.

"Clove-Adara, we have some news on your condition, you may want to relax as this may freak you out, but please note, that we're dping every thing we can to help you!" Doctor Burditt says, he looks as if he's about to cry, we don't know each other mich, except for the fact that he's Maysilee's father.

"What is it?"

Clf xxxx

Cheers! ;)

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