Yours For Eternity ( a dramio...

By dark_function

11.1K 226 27

It wasn't until he'd met Hermione that he was happy. But will that happiness last for long? There isn't much... More

surprising case
Malfoy Manor
Quality time: Part 1
Quality time: part 2
In Secret
The news
It was You
That Smile
Love and Hate
Family Matters
Without Her
The dream
Friends Forever
Date Night
The big day
Author's Note

The ball And After

424 10 4
By dark_function

Hermione's POV
We appeared outside a huge mansion.
I took Draco's arm and we walked inside. Everyone's eyes were on us suddenly. I could feel my cheeks flushing red, I dipped my head. I wasn't used to this type of attention.
Draco gave me a reassuring smile and we were greeted by Blaise and pansy.
"Hello Draco, and granger, you look really gorgeous " pansy said. I was really surprised. Pansy Parkinson had changed for the good I guess. Never in a million years would I have thought that she'd compliment me. Even though she was still on a second name basis.
"Yeah mate, you got a really gorgeous girl.
Draco led me to the middle of the dance floor and a beautiful song started playing,

(See song video on top)

His Grip around me tightened and I moved closer to him. His hands were on either sides of my waist and my hands on his shoulders. We were inches away.
" is your stay at the manor. I look you'd want to stay away from our family especially my dad." he sighed
"It's all right, it isn't your fault" I said
"At least you have a family, who'll always remember and love you. I haven't had the privilege to grow up in such a family." he said sorrowfully and l froze.
"Remember" I mumbled. He doesn't know that I used obliviate on my parents.
"You all right? Was it something I said?"
"No, let's keep dancing.
He nodded and we continued.

I felt his hot breath on my neck and I closed my eyes from pain of knowing that My parents will never know me. I loved them immensely and I would do anything to get them back. He looked at me for a moment and in the next his lips are on mine. He kissed me so softly and carefully as if I were some fragile piece. What the hell was going?

Draco's POV
I abruptly pulled away. My awkward moment came to an end as a man walked up to me.
"Mr Malfoy, the minister has asked for your presence" said the man.
I looked at her. She looked at me with wide eyes like everything that had happened was a shock to her.
"Sorry about that, granger." I told her blankly.
Mr. Malfoy.......? The man asked again.
I looked at him and back at her.
"I think the minister is waiting for you should go.
"I'll come right back ok?"
She nodded.

Hermione' POV
I was under the shock of it all to react instantaneously. Why did he do that? I didn't like him. I wasn't ready to jump straight into an another relationship with someone I meet just a few days back. I walked to the tall black table in the corner of the room to get something to drink.
"Hello sweet heart" came a familiar voice. Oh god.
Cormac Mclaggen stood there looking as proud as ever
"I know you miss me"he drawled.
"Cormac I'm not on the mood for this right now, so bugger off." I said sounding irritated.
"Oh come on babe l know you want me" with that he started coming towards me and walked backwards until I was against the wall. He came to kiss me but I pushed him back. He came back and this time held me firm against the wall with one hand and closed my mouth with the other hand. I started sobbing through his hand as he started to kiss my neck. I started sobbing harder. Suddenly he was pulled away from me, banged against the wall and lifted inches above the floor by a pair of strong arms. It was Draco.
"If you ever come near her or even lay a finger on her again you won't live to see the light of the next day. Do you hear me?" He yelled at cormac angrily.
Cormac nodded frantically and Draco let him go.
I slid down the wall gasping for air. Draco ran to my side.
"Are you ok? " he asked.
I nodded still breathing very hard.
"Im sorry, I shouldn't have left you and I shouldn't have done that."
"It's not your fault"I tried to make him feel better. He picked me up, bridal style and we apparated back to Malfoy manor.
Once there I took off my dress and makeup. I made my hair usual, and not like a nest, brushed and was about to get into bed when I heard a knock on the door. I went to open it and found Draco there.
"I know you're tired, I just wanted to say sorry if I made you feel awkward in that moment."
He was wearing a pair of black sweat pants and a white v-neck t-shirt. I was wearing a very long t-shirt with a pair of small white shorts.
"I was hoping we could forget about that. I don't know what came over us....but I'm sorry" I said looking at the floor.
"Well, I think that's probably true...... Anyways, good night hermione.

"Good night Draco" I replied tiredly.
As soon as he left, I leant against the door and exhaled sharply.
These things happened everyday. It's nothing to worry about. Need I remind myself that this is Draco Malfoy we're talking about and that he was a big flirt in Hogwarts. I know he's changed and he's showed it to to me in so many different ways.

Draco's POV
As I walked back to my room, today's events kept replaying in my head. The kiss was an 'in the moment thing'. This was something I did to almost every girl in our year at hogwarts, especially the attractive ones. It was no secret that granger was indeed beautiful. We've been friends in just a few days and I think I screwed it. What I did with cormac, i did because no man had the right to touch a woman without her consent. I may have been a bastard to almost everybody, but I have learned courtesy, the hard way. Even when granger punched me in third year, I never did anything back. Everything that's happened intimately between me and those stupid chics at school, I did it with their permission. At the time I just needed a distraction, that's all. I've never fallen in love with any girl till now.
I reached my room and plopped onto my bed, sleep hit me like a bullet in the head.

What the couple didn't notice were the jealous pair of eyes glaring at them.
If Astoria Greengrass didn't get Draco Malfoy, then no one did, especially not that piece of filth. Mudblood. How dare she kiss him. My Draco.

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