
By hey_Jacyyyy

2.5M 69.7K 9.1K

2013-2014 "You don't know me, no one does," I said in a voice just above a whisper. "Then let me in, I want... More

1. Goodbyes.
2. Morning After.
3. Home.
4. Nobody's perfect.
5. The mall.
6. My baby.
7. The first race.
8. Apology breakfast.
9. Class Teachers & Students.
10. True colours.
11. Whats wrong with you?
12. Its only a Scratch.
13. I'm fine.
14. Meeting Constable Frey.
15. Insults.
16. Dad?
17. Revenge best served even.
18. Jake.
20. Date Cut Short.
21. The Bitch is Back.
22. Death Notes.
23. Stick to the roads.
24. Tampered.
25. The Feather Design.
26. To Sad to be Mean.
27. The tip off.
28. False Evidence.
29. The Explosion.
30. Jesse.
31. I hate Puzzles.
32. New Friends.
33. Important calls.
34. Sharpie Wars.
35. She's my Sister.
36. Confrontations.
37. Logan's Luxury.
38. June Second.
39. Problems & Solutions.
40. Nasty Rumours.
41. Bad Luck Birthdays.
42. Britty's Secrets.
43. Meeting Fay.
44. The Note.
45. The Boys.
46. Private Jets.
47. Tiara.
48. Relatives.
49. Just Keep Swimming.
50. Deals.
51. Cars, Cars & More Cars.
52. Riverstone.
53. Rest In Peace.
54. Global Threat Operative.
55. Another Note.
56. Birds Of The Rainbow.
57. The Funeral.
58. Light & Dark.
59. The Hux's.
60. Beautiful Endings.
61. 3 Months Later.
62. I'm Back.
63. Hatred & Hospitals.
64. Explain.
65. Just My Luck.
66. Party?
67. Her.
68. Code.
69. The Arrest.
70. Snapping.
71. Letting Go.
72. Was it Worth it?
73. Wasn't Your Fault.
74. Our Love.
75. In The End.

19. The Happy Text.

34.7K 936 54
By hey_Jacyyyy

It's Thursday, the day I'm meeting with Jordan. I smile to myself, Britty and him would make such a cute couple.

I still have to ask her opinion of him, but I have a feeling that its going to be a positive one.

"Hey Jackieee," Jordan smiled drawing out my name.

"Hey Jordyyyy," I smiled back, doing the same to his name.

"Been waiting long?" He asked sitting down next to me.

"Nah," I said shaking my head because I had only just sat down.

"So what do I do? Like what can I talk to Britty about?" He asked his cheeks going pink.

"Truth, anything," I grinned, "besides the weather," I added with a giggle.

"And what subjects should I stay off?" He questioned.

"Her parents, she doesn't really like them," I said remembering how on the first day we met she talked about her parents bitterly.

"How should I ask her out?"

"Just get her alone and say it, but if you want I could get you guys on a date, I have a feeling that she likes you too," I smirked at how much his face had gone red.

When I heard the dingle from the bell on the door I thought nothing of it until I spotted Jesse and Kate sitting at a table near ours. Is this guy serious?

"Really?" He asked not believing me and pulling my attention back to him.

"Yes, do you want a smoothie?" I asked.

"Well that would be a good idea considering were at a smoothie bar," he chuckled.

"Come on get up than, you're the dude so you have to get me one," I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"What flavour?" He asked rolling his eyes at me.

"Mango, please," I smiled and he walked up to the front counter.

I pulled my phone calling Britty as Jordan waited in line.

"Hello?" The person on the other end asked.

"Yeah it's me Jackie, where abouts are you?" I asked her knowing that the girls had went somewhere to lunch as well.

"We're at the ice cream pallor..." She trailed off and I knew she had spotted an ice cream and wasn't paying attention to me anymore. She just loved ice cream that much... scratch thy she loved anything that was cold and you could eat as desert.

"So I was wondering if you would like to hang out with Jordan this weekend on Saturday?" I asked knowing that she would say yes because of her distraction.

"Yeah sure..." She answered but her voice sounded distant.

"Cool his going to pick you up at seven on Saturday from my dorm," I smirked.

"Wait, what?" She asked confused and alarmed snapping out of her daze.

"Your going on a date with Jordy this weekend and you've already said yes. Okay, love you, bye, bye!" I spoke quickly hanging up on her so she couldn't protest.

"Here," Jordan smiled placing the smoothie in front of me.

"Thanks," I smiled back as he sat down and started drinking his smoothie.

"So do you have plans this Saturday?" I asked trying to sound random and not blurt it all out.

"Yeah I think I got something with my brother," he shrugged.

"Well cancel," I shrugged and he looked at me confused, "your going on a date with Britty," I beamed at him and as soon as he realised what I said he started to choke on his smoothie.

"Wh-what?!" He rasped eyes wide.

"Yep she agreed pick her up from my dorm at seven on Saturday I'll text you details later," I smiled cheekily.

"Really? You really did that?!" He asked as a massive grin took over his face.

"Yep," I smiled and the next thing I knew I was getting picked up and swung around.

"Jordy! Put me down!" I squealed hitting my closed fists against his back.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He laughed swinging me around for one last time before putting me down.

"Sorry," he smiled sheepishly.

"It's alright," I said rolling my eyes and I continued to drink my drink.

"Thank you, I like love you so much!" He laughed, but as soon as he realised something his expression changed to horror, "what if I mess up? What do I say? How am I going to dress? Where am I going to take her? What if she doesn't like me? What if I say something offensive, because I seem to say stupid stuff when I'm nervous. I can't even flirt!" He rambled on.

"Calm down Jordy!" I said rolling my eyes at his nervous babble.

"Sorry, I'm just so sucky at this stuff and I don't want to mess up," he said looking down at his shoes embarrassed. He really liked Britty...

"Just be yourself, don't worry so much," I told him.

"Thank you so much Jackie, by the way my brother keeps talking about you and you 'amazing mouth that taste like the most desirable thing you've ever tasted,'" he chuckled using air quotes.

"Well tell him that he doesn't get seconds and he only got first because it was his birthday," I smirked.

"You know his party, apparently he lost his keys and has been walking everywhere," Jordan laughed and I bit my lip remembering I still had his keys at home.

"What car does he drive?" I asked trying to sound not too interested.

"His prize ford mustang one of a kind, he won it in a bet," he shrugged. Mustang, I always liked mustangs.

"Oh cool," I smiled glancing at my watch and noticing I had five minutes until lunch was over.

"Jordy I gotta go I'll see you around, I'll text you the details with where to pick her up. And don't go overboard, something like a sunset dinner would be just right," I smiled getting up and he followed.

"Okay and thanks heaps Jackie," he smiled and chucked his now empty smoothie in the bin.

"I'll see you later Jordy," I called at him quickly drinking the rest of the smoothie as he exited the shop and walked to his car.

Chucking it into the bin I made my way to the front door glancing at the table that Jesse had been sitting at. It was now empty and I think he must of left something when I was distracted by Jordan.

"And you said that I was a slut," I heard someone mutter as I walked out to my bike.

"I did and I stand by it," I snapped turning slightly to face Jesse as he held a smoothie in one hand and a smoke in the other.

"Says the one that always runs away from her problems," he growled back narrowing his brown eyes that I once thought were the colour of melted chocolate, at me.

"I told Kate and now I'm telling you, text me when you think of a new insult, because your ones are getting old," I answered simply walking to my bike and ignoring him.

"Your going to be just like your mother, you know, a slut and all, and you used to ask me why your family didn't care about you. It was because you're a disappointment," he yelled at me causing me to stop walking and look back at him, how dare he.

"And you used to say that they did love me but in there own way, maybe I wasn't the disappointment, maybe it was just you who is disappointed in yourself," I smiled sweetly not letting him know how his words effected me, a lot more than they should coming from him.

"I was so happy when I moved because than I wouldn't have to keep listening to your pitiful complaining," he shot back clearly trying to make his words effect me. But Jesse Frey will hurt me no more.

"Your right, I did complain a lot but know this, I may not of told you the full reason why I complained so much. I didn't tell you all my issues," I shrugged slipping on my helmet and lifting my leg over my bike.

"Besides, do you really think I would of blurted all my secrets to you, honey I only knew you half a year," I said sweetly turning on my bike and drowning out any reply that he may of said.

I drove off not even bothering to look back. Turning onto the highway I headed to school already knowing I was going to me late.

I walked into class but Mr. Peg didn't even spare me a second glance as I was always late for class from time to time.

"Finally Jackie," Tabby said dramatically as I made my way to the back of the room and sat down at the spare desk as Scott had taken my spot.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but I had to do some meddling," I said just as dramatic back.

"I heard about Britty," Tabby smiled.

"What about my sister?" Scott asked at the mention of Britty's name.

"She's going on a date," Tabby grinned.

"With who?" He pressed obviously interested.

"Jordan Buckley," I smiled.

"He better treat her right, otherwise he'll be dead," Scott warned his voice hardening and I knew he went into protective mode.

"Don't worry I already warned him," I waved him off.

"Good. At least his the good brother," Scott added the last bit as an afterthought.

"The good brother?" I questioned.

"Yeah his brother Jay, his a nice guy just doesn't treat woman right," Scott elaborated shaking his head in disgust.

"What does he care about the most?" I asked hoping the answer would be his car.

"His car he loves that thing but apparently he lost the keys," Scott shrugged.

"Hey didn't you pick pocket him, I remembered you mumbling something about stealing some guys keys," Tabby asked.

"Yeah I have his keys, and I'm thinking about getting some paint that eventually comes off," I smiled wickedly the plan forming in my head.

"So you wanna go mall after school?" Tabby asked following my train of thought.

"Defiantly," I smiled.

"Guys at the back can you please stop talking," the teacher sighed.

"Sorry Mr," I apologised.


My phone beeped and I pulled it out my face forming a smile as it was a text from Jake.

Are you free Saturday?:)

Nope I'm expensive;)

Would you like to go on a date this Saturday?:')

Yeah:) pick me up at seven you have to know the address because you sent me the flowers

Yeah you babbled your dorm number:')

Well I'll see you on Saturday and ignore anything stupid I said when I was drunk:}

Ok see you than Jackie wear something casual;)

I closed my phone smiling and walking out to my bike, school was out and Tabby was going to meet me at the mall so we could begin operation 'payback' with Jays car, I'll teach him for being an eye raper!

I slipped on my helmet smiling with the familiar crackle of the engine. Oh how I loved that crackle.


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