Old town, New school (Septipl...

By AcidiclyGone

46.8K 1.9K 1.2K

Jack lives in Websterville. A town with two elementary schools, two middle schools and one big high school... More

Two Schools Collide
The Aftermath
But It Had To End
Boys/Boys/Girls Freaking Out
Is Hell
Let's Get Out Of Here
Mischief Started
One Last Thing
Plot Twists
Yo, important message

Week of Fun Starts

1.3K 59 44
By AcidiclyGone

TRIGGER WARNING FOR: Drinking, running away,

It's been a whole day since Jack and Felix left

"Do you have any idea where he could have gone?" Sonja asked, concerned.

"No. His mom hasn't heard from him no one has, and no notes were left." I panicked.

"Have you asked his other friends?" Tom asked, eating a brownie.

"I have asked you guys." I told them.

"Do you know nothing?" Tom scoffed.

"Stop being cryptic." Tucker hissed back.

"You guys are oblivious. Seriously, just check your Twitter see who was close to Carter, see who Jack is closest with and then it's easy." Tom explained.

I pulled up my phone and looked and scrolled threw all the posts about Carter but one stuck out. "Tom how did you-"

"Looks like you need to know more about your boyfriend, plus I like knowing the popular people social circles. I like knowing things about people." Tom said.

"Okay, well I'm going to DM Felix's friends, who are?..."

"Ken and Cry."

"Stalk much?" Tucker mumbled.

I found Ken's account and DM'd him as the others bickered.

Me: Hey Ken

Me: Your Pewds and Jack's friend right?

Ken: Yeah Mark

Me: Ok well then can you help me

Ken: With what

Me: Do you know where Pewds is?

Ken: Not at the moment

Ken: Why

Me: When was the last you talked to him?

Ken: Yesterday

Me: Did he say anything about Jack?

Ken: Yeah Jack was balling his eye's out at Felix's house but it's not the first time Felix was with Jack in this state of mind

Ken: Jack then fell asleep at Felix's house

Me: So that means that Jack fell asleep at Felix's woke up came to my house got his phone and left

Ken: Wait what

Me: Jack is missing

Ken: You think he is with Felix

Me: It's one out of two possibilities

Me: Or he left by himself walking.

(Two minutes later)

Ken: I just drove by Pewds house and his car is gone

Me: how much you wanna bet he's with Jack

I looked up at everyone.

"Told ya'!" Tom exclaimed.

"They won't be gone forever." Jordan chimed in.

"So we just wait?" Sonja asked.

"I guess." I spoke.

Jack's POV

"So are we just gonna party all day?" I asked Felix as I picked up my beer to take a drink.

"All day and night." Fe replied laughing.

"How long are we gonna stay here?" I asked.

"How does a week sound?" he said.

"Great, but we've been drinking beer ever since we got to your nice little summer home. You think you could find some whiskey?"

"Have you ever even had whiskey?"

"I'm Irish, we always drink. Just go get some whiskey."

"What ever ..... Sèan."

"Oh shut up, ye bastard." Fe went to go get some whiskey and I won't lie, I have had enough beers to be buzzed by now.

Felix came in with some firebal- I mean off brand whiskey and some red solo cups. He sat the cups down on the coffee table and poured whiskey into the two cups.

"You know, I think we need to go to a bar!" I exclaimed.

"We don't have IDs." Felix told.

"Yeah but we can just get some fake ones, I'm pretty sure that I won't grow any taller."

"How do we even get fake IDs?"

"Uh, I don't know, I just want to do something fun."

"Well ... I do have a friend that can find somethings fun for us to do."

"I wanna make this the best week of my life. I don't want to waste it, I will do anything that sounds fun or scary or both all I want is to have a good time." Fe mumbled something that I couldn't hear. "What'd ya say?"

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

"I think you just started our week of fun."

Word count: 656

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