Pipercy: Drama

By Bluepancakes17

170K 2.8K 1K

Hint: 2 broken hearts, 2 dirty cheaters, and running away *edited* All rights too Rick Riordan More

Chapter 1: Betrayed
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: OMG
Chapter 4: New
Pls Read
Chapter 5
Chapter 6: The Arrival
Chapter 7: The leaving
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13: Anger
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
IMPORTANT(pls read)
Chapter 17
I Was Tagged....
Chapter 18

Chapter 19

3.9K 43 42
By Bluepancakes17


I watched as they carried away the body of the last son of Hades, until  all the other demigod's were gone. I opened my mouth, attempting...trying to find something to say, but there were no words. The poor boy did nothing wrong to deserve such a fate. 'Who would do such a thing?' This was obviously the work of another demigod, nothing other than half-bloods can get in, and I was determined to find the sick minded demi-god that did this.
      I hadn't realized I was just standing there watching solemly, until I felt someone tugging on my cloak. I look over and see Remika, Travis, Connor and Micheal, a gloom look shadowed their faces, but who could blame them? They just saw the body of a frail, pale boy, all bloody on the ground. The look specifically was darker on the faces of the twins, seeing as they new him bit more, than I, Remika or Micheal did.
     "Um, Luke Im gonna go get Percy, Micheal, you and the twins should go help with burial. As soon as I get Percy we'll meet you there."
    Remika said soflty, and walked away to the infirmary where Percy currently was. I look over to the guys, they nod, and we walk in the same direction all the other campers were heading to bury Nico.


I stared in shock at Piper's limp body on the bed. What the Hell just happened? I wanted to call in the doctor, Henry, but I didn't want to alarm him and then he get's a hundred doctors, even though I'm alarmed and want to call in a hundred doctors.
  I got closer and lightly poked her arm. She didn't move. I sighed and put my head in my hands, "Help!", why would she shout that? If she's in a said "coma" there should be no words coming out of her mouth at all. She also is not in any physical danger, there shouldn't be any reason why she's yelling for help.....unless...unless she's being-my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. I quickly covered Piper's face with her cloak.
"Yes?" I asked
"Um one of your team members is here." Henry's voice was muffled by the door, but I could still hear it quiver with a tinge of fear.
"Let them in." I responded non-chalantly, even though I was freaking out on the inside. The door opened and in walked Remika, her usual smirk replaced by a serious look.
"Uh, we need-um should go help with  the burial Percy." Her voice low, making sure no one heard her address me by my name. I nod, and walk towards her, as she opened up the door, I sighed and looked at Piper one last time before Remika shut the door.
We walk out of the infirmary, and I had a sick feeling in my stomach.
"How's Piper?" Remika asked, as we walked to the burial.
"She's in a supposed coma according to Henry, but I don't think so." I replied with all honesty.
"Why don't you think she's in a coma?" Remika questioned, suddenly very confused.
"Well after Henry left I got closer to Piper, and uncloaked her face, but suddenly she started spazzing out and said "Help!" before falling limp on the bed." I explained, my stomach churned just recalling the memory.
"That does not sound like a coma, we should find out whats wrong after we get all of this figured out." She suggested, gesturing to all the campers at the burial site helping with everything, I even saw Luke, Travis, Connor and Micheal helping.

            《 TIME SKIP 》

Third Person

As it reached nightfall at camp, every single camper gathered at the burial of son of Hades, Nico di' Angelo, everyone except for Jason Grace.  Torches were lit all around them, shining a warm light around them all. Chiron stood in front them all, the dead corpse of the boy wrapped in a flag symbolizing his godly parent, in his arms. All around, campers were crying, tears silently dripping down their cheeks, but the one camper who seemed to be crying the most, and the one everyone felt the most sorry for was none other than Will Solace. Nico 's beloved boyfriend, who's freckled cheeks were tear stained, and wet. Although it was rather dark, you could tell his eyes were puffy and red, his nose rosy and sniffling every few seconds, everyone wished they could hug the boy of Apollo right now, it was evident he was in so much pain, but he didn't want pity from others. Underneath the cloak, Percy also had tears dripping down his face, recalling every memory he ever had with Nico.
  As Chiron gave a speech, everyone was silent, the atmosphere was gloomy, and as the speech ended, the body was set on the ground and Chiron put a torch next to it, and everyone watched as the corpse set on fire, and burn away. Everyone praying that Nico get a nice spot in Elysium where he belongs.
Hey its me, Im back :)

(P.s. eat blue food)

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