Coaching Love / A glee Blainc...

By TBV006

8.7K 189 116

Rachel Berry was the most likely girl to make it on broadway while been on William Mckinley High school, yet... More

★Chapter 1:
★Chapter 2
★Chapter 3
★Chapter 4
★ Chapter 5
★ Chapter 6
★ Chapter 7
★ Chapter 8
★ Chapter 9
★Chapter 10
★Chapter 11
★Chapter 12
★Chapter 13
★Chapter 14
★Chapter 15
★Chapter 16
★Chapter 17
★Chapter 18
★Chapter 19
★Chapter 20
★Chapter 21
★Chapter 22
★Chapter 23


433 6 11
By TBV006

Santana, Rachel and Quinn were all sitted in a coffe house at the center of NY City , Noah and Quinn were visiting since only them didnt  lived in New York , the three old friends laughed while Rachel took a sip of her coffee before she spoke "Who would have thought of all the New Directions we would end up here" Quinn looked at Rachel then Santana and agreed , Santana stired her coffee as she added "If you had told me that, I would have probably laughed in your face". Santana couldnt explained it but when she had met Rachel she just had an instant dislike she was just so caugh on getting atention and been liked in a needy way that she couldnt help but found annoying at that time but having shared an apartment and seen her now she had learned how she was just a great friend and a very determinated woman like herself. Santana had recently came back from her honeymoon with Sebastian, it was amazing if you thought how long she had made Sebastian wait to the wedding, Quinn then looked at Santana with a sassy smile "How was your honeymoon Mrs Smythe? "winking at her.

Santana looked at her and nodding she smiled softly "No, Im not talkinng about that." They all laughed as they looked at her face it was so obvious she had lots to tell but for some reason wouldnt maybe it had been the fact that she was a wild card that enjoyed been misterious and Sebastian had quite the tricks undner hes sleeve that were only for her own personal pleasure . "Come on" Quinn insisted before Rachel cut her off "Let her Quinn I for one dont need to hear about it , my mind cant afford a picture of two of my closest friends going at it".Rachel moved as if a shimmer had gone through her body , Quinn then calmed the talk looking at her friends "Now been serious, I want to say having you two as my best friends makes me happy I miss our time together , maybe do a girls trip every now and then remember like when we went to party all together remember?"

After laughing Santana heard her phone vip in her purse getting it out she smiled to herself Rachel and Quinn looked at each other and winked . "Who would  have thought behind hes all classy fancy boy act Sebastian was an actual romantic" rachel nodded in agreement as she took a bite from her cookie "He is sweet inside just he turned out to be even more", with that smile on her face her mind drifted back to their wedding .


The ceremony had just finished  and at the party it was time for the toast Santana had decided to start it herself she had some important words she wanted to tell Sebastian on that day. Ringing a spoon against the glass she called for everyones atention in the first line was her grandmother who was just so happy to see Santana married but mostly seen her smile like she used to when she was a child and one of her cousins would fall into the ground after she placed her foot . "First I want to thank all of you for joining us tonight, It means a lot to see my friends and family gathered to share my happiness " Her eyes returned to the man she was now tied to as she curved a wide smile and placed her hair behind her ear "Sebastian, you are the most amazing man I've ever me, fun, loving , loyal with you I can be myself , I look forward to the next years of finding out what else there is about you , and of course making fun of you everyday" Laughing she smiled widely as he approached and kissed her sweetly infront of the guess taking the mic from her "Now its my turn, Whats up everyone . I just have one thing I want to say Santana you are the woman I was meant for and I will love youfrom now on each day more"


Rachel then broke her train of thoughts as she remembered somethinng putting her cup of coffee downn "Oh my god guys did you hear about Sam? , He just decided to get engaged to Danielle"Santana arched her eyebrow looking at her in confusion perhaps it had been the moment her mind drifted to the memory of her wedding day or perhaps it was more of not caring much for Sam's live but she didint get what Rachel was saying "Who now?" Nodding Rachel let a sigh out "My bridesmaid and friend from NYADA" They tried not to mention NYADA much since Rachel had to put it on hold after she had gone pregnant with Aiden and Ethan and now with Mia Isabelle. She knew broadway would still be there after the babies grew up a little. Despite she missed it she knew very well it was worth it . Been as they all were friends Rachel had invited them for a small christmas party at their Cabin the next day.

The cabin was already decorated it was filled with garlannds, the christmas tree and of course all the lights they were both big on holidays and christmas was one of Blaine's favorite holidays he wanted to make this one very special despite he knew Mia wouldnt remember it, it would be her first christmas. Rachel was giving her a bath while Blaine was watching over the boys for special ocasions such as birthdays , christmas and of course their aniversary they enjoyed going to the cabin, it had been a special present from Rachels dad when they had reached their one year anniversary. It didnt take long before there was a knock on the door , getting up Blaine walked towards the door to find their friends Quinn and Noah "Hey guys so good to see you , Come in" 

Quinn stepped first looking around "Wheres Rachel?" Blaine then placed one of the boys toys on a table "She's upstairs with Mia" without hessitation she headed towards the stair as Puck and Blaine shared a fast hug , with the girls een so tight you could say they had turned into a kind of club and turned friends "Hows married life treating you?" With a smile Noah took a seat messing up Aidan and Ethans hair "Hey...." looking up to Blaine "Its been great man , Quinn and I are even thinking of getting a bigger place".

Rachel was finishing with Mia's diapper as she slipped her baby girl in her onesies "There you go princess, now you are ready" she carried Mia and kisseed her babies forehead as she moved her around she saw the door slowly opened as Quinn stepped with a broad smile "hii Mia" Rachel moved her around as her small eyes were looking at her hair maybe it had caught their atention "Look Mia is aunty Quinn" with her arms opened Rachel handed her Mia and finished getting everything back in its place "Im so glad you could make it , lets hope this time Sebastian has no excuse I miss having the gang all together" Rachel said with a soft smile she missed her friend after all Sebastian was improtant to her like a brother perhaps one that teased her at times.

Quinn agreed with her head soon Rachel was approaching her to kiss Mia's cheek "Do you mind watching over her I want to change and look more presentale than momma rachel" Quinn smiled and sat on the bed with Mia while rachel got in the bathroom to get a shower and change. A broad smile was in Quinn's face as she played with Mia, she laughed quietly and whispered into the baby girls little ear "Dont tell anyone but aunty Quinn has a surprise to share tonight shhh" .

Noah and Blaine were downstairs , they both were laughing mostly cause they agreed on things like not understanding girls sometimes but at least Blaine had learned to not question it and just love her as she was that didint meant they didint had arguments or moments of been irritated by the other but love was above al that. Blaine finally stepped up the couch "Do you want a drink ? Im guessing the girls will delay " Noah faked a surprise looked "No way, maybe 10 minutes" Blaine laughed nodding "More" 

Blaine was pouring some whisky when there was another knock on the door and there they were "How are the newly weds enjoying their time together"Santana laughed rolling her eyes "God you just like Rachel at times your annying" She by passed him and Sebastian shook hands with him smiling as they shared a quick hug "How you been?" they stepped back in the living room where Santana was making fun of Noah but he was so used to her that it didint bother him "Yes Santana laugh at the Marine who used to steal pot I dont care" then they finally came down Quinn with Rachel and Mia in her arms. "There are my beautiful ladies" Blaine said approaching hes wfe and daughter to kiss her abies cheek and her wife lips softly 

They were all sitted on the couchs each couple in their rown way ,Sebastia poked Noah's arm and pointed with hes face towards Blaine "We should step up Puckerman, this guy has already knocked her up twice and you only got one "Puck then laughed and looked at Santana "Ironic I always picture you as the girl who got knocked up after high school in a wild college party" Santana only rolled her eyes , Mia yawn in Blaine's arms as he got up and slowly walked her downstairs laying her at the crib, she was still with her eyes pretty opened looking up at him, he started removing all he toys in her cri, her teddy bear with glasses gift of uncle Coop who visited them every few weeks to see hes nephews and niece he had turned out to be a very cool uncle , there was also a small rabbit that Gradma had gotten her and even a dinnousaur that she for some reason loved that had been a gift of Mr Schuester and Emma . She looked down and smiled noding as Mia watched him  "You are not gonna go to bed without daddy singing right? " She giggled and he knew that was a yes , he egan singing softly Rachel slowly appeared through the door joining hes song she got infront of the crib as he hugged her from behind they watched little MIa close her eyes slowly falling asleep.

Getting back downstairs the boys were building a robot and Sebastian was helping them, by the look in her face one could tell Santana wasnt as negative on the baby idea after all. "How about we stop acting like some boring old married couples and get this party goinng"Santana said as she stepped up and poured herself some scotch drinking from it "Really Santana, thats your great fix drinking? We should do a singing competition with the boys last place will have to do push ups carrying hes wife" Rachel said excited as she looked at them , it was most of her een sure blaine could win he's voice was as if the angels sang through hes voice .She had little Aiden in her arms while Ethan was playing with Sebastian. "That sounds interesting babe" Sebastian rose her eyebrow looking up "Scared? " 

The karaoke machine was already plugged after all it was no secret that Blaine and Rachel were a real life broadway musical live. Blaine decided he would show them what was good taking the mic he turned it on on one of hes favorites and began following the beat singing.

Finishinng with a sassy wink at her wife Rachel smiled and kissed him as soon as he sat on the couch, Santana made of course sounds of pucking but they just ignore her, Sebastian was already taking the "stage" "Let me show you how its done Anderson" He laughed it off and Sebastian began singing incorportating a few dance steps as well as he flirted with Santana during the song.

Blaine turned to Noah and poked him "You up" He laughed nodding while he held Quinn on hes lap having her waist surrounded by hes arms "Tell me again why do we befrieded this people" Quinn kissed him softly "Dont be a buzz kill and show them what you got" He smiled and rose "For you " As he sang the song he was leaning towards Quinn each part of the lyrics they could sense the love in the air.

Finished the song he returned to hes seat, Blaine took Aiden in he's lap "Ladies what about you? " Of course if they had made them sing they should do so as well it was only fair beside their singing talents were a gift. "How about we sing all together?" nodding in agreement they all rose from their sits after all there was just something magical about singing with friends . The music began slowly their voices joinned. 

The boys raised to clap their hands , Rachel left and returned in a few seconds from the kitchen with a tray with glasses and eggnog "We most toast its such a special ocasion" Quinn smiled and hugged Noah sideway as she nodded her head "Not for me" Smiling Noah kissed her forehead "She cant drink" inmedialy Rachel placed the tray down "Are you? Is she?" looking firstly at Quinn then at Puck who had to step away so Santana and Rachel could hugg her "COngrats Man welcome to the dad club"  Blaine said as he placed hes hand on Noah's shoulder who looked at him with a smile and her eyerow arched "I joined before you remember"

Sebastian smiled looking at them "Its clear that I won so you two get to the challenge" Laughing they both looked at each other and pushed him to lay on the couch . "SUCker"Noah yelled and high five Blaine "Boys behave , were not in high school anymore" quinn said as she arched her eyrbrow looking at Noah , but truth was she had enjoyed it , one of the things she loved the most of him was hes huge heart and also how he could be also childish at times which made always Quinn and Beth laugh.

After a few glasses of eggnog , scotch and brandy they all started leaving the cabin. It had been a while since they had all been together, of course they were different Noah, Quinn was a very sucessful lawyer that helped many people and even created a help found for  teen mother married to Noah who was an exmarine who now worked on telecomunications company , expecting their second child who they would be actually able to raise , it was amazing if you though how long  they come since the boy who played all  girls and the girl who bullied other girls. They were both now adults with their own house on Washington . 

Santana and Sebastian held hands as he drove back to the city , they had their own place as well and life was treating them both very well, Santana was currently doing a movie where her dancing skills were required and Seastian was now a producer for many plays on Broadway, he had offer many times a chance for Rachel but she was very proud and rather made it on her own .Though they werent ready at that place in their lives for a child they both had present the desire to have one someday. Santana worked for her own pleasure since Sebastian could very well afford to mantain her.

It had been a year since they all met, finally Rachel could feel safe enough to leave Mia in the care of someone other than her parennts, Hiram and Leroy were taking care of them since Blaine had a special anniversary trip planned for them. After checking in their Hotel they walked through the streets of Paris balancing their hands together he headed her toward the so famous "Pont Des Arts" , as they walked through it he got out the lock he had bought "I think we should make another promise to each other " Rachel smiled at him looking into hes eyes getting lost once more "And what promise would that be MR Anderson?" He wrapped hes arms around her waist "Mrs Anderson ,right here I want to promise you no matter what projects I have or how old we are you , Mia , aiden and Ethan will always be what comes first " She smirked widely leaning to kiss him deeply.

Pulling back slowly he hugged her tight when she spoke softly on he's ear "Look a wishing star . Make a wish" He turned to see it pass while hugging her from behind "All I want Is you" she smiled at him speaking as each word made her lips brush he's "You got me , Im yours ,I will always love you" .She felt the lock on hes pocket poke her "Lets do it" He faked to be offended and pointed to himself in a dramatic way "Mirs Anderson please! We are in public" She hit hes arm playfully pouting with a bit of annoyance though she couldnnt help but laugh "Very funny, that's hilarious " She pretennded to turn around to leave but as soon as she took the first step he took her arm pulling her in "im kidding beautiful" he gave her the lock and a permanent marker "What should I write?" he kissed her cheek sotly with hes arms stil wrapped around her from behind "Anything you want It could be our names or our special  names " She thought for a moment and curving a smile she began writting

R❤B in the middle adding by the sides M.I (Mia Isabelle Anderson Berry ) E.D (Ethan Daniel Anderson Berry ) A.D (Aiden Devon Anderson Berry). Looking as she wrote them down he smiled at her "Very nice , Now" taking the lock he found a place to lock it in the  bridge he grabbed the key and placed it in rachels hand holding her hand as they swing their arm over the edge of the bridge "Ok on the count of ...two...THREE" tossing it towards the water it sank while they stared into the beautiful Paris moon that moon that had watched them kiss , love each other, sleepless taking care of the babies that witness of everything they had gone through since that first day they met at the Coffee Lima  Bean now they had never been happier 3 kids that they adored, their dreams slowly comming true and most of all they had each others love , finding true love and keeping it alive that's the treasure everyone yearns for. 


Dear Reader

 I want to thank you for reading this Glee fanfic 

, for your interest in it 

and for been a part of this journey with me.

 I hope you enjoyed the story

 , its ending and  will join me in other stories




1. A night to remember- HSM3

2.Silly Love song - Darren Criss GLEE

3. Cant Back Down - Camp Rock 2

4. Just a dream- Nelly

5. Sing - The Warblers + Darren Criss

6. Dance with me- Drew Seeley feat Belinda

7. Something about this sunshine- Anna Margaret

8. Suddently Seymour- Darren Criss + Lea Michelle GLEE

9. Problem - Ariana Grande

10. Uptown Funk- Glee

11. Take me to Churck - Glee

12. Happy- Phrarell

13. Dont stop bbelieving

14. Battlefield - Jordin Sparks

15. Cool Kids - Glee

16. Just Give me a reason

17. Give yor heart a break -GLEE

18. A Hard Day's Night - Glee

19.  All that Jazz - GLEE

20. Right Here Right Now - HSM 

21. Sorry - CLOONEY

22. GNO -Miley Cyrus

23. Glad you came- GLEE

24.Summer Nights- GLEE

25. She will be loved- Maroon5

26. All of me - Darren criss GLEE

27. Broadway Baby - Lea Michelle 'Darren Criss - GLEE

28. Super Psycho Love- Simon Curtis

29. Dont you want me- Lea Michelle 'Darren Criss - GLEE

30. Not Alone- Darren Criss

31. Be Okay- Lea Michelle * Naya Rivera - GLEE

32. One More Night- Maroon5

33. Smooth Criminal - Grant Gustin * Naya Rivera - GLEE

34. Accesory- Jordin Taylor

35. Extraordinary Merry Christmas-GLEE

36. Just Give me a reason- Dianna Agron Mark Sailling- GLEE

37. Take My beath away - Dianna Agron * Naya Rivera- GLEE

38. Better than I know  Myself -Adam Lambert

39. Soo Emotional- Lea Michelle +Naya Rivera- GLEE

40. Pumpin' Blood-GLEE

41. One hand One heart-Lea Michelle 'Darren Criss - GLEE

42. When I get you alone  -Darren criss GLEE

43. Live while were young- GLEE

44. Keep holding On- Mark Sailling- GLEE

45 . Love song- Lea Michelle+ Naya Rivera+ Dianna Agron- GLEE

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