Returning King

By take_my_offer

24.7K 616 83

What if there was a creature stronger than Klaus Mikaelson? What if she just happened to be best friends with... More

Suit-Clad Elijah
That's Not Ever Happening
Nicklaus Mikaelson Stay Away From My Lacy Panties
I'm Like Aphrodite... But A Bitch
Well Someone's Having A Hissy Fit
'Cause I Have The Power Like Austin Powers
I Would Have Come WIth A Remote
Wrong Genitalia
Apparently There Are Too Many Dying
Oh That's Right. You're Merely A Human.
Witch Spirits. You Know How They Can Be.
What's Wrong With Him Tonight?
I Don't Think That Will Be A Problem
I Got Knocked Up Because Of It
You Never Beat Around The Bush
Tastes Unhealthy
To the Readers- Thank You

I Didn't Intend For That To Happen

648 19 3
By take_my_offer

Chapter 14- I Didn't Intend For That To Happen

Third Person P.O.V.


          "If they become anymore closer, then they might as well get married." Rebekah stated as she sat on a chair in the kitchen. She watched as Juliet rested her head in Klaus's lap as they laughed.

          Elijah moved about the room trying to think. His sisters incessant talking was not helping.

          "Why do you hate her so much, young Rebekah?" He asked while taking a moment and looking at his young blonde sister.

          She turned her gaze from the couple in the living room to her brother who had an accusing look in his eye.

          "Elijah, do not look at me like that. I don't trust her. She is way too secretive. Do you really know what she is capable of?" Her tone had an irritated sound to it and he knew not to push her more.

          Klaus looked down at Juliet who was smiling. Her hair was pushed away from her as he ran his hands through it.

          "She hates me." Juliet said. She didn't sound hurt. She didn't mind that Rebekah would love to see her head on a stake burning.

          Juliet envied it.

          Rebekah wanted her family to be safe. She didn't trust Juliet because she was powerful and any vampire could see that.

          But no one got an answer except Klaus and no one would even try to get an answer out of him.

          It would be a suicide mission.

          "No. She doesn't trust you." He stated with a smile.


          It had been one month since Juliet had made Diego forget he found Juliet and Hayley.

          Juliet watched Klaus from the living room as he paced back and forth, wondering if he would ever relax.

          Marcel didn't buy that Diego had slept with a girl all night. It wasn't in Diego's style to fall into bed with a random woman.

          Marcel was onto Juliet.

          Klaus was at a loss for words when Juliet found him in his study with Elijah. He nearly broke the chair on half when he learned that Marcel no longer trusted Juliet.

          It was subtle at first. The small little things like asking her to leave when the boys were talking about how to handle the wolves who have been seen coming extremely close. Or the witches every once in a while performing spells.

          Or talking about Klaus.

          Then it was a full on: "I can't trust you. Ever since you came here, Klaus has been getting the upper hand a lot more. Makes me think you just might be working with him."

          Juliet stood, walking to the doorway, she leaned against the frame and watched Klaus as he was off in his own world.

          "Where is Elijah?" Klaus asked when he looked at her.

          She sighed. "He's following Marcel."

          And true to that he was.

          As Elijah sat in the very back corner of the restaurant Rousseau, he was careful not to be seen by Marcellus and he was seceding. The only ones who took notice of him were the elderly couple who sat a little ways away from him and nodded when he had passed by.

          Marcel had been drinking at the bar for some time now and Elijah took notice that Camille O'Connell had been talking with him.

          It had only been small talk but Marcel seemed to be comfortable around her.

          An attraction maybe?

          But then as Elijah listened, Marcel began talking about the massacre of dead vampires and the ones rendered unconscious due to Juliet.

          Many had died that night but Marcel never spoke of it, fearing it would make him sound weak. He had them laid to rest and that was the end of it.

          Juliet had said that she could tell it was bothering him, but she could never get him to open up about it.

          "Some were close friends. Died because of... Witches." Marcel told her. Cami flinched.

          "Witches?" She asked. The first thing to pop into her mind is that she had accidentally over served him and now he was drunk and talking nonsense.

          He looked her in the eye and smiled. "You don't remember me being here. Goodnight Cami."

          Cami looked shocked for a moment and then looked around the bar. Marcel had disappeared and Elijah smiled slightly.

          He stood and left money on the table for the coffee he had no intentions of drinking and walked into the night air.

          It was dark except for the street lights and he preferred to take the long walk home instead of running.

          But as he walked, he could see someone sitting on a bench.

          And he knew who it was.

          And it was a shock to Hayley when he was suddenly sitting next to her.

          She nearly screamed but once she saw it was only him, her muscles relaxed. She also noticed how her arm went to cover her swelling abdomen.

          "I apologize for scaring you. I didn't intend for that to happen." He smiled as she let out a chuckle.

          "You would think I would be used to it seeing as I live in a house with three vampires." Elijah nodded.

          "May I ask why you're out here all alone?"

          Hayley didn't know how to put it delicately. So she told the truth. "Klaus and Juliet."

          He cocked his head to the side, not quite understanding.

          "Sexual tension between those two is unbelievable." Hayley said bluntly. "Did they used to have a thing?"

          Elijah nearly coughed as he was surprised by Hayley's words. Instead he chuckled.

          He nodded a yes. "They probably did. I was daggered throughout the time they were together. And I do agree with you. They do seem to have some things they need to work out." He stood and held out his hand. "Care to join me?"

          She smiled, slightly embarrassed. She couldn't deny the ever slight crush she felt for the elder Mikaelson, but it was growing and it scared her. Feelings wasn't something she was good with.

          She held his hand and he helped her up. She didn't miss the fact that he held her hand longer than necessary. She didn't mind it, but it made her wonder.

          "Where to?" She asked. He smiled.

          "My brother and Juliet do have some things to work out, but I don't see them focusing on anything other than that of a plan. Have you eaten anything?" He asked. She didn't answer. "Dinner it is. Come on."

          And so as they walked down the street, passing many people who smiled and nodded a hello, their hands found each other's and without giving it much thought, they began walking down the street hand in hand.

          It didn't once occur to her that the smiles people were throwing them was because Hayley was clearly pregnant and she was holding the hand of man.


          Back at the house, Klaus sat at the desk holing a glass of Scotch while Juliet laid on the leather couch reading various journals of Klaus's from over the centuries.

          This entry happened to be about her.

          They day they met.

          She looked up at him and he watched as a growing smile graced her lips.

          "Why my eyes?" She asked.

          Klaus knew what she was talking about.

          He treasured every moment he had with her up until 1949.

          He smirked. "You compelled nine boys to kill themselves. When you walked into the bar... You were angry. Anyone could see that. But it was a different kind of anger." His voice was low and she remembered him using that voice on her many times.

          She glanced at the journal and then placed it on the side table.

          "I was annoyed. Not angry." Her voice held some resentment as her mind drifted back to that night with Klaus.

          More specifically what happened after the bar.

          "You never did tell me why." He stated as he placed the glass on the desk.

          She stood and moved to the various books along the wall. She knew his eyes were following her every move.

          She glanced at a book. "I was annoyed because someone did some digging on who I was in a witch coven. She tried to overthrow her coven and become leader which was not successful. They ended up killing her." She took a deep breath and let out a sigh. "I was annoyed with her coven. Her death was too brutal." He nodded. "And then you showed up." There was something in her voice in that moment and it didn't make him think twice about his actions.

          And like a flash of lighting, he was behind her with his hands resting on her hips.

          A smirk graced to his lips. "I was a good distraction from that anger." He whispered in her ear. "And everything else."

          For a moment, she allowed herself to feel free of all worries and just feel his hands tracing small circles on her hips. Her head leaned slightly back, her eyes shut and his lips brushed against her neck.

          "I remember that night. And all the other nights." He placed a small kiss on her neck. "And I meant what I said in 1949." He placed a kiss on her shoulder and then she wasn't there anymore.

          Juliet stood in the doorway and had a slightly shaken look on her face. It was the second time he had ever seen her lose her composure. She was usually so sure and confident.

          Her eyes looked at him. "You don't mean that." She said. It wasn't to convince herself.

          She left him. He didn't leave her.

          He didn't face her in fear she would run again. "But I do." His voice held a slight pain to it. Something she knew he never showed anyone.

          And he heard and felt the wind as she left him in the study.

          A small frown crawled onto his face as he walked to the journal Juliet had been holding a few minutes ago.

          He opened it and he saw his neat writing about the night they met. It stuck with him and had prompted him to write about her. And on the next page was a picture he drew of her sleeping.

          And as he looked at the page, a feeling of anger ripped its way through him and he threw the journal at the lamp in the room.

          It fell to the ground, shattered.

          It seemed anger was his default emotion.

~Thank you for reading!~

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