That's Not Ever Happening

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Chapter 2- That's Not Ever Happening

Third Person P.O.V.


          Klaus and Elijah weren't expecting a lot when they went to go see Klaus' friend. Maybe something simple.

          But a house that made the home they shared look like a toy? They did not expect that.

          Klaus knocked on the door and it opened to reveal a young woman. Her eyes looked far away; she was either high or under a spell of compulsion.

          "Hello. Juliet is in the basement at the moment. You can join her if you would like." And with that, the compelled girl walked away to another room.

          Klaus and Elijah looked at each other for a moment until they stepped into the house. Suddenly they heard a man's scream. It sounded painful and a bit muffled.

          Elijah followed Klaus to a door. They made their way down the narrow basement steps.

          In the room, the lights were dim, but their eyes adjusted quickly due to being vampires. The room was dank and the smell of blood was in the air.

          They looked up, a woman stood in front of a man; blood staining his clothes, skin, and was matted in his hair. She stood holding a piece of woodwork. Her back was to them, but she knew they were there.

          "Please! Please don't do this! I'm sorry! Please! I'll leave and never come back!" The man pleaded, hope filling his eyes. She held the woodwork to her side and sighed.

          "Never?" She repeated. The man nodded quickly.

          "Never!" he confirmed. The young woman looked at the man. Her critical gaze making him shiver.

          "Nah." She said. With that, she pulled the blood covered woodwork frame of a window back like a baseball bat and swung. His head came clean off his shoulders and rolled to the back of the room. His lifeless body fell to the floor.

          "Little dramatic for my taste." Klaus said. The woman didn't flinch. She smiled and looked over her shoulder at them.

          "Says the sadistic, careless, paranoid, impulsive, emotional, short-tempered, manipulative, jealous, obsessive, and competitive hybrid." The woman's eyes sparkled with amusement and a smirk played at her lips.

          "Coming from the woman who in 1901 compelled 9 people to kill themselves." Klaus said with a smirk. Elijah seemed a bit confused by their confrontation as she dropped the woodwork and hugged Klaus.

          "It's nice to see you again, Juliet." Klaus said with a smile.

          "Well when you only hear rumors of someone for 64 years, I guess it's hard to find them." Juliet said with a sarcastic tone to her hybrid friend.

          "Well we could have used you in Mystic Falls." Juliet laughed and patted Klaus' shoulder and she started up the stairs.

          "I haven't been there since I was turned. And I don't plan to go back." Her voice held resentment for the town.

          They walked to the living room where they all took a seat. Juliet on the chair and the brothers on the matching beige couch in front of her.

          "Now cut to the chase. Why did you two come here?" Juliet questioned with a straight face.

          "Remember how I told you about New Orleans?" Klaus asked her. She smile and nodded. She remembered all his stories about him and his family there.

          "Yes. The famous King." Juliet humored with a smile.

          "Not anymore. Marcel has taken the throne. Witches don't do magic and if they do, they die. He persuaded the humans to look the other way with feeding. And he has upwards of two hundred vampires helping him." Klaus told her what he had observed and watched intently.

          Juliet sat back in the chair and thought about it.

          "Why do you need me?" Juliet questioned Klaus. He smiled and nodded.

          "Because I have a plan that will destroy Marcel, but witches have something I need and will kill it if I don't go by their plan. So I need a fellow hybrid to help me." Klaus reasoned. Juliet smiled at him and looked Klaus in the eyes to see if he was lying.

          "Hybrid? Like Niklaus?" Elijah questioned, speaking for the first time since they arrived. He had been silently watching them interact as he judged whether she was to be trusted or not.

          Juliet smiled but shook her head no. Klaus gave a quiet chuckle and sat back on the couch.

          "No. I'm not like Klaus. I am a vampire-witch hybrid." Juliet smiled as Elijah's face seemed to make it obvious he was suddenly interested in the boring conversation.

          "My parents were witches. They had two children; me and my brother. My brother became a power manic. He changed me into an immortal because he knew that wasn't what I wanted. My hatred of him became the key to his downfall, so the witches granted me my powers in the wake of my first death. So then that happened and now I'm the first and only vampire-witch hybrid."Juliet explained. Sure she left out a lot like who her brother was. However, it wouldn't take a lot to dig in and figure out who he was. However, her story was not known to many. Only a very select few.

          Klaus smirked as she finished. He knew everything about her. Who she was, how old she was, how powerful, and who she was talking about.

          Elijah nodded. "I now see why my brother needs your help. You seem like a vampire and nothing like a witch." He concluded.

          "So what do you say Juliet? Want to help?" Klaus asked with a smile. Juliet sighed and patted her legs. She looked around the room and then back at Klaus.

          "If I go, what do you need me to do and how long will we be gone?" She asked with a smile.

          "I don't know how long we will be gone. I don't know what you can help me with. But I can assure you that it will be like 1901 all over again." Klaus said with a smirk.

          Juliet smiled at her best friend. "That's not ever happening." Klaus was still smirking. Elijah looked slightly perplexed. "But I'll help. I have nothing better to do then take care of people that piss me off." Juliet sighed as Klaus rejoiced.

          "When would you like to leave?" Elijah asked Juliet. She smiled at the brothers.

          "I need to do a few things." She replied.

          "Well, I'm going to meet a friend who is in the city. So Klaus, call me when we're leaving." Elijah stood, fixed his suit coat, turned to Juliet "It was a pleasure to meet you." And walked out the front door.

          Juliet looked at Klaus with a smile. "What does he know?" She asked.

          "Nothing. Only what you told him and that we are the best of friends." Klaus shot her a cheeky grin. Juliet stood and dusted off her jeans.

          "Daniela! Come here." Juliet called. The young woman who answered the door to the brothers walked in.

          "Yes ma'am?" Daniela asked. The dazed look was still on her face.

          "I need you to watch the house until I get back. Do not invite anyone in. Clean the house. Have Prince clean the basement. Do you understand?" Juliet asked.

          "I understand." She said monotone. Walking out of the room, Juliet motioned to Klaus and he followed.

          "So what now?" Klaus asked.

          Juliet looked at him. "Elijah's busy. We're having fun." She said with a smirk.

~ Thank you for reading!~

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