What's Wrong With Him Tonight?

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Chapter 12- What's Wrong With Him Tonight?

Third Person P.O.V.


          "Why exactly are we throwing this party?" Juliet asked Klaus as she slipped in some earrings. He was fixing his bowtie when a smirk graced his lips.

          "New home. Rebekah feels the need to throw one every time a chance comes along. Like she throws her heart to every man willing to catch it like a greedy little boy." His tone became angry as he thought of the new one she fell for.

          Juliet smiled and stood. She stood in front of him and started fixing the bowtie. "You cannot judge. She wants to love someone."

          "Loving every man who shows her affection?" He asked, sarcasm lining his voice. He hated the way Rebekah fell for these boys, expecting them to catch her.

          "Klaus, don't get worked up over this. She will eventually find a man who will love her. And you won't have to worry." She planted a small kiss on his cheek once she was done with the bowtie. She smiled and opened the door. "And don't kill the poor boy tonight."

          As she walked out of the room, Klaus couldn't help but smile.


          "Is this all New Orleans does? Throw parties and drink themselves to liver failure?" Juliet asked, her voice incredulous as she looked around. Klaus, standing next to her in a suit laughed.

          He placed a hand on her waist as they entered the compound. "There is more to this city than the parties held within. It's the music and the history and the culture." They stood among the people, some giving the two smiles of doubt.

          It had been a week since the 'witch attack' at the church and Marcel was adamant that it was the witches brain washing Nightwalkers.

          No finger was pointed at Klaus or Juliet. But Juliet could feel the suspicions arising in Marcel and Diego. Marcel may not of been pointing the finger at Juliet but the fact the vampire just dropped her off at the compound baffled him. In other words, he wasn't buying it.

          That's why the alternative was put in place. Camille O'Connell.

          Elijah had noticed them talking about Max, the man Juliet let run free who turned out to be dead a day later when Diego and a few others hunted them down.

          Marcel was confiding in Cami about the loss of Max.

          The news was brought back to Klaus after Juliet voiced her concern of suspicion.

          Now, Marcel walked up to Juliet and Klaus. His suit was a light grey and he held a smile- the type that made Juliet want to use magic and cause aneurisms to go off in his head- that the two returned.

          "Well don't you look dashing." He said to Juliet who wore a royal blue. It was shorter in the front and longer in the back and sleeveless. The silver embellishments looked like tinsel going from the left side and down to her waist and creating a sort of belt.

          "Thank you. As do you." She noticed the slight hostility between the two men as they exchanged idle conversation. She also noticed Marcel's eyes dropping to her waist where Klaus's arm rested in an almost protective manor.

          She could see the jealously in Marcel's eyes.

          "Why don't we dance." Marcel offered his hand to Juliet and she glanced once at Klaus and then to Marcel and accepted.

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