You Never Beat Around The Bush

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Chapter 16- You Never Beat Around The Bush

Third Person Point of View


Juliet walked along the cemetery pathways in Athens, Greece with a peaceful look on her face. As she walked, she felt the witches spirits pass by her, the whispers of what they had to say slipped past her.

Her feet made little sound, careful not to disturb those visiting relatives. The windless day had been cloudy and the smell of salt was clear in the air.

She passed by tombs with weeping sculptures and angels weeping over lost people.

As she grew closer to the crypt, she could feel the witches quiet, not wanting to disturb those inside that rested.

She was able to open the tomb with no effort and walk in. Inside, she could feel power radiate off the caskets that were inside. They were three of them.

She could see the caskets were enclosed in concrete and spelled to never wear.

Engraved in neat handwriting- what scholars had come to call cursive- were names.

The first one on the left stated Marcus, and the second spelled out Lucia.

The third one was the one she went to. She took a quick look around the room. It was dusty, cobwebs were in every corner. One window that was at the very top of the crypt depicted a house on a hill with a lunar eclipse going on in the sky.

Juliet stood beside the third concrete encased coffin. Her hand traced the name and she could feel the cold empty feeling. There was no one inside and any witch who decided to feel the casket would have felt the cold, bone-chilling feeling.

Not wanting to feel the casket, she moved to stand between the other two. She placed her hand over the names and immediately felt a warming feeling. It was the feeling someone has when the hot sun shines down on their shoulders.

A smile passed over her lips. She could hear the two. Not making out what they were truly saying- no witch would be able to hear what spirits were saying unless they drew power from them and it was considered disrespectful from her time to do so.

She listened intently to the sounds of the voices, hearing happiness and rejoicing tones from the Other Side.

She smiled, the look of content passed by and she could feel herself slipping into a trance, hearing the voices of others whom she didn't know, but knew they had a connection to her.

Hearing enough to settle her nerves, she took her hands away, severing the connection to her fellow witches.

She laid her eyes one last time on the empty one.

She traced the name with her eyes.

A cold ball of ice felt like it was sitting in her stomach.

Juliet, it had scribed on the cover.

Right next to her peaceful, deceased parents.



Hayley stood in front of the window in the nursery Elijah and Klaus had put together. The mahogany wood was matched with a cradle, a rocking chair, changing table, and a crib.

It had a rich feel to it and when she first walked in, she could feel a certain presence. The room just had a air that stated I'm here.

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