Witch Spirits. You Know How They Can Be.

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Chapter 11- Witch Spirits. You Know How They Can Be.

Third Person P.O.V.


          July was a fun time in Italy. Venice to be exact. Sun was nice and so was the weather.

          The dock Rebekah and Juliet stood on faced towards the ocean. There was a breeze and Klaus loved it. He stood along the fence with Elijah and Rebekah's newest boy toy.

          "Nicklaus," Elijah started. Klaus knew he was going to hear it. He had been trying to escape his older brother's scrutiny for months. "You have feelings for the woman." Elijah's voice was smug and Klaus only looked at his brother before turning back to watching Juliet watch the waves.

          In a way, Klaus thought Juliet watching the waves was amusing. Waves were graceful. They had power and hidden strength. When they wanted to, they could grab you, pulling you out to a vast empty pit filled with water where you wait for death to pull you out.

          It was fitting really, in a twisted way. Juliet was graceful and everything about her reminded him of a wave. Hidden beneath everything he knew about her, he could tell she was just as damaged as him. The waves break in the end. But eventually they get their turn to become whole and possible take someone out to sea for good or bad.

          Klaus didn't care enough to say anything. He wasn't bothered by what his brother was saying. He thought on some level, Elijah was right. Never would he admit to it though.

          A smirk came to Juliet's face. Listening to the men's conversation was easy and still staying tuned into whatever Rebekah was talking about.

          Klaus watched the beauty as she shifted her weight to her other foot. Her red dress was waving in the wind along wither her long, black hair he loved to run his hands through.

          Maybe, he thought, I am falling for her.


          "How are you even alive?" Sophie asked. Juliet now stood at the edge of the cemetery. "It shouldn't even be possible."

          The other witches stood behind Sophie, but not in a fearful manor. Almost in a protective way.

          "Witch spirits. You know how they can be. Very powerful." Juliet's voice was cool, careful not to give anything away.

          Sophie was wary. She wasn't sure whether to trust the hybrid or not. "Why did you do that?" She asked, pointed to the dead and unconscious bodies.

          Juliet never broke eye contact. She took a step forward. She was now in the cemetery. Sophie stepped back slightly."I do not wish you harm. We are on the same side."

          Sophie was then glared just past Juliet's shoulder. The witch-vampire hybrid turned and saw Klaus standing amongst the bodies as she had been earlier. He was next to Juliet in a second as he was invited in when he found out about his child.

          "Magic can be detected in the French Quarter because Davina has that much power. I know about the Harvest. You're power is failing you. Ancestral magic and all. If the reaping does not occur, your magic will cease to exit. Am I correct so far?" Juliet asked.

          Sophie only nodded, shocked the woman knew so much about the New Orleans witches. The others still watching with careful eyes.

          "And Sophie, you want to complete the Harvest so you can receive your niece back from the Other Side. In order to do that, you must find Davina. Then kill her. Slit her throat and sacrifice her to the spirits. Myself and Klaus are willing to make you a deal." Juliet didn't want to beat around the bush. It wasn't her style.

          Sophie looked at Klaus. "You do realize that if you go back on your word, I can kill Hayley and the baby right?" She looked smug. Something Klaus didn't like his opponents to have. Smug faces meant they others had the upper hand. But he only nodded and then a slow smirk appeared on his face. It reached his eyes and he genuinely looked like the face of evil.

          He didn't like the impending threat of his child's life in the hands of a woman who could so easily destroy it.

          "You see, an older and stronger witch can undo any spell." Klaus spoke . Sophie's smug look quickly dropped. Klaus looked at her shocked and slightly bewildered face in delight.

          "What is the deal?" Sabine asked. She was directly beside Sophie.

          "Our deal is to help benefit witches and all the supernatural in New Orleans. Marcel doesn't allow witches to do magic. I've already proven that I can use it without getting caught. To help you, we will find Davina. You can continue with the Harvest." She paused and looked at them each. "In return, witches need to trust us. When we need help, you will not hesitate." Juliet spoke. As she and Klaus looked at them, they could see the doubt in their eyes.

          "How do we know that once you have Davina, you won't just use her to benefit yourselves?" Agnes asked, stepping forward.

          Klaus spoke, his hands behind his back. "New Orleans was once a place of the supernatural. They roamed free, doing what they wished with little restriction. Marcel has taken what my family built and has destroyed it. I plan to take back New Orleans and allow the freedom to the supernatural. In order to do that, Davina must be in the hand of the witches."

          "We have no plans to harm the witches. I would be killing my own kind by doing that." Juliet chuckled as she said this. "We want to take down Marcel. Break the empire that he calls his."

          "What do you get out of this" Sophie asked Juliet.

          She responded with a smirk. "When you have lived as long as I have, you have to start making your own fun."

          Sophie didn't know that to make of this deal. Klaus had Juliet unlink herself and Hayley. She had no leverage. In all of the stories passed down by witches, the ones of Juliet are rare. It as a privilege to know them. Witches that didn't belong to covens very rarely ever heard of her. When witches learn about her, they are usually to become Elders. Elders understand how nature always balances itself out eventually. They also understood that by having that much power, it makes you a target. That's why so few people knew of how to find her and how that so few became Elders. The secret needed to stay hidden.

          Sophie, Sabine, and Agnes stood together, talking quietly.

          Juliet turned to Klaus with a smirk. "And you said you had this all under control? No wonder you needed me."

          Klaus smiled. "Yes well. Considering you've had about 64 years to hate me, I thought it would be nice to see what mayhem we can create." He held a look in his eyes which caused her to immediately think back to Italy. The same look that caused her many nights with him.

          She looked away when she noticed Sophie walking towards them. And she was grateful for the distraction.

          "We'll accept the deal." Her voice was clipped and she looked as if she were sucking on something sour.

          Juliet nodded. "Thank you."

          Klaus nodded a thanks, too. Knowing that she was the only no vote.


          "Well that went better than I thought." Juliet commented as they entered Klaus's study.

          He poured them each one drink and they held it in a toast.

          "To New Orleans." He said. She repeated it back.

          All the thoughts of Marcel and the Church and the dead or almost dead vampires by the cemetery were either gone or pushed to the back of their minds.

~Thank you for reading!~

Returning KingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora