To the Readers- Thank You

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Dear Reader,

Thank you for your interest in this story. It is at this time I tell you the unfortunate news that this story will not be continuing. It is not that I did not love this story and this idea, I did and I still do. However, I simply did not have the time or the creativity to continue on with these characters and the story I have created here.

I also understand that leaving a story on a cliffhanger is not a nice thing to do and it is not fair to you readers. So, I made an outline for you, the reader, to find out where this story was going to go and could have some closure on it.

Edit: July,2022: This was meant to be posted a few years ago when "Hearts of Fire" was updated with its ending, however, for some reason "Returning King" never published this part, and I am entirely embarrassed about that and I apologize.

Without further ado, here is the spoilers for an outline of what would have happened in this story:

Juliet is bound to her brother, Silas. Her life is tied to his. As long as he lives, so does she. When Silas and Amara drank the immortal drink, Qetsiyah was enraged by this and turned Amara into the portal to the Other Side. After telling Silas she killed Amara, Qetsiyah gave Silas a choice: take the cure and become mortal and live forever with me, or slowly rot and die in an underground cave for all of eternity. And Silas chose to rot.

Qetsiyah did not want to become immortal. She wanted to stay mortal, live her life, and die because she believed, eventually Silas would take the cure and pass through to the Other Side and they would be together forever there. But she needed an extra layer of precaution just in case Silas ever managed to somehow survive and escape. (Spoiler alert: he does.)

This extra layer of protection comes in the form of Juliet. Qetsiyah forced her into taking the immortality drink, another, altered version of it. The twist being that she lived as long as Silas was alive. Silas, when he chose Amara over Qetsiyah, betrayed the Travelers by falling in love with someone of such low social status. Silas and Juliet's family was disgraced for what he did. Even though it was forced upon her, Juliet took up the mantle of protecting the world from Silas. Once Silas grew weak enough, she was the one who spelled the cave shut to make sure no one would ever find him or the Cure. As he laid rotting, the final thing he said to her was that he would find a way out to be with Amara, no matter the cost.

Once her parents died, Juliet gave them a proper burial fitting of their social class. Juliet's sacrifice of staying immortal and protecting the world from Silas was enough for her family to regain their status among their people in the afterlife.

After her parents died, Juliet left Greece is search of new lands. She traveled and learned new things. She practiced her magic and became stronger and stronger. She found nothing harmed her and no one's power matched what she had. She began to retreat, never staying in any one place too long, hiding who she really was. Her story became something of an old folk tale, passed through generations. She became a ghost. And after so long of being alive, nothing sparked enjoyment and everything became relatively boring. Doing things that were against the law brought freedom and a fun thrill. And soon petty theft became murder and nothing mattered because consequences were never a threat to her.

Juliet became destructive in her boredom.

Roughly a thousand years later, the Original Family became vampires, Klaus becoming the first Hybrid. News spread through the old and new world (not that old and new really meant anything to Juliet. At about a millennia of travel, she knew both worlds and never considered one to be more new than the other) and she heard it but did nothing about it. Her job was to protect the world from Silas. The ancestors and nature would punish the witch who created such beasts.

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