I Don't Think That Will Be A Problem

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Chapter 13- I Don't Think That Will Be A Problem

Third Person P.O.V.


Juliet descended the staircase to the party with her natural grace. The black silk dress flowed from her hips and spilled to the floor conforming to her body from the hips up.

The grace this woman held was beyond any woman in the room and that included Rebekah. Something the younger sister hated. It was her party. She was meant to be the center of everyone's attention.

Instead, her brother chose her as his new play toy- something she was becoming irritated with.

Juliet's black, curly hair was pinned to one side and the curls fell down one shoulder. Everyman's eyes were glued to her. The power.

She emitted it. As she walked by, an almost intoxicating feeling of power could be felt. She was important. She was someone.

She was Klaus's and everyman there knew that without even thinking twice.

The crowd parted so she could make her way to stand next to Elijah and Rebekah.

Juliet could see the distaste on Rebekah's face.

So Juliet took her place next to Elijah as Klaus made his way through the crowed.

He smirked at Juliet as he stood next to her, wrapping an arm protectively around her waist.

Rebekah rolled her eyes and began her speech.

Klaus and Juliet weren't really paying any attention to her as Klaus's thumb made slight circular motions on her back.

Elijah stood in the middle between Klaus and Rebekah as Rebekah spoke. Her words were moving and filled with a slight annoyance and anyone could tell it was because of Juliet and Klaus.

He watched them closely. He didn't want anyone to get hurt. And he was beginning to look at Juliet as a sister. They had now known each other for a while and Klaus was happy. She made him happy and that was all anyone could hope for.

Klaus and Juliet were pulled out of their little world when everyone started to clap.

"Can I have this dance?" Klaus asked Juliet, offering his hand to her as the music started playing.

She smiled. "Of course." And she took his hand as they made their way to the floor, dancing with grace and making some of the other couples feel embarrassed.

They were two of the most graceful species in the world.

A vampire and an immortal witch.

There was no need for spoken words as they kept their eyes on each other, locked.

The looks they were giving each other were almost a dare. For one of them to break and let the other win.

Elijah watched from the banister of the staircase as they danced around the clumsy couples.

Anyone could see the passion in their eyes. The look in their eyes suggesting something more than the friendship they claimed to only have.

But even as they danced, some of the more know vampires in the room began watching their game of dance.

Everyone knew the sadistic hybrid, but not everyone was sure who the beauty he was dancing with.

She was never introduced.

As they were circling other groups, Juliet felt the burning need for him and he felt it too. The want for each other that filled many of their lust filled nights.

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