I'm Like Aphrodite... But A Bitch

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Chapter 4- I’m Like Aphrodite… But A Bitch

Third Person P.O.V


          “Welcome to the dark side of New Orleans, a supernatural playground. Where the living are easily lost, and the dead stick around to play.” Juliet listened as the tour guide said this. She chuckled.

          “Well isn’t that an understatement of the century?” Juliet questioned. Klaus smiled.

          “I suppose.” Klaus replied with a smirk.

          “So where did Elijah head off to?” Juliet questioned. She found the fact that Klaus was short-tempered, angry, and competitive and Elijah was moral- funny. They were so alike yet so different. And not to mention that Elijah had told her that at one point he had an English accent.

          “He went to go talk to someone at the house.” Juliet nodded and looked around the city.

          The city itself had a powerful feel to it. It was as if the city was whispering, different feels of power being given off by different people. Sometimes when you walk by someone, you could feel the power they had emit off their body. Or maybe Klaus and Juliet were the only ones to feel it because they were so powerful in their own ways.

          Nicklaus had people quaking in fear just by mentioning his name. People run when he comes knocking. After all, he is the one thousand year old original vampire-werewolf hybrid with slight anger issues.

          Whereas Juliet, not many knew about. By the time they know who she is, what she’s capable of, and who she keeps for company, they immediately wish to be dead. She was a secret very few knew about.

          “So where are we going?” Juliet asked as they made their way across the street and finally to a karaoke bar.

          “Here,” Klaus motioned her into the bar, a smirk on his features. Juliet took in her surroundings as soon as they walked in. There was a stage by the far wall, many people dancing to the D.J.’s beat, and a bar to the left.

          She made her way to the bar. Sitting on the stool, she could automatically tell who was a vampire. There were a few of them, watching her and Klaus. They had daylight rings.

          “What would you like ma’am?” The bartender asked when she motioned him over.

          “Two scotches. The oldest you have.” She replied. Klaus smiled. Even though she was powerful and could do whatever she wanted with it, she chose the route of seducing the male and not compelling him.

          It was a challenge. And Juliet loved challenges

          “Can’t compel him?” Klaus asked. He knew the vampires with the daylight rings were watching them- they both did- but the fact remained, all they would have to do is rip their hearts out. Easy.

          “No. Too easy. Seduction is the new compulsion.” She said with a smirk. She knew that Klaus wondered why she did a lot of things. But she was two thousand years old. She saw the Ancient Greek times, the Bubonic Plague, the American Revolution, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, and the Great Depression. She was bored and boredom means you want something new and adventurous. You can’t always rely on compulsion and stuff like that.

          “So you think you can seduce this bartender into giving us free drinks?” Klaus asked. Juliet snorted.

          “Easy. I’m like Aphrodite… But a bitch. Watch and learn. You’re a bit out of practice.” He smirked and held his hands up in surrender.

          “Oh teach me oh wise one.” He shot back.

          “Oh I will. Just you wait grasshopper.” Juliet patted his hand.

          The next hour was filled with Juliet attempting to seduce the bartender. It may have worked.

          If the drinks weren’t the oldest Scotch.

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