Apparently There Are Too Many Dying

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Chapter 9- Apparently There Are Too Many Dying

Third Person P.O.V.


          It was 47 years ago that Juliet had left the Original Hybrid. She was now in Ireland. There was something about sitting in a bar and watching people make bad decisions that was so entertaining. In reality she was just looking for someone to walk into the alley outside so she could drink.

          "Lady, you've been sitting with that Scotch for two hours now. Something on your mind?" The Irish bartender asked. She was debating on eating him or not. He was hot, she would give him that.

          "Just thinking." She said vaguely.

          The bartender nodded. Someone called out to him, but before he left, he leaned over to her ear. "Does it have anything to do with the man over there that won't stop watching you?" With that he left, leaving to attend an overweight man with a long beard.

          Juliet was tempted to turn around, but she  knew he found her. Without looking back, she placed a one hundred dollar bill on the counter under her drink. She quickly got off the seat and left to go outside.

          She was almost down the parking lot when the person called out.

          "Juliet, please stop running." She stopped dead in her tracks. "Why did you run away?" The man's voice was quiet.

          She turned and glared at him. Even under her scrutiny, he didn't flinch. "I did not run Elijah." Her voice cold and venom poured out in her words.


          Blood pooled on the floor of the basement. Three of Marcel's Nightwalkers hung by their feet. Klaus and Juliet had been attempting to remove the vervain from their blood for hours now. They only had a little left.

          Juliet took a blade from the table and grabbed one Nightwalker's wrist and slit it. Blood flowed out.

          "How much vervain does he have them take?" Juliet asked absentmindedly. Klaus stood by the doorway, his lips pursed he looked at the blood on the floor.

          "Not sure. And don't forget you're meeting Marcel at noon." His eyes held humor as she groaned.

          Juliet had accumulated hatred for Marcel. It had been two weeks since she made her deal with the 'king'. He had insulted the Original Family more times than she could count and it took everything in her not to let her emotions get the best of her.

          Marcel had also decided to complain about the witches. In truth, it was a witch that brought him to New Orleans, but it was the fact Marcel took Klaus's home and called it his. That made him stay. Juliet watched Klaus as he suddenly developed a thoughtful look on his face. "What?" She questioned the Original.

          "Tomorrow night, Marcel will be meeting the Mayor to discuss profits of the visitors coming into New Orleans. The vervain in these three lads will be gone by then." His smile reached his eyes.

          "And you'll compel them to attack Marcel while he's there without his body guards. He'll suspect the witches because of their recent spell to link Hayley." She smirked.

          "From there, you protect the witches. Kill some vampires and erase the minds of others. Show the witches you're on their side." Klaus and she nodded. It was a simple plan. Nothing they couldn't handle.

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