Returning King

By take_my_offer

23.1K 608 83

What if there was a creature stronger than Klaus Mikaelson? What if she just happened to be best friends with... More

Suit-Clad Elijah
That's Not Ever Happening
Nicklaus Mikaelson Stay Away From My Lacy Panties
I'm Like Aphrodite... But A Bitch
'Cause I Have The Power Like Austin Powers
I Would Have Come WIth A Remote
Wrong Genitalia
Apparently There Are Too Many Dying
Oh That's Right. You're Merely A Human.
Witch Spirits. You Know How They Can Be.
What's Wrong With Him Tonight?
I Don't Think That Will Be A Problem
I Didn't Intend For That To Happen
I Got Knocked Up Because Of It
You Never Beat Around The Bush
Tastes Unhealthy
To the Readers- Thank You

Well Someone's Having A Hissy Fit

1.6K 52 20
By take_my_offer

Chapter 5- Well Someone's Having A Hissy Fit

Third Person P.O.V.

Flashback 1901

          Juliet and Klaus weren't a couple. They didn't do the jealously thing. They just slept together and traveled.

          It wasn't that they didn't want to. It's just that all they wanted was to be friends with benefits. To not put a label on anything.

          They were in the Windy City this time. Klaus was famous here for being the big bad Original. Juliet was there with him. But she was feared because she was with Nicklaus Mikaelson. Not because she was older than him by one thousand years. No one knew anything of her past. Those who knew or found out— died.

          The two friends walked into the crowded pub, his arm around slung around her waist. People saw them and smiled, but it was fake. All the boys hated him for having her and all the girls hated her for having him. The power they had made most people tremble in fear for what they could do.

          But people were very aware of vampires in Chicago. They were compelled not to do anything about it. They might have vervain, stakes, and fire, but Klaus and Juliet cannot be killed. People have tried, but have failed.

          A fast jazz song was being played and people were dancing with their partners. Juliet shrugged out of her long trench coat and handed it over to the coat taker. She didn't have to look back to know Klaus was following her. They sat at the table across from each other, in a far corner. Never once did anyone approach them in fear they would be killed.

          "So tell me more about your daggered family." Juliet asked.

          He could only talk to her about it. He knew that she wouldn't betray him. They made the secret exchanging into a game. He told a secret, she told a secret. It was fair. And they trusted each other.

          "I daggered Kol about a century ago. Elijah thirty years ago. Rebekah was daggered a couple of years ago when she decided to dig too deep on family history. Finn has been daggered for eight hundred years." The look on her face told him she was impressed.  "Tell me about your brother." Klaus asked. Juliet smiled and nodded.

          "My brother only wanted to be immortal. No exceptions. He turned to a witch that went by the name of Qetsiyah. She helped him create an immortality spell. Once you drink it and die with it in your system, you become immortal. Silas drank it, but he played Qetsiyah. He told her he loved her, but all he wanted was her help. Before he could give it to his true love, Qetsiyah killed her. So he was then turned to stone and placed at an undocumented location where he has been for two thousand years. Starving." Juliet smiled as she retold the story of her brother.

          "I thought you said he was a witch?" Klaus inquired. Juliet nodded.

          "He was. Be he wasn't powerful enough by himself to make the immortality spell." Juliet recalled.

          "Well," Klaus held his glass up. "Here's to complicated family history." They drank to the toast.


          Walking into the Original's home, it wasn't what Juliet expected. The house was small and reeked of wolf. Her heightened senses told her there was another werewolf in this house aside from Klaus.

          "Welcome to our pretend home. Marcel took ours so we must make do with this." Juliet smiled as Klaus ranted. She looked around as he gave her a tour. Deep brown floor with eggshell white walls.

          "Pretend home?" Juliet questioned. Klaus nodded.

          "Marcel lives at our old home. Therefore, we must make do with our Little Prairie House." Juliet chuckled as he opened the last door. "And here's your room." She smiled and thanked him. She placed her stuff off on the bed.

          "Seeing as I hate unpacking and will avoid it, answer this: Why does it reek of werewolf?" Klaus smiled at her question.

          "I have something going on with the werewolf that's living here. She is very important so don't hurt her. We can talk later on the subject. For now, dress sexy. We're going to a party and you're seducing Marcel. With your bartending skills." Juliet threw the nearest thing at him. A lamp. It shattered behind his head. His incessant chuckles pissed her off to the point of her pushing past him and down the steps.

          "Well someone's having a hissy fit! Okay. I'll drop it. As long as you get on Marcel's nerves tonight. I need him to get angry. After all, you do know all the right buttons to push." Juliet smiled.

          "Deal. And I pushed your buttons right?" She smirked as she made her great escape to find a dress in the bag.


          Juliet found a dress in her bag. It was a bold red dress bound to get noticed. It hugged her tight and her body looked great. Her black curly hair fell in tendrils down her back and over her shoulders.

          Klaus had already left. He mumbled something about girls taking forever to get ready. She heard someone walking around upstairs but she ignored it. She figured it was the werewolf.

          The party was in full swing by the time Juliet walked in. She attracted attention. People watched as the two thousand year vampire walked to Klaus. He was engaged in a very interesting conversation with Marcel about witches. Juliet hasn't even met the guy and she already hated him for shutting down her kind.

          She tapped Klaus  once on the shoulder and he turned. His smile was wide and his blue eyes sparkled. It reminded her of her times with him so many years ago.

          "Juliet, you look fantastic." Klaus said with a smile. He gave her a sideways hug and they turned to Marcel. "Marcel, this is my friend Juliet. Juliet, my friend Marcel." Klaus' voice was steady as he spoke. However, she noticed the look in his eyes when he called Marcel a friend.

          Juliet could detect the hate that was evident in Klaus' eyes. It was the twinkle that only she could see. Being close with Klaus for 48 years, she began to know him. She knew of the hate he harbored for those that make him angry and deny him power.

          Marcel's eyes raked her up and down while looking at her in the red dress. She looked hot but he could tell Klaus wasn't going to play nice with her.

          "Marcel. Welcome to New Orleans." Marcel said as he stuck out his hand for her. She shook it.

          Being such a powerful witch, she was able to disguise it when she saw his history. All the kills, times with the originals, and when Klaus rescued him as a human. It made her smile, the side of Klaus he rarely lets the world see.

          Juliet smiled. "I've heard a lot about you." She almost laughed at this.  All she had heard from Klaus was how much he wanted him to be dead.

          "Excuse me. I need to go talk to my brother. I trust you will play nice Juliet?" Klaus looked at her. A smile was on his face for show but she could tell he was giving her the signal to piss him off and lie as much as she needed. Juliet smiled and nodded as he walked away.

          She turned to Marcel and smiled. "He doesn't trust me very much. I tend to do things I'm not supposed to do."

          Marcel raised an eyebrow to this. "And what have you done?" He questioned. He didn't seem entirely convinced that this little girl could have done anything.

          "Back in 1901, I compelled nine boys to kill themselves. In 1914, I wiped out an entire hotel of humans and then proceeded to kill the entire town." She looked around, uncaring, as she told Marcel this. It wasn't a lie; he just needed to realize that she didn't care.

          "So what now? He doesn't trust you around humans or something?" He asked.

          "No, he does. I can control my blood craving, but I shut my humanity off and hate everyone." She replied. She could sense that he felt almost smug that Klaus couldn't control her. He loved it.

          "Doesn't seem like he trust you if he's questioning you." Marcel commented.

          "And what would you know about trust?  Thierry was dating a witch and was making daylight rings. Guess you really can't trust those vampires, huh?" Juliet knew she got under his skin, just like Klaus wanted. His jaw flexed and he looked down.

          She could see the anger in his eyes. Being with Klaus for 48 years showed her how to notice different emotions. Sure two thousand years could have taught her something, but people didn't fear her. She didn't give herself away. Being with Klaus, since people feared him, she saw way more emotions flit across people's faces.

          "I would know a lot." Marcel stopped replying to her question as Klaus showed up. Elijah stood next to him. The brother's looked similar in black suits with white dress shirts. The ties were different. While Elijah wore dark blue, Klaus wore red almost matching her dress. Juliet knew the reasoning behind it.

          Powerful people wear red.

          "Sorry to interrupt. Juliet, may I speak with you?" Elijah asked. His tone was calm.

          Juliet left with Elijah, leaving Marcel and Klaus watching as the woman in the bold red dress walked away.

          "Well she was interesting." Marcel stated, still looking after the woman.

          "Yes well, don't let her looks deceive you. She has the mouth of a sailor, temper of an Italian housewife, and the tolerance of an Irishman." Klaus told his fake friend.

          With that, Klaus left him to his thoughts.

          He had a hybrid and brother to talk to.

~Thank you guys for reading!~

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