By blackarabia

106K 595 110

ShuShu, Kiara, RayRay, Leaira, Lan, and Annemarie are the bad girls of their school. Princeton, Prodigy, Roc... More

First day of TORTURE
Uhmmm.. rude much?
Masks, Mischief, and MakeOuts
Princeton's night
Roc's Night
Princeton or My Rep????
Marshmallow Fluff
Mixed Feelings
Adventures at the Mall
I Promise
Sleepover GONE Wrong
The SunDress
I don't know what It Is but I love You
We Need Her Help!
Lie and Go Seek
Finding The Stalker, and Love
Fallin For Bieber Boy
Tough Love...and Tough chickks
Sorry Guys !
TALENTed Flirt
And The Winner Is...
RKO like a boss
Love Either Dies, Or Falls Off The Side Of A Bridge
JUST TO LET U KNOE *not a chapter*
The SunDress.. again
READD MII NEWWW STORIIIIEEEEE *a speech fo' yall fans out derre* *not a chapter*
Abandoned Island

Stalking Mindless Behavior

2.9K 16 1
By blackarabia

Kiara's P.O.V.

I had an awesome plan to get Roc back for what he did. It consistened of three things:

1.) leading him on

2.) make him jealous

3.) getting a ride with RayRay(Reem)

ShuShu's P.O.V.

My first thought of where the dress and note came from: Princeton. But I really wasn't in the mood to go talk to him, after that freaky dream I just had. So I moved on to the second thought: Victoria Grey. She probably did it to scare me or something. I sat there in my room deciding if I should go or not. I knew my aunt would probably put up a little questioning at the least. I glanced around the room, for no specific reason. My eyes stopped at the calender. It was the 15th of September. The 15th. I never liked that number. And trust me, I had my reasons. Now, here's another reason; I got raped, I figured out I love my enimie, and that someones stalking me. Oh godd! I took a deep sigh, and pulled on my hightops, because I was heading over to Victoria's.

RayRay(Reem)'s P.O.V.

So after that huge drama scene last night and this morning, me and Kiara decided to spend the day with the guys. We didn't do much other than eat and chill. Around 4:30ish, Roc decided we watch a movie. Since we had nothin better to do, we just agreed. RayRay slid the "Bad Teacher" disc in the DVD player and sat down in the big recliner. Prod and I snuggled on the couch, while Roc and Kiara sat on the other side of the couch. She claimed there was nothing goin on between them, but I could've sworn that I saw them flirting from the corner of my eye. I must say, It was a pretty funny movie. Princeton, who i'm beginning to believe is the "super dramatic one", sat on floor holding his phone as if waiting for a text message. Halfway through the movie, he began to lighten up and laugh at the jokes. By the end of the movie, he was downright DYING OF LAUGHTER. He was MUCH more fun this way, rather than spazzing about ShuShu and Victoria. And sorta cuter. I immediatly erased that thought from my mind, especially since I was sitting in the arms of my Prod. At one point, the movie ended and the room was silent. But of course, some [RayRay] had to [RayRay] be annoying [RayRay] and start [RayRay] yelling that [RayRay] he's hungry, RayRay.

All: *silence*

RayRay: OHHHWW! Im Soooo oooh whoooa hunnnnnnngaaaaaryyyyyyy.

Princeton: Shut the fuck up, Ray, and go make yaself a sandwich.

RayRay: Naw. Hey, Prod. Im Hungry.

Prod: I dont give a damn!

RayRay: Hey, Roc. Im hungry.

Roc: Good for you.

RayRay: Hey Ray--

Me: Don't!

RayRay: I was juz gon say that we got the same name.

Me: *using a sarcastic tone* WOWW! REALLY?

Everyone: Hahaha!

RayRay: Wow.. yall petty! Hey, Kiara...--

Kiara: RayRay, why don't you just get your lazy ass up and go make urself a sandwich?

RayRay: *using a serious tone* Wow! Thats a seriously smart idea! Why didn't none a yall think of that?

Princeton: Wow! *sarcastic tone* I feel so stupid that I DIDN'T THINK OF THAT!

RayRay:  Yea, I STILL don't get how you're that smart one..

Roc: HAH! Cause hes not!

Princeton: *throws a pillow at Roc*

Everyone but Roc laughs, and RayRay finally gets up to get a sandwich.

Roc takes the pillow off of him, and reaches over Kiara's shoulder to throw it on the other side of the room. I noticed that he leaves his arm resting on Kiara's shoulder and she blushes. Smooth. I thought. Really smooth, Roc. But instead of saying it, I just laughed.

Prod: *chuckles* what?

I discreetly point to Roc and Kiara, making sure they don't notice. Prod sorta missed the point and said..

Prod: *laughs out loud* Nice, Roc!

Roc: *pulls his arm off of Kiara asap and Kiara frowns a little* Uh.. What?

Prod: *Patrick Star voice* Uhhh.. I don't know... *normal voice* maybe that?

Roc: *shakes his head* Prod, juz--

And we heard a loud "BOOM", a crashing glass sound, and a loud, girly shriek.


I finally reached Victoria's house on Decade Drive. I made sure I didn't make that big of a show, because the Mindless Behavior house was only a few houses away. Wow, I said to myself without thinking She must get to go see Princeton all the time. But when my mind caught up with my words, I checked to make sure no one was around to hear it. When I was sure I was alone, I knocked on Victoria's door. You could just tell she was one of those rich kids by the look of her house. One word: HUGE. Right away, the door flung open and revealed an aggravated Victoria.

Victoria: What the hell are you doing here?

ShuShu: *sarcastically* aww, nice to see you too.

Victoria: *aims to shut the door, but ShuShu catches it with her hand*

ShuShu: i NEED to talk to you about something.

Victoria: Make it fast.

ShuShu: WHAT is this?

I hold up the dress and the note. Victoria's green eyes widen and she grabs the note, studying it carefully. Suddenly, she grabs the bag with the dress in it, and my hand, pulling me in and shutting the door behind her.

Victoria: Follow me.

ShuShu: Wait, what the f--

Victoria: Just come!

I listened to Victoria and followed her as she held the dress and note in her hand and led me into a large purple room, full of Mindless Behavior and Justin Bieber posters. I stood in the middle of the room, starring at every poster on her wall, and stopped at the one where Princeton was pointing at you. I almost felt his eyes on me, but I looked away when I thought I saw Victoria looking at me.

Victoria: *deep breath* Okey, where and when did you get this?

ShuShu: What is this about?


ShuShu: The fuck? Naw, I aint answerin shit until u explain this bull to me!


ShuShu: God dammnn, I woke up and found it on my bed like, 30 minutes ago.

Victoria: Holy shit.

ShuShu: What?

Victoria: You found it ON YOUR BED?

ShuShu: Yup. Why?

Victoria: Is this it? Is this all you got?

ShuShu: Yea. Well, that and the dress.

Victoria: Prince said you got kidnapped or something...?

ShuShu: He DID?

Victoria: Well, did you?

ShuShu: Well, yea.

Victoria: By WHO?

ShuShu: Well, he said he was Daniel, but RayRay said he was Diggy,

Victoria: DIGGY!

ShuShu: Uhmm.. yea.. Im still confused. What does this have to do with you pranking me?

Victoria: First of all- Its not a prank. When I went on that first date with Prince, I came back and saw something in the mail for me.. it was a picture.

ShuShu: Of....?

Victoria: Princeton.

ShuShu: Just like the picture/ note thing I got.

Victoria: Yea, but this one had kissy lips all around it.

ShuShu: Ohh.. Okey.. and?

Victoria: After that, I switched to you guys' school.. and later that day, when I came home from school, I got another picture. But this one was of Prince and Me. But on Prince's face, someone drew a target.

ShuShu: Damn.. you still got the pictures?

Victoria: Yea, they're in my dresser. *goes and gets them* Holy.. shit.

ShuShu: What?

Victoria: They have writing on them..

ShuShu: So? So does mine.

Victoria: But mine didn't yesterday. *reaches out to show ShuShu the pictures*

I saw that someone scribbled, in the same handwriting as my note, on the first one- True Love: it doesn't last. And on the second one- Not as amazing as you think.. He won't last.

Okey. That was creepy.

ShuShu: Okey. That's creepy.

Victoria: *nods*

ShuShu: are you okey?

Victoria: they used to just put things in my mailbox... now they're entering household, even yours.

ShuShu: Fuck them! They try and fuck with me, imma beat the live shit outta them!

Victoria: ShuShu! This is serious shit! Stop tryna act like you can beat your way outta everything.

ShuShu: Bitch, fuck you! I sure can beat my way outta everything.

Victoria: Then what happened with Diggy?

ShuShu: .....

Victoria: Exactly.

ShuShu: *gets up* bitch, fuck you. Deal wit your own shit. Im out!

Victoria: Wait!

ShuShu: What?

Victoria: Okey, I know, you don't like me. I get that you like Princeton--

ShuShu: I dont--

Victoria: Say what you want, there's a reason why their stalking the two of us.. I get that, you like to get aggressive, and I know that this might be a little too stupid for you but.. We have to work together on this one, otherwise we'll just keep getting stalked and Princeton will be gone, eventually.

ShuShu: Number 1- That reason could be anything els--

Victoria: Really? They're pictures of PRINCETON! And there's absolutly nothing else in common between us..

ShuShu: Correction.. There IS nothing in common between us. Anyway, number TWO- I don't LIKE to get aggressive, I just sometimes feel I NEED to.. and Three- As much as i'd like to reject your idea of us working together, it probably would be best, so sure.

Victoria: *laughs* okey, good. *gives ShuShu a girly dap and suddenly, her phone buzzes*

ShuShu: Who's that?

Victoria: Princeton... Holy shit!

ShuShu: What?

Victoria: Oh Meh Godd, we runn over to their place, RIGHT NOW! *gets up and slides into her shoes.*

Without asking any questions, I ran behind Victoria all the way to Mindless Behavior's place. Behind all the worry, I was kinda jealous that Princeton texted Victoria, not me. When we got to their house, I couldn't help but gasp at what I saw.

RayRay (Reem)'s P.O.V.

We all ran to the kitchen, and we right away knew what the sounds were. The boom was a bullet, the crash was glass, and the shriek was, unfortunately, RayRay.

Princeton: What. The. Fuck. Did. You. Do?

RayRay:*shaking* I--I didn't do anything.

Prod: Wow.. Tell RayRay to get up and make himself a sandwich... reall smart, guys.

Kiara: Well, I didn't know!

Roc: Why didn't you make him a sandwich then, Prod? Huh?


Everyone stopped talking and looked over at me. I reached out and pointed to a large, silver bullet, sitting on the floor.

Kiara: OH MY GODD!

Roc: *holds Kiara* Whoa.

Princeton: Godd damn, that's a big bullet.

Prod: Where the fuck did that come from?!?!?

Me: *pointing to the broken window* *sarcastically* Well, Im guessing through the window.


Prod: *smacks Roc on the back of the head* Don't yell at my girl! *kisses RayRay (Reem) on the neck*

Roc: Damn!

Princeton: Ray, why you shaking, man?

RayRay: It hurts.

Princeton: What hurts?

Kiara: Holy shit, Ray! You're shoulder is bleeding.

Princeton turned RayRay so we could see his shoulder and we saw a huge opening where the blood pretty much poured out.

Princeton: RAYRAY!

Prod: Get some help!

Kiara: *starting to cry* Oh My Godd..

Roc: *huggs Kiara to stop her from crying* its okey. Prince, call some help!

Princeton: Got it!

I stood there, dumbfounded, while everyone was doing something to help RayRay. I just wanted to grab RayRay, kiss him, and tell him everything will be alright when I saw his eyes tearing up like that. My godd, my thoughts make me seem like a slut.. I thought, at a very inappropriate time. About a minute later, we heard pounding on the door. Princeton ran to open the door and let in Victoria and.. ShuShu? You could tell Princeton was just as confused as the rest of us.

ShuShu's P.O.V.

When we got to their house, Princeton opened the door for us. He greeted Victoria with a hug and kiss as I stood there awkwardly. Godd I wish that was me. No! NO i dont! Who am I kidding, hell YES i do.. NOOO! He's just an airhead who's out to break hearts, and Victoria's first on the list.. But my thoughts stopped when I saw RayRay sitting on the couch, with his arm all wrapped up in a t-shirt.

Me: What... The fuck happened?

Princeton and Victoria released the kiss at my comment and Princeton turned to look at me. He looked pretty awkward for a second then he said..

Princeton: Oh! ShuShu.. I, uhh.. I didn't see you there.. You guys came together?

Me: Yea, yea no need to greet, we all know each other. What happened to girly-braids over there?

Prod: *comes up and explains*

Me: Oh.. wow.. *looks at Victoria who's looking back at her*.. and you guys didn't call 911?

Prod: Yea, Prince called em..

Prince: Ohh.. ohh, you wanted me to call 911..! Ohh, I see..

Prod: The fuck? You aint call 911?

Prince: Well, you said call for help.. so.

Prod: So you called Victoria and ShuShu? What're they gonna help you with... *looks to Victoria and ShuShu* no offense *and goes back to Princeton* ...practicing sharing spit?

Prince: .... Shut up! You gotta be more clear next time!

RayRay: No, please don't call 911!

Kiara: Why? You need to get better!

Me: Kiara!?!? What're you doing here?

Kiara: *awkwardly* ooh... see, I came with RayRay *points to Reem*


RayRay: *comes out from behind the kitchen counter* Yup! Hey ShuShu!

Me: Uhmm... is anyone ELSE here that I don't know about..??

Kiara: Nope.. i dont think so..

Me: Okkk.....

Princeton: So didn't yall hate each other? *talking to ShuShu and Victoria* What brought you guys together? My good looks.

Me: *rolls eyes* *mumbles* you wish..

Victoria: *laughs and blushes* maybee..

Me: *smacks Victoria on the head* It was SOOO not that and you know it!

Victoria: OK, OK, You didn't needa hit me!

Me: Watever...

Suddenly, we hear sirens.

Roc: There they are!

Me: You called the ambulance?

Roc: Well, this dumbass, Prince didn't.. someone had to.


Everyone but RayRay: WHY?!?!

Rayray: *mumbles* cause hospitals are where people die...

Kiara: *kisses RayRay on his lips for a good 30 seconds* Its gonna be fine. Trust me.

RayRay: *smiling* Okey. Thanks Kiara.

Roc: *his face turns red with anger and storms out of the house*

Before anyone could even say anything, the ambulance came pouring in and took RayRay away. We had to wait a while before we could get a ride from Kiara's parents to the hospital. We all sat, quiet, and patiently waited to see RayRay. As much as I wanted to hate the guys, they were pretty cool, so I chilled down on em.. except for Princeton. But I had to go talk to Kiara.

Me: Kiara, why did you kiss Rayray?

Kiara: *shrugs and walks away*

Me: Uhmm.. okey..?

I noticed Victoria in the corner with Prince and I tap her shoulder and walk away to talk to her about what happened.

Basically, we agreed that the person who was stalking us, just wanted to get rid of Mindless Behavior--permanently.

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