Twisted Truth (Sequel to "Twi...

By sassygirl93

832K 19.5K 2.2K

{Sequel To 'Twisted Words And Twisted Lies! Make sure you read 'Twisted Words And Twisted Lies' before readin... More

Twisted Truth (Sequel to "Twisted Words And Twisted Lies") [Harry Styles Fanfic]
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 50 (Epilogue)

Chapter 49:

14.7K 344 18
By sassygirl93

Anna’s POV

Harry and I just finished taking some pictures with his family, and are now starting to take pictures with the bridal party. I wanted to get as many pictures as possible so I can remember every single detail of this day. I know I won’t forget my wedding day, but I also know that I’m more focused on my husband then anything/anyone else. So I want to be able to look back ot the pictures to see everyone else having a great time and what not.

“Anna you look a little pale are you okay?” Perrie asked me. I could practically hear Harry’s neck crack as he turned his head to look at me with concern.

“I’m fine. I’m just a bit thirsty.” I slightly lied. I’ve been feeling a little under the weather today, but I just pushed it off as nerves.

“Here is some water. Why don’t we take a quick five minute break and then we can continue.” Perrie suggested. I smiled and nodded at her. She walked away and went to talk to the photographer and everyone else. Harry grabbed my wrist and gently pulled me away from everyone else. He had a bottle of water in his hand.

“Is it morning sickness? Not everyone just gets it in the morning.” Harry asked panicked. I honestly didn’t even think about that. I’m two months pregnant and I haven’t had morning sickness once. But with my luck I would start getting ‘morning’ sickness on my wedding day.

“You didn’t think about that did you?” Harry asked as he tried to hold back his laugh.

“I’m either thinking about it ALL the time or I forget completely.” I told him with a small smile on my lips. He grabbed my hands and held them against his chest.

“Well it’s been a busy week, so I can understand forgetting.” He smiled.

“Are you feeling any better? You might be dehydrated.” Mum (Jay, Louis’ mum) asked as she approached Harry and me.

“I’m feeling a little better. I think I just needed a break and some water.” I smiled at her.

“Okay, well if you are feeling better you might want to get back over there. Everyone is getting restless, since they are hungry and a bit drunk.” She laughed.

“Yeah, and I don’t blame them I’m starving.” Harry chuckled.

“You always are.” I smiled at him.

“True.” He grins at me.

“Well let’s go and finish taking these pictures. Oh and Anna I want copies.” Mum smiled at me.

“Of course.” I smiled back as Harry and I followed her back over to everyone else.

“Are you ready?” Perrie asked me with hopeful eyes.

“Yea, thanks for the break.” I smiled. She smiled back at me and the photographer began to tell us where to go and how to stand.

After we finished taking the pictures we all entered into the reception hall (Pictures on sidebar…..) Harry and I had a cute little entrance and now are about to embark on our first dance as a married couple. As the music starts to play Harry grabs my right hand and intertwines our fingers together as he places his left hand on my lower back. I place my free hand on his shoulder and stare into his gorgeous eyes as the first line of ‘Marry Me’ by Train starts to blast through the speakers.

“I still can’t believe we are married right now.” Harry smiles at me

“Neither can I, but I couldn’t be happier right now.” I smiled back. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine quickly before leaning his forehead against mine. We swayed to song as we looked into each other’s eyes.

“Do you think everyone will be happy that we are expecting?” I asked him. I know it’s probably not the right time to ask him, but I really need to.

“I think they will be a little shocked at first, but I think they will be really happy. I know my mum will be happy to have a grandbaby.” He told me. I could tell by looking into his eyes that he honestly believes everyone will be happy for us.

“And if they aren’t well then who needs them.” Harry chuckled, but I knew he meant what he said.

“Okay.” I smiled at him.

“I love you so much.” Harry told me as the song ended and everyone around us cheered.

“Love you too.” I smiled.

“Okay everyone it’s time for the best mans and the maid of honors speeches. So Anna and Harry go take your seats.” Louis said into a microphone. Harry grabbed my hand and led us off the dance floor and over to our seats.

“Okay, so after a lot of arguing Perrie finally let me speak first, so here I go.” Niall chuckled. I looked at Perrie and saw her roll her eyes at Niall. I just laughed and turned my attention back to Niall.

“I’ve known Harry for quite some time. We’ve spent a lot of time together due to our job. So I can honestly say that he has always been a flirt. Every girl he would flirt with would swoon over him and I’m pretty sure Harry liked that he could make any girl swoon. That was until he met Anna though. She wasn’t impressed by his flirting in fact she didn’t even acknowledge his flirting for a bit of time.”  Niall laughed as did everyone else.

“When we all met Anna she was a very closed off person that was fine being ‘alone’” He said while making air quotes with his fingers.

 “After a while Harry finally brought down some of her walls, so she allowed us all in. Even though she let the rest of us in she only completely opened herself to Harry. For some odd reason that I still don’t get she trusted Harry over ME. I think I speak for the rest of the lads that we were a bit jealous about that especially Louis. But as time went on I’m became very happy that she did open up to him, because if she didn’t then there is a good chance we wouldn’t be here right now. Harry and Anna have had their ups and downs, and many things thrown in their path that would tear any other relationship apart, but not these two. All those things made them stronger and that’s why I know they will be together forever. I love you both so much and I can’t wait to have little Harry’s and little Anna’s running around.” Niall smiled as a few tears fell from his eyes. I’m glad Lou put on waterproof mascara on my eyelashes, because if she didn’t I would look horrible right now.

“To Harry and Anna.” Niall said lifting up his glass. The entire room lifted up their glasses and said ‘To Harry and Anna’. Harry and I stood up and gave Niall a hug before he went to sit back down in his chair. As Harry and I sat back down we saw Perrie grab the microphone.

“Well how am I supposed to follow that?” Perrie laughed into the microphone causing everyone to chuckle.

“Well I’m going to keep it short by saying that I’m very happy that Harry and Anna are finally married. It’s been a long time coming and I’m so happy knowing they are happy. Anna and I hit it off the moment we met, and we’ve become best friends since we met. And I owe that to my lovely fiancé Zayn and to Harry for introducing us. I’ve been with Anna through her ups and downs and I can say this honestly that all of her ups are when she is with Harry. Harry you make her so happy and I know she does the same for you. You are both incredibly perfect for each other and I can’t wait to see the beautiful kids you two make together.” Harry squeezed my hand lightly at the last thing she said. I smiled at him before turning my attention back to my best friend.

“I love you and I wish you a long and happy life together.” Perrie said. I mouthed a thank you to her before she literally ran over to me and harry and pulled us into a hug.

“Love you guys.” She cried happily.

“Love you to Pez.” Harry and I said together. She pulls away and wipes her eyes before walking back over to Zayn. Anne was about to stand up and say something, but waiters starting being around menus for everyone.

“Oh thank god I can’t handle hearing her speech.” Harry whispered into my ear. No matter what whenever his hot breath hits my neck it sends chills down my spine.

“What are you going to order?” Lottie asked me before I could respond to Harry.

“I’ll probably order the prime rib and mash potatoes. I’m not really hungry though.” I smiled at her. She nodded and looked back down at her menu.

“You really need to eat something. It’s not healthy for the baby if you don’t eat.” Mum whispered in my ear. I could feel all the color drain from my face.

“What? How?” I whispered to her panic clear in my voice.

“Dear, I saw you glowing the other day, but I thought it was because you were getting married.  But then I overheard you and Harry talking outside and then it all clicked. How far along are you? “She asked.

“Two months. Did you tell anyone? God please tell me you-“

“I didn’t and won’t tell anyone. I’m really happy for you. You are going to be a great mum.” She smiled interrupting me. I sighed in relief and leaned back in my chair.

“Just eat something we don’t need you passing out. I don’t’ think Harry could handle that.” She smiled at me.

“The prime rib is a good choice even if you only eat a little of it.” She added before turning her attention towards Dan.

“You okay your hands are shaking.” Harry asked me.

“She knows.” I mumbled to him. He raised his eyebrows clearly confused.

“Mum she knows about the baby.” I said so quietly I could barely hear myself say it, but he heard me and his eyes went wide.

“She overheard us talking outside and she said she won’t tell anyone.” I said before he could panic.

“Okay, Is she happy or?” He asked.

“She is happy for us.” I smiled at him. He smiled and kissed my lips gently.

“Told you.” He said against my lips.

Once we all ate our dinner Harry and I were lead over to where our cake is. It truly was perfect. The cake is three tiers tall and is covered in pearly white fondant. Along the bottom on each tier is a wave like formation of a variations of edible pearls. On top of the cake is giant bow. It’s such a wonderful cake it’s a shame that Harry and I have to cut it, but I’m not complaining, because I want some cake.

Harry and I nicely fed each other a piece of cake before making our way to the dance for to get the party started (Louis’ words) After a while of dancing I started to get nauseous, so I went and sat down with Harry’s grandma and started up a conversation. She was telling me a bunch of silly stories from her wedding and how everything went wrong on her wedding day. I’m so glad nothing went wrong today I don’t think I could’ve physically or mentally handled it.

Nobody but Harry and mum knew the real reason I wasn’t dancing with my husband and friends. I had told anyone who asked that my feet hurt, and that’s why I wasn’t dancing. Harry was actually the one who made me sit down. He saw in my face that I was getting more and more nauseous. I would like to say sitting down helped, but it really didn’t.

Harry and I are currently in our limo on our way to our hotel for a few hours, since we have to be at the airport in like three hours. Harry still won’t tell me where we are going, but I’m so tired that I don’t really care where we are going. I just hope the plane ride is long so I can sleep. (Never thought I would ever say that)

“Feeling any better?” Harry asked me.

“I’m not nauseous I’m just dizzy right now and tired.” I said honestly. I was curled into his side with my head resting on his shoulder. Harry was playing with my wedding ring with a goofy smile on his face.

“When we get back to the hotel we can just go to sleep.” Harry said. I sat up and turned my body so I was facing him.

“We are not getting to the hotel and just sleeping.” I glared playfully at him. A smirk grew on his face before he cupped my face in his hands and smashed his lips against mine.

“Yeah definitely no sleeping.” He said against my lips. As soon as the limo pulled up to back of the hotel Harry and I got out of the limo and walked quickly inside of the hotel. Once we got into the elevator he picked me up bridal style.

“I love you so much.” He said quietly before slamming his lips against mine in a passionate yet romantic kiss.

I can honestly say the last three hours were amazing. Everything felt different being together now that we are married, but it was a good different. We are officially married and together forever and nothing can break us apart.

Harry and I are currently standing on our balcony in our hotel room in Greece watching the boats drive by on the water. YES WE ARE IN GREECE FOR OUR HONEYMOON! I was so surprised when Harry told me we were going to Greece for two weeks. Harry and I are both praying that the pap’s don’t find out where we are. We just want to spend two weeks together as normal newlyweds.

“Do you want to go out to dinner tonight?” Harry asked me.

“I would love to. As long as I don’t have to dress up super fancy. I’m really tired.” I said.

“Works for me. Why don’t you just go and change out of your sweats and I will go make a reservation somewhere.” Harry smiled at me before walking into our hotel room and heading over to the phone. I sighed and walked over to my suitcase and started looking for clothes to change into. I really don’t want to change out of my sweatpants, but I do want to go out to dinner with Harry.

“Okay ready to go?” Harry asked me.

“Just let me change real quickly.” I smiled at him.

Harry’s POV

I still can’t believe Anna and are married right now. Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. Everything went great and nothing went wrong other than Anna not feeling one hundred percent. I felt bad that she has to have the morning sickness. I wish I could take it away from her, but I know I can’t.

“Is it good?” I asked Anna. We are sitting in a nice little restaurant eating some dinner.

“Very good. How about yours?” She asked me.

“So freaking good.” I smiled at her.

“So what do you want to do after dinner?” I asked her.

“Can we just go back to the hotel and just cuddle in bed. This food is good, but it’s not sitting well with the baby.” She said.

“Aw I’m sorry babe. Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked her.

“I didn’t want to ruin dinner.” She said softly.

“I will pay the check and then we can head back.” I smiled at her. She nodded and smiled weakly at me as I stood up. I bent down and kissed the top of her head before walking towards the front of the restaurant and paying our bill.

Once I finished paying I walked back over to Anna and told her we can get going. We walked back to the hotel, since it was right across the street. When we got back to the hotel room Anna ran straight to the bathroom and threw up her dinner. I tried to follow her into the bathroom, but she locked the door behind her. I sighed and walked over to the bed and stripped out of my jeans and my shirt leaving me in my black boxers. After about ten minutes Anna came out of the bathroom with tears falling out of her eyes. I stood up and ran over to her and pulled her into a hug.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her trying not to freak out.

“I’m going to ruin this honeymoon.” She cried into my chest.

“Why are you going to ruin this honeymoon?” I asked her confused.

“I get sick at pretty much the sight of food and now the smell is starting to affect me. I know the doctors told me it would hit me out of nowhere, but I was hoping it wouldn’t until we back from the honeymoon.” She said. I sighed and hugged her tighter.

“You aren’t going to ruin anything. I’m so happy that you are pregnant with my baby. Plus if you can’t eat as much food maybe I won’t eat as much and my trainers won’t kill me for gaining a bunch of weight.” I laughed trying to lighten the mood, which luckily it did.

“Let’s just go to bed. Maybe you will feel better tomorrow after a goodnight sleep.” I told her. She nodded and took off her jeans and shirt leaving her in her bra and underwear. She walked over to her suitcase and grabbed one of my old large t-shirts and slipped it over her head before climbing into bed. I slipped in next to her and pulled her into my chest.

“I think once the morning sickness stops I will be more excited for this baby.” Anna said after a few minutes of silence.

“I looked it up online and it won’t last too much longer for you. I can’t wait to start designing the nursery in the new house. I’m hoping to have it all ready for us to move in before you give birth,” I told her.

“That would be nice, but I can’t say I’m looking forward to the packing and unpacking part of moving.” She giggles.

“Trust me I feel the same way, but I know it will be worth it in the end.” I said. She nodded her head and cuddled closer into my chest.

“Thank you for making me the happiest and luckiest man alive. I love you so much and I’m so happy that you are my wife.” I told her after we laid in silence for a bit. When she didn’t answer I looked down and saw that she was sleeping. I kissed her forehead and leaned over slightly turning the light off before closing my eyes and falling asleep with the biggest smile on my face.

A/N: SO I changed a few things around so this is the last chapter of this story, the next chapter will be the epilogue and I can’t wait for you to read it. I will be posting that later tonight, but I will post it tonight I promise!!!! I will be posting the Third book’s A/n and summary tomorrow, so keep a look out for that :D


Please VOTE and COMMENT and let me know what you thought of this chapter! I am so thankful for every single one of you who reads, votes, and comments on this story and any of my other stories. It means the world to me. I hope that you like the third book as much as you like this one if not even more. And I hope you like my Liam fanfic when I start posting that as well.

I put a lot of work into ALL my stories and it means the world when I see you voting and commenting on each chapter because I know you like them. So for all you ghost readers you should make a wattpad account, so you can VOTE and COMMENT on all your favorite stories (not just mine) any who I love you regardless!

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The pictures on the sidebar are of the reception hall, ceremony, cake, rings, Harry, Lux, and Paul Jr.

Lots of Love,


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