The Other Twin: The story of...

By haleym0014

120K 3.7K 306

***READ BOOK 1 FIRST**** When Alexa, Seth and their children leave forks for good, they thought they'd escap... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
3rd book is out!!

Chapter 27

2K 81 5
By haleym0014

"Alexa, Alexa can you here me! Stay with me!" Carlisle screams. Yes. I can hear you. I try to speak but I can't move. Oh my god am I dead. No, how could I hear if I were dead. What if the human me died. What if I'm in transition. That's its right? Someone, figure it out. "Seth, she's gone." Carlisle says and I hear my husband sob. "But.. I can hear her heartbeat." Seth protests. "That's not her heartbeat." Carlisle says after a minute. What does he mean it's not mine? Who's would it be? Then I think nothing.
Seth's pov:
"Carlisle what do you mean." I ask, teeth clenched. He leans his head slowly down onto Alexa's stomach and gasps. "There's a child in here." He says and I laugh at him. "That's impossible." I protest. "Impossible it may be, but somethings in here and it doesn't have long." Carlisle says then bursts into a full speed run. "Car-" I start to yell but he returns in a surgical gown with Edward and Alice by his side in a matter of seconds. Esme and Rose follow behind. "Carlisle what are you waiting for!" Rose exclaims and Carlisle nods. He squirts some kind of liquid on Alexa's stomach and cuts a long gash into my dead wife. "What!" I start but once he pulls out a baby the size of my hand, I gasp. "Is it alive?" I ask Alice who has taken the baby over to that thing you put the early babies in, Alexa would know the name. "She, will be fine. Just has a lot of growing to do." Alice says, putting emphasis on the she.  "Ah, Seth, looks like your wife was expecting triplets." Edward says. My jaw drops and I rush over. "What!" I exclaim, more surprised than anyone. Carlisle places a puny little boy in my hands and orders me over to the next baby holder thing that Alice brought in. "Gimme the baby." Rose exclaims and kisses his forehead before placing him gently into the baby box. "And here is your last one. A boy." Carlisle says before handing him over and returning quickly to Alexa's body. I place the baby in the baby box, as I've decided to call it, and rush back to the table as Esme begins to hook up the last baby to multiple wires and machines. "Is this what I think?" Edward asks, looking at Carlisle and pointing to where Alexa's organs are turning a golden yellow. I gag, "is she rotting?" They both laugh and Carlisle says smiling," Looks like Alexa is not dead after all, well not really. She's in transition, her organs are filling with venom." My eyes widen and I am once again confused,"but she's already a vampire.." I stutter. "Yes, but only half. You see, the human Alexa died, but her vampire half just took over." Edward says and I nod, pretending like I understand but really I have a lot in my mind right now. "So she'll wake up?" I say. "She'll wake up in a matter of days. She only had half a transition to go though." Alice says and I smile. "She's alright." I repeat and smile once again. "Alright, how about you go with Alice and the others while Edward and I sew her back up. You've got some news to tell the family and guests." Carlisle says. I forgot about the creepy bloodsuckers downstairs. Not that I have anything against vampires, but the foreign ones are so weird. "Come on Seth." Alice's voice rings and pulls me over to the baby box. "You push this one, we're going into the room next door." Rose says and I nod before turning into the other room that I recognize immediately. "The baby room." I chuckle and Alice's laugh rings behind me. The room where Alexa had the twins has been rearranged into a Baby hospital and the baby boxes are lined up along a yellow wall. "Yellow?" I ask. "It's cheery." Alice snaps and I laugh. "Grab me three diapers from the first drawer." Rose orders. I give her a salute and pull out three tiny diapers. "Will these fit?" I ask as I hand them to her and lean against the girl's box. "What are you going to name them?" Esme asks. "Oh! I didn't even think about that. I think I'll wait for Alexa." I decide and she nods. "It won't be long." Esme comforts and pats my arm before exiting the room. I sit down in a chair next to my little girl and look into the glass. She is tiny, but she looks bigger already, so do the boys. "Alice, are they growing like the John and Jaden." I ask. "Yes, they'll be perfect." She says and I smile before looking back at the baby girl. "I'm going to go get the kids, I'm sure they want to know what's going on." I say and Alice nods. "They're asking for you" Emmet says, appearing at the door and I nod before following him downstairs. "Daddy!" Olive yells and jumps into my arms as soon as I walk in the room. "Hello princess." I says and kiss her cheek. "Daddy where were you? Where's mommy?" John asks, leading the others kids over to where I stand. I crouch down and kiss his forehead. "I was just upstairs, mommy is taking a long nap but we have a surprise."I announce and they squeal. "What is it!" Hope exclaims in her baby voice. "Momma had three babies!" I say and they gasp. "Is that possible!" Max asks and I laugh. "Yes buddy, it's possible. But they are very small and we have to be quiet okay?" I question and they nod. "As a mouse." Emily agrees. "Alright, let's go see them." I say and they silent cheer. I put down Olive, because she is capable of waking up the stairs, and scoop up Hope and Spencer. "Alright, really quiet remember." I whisper as I lead them up the stairs and into the baby room. Alice is changing one baby, but the other two have been moved into cribs. "Alice?" I ask but she just points, as if saying look for yourself. I walk over to the first crib and shake my head. I pick up the baby, who now looks almost the size of a healthy newborn baby. "They don't look very small." Jaden says, peeking into the other crib. "No, I guess they aren't as small as I remember. Silly daddy, always forgetting." I joke and they all laugh, then shush each other. "Now, who wants to hold them?" Alice asks, waking over while patting the baby's back. All of the kids raise their hands and their faces light up. "Alright, sit in the chair Em, you get to go first." I say and she beams. She sits down in the chair and I place the boy in my arms into hers. She strokes his face and kisses his head, looks just like Alexa. "Momma's going to love him." She says and smiles. "Yes, I think she will to." I say and she giggles.

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